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[Min KSP: 1.12.2] Pathfinder - Space Camping & Geoscience

Angelo Kerman

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  On 9/10/2018 at 2:28 PM, Angel-125 said:

There must be something different about your system then. I tested play mode switching without issues on my end. All files were renamed properly. I suggest you try uninstalling all Wild Blue mods, and removing WBIPlayMode from your GameData folder. If that still doesn't fix the problem then I don't know what the cause is. You'll have to manually rename the files yourself.


I still have a few options that need testing. I might have to run through my list of mods and dependencies and just use the files your mods need to work in a save and start moving stuff over till it breaks.

Edited by Vaga
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  On 9/10/2018 at 8:12 PM, Angel-125 said:

It looks like I did run the surface scanner, but then I skipped back to a previous save, forgetting to redo it. I ran the scanner and now the geology lab has a biome analysis. The only strange thing was that when I went to Biome Analysis in the geology lab, the full analysis was already there - there was no Perform Biome Analysis button. It seems like it checks for M700 scan and a surface scan and if both are true, it just renders the analysis, or at least that's how it appears to act. 

Anyway, thanks for the help again, I think I am 100% fixed now, I can't think of anything on my Pathfinder base that isn't operating at this point. Well, except that monoprop Chuckwagon that flew a few hundred feet up in a krakening and then decided to land and sit there pointed at the sky.



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  On 9/13/2018 at 6:37 PM, Shad_The_Knight said:

Where do I get konkrete from?


You will get to produce it via one of the templates of the Hacienda IMF or possibly any OmniShop capable part in the other WBI mods.

  On 9/11/2018 at 5:49 AM, vossiewulf said:

Well, except that monoprop Chuckwagon that flew a few hundred feet up in a krakening and then decided to land and sit there pointed at the sky.


Well......... Chuckwagon got chucked. I wanna give you a medal for that. :sticktongue:

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  On 9/13/2018 at 9:04 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

You will get to produce it via one of the templates of the Hacienda IMF or possibly any OmniShop capable part in the other WBI mods.

Well......... Chuckwagon got chucked. I wanna give you a medal for that. :sticktongue:


I am a highly skilled Krakeneer.

@Angel-125, have you considered an inline drill and ISRU parts for Pathfinder? Ones that would connect between two (or more) inflated buildings. The reason I ask is the vast majority of Pathfinder krakenings have nothing to do with Pathfinder, they're KAS induced. Attaching and detaching Buffalo mining rigs almost always break something for me, with inline parts that would no longer be necessary.

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  On 9/15/2018 at 6:55 AM, vossiewulf said:

I am a highly skilled Krakeneer.

@Angel-125, have you considered an inline drill and ISRU parts for Pathfinder? Ones that would connect between two (or more) inflated buildings. The reason I ask is the vast majority of Pathfinder krakenings have nothing to do with Pathfinder, they're KAS induced. Attaching and detaching Buffalo mining rigs almost always break something for me, with inline parts that would no longer be necessary.


Pathfinder isn't exactly a system (among the inflatables) that you make something "inline" for. The entire reason for the Hacienda is what you're asking for. It includes a drill in right-click -> Start Ore. You can skip the KAS pipes by right-click anything -> Manage Operations -> Distributor tab -> toggles. Use WBI Logistics and even share EC around.

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  On 9/15/2018 at 6:55 AM, vossiewulf said:

I am a highly skilled Krakeneer.

@Angel-125, have you considered an inline drill and ISRU parts for Pathfinder? Ones that would connect between two (or more) inflated buildings. The reason I ask is the vast majority of Pathfinder krakenings have nothing to do with Pathfinder, they're KAS induced. Attaching and detaching Buffalo mining rigs almost always break something for me, with inline parts that would no longer be necessary.


As @JadeOfMaar mentioned, the Hacienda has a built-in drill. Specifically, configure the part as a Claimjumper. You don't have to worry about digging up specific resources; as long as you unlock the biome, you'll dig up all the resources that it has. If/when I get to Sandcastle, I have a permanent drilling structure planned... Speaking of drills, look for a Wild Blue Tools update later this weekend. It'll have some needed bug fixes.

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Wild Blue Tools 1.57.4 is now available.
GitHub URL: https://github.com/Angel-125/WildBlueTools/releases/tag/v1.57.4
- Fixed situation where the geology lab could generate a NullReferenceException while performing a biome analysis and the local biome hasn't been unlocked.
- Fixed an issue where drills would generate an NRE upon startup when BARIS isn't installed.
- Fixed a situation where drills don't realize that the biome has been unlocked.

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  On 9/15/2018 at 7:07 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

Pathfinder isn't exactly a system (among the inflatables) that you make something "inline" for. The entire reason for the Hacienda is what you're asking for. It includes a drill in right-click -> Start Ore. You can skip the KAS pipes by right-click anything -> Manage Operations -> Distributor tab -> toggles. Use WBI Logistics and even share EC around.



  On 9/15/2018 at 8:33 PM, Angel-125 said:

Wild Blue Tools 1.57.4 is now available.
GitHub URL: https://github.com/Angel-125/WildBlueTools/releases/tag/v1.57.4
- Fixed situation where the geology lab could generate a NullReferenceException while performing a biome analysis and the local biome hasn't been unlocked.
- Fixed an issue where drills would generate an NRE upon startup when BARIS isn't installed.
- Fixed a situation where drills don't realize that the biome has been unlocked.


I can't believe I've been using the Hacienda this long without realizing it HAS A DRILL. Someone please attach an F-1 engine to the back of my hand, it's needed for proper face-palmage.

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  On 9/19/2018 at 7:02 PM, banditsan said:

Hi @Angel-125,


Is it normal for Hacienda IMF drills to be stopped after i load to base from KSC? Plus Strip miner drill reset to Lode resource that i already depleted from Basic Ore config.


Some "persistence" problems unique to 1.4.x are breaking Angel's mods pretty badly. It is known that the Hacienda drill forgets that it's supposed to be running, after a quickload. I haven't messed with resource lodes so I have no suggestions for you or for him, sadly.

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  On 9/19/2018 at 8:46 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

Some "persistence" problems unique to 1.4.x are breaking Angel's mods pretty badly. It is known that the Hacienda drill forgets that it's supposed to be running, after a quickload. I haven't messed with resource lodes so I have no suggestions for you or for him, sadly.


I guess no easy fix with a simple MM config?

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Pathfinder is now available.
GitHub URL: https://github.com/Angel-125/Pathfinder/releases/tag/v1.27.4.0
- Fixed NRE produced by converters when BARIS isn't installed.
- WBIHoverController now handles hover state updates instead of WBIVTOLManager. This allows multiple craft within physics range of each other to independently hover.


To fix additional issues with the drills, I need more info about what's going on.

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Thought for a part, under ground storage, convertable and expandable, just a small surface foorprint but could take some resuorces and ec to expand. Can be piped or other linkages to base resources, maybe even base style ones. Like the tents but smaller surface footprint / processing footprint...

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I've been using Pathfinder/Buffalo version 1.21 (for 1.3.1) in KSP version 1.3.1, and I can't seem to get the Study hall to convert tourist's traits.

I completed one of the contracts that made me bring a tourist to the base and give them a tour for X amount of days. Once that was complete, there was no condition to return them, so I put them in the study hall.

Whenever I tried to change their traits, nothing would happen. I would click them, click a trait, click set and then okay. Once I exited, nothing happened. The tourists remained tourists.

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or what. I have a community center hogan, a dormitory, and a study hall. I completed the contract, and yet I can't seem to change their traits.


Is there any way I can fix this, or do something differently?

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I hope this is the right place for this.

Omni Storage. I am starting to try to use the resource distribution system. In order not to have insane amounts of parts to be able to store all the different types of resources I thought I would give the Omni Storage a whirl.

I am sorry to say that the current method for setting up which resources are stored is painful. I feel that maybe the resources are grouped in some manner? But I also feel that the grouping is awkward because maybe a resource is already listed when a new group is added.

I have a very long list of possible resources. Trying to scroll through the list is not as easy as it might be, as when I try to drag the scroll bar down a little, quite a large jump occurs. This may be due to the size of the list and the resultant step size for the scroll.

The list is not sorted alphabetically. This means that I have to scroll through a fair amount of the list in order to find something.

All in all, although the present method may work well, as I said I am just trying to get to grips with this resource distribution idea, the experience is terrible, from my point of view. Please please spend a bit of time to improve the user/play interaction. If nothing else make the darn letters bigger to make the resource name easier to read.

Sorry to complain in such a strong manner but I am right ticked off about this atm.

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For those trying to figure out the Snacks resource chain:


Some new Omni Converters that'll be available in the next Wild Blue Tools update: Soil Dehydrator, Snack Grinder, Propellium Distiller, Oxium Distiller.

Edited by Angel-125
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With KSP 1.5 nearly finished, it’s time for me to check on the state of Pathfinder. Usually major game changes are a pain for me to update to, but they also give me the opportunity to streamline things. In this case, I am looking at Omni Converters and their versatility over the current template sytem, which debuted in 2014. 

With the current templates you get a bunch of converters around a specific theme, such as the IronWorks. But as the above post shows, sometimes it can be a challenge to link together the production chains using the part templates. That’s where Omni Converters hold the advantage.

The existing OmniShop, OmniLab, and OmniWorks all have converters that can be configured for whatever you need (though the Casa and Doc have a subset of the converter options). That way you can cut down on the number of parts needed for a particular resource chain. I am thinking that for 1.5, the default template for a part will be the OmniShop/OmniLab/OmniWorks. The existing templates won’t be removed so existing bases are safe. But new parts will default to the Omni template instead of, say, IronWorks in the case of the Hacienda.

This change won’t affect CRP users; I’m just not doing any more work on CRP templates and am instead focused on Classic Stock Resources, but again, CRP templates aren’t being removed. Of course you can still choose your Play Mode for whichever resource set you’re interested in...

Anyway, while sorting resources alphabetically has helped when setting up an OmniStorage, another thing I am considering is a search feature. That should help narrow down the resources that you look for. That, and a way to copy an OmniStorage setup to the clipboard and paste it to another part of the same type. Beyond that, there really isn’t much more that can be done to organize resources.

Search functions are not a simple matter so don’t expect miracles. But if I can pull it off, it will be easier to find resources and the converters that use them.

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Massive thanks for all the work you put into this mod. I am starting to see the advantage of the Omni's. I too did wonder if this was going to make Omni the default. Along the lines of, well yes Omni does it all, so what do we need all those other parts for. Which hurt because I thought of all that time and effort spent making what now feels like legacy parts. I am glad that you are going to keep those parts, I bet it is due to "It's your game, your choice". Any work done on being able to pick resources to use with Omni will be greatly appreciated. As an interim fix/help merely sorting alphabetically will seem like a god send. I am using CRP btw. Oh and I think I will be needing to work out how to make slag. I was making equipment the other day and clicked on the smelting metal convertor. The game crashed. If it happens again I will do my best to provide logs. For the moment a crash now and then seems to be the norm for KSP. Which is odd as this makes the game seem less stable, or maybe my memory is fault (mine not the PCs' lol) as I thought I was having less crashes in 1.3.1. Not that I am saying this mod is the source of instability. Just more crashes in general. Then again that might be due to the slow process of getting 167 mods to all be at the same level, ie 1.4.5 rather than 1.4.1 etc. Erm wall of text anyone?

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I have a couple,few of suggestions.

1. Storage. With the possibility of storing more than one resource in a chuckwagon via use of Omni Storage we can cut down on the number of chuckwagons required. However as we know the storage of a chuckwagon is finite. Thus the more different resources you store in a single chuckwagon the less of each resource you can store. Eventually you will need to build more chuckwagons.

My suggestion is to provide the user with 3 sizes of storage. Small = chuckwagon size, same model. Medium = hacienda size, same model and Large = Hogan size, same model.
The models already exist for Chuckwagon, Hacienda and Hogan. Only the decals/logos would need to change. Obviously the whole purpose is to store more and more quantity of resources, so the volume would have to reflect the size of model used.

2. Conversion. This relates to 3. Again using 3 sizes like 1. The purpose would be to allow more Kerbals to be stored in the OmniShop(?). With an additional bump for Productivity(?) we can the make lots of goodies with increasing reduction in time to produce = more per second, reduced waiting times.

3. Storage of Kerbals. At the moment when we click on the part, say Hacienda, the info panel does not show how many Kerbals we could shove into the part. Having a display showing x of y Kerbals would be great. With 2 we would then be able to see at a glance how many Kerbals we can squeeze into a Hogan sized sweatshop.

My idea is to leverage the work already done. Just provide more choice. Oh and it would go across the board so Science Labs would also be able to come in 3 sizes, possibly enabling more experiments or what ever to be run at the same time.


Ah yes. I see that some parts have connector ports on them to allow the use of KAS. At least one model has a connector part on it when it is full sized. I would love to have a built in connector port on the Chuckwagon and if using the above suggestions, the other size storage.
The reason I ask is that I sent PathFinder inflatable parts to a ChuckWagon that is set up as a Storage Container. Transferring the parts via Kerbals is rather tedious. I connect them with ports and a link. Then it is only drag and drop.

Edited by Apaseall
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Now for something entirely different. The case of the vanishing Equipment.

Now this is a little tricky to describe to bear with me.
I have a modest base. A Hacienda is set to make Equipment. A ChuckWagon is set to store Equipment. Both are initially set to share Equipment.
Nearby is a ship. They are not connected. I am trying out the Resource Distribution.
The ship has containers that hold Equipment. It is how I got the large quantity of Equipment on site to start configuring/re configuring the initial base.
The containers can take part in the Resource Distribution. All relevant containers are set to take part in Resource Distribution.
Those on the ship are set to share Equipment.

If I set the ChuckWagon to Consume, I see the number of units of Equipment rising rapidly. This is due to having excess of the raw materials and lots of clever Kerbals.

I set the ship containers to locked by clicking on the little green arrow.
If I set the ChuckWagon to share I see the units of Equipment continue to rise.
This is expected as the Kerbals are still churning out Equipment as fast as they can.

However when the Resource Distribution tick happens, about half of the Equipment is removed from the ChuckWagon.
It does not appear in the Hacienda.
Switching to the ship I see all the containers there still remain empty.
This is expected as I have lock those containers from storing any more Equipment.

If I quickly switch back and forth between the base and ship I see a net reduction in the quantity of Equipment.
This is not expected.

I wonder where the Equipment has gone?
No messages relevant appear in the in game console.

Now if I wanted to merely build up a stock of Equipment I could set the ChuckWagon to consume and be happy.
The problem is that Equipment is used to assemble/inflate PathFinder flat packs, in this case I want to assemble a Casa.

As you can see this is a little complicated.

Now for testing.
Set ship containers to unlock Equipment. Set ship containers to ignore Equipment.
Set ChuckWagon to consume.
Quantity of Equipment in ChuckWagon steadily rises.
Ship containers remain empty.
Not so great is that the rate at which the quantity of Equipment rise in the ChuckWagon is drastically slower that when the ship containers where locked.
At least the Equipment is no disappearing.

Can someone explain what I am seeing please?


More testing.
Set ChuckWagon to share. The rate of net increase in the base appears to drop to to zero.
Not good.
I have the an alternate resource panel to display my resources.
It has the ability to show me the contents and status of each place where a resource is stored.
So far I have used the standard KSP info panel to keep track of where the Equipment is stored.
If I look alternate resource panel and the places where the Equipment is stored I do see an increase in Equipment.
Due to the KSP info panel quantity not increasing there now starts to be a difference between what that shows and what the alternate resource panel shows for the quantity of Equipment.

Now for the weird part.
I have been flipping back and forth between KSP and writing this. Going back to KSP I see that the numbers for Equipment have successfully synced.
As I watch they slowly drift apart again.

Well nothing appears to be broken. Except for the first part when I have the ship containers locked.
Or and except the greatly increased or decreased rate of production of Equipment, depending on where you view locking and unlocking the containers.

Oh and one further thing. The alternate resource panel displays the rate of usage of a resource. All the while I have been switching back and forth messing with locking or consuming etc the rate has remained constant.

Edited by Apaseall
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