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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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3 hours ago, pizzahat said:

ey guys how do i download this stuff i use 2 big mac monitors and uh it aint workin i just put it in gamedata and called it a day 

I hope this helps!

Edited by DeltaDizzy
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On 5/29/2019 at 2:20 PM, Zorg said:

I think Benjees APAS is exactly what you're looking for. I prefer the BDB one because I like the soft docking, but Benjees one works like a stock docking port while having a very nice APAS model. If you didnt want to use the whole reDirect and or habtech mod, its worth noting the docking part is in a very lightweight  benjee10_sharedassets folder separate from the main mod folder when you download either of those mods.  

err,  I thought those were Keyed Nodes.... (I have HabTech2 installed.)   Will check when I get back flying again.

22 hours ago, pizzahat said:

ey guys how do i download this stuff i use 2 big mac monitors and uh it aint workin i just put it in gamedata and called it a day 

Not a mac expert but Did you extract the folders from the compressed Zip file?   You don't just drag and drop the BlueDog_DB.zip into game data, you have to extract the files from it to Game Data.   It is not self installing.


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Im getting a B9PartSwitch error using this mod. It appears that config files for certain parts have meshSwitch transforms which B9 cant find. The log errors read:



[WRN 17:00:03.098] Warning on PartSubtype None on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='meshSwitch') on part unknownPart: No transforms named 'BareEngine' found
[WRN 17:00:03.109] Warning on PartSubtype None on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='meshSwitch') on part bluedog.LR87.SingleChamberB: No transforms named 'BareEngine' found

[WRN 17:00:03.411] Warning on PartSubtype Radial on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='meshSwitch') on part unknownPart: No transforms named 'Radial' found
[WRN 17:00:03.411] Warning on PartSubtype Inline on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='meshSwitch') on part unknownPart: No transforms named 'Inline' found
[WRN 17:00:03.422] Warning on PartSubtype Radial on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='meshSwitch') on part bluedog.Titan.SRB3seg: No transforms named 'Radial' found

[WRN 17:00:03.424] Warning on PartSubtype Inline on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='meshSwitch') on part bluedog.Titan.SRB3seg: No transforms named 'Inline' found


Any ideas?

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2 hours ago, Qwarkk said:

Im getting a B9PartSwitch error using this mod. It appears that config files for certain parts have meshSwitch transforms which B9 cant find. The log errors read:

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[WRN 17:00:03.098] Warning on PartSubtype None on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='meshSwitch') on part unknownPart: No transforms named 'BareEngine' found
[WRN 17:00:03.109] Warning on PartSubtype None on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='meshSwitch') on part bluedog.LR87.SingleChamberB: No transforms named 'BareEngine' found

[WRN 17:00:03.411] Warning on PartSubtype Radial on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='meshSwitch') on part unknownPart: No transforms named 'Radial' found
[WRN 17:00:03.411] Warning on PartSubtype Inline on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='meshSwitch') on part unknownPart: No transforms named 'Inline' found
[WRN 17:00:03.422] Warning on PartSubtype Radial on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='meshSwitch') on part bluedog.Titan.SRB3seg: No transforms named 'Radial' found

[WRN 17:00:03.424] Warning on PartSubtype Inline on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='meshSwitch') on part bluedog.Titan.SRB3seg: No transforms named 'Inline' found


Any ideas?

I have the exact same issue with the exact same log entries. These warnings also show up on the game screen during initial loading.

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4 hours ago, seevee said:

I have the exact same issue with the exact same log entries. These warnings also show up on the game screen during initial loading.

This is a known issue due to old some of the old titan parts.   I believe this does not affect gameplay unless you try using the old parts (the ones that don't look shiny and awesome!)   Cobaltwolf commented on this prior to his leaving for a time away (vacation I think.)


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4 hours ago, Pappystein said:

This is a known issue due to old some of the old titan parts.   I believe this does not affect gameplay unless you try using the old parts (the ones that don't look shiny and awesome!)   Cobaltwolf commented on this prior to his leaving for a time away (vacation I think.)


Agreed; this does not appear to have any affect beyond the error message.

I haven't tried using the old parts, so I have not encountered any issues during normal gameplay, only these warnings during loading.

Edited by seevee
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Back from my fishing trip! We couldn't find many fish that were biting, but the company was good and the trip was relaxing nonetheless. Not too much to reply to, thankfully. :)


On 5/24/2019 at 7:06 PM, Lo Var Lachland said:

Hey @CobaltWolf

I just realized that Saturn 1/1B manual I have also has diagrams for interstage camera pods and other cool goodies. If you need any info, including but not limited to Fuel tank layouts, Saturn program abbreviations, stage cutaways, etc., PM me.

Do you have it in a PDF? I am not currently working on the Saturn stuff but I know eventually I want to redo them.


On 5/26/2019 at 2:24 AM, Drakenex said:

Fresh from the oven (re-heated most likely)

Very nice! Was was low-key planning on making an official variant with the Skylab color scheme, glad I don't have to :)


On 5/27/2019 at 10:05 PM, Kerbal01 said:

how are people embedding their screenshots? (I've been on this forum for 6 years(8 if you count the time before the Great April), I should know but don't).

On 5/27/2019 at 11:44 PM, DeltaDizzy said:

I upload them to discord and copy the link. It does it with imgur too if you use the "Direct Link". (It embeds if the link ends with a an image file extension.)

I use Imgur. I don't know too much about Discord's server structure, but I can't imagine that they intended it to be used for external image hosting. I avoid directly linking screenshots from there publicly.


On 5/31/2019 at 11:07 AM, TonedMite133805 said:

how do you build the Saturn V first stage?

On 5/31/2019 at 11:51 AM, TonedMite133805 said:

is the service module supposed to poke out?

On 5/31/2019 at 12:17 PM, Barzon Kerman said:

Can you get an image?

If you're still having issues, we need to see a screenshot.


On 5/31/2019 at 12:47 PM, Qwarkk said:

Im getting a B9PartSwitch error using this mod. It appears that config files for certain parts have meshSwitch transforms which B9 cant find. The log errors read:

Any ideas?

On 5/31/2019 at 3:49 PM, seevee said:

I have the exact same issue with the exact same log entries. These warnings also show up on the game screen during initial loading.

On 5/31/2019 at 8:44 PM, Pappystein said:

This is a known issue due to old some of the old titan parts.   I believe this does not affect gameplay unless you try using the old parts (the ones that don't look shiny and awesome!)   Cobaltwolf commented on this prior to his leaving for a time away (vacation I think.)

On 6/1/2019 at 1:00 AM, seevee said:

Agreed; this does not appear to have any affect beyond the error message.

I haven't tried using the old parts, so I have not encountered any issues during normal gameplay, only these warnings during loading.

Yeah, those are old bugs that are just reporting issues in the new version of B9. I believe all of them were fixed EXCEPT for the bugs with the Titan parts, since the entire Titan part catalog is currently being remade from scratch. Speaking of which...


I was planning on streaming yesterday morning, but was feeling a little bit under the weather. I do have some stuff to share though... As usual, anything in Unity is work in progress.

Who knows what this is? It's Commercial Titan 3, of course!



CT3 configuration on left, Titan 3E on the right for comparison.
The 3E's fairing should be slightly larger, I didn't scale the placeholder mesh correctly. The diameter difference between the fairings should be more clear.



Close up of the Commercial Titan 3 payload base and the new Titan avionics unit. Heavily WIP, etc.
The CT3 payload base is a 'true' 2.5m base, as opposed to the 3E payload base which can just barely fit 2.5m stuff inside it (I believe it's like 2.64m diameter).
No, those aren't RCS ports on the flanges... I don't know what they are, honestly.



View of the more or less untextured Avionics Truss internals. I think the collider will be accurate (as opposed to just a cylinder) so you can shove... things inside there.



I took another whack at making the single-mount LR-87 and am much happier with the result this time!
The LR-87-LH2 version will be the same, but with a Titan 1/2-style thrust chamber and nozzle.



Finally, something I need some feedback on: The vacuum variants.
From left to right:
- the normal AJ11 nozzle extension.
- Proposed AJ11-Vac (for LDC Titan second stage) nozzle extension.
- Proposed LH2-Vac nozzle extension.
- LR-91-AJ11 for comparison.
What do people think of these? Obviously they need fresh textures, but I'm going a little Rule of Cool with these. I kinda want the gray part of the LH2-Vac nozzle to be carbon-carbon like an RL10B2..



Again, sorry for not streaming Sunday like I had planned (though not announced), I will try to find time to do some in the coming weeks.


Also, something slightly more personal. I don't normally promote my Patreon and Paypal links, because that makes me a little uncomfortable. I'll try to spare having too much of a sob story because things really aren't that bad and I'm already basically e-begging. While I was away on the trip, my SO had to go to the ER for a serious medical issue that, among other things, has reduced her ability to work. We had been trying to save to get her a modest gaming desktop so that she could play games with me (my old laptop which she currently uses is on its last legs and struggles to get a playable FPS in most games even with config tinkering), but between my trip being more expensive than we had budgeted for, and her putting in less hours for work, we don't have any flexible spending money for the time being. Again, this isn't about needing money for medical bills or anything like that, I really don't want to misrepresent that. All I really want to say is, if you were considering supporting BDB's development on Patreon or a one time donation via Paypal, now is a time that I in particular would appreciate it. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

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Hey there, pardon the formatting here, i'm on myphone.

I've been dabbling my hand at making a custom tech tree for BDB, which involves a lottttt of reading and learning things i never knew about lemme tell you.

I was hoping to kind of divide up each "rocket family" in BDB, but the manual and the wiki both seem to havealot of gaps.

Aside from picking my way through the parts folder one config at a time, is there a compiled list of every rocket and part in BDB at this point? And their equivalency to real life?


Thanks so much, hope one day i can share my little passion project as slow as its going even still!

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I've created a private wiki that does just that, but I can't share it publicly without permission from JSO/Cobaltwolf - it re-uses some images from the official BDB wiki so hence stays strictly private for now.  In truth I'd prefer they vetted it and I'd be happy to copy relevant parts over to fill in the gaps.  In the meantime, you can use this spreadsheet as a very rough guide to matching up irl rockets to BDB kerbalised names and parts

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1 hour ago, Friznit said:

I've created a private wiki that does just that, but I can't share it publicly without permission from JSO/Cobaltwolf - it re-uses some images from the official BDB wiki so hence stays strictly private for now.  In truth I'd prefer they vetted it and I'd be happy to copy relevant parts over to fill in the gaps.  In the meantime, you can use this spreadsheet as a very rough guide to matching up irl rockets to BDB kerbalised names and parts

Love that you're passionate enough about it to have accumulated such a thing. Love how this game can do that for people.

If you don't mind my nosey cat-like curiosity, why were you making a private wiki? Just for your own usage, or were you building it towards something else?

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Purely for my own use.  Started with that spreadsheet, taking some notes to try and figure out the difference between Thor, Delta, Thor-Delta, Atlas V Centaur and Centaur V, and why Saturn II came after Saturn V but never actually flew, and who ate all the snacks anyway?  There's an awful lot of stuff written about space rockets but most of assumes you already have a clue, which I don't.  It needed more pictures, hence migrating to a wiki.

Edited by Friznit
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2 hours ago, Lucius said:

Hey there, pardon the formatting here, i'm on myphone.

I've been dabbling my hand at making a custom tech tree for BDB, which involves a lottttt of reading and learning things i never knew about lemme tell you.

I was hoping to kind of divide up each "rocket family" in BDB, but the manual and the wiki both seem to havealot of gaps.

Aside from picking my way through the parts folder one config at a time, is there a compiled list of every rocket and part in BDB at this point? And their equivalency to real life?

Thanks so much, hope one day i can share my little passion project as slow as its going even still!

2 hours ago, Friznit said:

I've created a private wiki that does just that, but I can't share it publicly without permission from JSO/Cobaltwolf - it re-uses some images from the official BDB wiki so hence stays strictly private for now.  In truth I'd prefer they vetted it and I'd be happy to copy relevant parts over to fill in the gaps.  In the meantime, you can use this spreadsheet as a very rough guide to matching up irl rockets to BDB kerbalised names and parts

11 minutes ago, Lucius said:

Love that you're passionate enough about it to have accumulated such a thing. Love how this game can do that for people.

If you don't mind my nosey cat-like curiosity, why were you making a private wiki? Just for your own usage, or were you building it towards something else?

Friz, I don't think I ever actually got a chance to reply to your PM about this. But of course you're free to share it as an unofficial wiki - don't worry about the images and such (though Jso IS the one who made them, I doubt he'd disagree).

I know me and Jso appreciate the work quite a bit, and would love to vet it and merge it with our own. As always the problem is time (I mean, the reason BDB's documentation is so bad to begin with is we both prefer making new stuff to documenting old stuff), but we'll see what we can work out. :)

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I was afraid you might say that.  Now I have to hope it's not all horribly wrong.  As said, I'm more than happy to do the copy/pasta into the official wiki to fill in the gaps, save you guys the trouble.  Anyway, in the meantime here goes.  Remember folks, this is strictly my hash up.  Don't go bothering the mod authors about it please.  Any errors/omissions/failed attributions are entirely my fault - just point them out and I'll fix.  No drama llama.

Unofficial BDB Wiki (and some other bits)

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3 hours ago, Friznit said:

I was afraid you might say that.  Now I have to hope it's not all horribly wrong.  As said, I'm more than happy to do the copy/pasta into the official wiki to fill in the gaps, save you guys the trouble.  Anyway, in the meantime here goes.  Remember folks, this is strictly my hash up.  Don't go bothering the mod authors about it please.  Any errors/omissions/failed attributions are entirely my fault - just point them out and I'll fix.  No drama llama.

Unofficial BDB Wiki (and some other bits)

This and your spreadsheet are fantastic, love it Friznit. Very detailed, helps me organize my thoughts a lot.

Also while im posting, Cobalt that Titan looks fantastic, i love all the small details without a huge poly count that you manage!

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11 hours ago, Dragon01 said:

Vanguard has the wrong upper stage. Otherwise it looks fine. Could use more variants.

It would be helpful if you could hint as to what is correct rather than just saying it's wrong!

From my albeit limited understanding, while the Vanguard second stage is technically called the Delta A, it served as both Able and Delta upper stage for a number of SLV's, with the only meaningful difference being upgrades to the AJ10 engine.  In the interests of keeping it simple for those building the rocket in game, I think it's sufficient to refer to the upper stage as the "BDB Alpha" in this case.  I've made a number of similar compromises throughout the wiki.

Edit: I guess you're referring to the image, which has the Ablestar upper instead of the Able.  That's a consequence of my last carear game.  I'll update at some point.

Edited by Friznit
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14 hours ago, Dragon01 said:

Vanguard has the wrong upper stage. Otherwise it looks fine. Could use more variants.

3 hours ago, Friznit said:

It would be helpful if you could hint as to what is correct rather than just saying it's wrong!

From my albeit limited understanding, while the Vanguard second stage is technically called the Delta A, it served as both Able and Delta upper stage for a number of SLV's, with the only meaningful difference being upgrades to the AJ10 engine.  In the interests of keeping it simple for those building the rocket in game, I think it's sufficient to refer to the upper stage as the "BDB Alpha" in this case.  I've made a number of similar compromises throughout the wiki.

Edit: I guess you're referring to the image, which has the Ablestar upper instead of the Able.  That's a consequence of my last carear game.  I'll update at some point.

13 hours ago, Lucius said:

This and your spreadsheet are fantastic, love it Friznit. Very detailed, helps me organize my thoughts a lot.

Also while im posting, Cobalt that Titan looks fantastic, i love all the small details without a huge poly count that you manage!

It should use the longer Able tank and not the short one. I'm not tooooo worried about the Vanguard, Redstone, Thor, and Juno parts since those are getting redone after Titan.

Thanks Lucius!

Titan Avionics Truss - more or less textured.


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And, another little side project to update y'all on... I've been working on IUS for the last couple days on another PC when I have time, since it's a pretty self contained little set of parts.


As always, WIP, etc, they basically just have an AO bake on them and some basic colors.
I need to think about how I'm going to do the foil, I don't really want to mess with the new shader...
Parts are as follows:
Orbus-21 SRB
Short 1.5m interstage (maybe make a smooth version if I have texture space?)
Orbus-6 SRB
IUS Avionics Core



A look at the top of the avionics cores.



The Orbus-6 is yet another SRB with an extending nozzle! :)



Last, but certainly not least, a part that I *haven't* unwrapped yet - the TOS control ring!
This flew on Commercial Titan 3 as the primary upper stage (anemic, all things considered).
The Orbus-21 will have a mesh switch to remove the lower part of the interstage (which is modeled into it), and move the top node to the white ring.
The TOS control ring is basically a simplified version of the normal IUS avionics hardware.


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