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[Min KSP: 1.12.2] Pathfinder - Space Camping & Geoscience

Angelo Kerman

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13 minutes ago, Space Kadet said:

Ok retarded question time, explodium. Where do i get it and what uses it?

Explodium Sea ring a bell? :wink:

You can use Lasso scoops to extract it from Eve's oceans and the Nukeworks will convert it to enriched uranium and water or vice versa (or at least it does with the CRP templates I haven't checked the other templates although I'm pretty sure I remember it being used differently in classic stock).

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9 hours ago, Mace from Space said:

I'll take a look at the USI-LS values. Give me a day or two.

Very much appreciated, thank you. :)

7 hours ago, Space Kadet said:

Ok retarded question time, explodium. Where do i get it and what uses it? I had a breif look last night but i got side tracked creating a von nuemann probe just waiting for @taniwha to make auto factories a thing.

Explodium, also known as nuclear salt water, can be made from water and enriched uranium/blutonium in the nukeworks. You might find some concentrations of it in asteroids where the nuclear materials have leached into the water. Eve has a lot as well; it's called the Explodium Sea with good reason. I figure that with oceans of liquid methane and liquid nitrogen, an ocean of water and uranium oxide isn't terribly far fetched; with the right filters you could process that stuff into nuclear salt water or into fuel for nuclear reactors. If @Nertea's Far Future Tech is installed, I'll see about adapting the processors to make nuclear salt water (not sure how its named) instead.

Anyway, right now I don't have engines that use it but the Odyssey Three release will have an engine called the Trinity that will, and the ISV Ventur Star-alike engine will likely run on it as one of its fuel sources.

Aha: found it on @Nertea' Git hub page:

name = NuclearSaltWater // Nuclear fuel
displayName = #LOC_FFT_resource_NuclearSaltWater_title
abbreviation =#LOC_FFT_resource_NuclearSaltWater_abbrev
density = 0.00105
unitCost = 4
isTweakable = true
isVisible = true
flowMode = NO_FLOW
transfer = PUMP
volume = 1



Will definitely do some compatibility updates for the next release. :)

Edited by Angel-125
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1 hour ago, Angel-125 said:

Very much appreciated, thank you. :)

Explodium, also known as nuclear salt water, can be made from water and enriched uranium/blutonium in the nukeworks. You might find some concentrations of it in asteroids where the nuclear materials have leached into the water. Eve has a lot as well; it's called the Explodium Sea with good reason. I figure that with oceans of liquid methane and liquid nitrogen, an ocean of water and uranium oxide isn't terribly far fetched; with the right filters you could process that stuff into nuclear salt water or into fuel for nuclear reactors. If @Nertea's Far Future Tech is installed, I'll see about adapting the processors to make nuclear salt water (not sure how its named) instead.

Anyway, right now I don't have engines that use it but the Odyssey Three release will have an engine called the Trinity that will, and the ISV Ventur Star-alike engine will likely run on it as one of its fuel sources.

Aha: found it on @Nertea' Git hub page:

name = NuclearSaltWater // Nuclear fuel
displayName = #LOC_FFT_resource_NuclearSaltWater_title
abbreviation =#LOC_FFT_resource_NuclearSaltWater_abbrev
density = 0.00105
unitCost = 4
isTweakable = true
isVisible = true
flowMode = NO_FLOW
transfer = PUMP
volume = 1



Will definitely do some compatibility updates for the next release. :)

yup i di have far future installed, so thats fun :P 

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Hi @Angel-125

Really enjoying the complexity of this mod. Thanks for putting it all together. I wonder if you can help me something?

I'm trying to start the Metallurgy Analysis experiment on the surface of the Mun. I shipped the experiment out and transferred it to the DocScience lab. It requires 6 Core samples which are sitting in the DocScience lab also. But as you can see from the screen shot (hmm..I don't seem to be able to paste that in either) I can't get the experiment to recognize I have the core samples. I seem to be doing something wrong. Any help or advice would be appreciated



Edited by spikethedoggy
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The core samples experiment result isn't the same thing as the core samples resource needed by the metallurgy analysis experiment.

Use a pathfinder geology lab to generate core samples (it can also run the analysis experiment). Core samples are made from research kits so make sure to have enough.




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43 minutes ago, Aelfhe1m said:

The core samples experiment result isn't the same thing as the core samples resource needed by the metallurgy analysis experiment.

Use a pathfinder geology lab to generate core samples (it can also run the analysis experiment). Core samples are made from research kits so make sure to have enough.

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Thanks @Aelfhe1m

I shall give it a try now

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Thanks for all the awesome mods the solar panels that come in MOLE are sweet, I wish I could scale them for different space stations. The fairing texture on the Hemi Cuda engine is awesome, is there any way you could release a texture pack that worked with procedural parts?

The ports for connecting the KAS from the buffalo to the base plate don't work with the new beta of KAS. I figured it out finally lol, but the wiki and videos I found, I followed and was just completely lost for a minute. Also the buffalo starter kit craft file has no equipment on it and so that took me a minute to figure out too. 



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15 hours ago, Ogre1983 said:

Thanks for all the awesome mods the solar panels that come in MOLE are sweet, I wish I could scale them for different space stations. The fairing texture on the Hemi Cuda engine is awesome, is there any way you could release a texture pack that worked with procedural parts?

The ports for connecting the KAS from the buffalo to the base plate don't work with the new beta of KAS. I figured it out finally lol, but the wiki and videos I found, I followed and was just completely lost for a minute. Also the buffalo starter kit craft file has no equipment on it and so that took me a minute to figure out too. 



I'm not planning on creating any texture packs for procedural parts, and once the new version of KAS is out of beta I can add support for it.

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14 minutes ago, Space Kadet said:

in the recent update have you changed the clockworks so that creating objects requires material kits and exotic materials?

No changes on my end. I added the ability to convert from MaterialKits to Equipment, and notice that I need to rename that converter. Anything having to do with part production through OSE Workshop is handled by the OSE Workshop mod. So if it changed its requirements, it wasn't me.

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4 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

No changes on my end. I added the ability to convert from MaterialKits to Equipment, and notice that I need to rename that converter. Anything having to do with part production through OSE Workshop is handled by the OSE Workshop mod. So if it changed its requirements, it wasn't me.

im so confused, all i have updated is your mods, but not the clockworks on laythe has stopped printing mid job and says exotic minerals needed, none of the converters are active and i have alot of material kits, this is a problem for after work tomorrow.... there was a bad explosion and i saved and rage quit...


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2 minutes ago, Space Kadet said:

im so confused, all i have updated is your mods, but not the clockworks on laythe has stopped printing mid job and says exotic minerals needed, none of the converters are active and i have alot of material kits, this is a problem for after work tomorrow.... there was a bad explosion and i saved and rage quit...


OSE requires that some parts use resources other than MaterialKits. That might explain what you're seeing. Did the base collide with the ground or something? That's been a very frustrating problem for me too.

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2 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

OSE requires that some parts use resources other than MaterialKits. That might explain what you're seeing. Did the base collide with the ground or something? That's been a very frustrating problem for me too.

nope, not the base... thats od about the requirements i think it was printing a pathfinder part, but it was 70% done, anyway i have an expidition designed, so ill get something sorted :P 

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19 minutes ago, Space Kadet said:

im so confused, all i have updated is your mods, but not the clockworks on laythe has stopped printing mid job and says exotic minerals needed, none of the converters are active and i have alot of material kits, this is a problem for after work tomorrow.... there was a bad explosion and i saved and rage quit...


OSE Workshop defines part recipes based on a global config, extras for certain resources (ablator and solid rocket fuel in default build) and an optional per part config override. (Mods can also modify any of the recipes or add extras via MM).

The default configs add part recipes that will require exotic minerals for any parts that have ModuleScienceExperiment or ModuleCommand. (ModuleScienceExperiment also adds a requirement for rare metals, as does ModuleEnginesFX).

It's possible that you would see a requirement change if the part you were printing had an update that added one of those modules to its config.


You can see what recipes apply to your particular modded build by searching ModuleManager.ConfigCache for OSE_DefaultRecipe, OSE_ResourceRecipe or OSE_PartRecipe or by searching your GameData folder for any patches that contain those node names.

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8 hours ago, Aelfhe1m said:

OSE Workshop defines part recipes based on a global config, extras for certain resources (ablator and solid rocket fuel in default build) and an optional per part config override. (Mods can also modify any of the recipes or add extras via MM).

The default configs add part recipes that will require exotic minerals for any parts that have ModuleScienceExperiment or ModuleCommand. (ModuleScienceExperiment also adds a requirement for rare metals, as does ModuleEnginesFX).

It's possible that you would see a requirement change if the part you were printing had an update that added one of those modules to its config.


You can see what recipes apply to your particular modded build by searching ModuleManager.ConfigCache for OSE_DefaultRecipe, OSE_ResourceRecipe or OSE_PartRecipe or by searching your GameData folder for any patches that contain those node names.

cool thanks, now i must sent out 2 expeditions :P

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@Angel-125, found a few annoyances with 1.14....

1.  Switchback (withOUT base plate) Wants to Attach via its Bottom.  Suppose I have an inflatable deployed and want to use KAS/KIS to attach a Switchback to the connection port of the inflatable.  Problem is, the Switchback is determined to have its belly face the side of the inflatable instead of one of its own connection ports.  Using KAS/KIS object rotation controls simply pivots the Switchback around its bottom center point.  The result is a very messy job with severe clipping, if you want to get the Switchback's top pointing even partly up.  See pic below (where I misnamed it a "Saddleback").


2.  Sombrero Solar Panel Can't Surface-Attach:  The whole reason for trying to use the Switchback in the above example was to have an attachment node for the Sombrero, because it won't surface-attach.  Please make the Sombrero surface-attachable, so I could just stick it on the side of the inflatable.  Being at an angle (as it is in the pic above) doesn't bother its sun-tracking.  See, I'm trying to get completely away from anchoring parts to the ground and leaving KAS/KIS pipes/tubes/whatever permanently attached, all in an effort to make my bases Kraken-resistant.  But the inflatables don't have nodes, and the Switchback won't go on them as I want, so the only way at present to install the Sombrero is to put down a ground plate, put the Sombrero on that, then hook it to the rest of the base with a permanent pipe.  The Kraken hates that :) 

3.  KAS/KIS Node Attachment Mode Is Backwards on Inflatables:  Suppose I have an inflatable deployed and want to attach another inflatable to one of the connection ports.  If I use the KAS/KIS Node Attachment Mode (R key), the inflatable to be attached goes on the inside of the existing inflatable, so that if I inflate the new piece, it will extend inside the existing inflatable.  Playing with the KAS/KIS object orientation keys doesn't solve this problem, it just pivots the new inflatable around the node on the inside of the old inflatable.  As a result, you have to just surface-attach the new inflatable to the old one, trying to line things up by eyeball but, due to limitations of the camera and the way the new part is highlighted, getting it lined up straight and true is a matter of luck.


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Found another couple discrepancies with the Ranch House (NOTE:  I edited my last post to say "Switchback" instead of "Saddleback".  Where'd that come from?)

The KAS/KIS pipe connection on the Ranch House (how about renaming it "Rancho Grande" to avoid 2 H's in a row?) is backwards.  If you turn the side with the port towards the vehicle with the tank full of Equipment necessary to inflate it, you can't link the pipe.  The angle is exceeded.  However, if you turn the "Rancho Grande" 180^ so the pipe port faces AWAY  from the Equipment source, the pipe does a U-turn and is all happy to link.

The other issue is, you have no idea that the "Rancho Grande" requires 19k Equipment until you try to inflate it.  It doesn't show the Equipment cost on anything in the editor (nor really what its capabilities are).

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18 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

@Angel-125, found a few annoyances with 1.14....

1.  Switchback (withOUT base plate) Wants to Attach via its Bottom.  Suppose I have an inflatable deployed and want to use KAS/KIS to attach a Switchback to the connection port of the inflatable.  Problem is, the Switchback is determined to have its belly face the side of the inflatable instead of one of its own connection ports.  Using KAS/KIS object rotation controls simply pivots the Switchback around its bottom center point.  The result is a very messy job with severe clipping, if you want to get the Switchback's top pointing even partly up.  See pic below (where I misnamed it a "Saddleback").


2.  Sombrero Solar Panel Can't Surface-Attach:  The whole reason for trying to use the Switchback in the above example was to have an attachment node for the Sombrero, because it won't surface-attach.  Please make the Sombrero surface-attachable, so I could just stick it on the side of the inflatable.  Being at an angle (as it is in the pic above) doesn't bother its sun-tracking.  See, I'm trying to get completely away from anchoring parts to the ground and leaving KAS/KIS pipes/tubes/whatever permanently attached, all in an effort to make my bases Kraken-resistant.  But the inflatables don't have nodes, and the Switchback won't go on them as I want, so the only way at present to install the Sombrero is to put down a ground plate, put the Sombrero on that, then hook it to the rest of the base with a permanent pipe.  The Kraken hates that :) 

3.  KAS/KIS Node Attachment Mode Is Backwards on Inflatables:  Suppose I have an inflatable deployed and want to attach another inflatable to one of the connection ports.  If I use the KAS/KIS Node Attachment Mode (R key), the inflatable to be attached goes on the inside of the existing inflatable, so that if I inflate the new piece, it will extend inside the existing inflatable.  Playing with the KAS/KIS object orientation keys doesn't solve this problem, it just pivots the new inflatable around the node on the inside of the old inflatable.  As a result, you have to just surface-attach the new inflatable to the old one, trying to line things up by eyeball but, due to limitations of the camera and the way the new part is highlighted, getting it lined up straight and true is a matter of luck.


keep tapping r when in attachment mode to align the correct node, this will fix problem 1 and 3, problem 2 isint that the sombrero cant surface attach, its that the switchback cant have things surface attached to them.

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This may be a random glitch, but after 1.14 came out, all my surveyor cupolas were rotated nose-up 90 degrees where they were attached. I can easily get an engineer around to de/reattach them, so nothing is dead yet, but it has proven a little funny going around to different bases that had been using one and seeing the Kerbal stare at the sky.

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3 hours ago, Space Kadet said:

keep tapping r when in attachment mode to align the correct node, this will fix problem 1 and 3, problem 2 isint that the sombrero cant surface attach, its that the switchback cant have things surface attached to them.

OK, will try that for 1 and 3.

However, I believe you're mistaken about #2.  The switchback has a node on the top, in the middle of the solar panel.  It's the only place the Sombrero will attach.  If you try to surface-attach the Sombrero to anything at all, you get a message saying it can't be surface-attached, only node-attached.  That's what I would like to see changed.

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