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[Min KSP: 1.12.2] Pathfinder - Space Camping & Geoscience

Angelo Kerman

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37 minutes ago, Denko666 said:

Hey Angel,

I've been trying Pathfinder on KSP 1.2pre. And i came across something odd:

The Ponderosa has no inflate button. And the Chuckboard inflates the second my Kerbal puts it on his back. The Hacienda remains deflated on a Kerbal's back. 

I'm using the latest KSP 1.2pre build and i pull Pathfinder, Buffalo, WBITools, MCM and MOLE from your github. Git said my clones are up to date.

i put the KSP Log here Although i don't see any Pathfinder related errors or exceptions. There is however plenty of mesages about something with creating a Unity5 window,... but that seems to be a ModuleManager related issue (Sarbian knows about it).

I got to the Mun with a Pathfinder kit, and i got as far as unpacking the Buffalo rover(with Grizly wheels! yay), placing Saddles and putting Ponderosas on them. So all that seems to be working so far.  

The latest KSP build broke Pathfinder again. I'm sorting through the issues and should have it ready by Tuesday. Thanks for the report. :)

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On 08/10/2016 at 9:36 PM, Denko666 said:

Hey Angel,

I've been trying Pathfinder on KSP 1.2pre. And i came across something odd:

The Ponderosa has no inflate button. And the Chuckboard inflates the second my Kerbal puts it on his back. The Hacienda remains deflated on a Kerbal's back. 

I'm using the latest KSP 1.2pre build and i pull Pathfinder, Buffalo, WBITools, MCM and MOLE from your github. Git said my clones are up to date.

i put the KSP Log here Although i don't see any Pathfinder related errors or exceptions. There is however plenty of mesages about something with creating a Unity5 window,... but that seems to be a ModuleManager related issue (Sarbian knows about it).

I got to the Mun with a Pathfinder kit, and i got as far as unpacking the Buffalo rover(with Grizly wheels! yay), placing Saddles and putting Ponderosas on them. So all that seems to be working so far.  

Using only MM, KAS, KIS, Buffalo and Pathfinder. Ponderosa is inflating here



Edit: I should have listened when Angel said the last ksp build broke the mod xD


Edited by Crabman
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Get Pathfinder 1.2.3 here!

- Moved the Mule to Space Exploration. It also appears in the Payload tab.
- Moved some Pathfinder game settings to the Wild Blue tab in the Game Difficulty screen.
- Removed deprecated parts. Reminder: If you want spacedocks, the Mk2 Homestead, and more, download Multipurpose Colony Modules for Pathfinder.
- Rendering performance improvements for the Spyglass.
- The OSE Workshop templates should now recognize KSP's new part categories.
- For the modules that used to require Engineers, now any class that has the ConverterSkill qualifies to reconfigure modules. For modules that used to require Scientists, now any class with the ScienceSkill qualifies to reconfigure the modules. Ditto for converters.
- The Claimjumper now includes an industrial version of the Geology Lab's Prospector. Simply drill for Ore, and the industrial prospector will sort out all the available resources in the biome. It has a lower Slag output due to its higher quality processing equipment.
- Fixed collider issues with the Doc Science Lab.
- The Telegraph can now function as a relay transmitter.
- The Ponderosa can now level up kerbals.
- The Ponderosa also serves as a probe control point. You need a minimum of two pilots.

Removed Parts
- Removed the Stockyards and Homestead. You have two options if you want these parts. First, the Mark One Laboratory Extensions' Drydocks replace the Stockyards, and MOLE's Bigby Orbital Workshop replaces the Homestead. Second, you could download the Multipurpose Colony Modules for Pathfinder mod extension. In addition to the Stockyards and Homestead, you get an old favorite, the Pioneer Multipurpose Colony Module and Settler Multipurpose Base Unit.


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Hi Angel-125, thanks for this great mod.

I have a conflict problem with your mod, Kerbin Planetary Base System and USI-LS, not sure which one is responsible so I cross post.

When the three mods are installed the loading screen freeze on a Kerbin Planetary Base System's part (KKAOSS.Greenhouse.g).

Planetary Base System (1.1.5) + USI-LS ( = fine

Planetary Base System (1.1.5) + Pathfinder (1.2.3) = fine

Planetary Base System (1.1.5) + USI-LS ( + Pathfinder (1.2.3) = freeze

Here is my log with the three mod (+ module manager (2.7.1)) : https://mega.nz/#!Us81SJLB!VQaAaAaUEmAe1zBzUSTd63pA_xaz3NbsTXJuU-UK418

Testing done on a new save on KSP 1.2 with win10.

Edited by Li0n
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@Angel-125, it this sheet right? I'm doing this to help with constructing functional bases and I would like to know if I'm going on the right way. When I finish (if it is correct) I'll release to help anyone that needs. I'm posting the sheet to dropbox also if anyone want's to add something.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/0734znf81js6mzu/Kerbal Pathfinder.xlsx?dl=0 


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1 hour ago, Crabman said:

@Angel-125, it this sheet right? I'm doing this to help with constructing functional bases and I would like to know if I'm going on the right way. When I finish (if it is correct) I'll release to help anyone that needs. I'm posting the sheet to dropbox also if anyone want's to add something.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/0734znf81js6mzu/Kerbal Pathfinder.xlsx?dl=0 


Looks great! Snack resource production will definitely be changing. I'll read it more closely when I get more time. Need to stabilize my mods first. :)

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10 minutes ago, DDE said:

Hey @Angel-125, I see you've dramatically cut down on the number of KAS pipe ports per part. Any tip on how to link all those fancy Gaslights of yours to the main base?

Out of necessity, yes. KAS doesn't support multiple pipes on the same part, which I didn't know at the time. You'll need to use the standard KAS pipe part for now until I can create a lower tech version. It will probably be stack-mount only, but I left things in place to let me easily add nodes to the Gaslight, Saddle, and such. You'd take the low-tech pipe and attach it to one of the nodes. I might have something by the weekend.

Also, if you're having trouble with exploding Gaslights, try mounting them to a standard KAS concrete slab.

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Hi   Just a quick question did you change the weight of some modules.   All the inflateable modules require 3 kerbals to move around but you can still carry them on their back.


I got kis/kas pathfinder, mole, buffalo as well MKS/OKS all the 1.2 versions

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@Angel-125, reporting another damned peculiar glitch; using the old 1.1.3-compatible version. Can't pull a Doc into a KAS container from the VAB's selection of parts, but could do so if I was pulling from a Doc already attached to the ship.

Also, re: complaints about solar array and telegraph size, looks OK on my end, the solar array is huge; should check if override for KAS volume calculation is working, just in case - was a problem with RoverDude's inflatables - but looks like it does.

Further to the above, Doc appears to be missing a collider and is intangible when inflated. (Edit 2: issues may be intermittent)


Also, is there any way to remove the requirement for TERRAIN before taking core samples?

Edited by DDE
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11 hours ago, rattman said:

Hi   Just a quick question did you change the weight of some modules.   All the inflateable modules require 3 kerbals to move around but you can still carry them on their back.


I got kis/kas pathfinder, mole, buffalo as well MKS/OKS all the 1.2 versions

I've not changed the weight, no. It's possible that resources are being added while in the deflated state. WBT is not supposed to add any resources when deflated, only when inflated. I'll check to see if there is a bug in the code. If not, it's possible that KIS/KAS does something differently.

7 hours ago, DDE said:

@Angel-125, reporting another damned peculiar glitch; using the old 1.1.3-compatible version. Can't pull a Doc into a KAS container from the VAB's selection of parts, but could do so if I was pulling from a Doc already attached to the ship.

Also, re: complaints about solar array and telegraph size, looks OK on my end, the solar array is huge; should check if override for KAS volume calculation is working, just in case - was a problem with RoverDude's inflatables - but looks like it does.

Further to the above, Doc appears to be missing a collider and is intangible when inflated. (Edit 2: issues may be intermittent)


Also, is there any way to remove the requirement for TERRAIN before taking core samples?

The science lab issue is a known issue for KIS/KAS. Any part with ModuleScienceLab won't be able to be saved into a KIS inventory. It affects OSE Workshop as well. IgorZ is investigating a solution. I haven't tried putting any Pathfinder parts into RoverDude's, but last I checked the volume setting worked. The collider issue with the Doc was fixed in the 1.2 version of Pathfinder. You can pull the .mu files from Pathfinder 1.2 and stick them in your 1.1.3 game.

Edited by Angel-125
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23 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

I've not changed the weight, no. It's possible that resources are being added while in the deflated state. WBT is not supposed to add any resources when deflated, only when inflated. I'll check to see if there is a bug in the code. If not, it's possible that KIS/KAS does something differently.

Just to note this did not start with the 1.2 update - I've been noticing it myself in my 1.1.3 play-through for a while, but I didn't feel like troubleshooting it, as I figured it was likely a mod interaction.  (And I'm not doing huge amounts of base-building, and everyone was focused on 1.2...)

I will note that it applied to parts stored before it became an issue: I built my initial base without it being an issue, but pulling more modules out of the same KIS storage has required 3 Kerbals to attach things.

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45 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

The collider issue with the Doc was fixed in the 1.2 version of Pathfinder. You can pull the .mu files from Pathfinder 1.2 and stick them in your 1.1.3 game.

My guess exactly. Issue resolved; I've learnt to deal with the KAS problem.

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3 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

I've not changed the weight, no. It's possible that resources are being added while in the deflated state. WBT is not supposed to add any resources when deflated, only when inflated. I'll check to see if there is a bug in the code. If not, it's possible that KIS/KAS does something differently.

Your right its an interaction,  just tried it with on kas/kis and your stuff only and it works fine.  Now have to go through the mods and fine which is playing silly buggers




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Just a heads up getting some kind of odd conflict I cant sort out with your mod and Kerbal Planetary Base Systems. It will lock up during the module manager portion on KKAOSS_Greenhouse_g. If you force close the log will have:

[LOG 23:38:37.706] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'PlanetaryBaseInc/BaseSystem/Parts/Utility/Greenhouse/Greenhouse_g/KKAOSS_Greenhouse_g'
[ERR 23:38:37.718] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'Entertainment'

[WRN 23:38:37.724] Part already contains resource 'Supplies'
[WRN 23:38:37.724] Part already contains resource 'Fertilizer'
[LOG 23:38:37.739] PartLoader: Part 'PlanetaryBaseInc/BaseSystem/Parts/Utility/Greenhouse/Greenhouse_g/KKAOSS_Greenhouse_g' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 23:38:37.748] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'KKAOSS.Greenhouse.g'
[EXC 23:38:37.773] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    WildBlueIndustries.Utils.IsExperienceEnabled ()
    WildBlueIndustries.WBIResourceConverter.GetTotalCrewSkill ()
    WildBlueIndustries.WBIModuleGreenhouse.GetInfo ()
    PartLoader.CompilePartInfo (.AvailablePart newPartInfo, .Part part)
    PartLoader+<CompileParts>c__Iterator62.MoveNext ()
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress)

Removing the MM file MM_KPBS.cfg fixes the issue but when I open up the file I dont see anything about a Entertainment module, but in the modulemanager.configcache find this:

            name = Entertainment
            description = Wo doesn't like to play in dirt? The view is also great!
            rate = 2.5

Something like this has also been added to all the KPBS pods...I'm totally scratching my head. Am I missing something?

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