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[1.12.x] 'Project Orion' Nuclear Pulse Engine


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it should be possible to reload the magazines

If you look back at my post #160 ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/135061-ALPHA-Project-Orion-Nuclear-Pulse-Engine?p=2222630#post2222630 ) I created a couple of refuelling canisters from stock tanks. The ablator oil is just a plain tank but I fiddled around with the empty mass of the nuclear cartridge carrier, assuming it would be heavier than stock as it would have some racking/ handling equipment inside and (possibly!) some radiation shielding. I took a guess at the number of cartridges it would carry based on the size of RD's magazine.

They were a simple edit of the config files but, as they contain some of Squad's and RoverDude's code I'm not sure about the legality of posting them here?

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Medusa engine is absolute awesome...! I just returned the vessel from Laythe orbit in a direct 90% efficient trajectory back to Kerbin...

I wonder how the 2500 type NPUs work out, there is just no way to use them without applying enourmous G-forces to the vessel i guess...

Next i attach a RCS Tug and a claw rig. I must test this monstrosity at an E size asteroid!

The use of this engine should afford some experienced engineers (at least 2) and a experienced pilot, a own Command module would be real cool.

Kind of a 5m diameter engineer department or something similar... just an idea:)


Edited by Mikki
the typos yes:)
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What are the Thrust and (effective) ISP spec's on these parts? This kind of information would really help if it were listed in the front post- to help people decide if this mod has the appropriate level of realism for their tastes (the real Orion and Medusa variant had INCREDIBLE effective ISP's, so it's interesting if the mod gets the numbers right- but also some players may want a less realistic variant for reasons I can't understand, and competing mods exist that may offer that as well...)



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I managed today to catch a D-size asteroid in my careergame, rendezvous in solar orbit, wrangled from a far distance to save some nukes, and orbited around Mün due to a contract (i really don`t make nothing anymore without a matching contract :P...)

It was quiet a work still...

Its the same vessel as before (NPUs 500), i just attached a RCS tug with a Tweakscaled Klaw (2.5m). No problems encountered so far.

To tug around a E-size chunk i assume that a much competitive vessel must be buildt, i did not even try...:blush:

Mission Success!


Edited by Mikki
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  Sharkman Briton said:
Can someone explain this mod to me? The engines burn only Ablative Oil, don't even have that much DV when on their own and the Magazine stack just adds unused resources.

You have to make sure the magazine type and the fuel type match, and that you've installed USI_Tools as well as UmbraSpaceIndustries Orion pack.

I hope this Orion drive helps you to better find the Venus artifact. :)

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  Mikki said:
I managed today to catch a D-size asteroid in my careergame, rendezvous in solar orbit, wrangled from a far distance to save some nukes, and orbited around Mün due to a contract (i really don`t make nothing anymore without a matching contract :P...)

It was quiet a work still...

Its the same vessel as before (NPUs 500), i just attached a RCS tug with a Tweakscaled Klaw (2.5m). No problems encountered so far.

To tug around a E-size chunk i assume that a much competitive vessel must be buildt, i did not even try...:blush:

Mission Success!


What was the problems?

Was it off center mass, structural integrity or something else?

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  magnemoe said:
What was the problems?

Was it off center mass, structural integrity or something else?

Wrangling asteroids needs lots of Gyroscopes, RCS and lots of TWR... The NPUs size 1000 and 2500 apply enourmous g-forces, up to 10(+...?) g per detonation, and without KJR it simply rips the vessel apart.

I tugged lots with stockparts only earlyer, so i suggest for D and E sized asteroids a tweakscaled Klaw (2.5m), or your vessel won`t be able to maneuver the chunk in a usefull way, with a stock Klaw it wobbles endlessly...

Edited by Mikki
moar gees:)
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  Mikki said:
Wrangling asteroids needs lots of Gyroscopes, RCS and lots of TWR... The NPUs size 1000 and 2500 apply enourmous g-forces, up to 10(+...?) g per detonation, and without KJR it simply rips the vessel apart.

I tugged lots with stockparts only earlyer, so i suggest for D and E sized asteroids a tweakscaled Klaw (2.5m), or your vessel won`t be able to maneuver the chunk in a usefull way, with a stock Klaw it wobbles endlessly...

Have you tried the 5 meter reaction wheel from the USI catalog, it worked well for me soaking up unbalance, the uneven trust might still cause problems.

Perhaps also an shorter ship?

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  RoverDude said:
Very likely a bad version. Download and install the newest USI Core - you can get it on KerbalStuff.

I have the same issue, with USI tools 5.1 the engine don't work, other than that i get always exceptions on startup and during the game from USITools-Pulsedrive

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at USITools.USI_PulseDrive.OnFixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Part.ModulesOnFixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Part.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: 4294967295)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at USITools.USI_PulseDrive.OnFixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Part.ModulesOnFixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Part.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: 4294967295)

That happens in modded and unmodded install linux X64

For now i have reverted to usitools 4.2 but i can reinstall 5.1 if you need a complete log



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Originally Posted by _Augustus_ viewpost-right.png

I'm not moving at all when I throttle up.

  RoverDude said:
You did not install USITools then. You need all of the bits in that ZIP.

I am experiencing this same exact issue. I checked to see if I installed USI Tools in the gamedata directory, and I do. I also made sure to install the USI Core 0.5.1 update, but I am still not able to throttle up the pulse rocket. I would greatly appreciate it if you could show me the exact file install path for each of these mods (Orion, USI Core and/or Tools) so I know where to put them in the gamedata folder to make them work properly, if it is not too much trouble. Addendum: All the other USI mods seem to work fine...Perhaps it is a specific compatibility issue with these particular mods.

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(regarding ablative oil)

  RoverDude said:
Neither, though you will run out of the NPUs first.

Unless you're running DangIt! and the tank decides to spring a leak. Next time, I'll put on a spare tank.

Love this mod. Would like to be able to transfer out fuel magazines with KIS/KAS, but that's a minor thing. Currently working on a ship to go to Cercani (Other Worlds mod), which is 7.2Gkm from Kerbin. Looks like with 2 fuel magazine parts I can get there and stop without exhausting my fuel in less than a decade, but it will require a 4 hour engine burn at either end. Planning to put together a mission for that and freeze the crew - haven't figured out yet how to wake them since am also using RemoteTech and that's well beyond the range any signal can reach with current antennae.

Which is a long way of saying - RoverDude has given us an engine that lets us do a Kerbal-scale interstellar flight in a "reasonable" time scale without having to use warp. Though it will still be a massive effort.

Looking forward to seeing how this mod develops over time.

Edited by panarchist
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  Mad Rocket Scientist said:
Leaking nuclear bombs? Careful where you fly your ships.

Nice! That *would* be an issue. No, leaking ablative oil (I edited my OP). I don't think a lack of it has an impact yet, but presumably it will eventually cause the engine to degrade. The RL value is to protect the pusher plate against the explosion.

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  RoverDude said:
You put the stuff in 'GameData' in the zip in the folder 'GameData' in KSP, simple as that - don't move stuff around, install everything.

Show a screenshot of your GameData and your USI folder.

My Gamedata Folder:


The USI Filter Folder List under the Gamedata Folder:


Are all the USI mods supposed to be installed in this way? I use CKAN so maybe there's an issue with the way it installs these, or perhaps something else. I'll try it the way you say to and go from there.

Edited by Funky Dare Devil
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