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[Min KSP: 1.12.2] Deep Space Exploration Vessels - Build NASA Inspired Ships In KSP

Angelo Kerman

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5 hours ago, Space Kadet said:

ask and ye shall receive! did this just now, and once i get my quest video up you can see it at the end of that too. you basically need to launch a ship and then change back to the ksc, when you next are on your ship if you retract the centrafuge 'something snaps' and it tils it seems somilar to infernal robotics part drift to my untrained eyes.

jump to 4.30 in the video

I found the problem and am testing a fix. I think I'll have a patch done by Sunday if all goes well. :)

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3 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

I found the problem and am testing a fix. I think I'll have a patch done by Sunday if all goes well. :)

damn man you work fast. seriously send us your address and ill get you a decent bottle of whiskey or some amazing finnish beer from where i live (i have one a night because they are lovley and im not a beer drinker)


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5 hours ago, Space Kadet said:

damn man you work fast. seriously send us your address and ill get you a decent bottle of whiskey or some amazing finnish beer from where i live (i have one a night because they are lovley and im not a beer drinker)


Finnish beer?  I'll finish one now! :sticktongue:

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I am currently going back to DSEV for a 80t payload / 9500dV range tug. The idea was to make a honeycomb of seven double D2 trusses of liquid fuel and enough NERVs to get about 2 m/s^2 of acceleration. Unfortunately, hex trusses do not surface attach, so I had to make a rather ungainly structure in the top. Is it a design decision that trusses should not radial attach, and if not, would you consider changing it?

EDIT: Looking at the part config, it looks like trusses should surface attach. Will dig around and return if I can't make it happen.

I am a moron, but we knew that already. Works, but buries itself halfway into other parts; nothing offset tool can't fix.

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There's a hex radial attachment part, kinda looks like one of those things that keeps that cardboard from crushing a pizza. That with one of the cube pieces allows you to send arms back or whatever you need.  Not as small as just radially attaching the part, but it works, and I have had some luck attaching something else to another side of the cube and dragging it inside.

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Here are some pictures of my latest DSEV inspired ship, the SEV Nimoy:

ERP... how are people getting those imgur albums to show up?

Ah... nevermind..  here are some of them:



/\ Features a D2 Hab, D2 Lab, SETI 3.75m Greehouse, and 4 nuclear rockets for propulsion.



/\ Other mods included: B9 (RCS blocks), KSO (docking ports, Advanced Solar Arrays, Station Service Tug), KSPI-E (Radiators), Universal Storage (External Science package), TAC-LS (various parts/containers), SETI Greenhouse (3.75m), ASET ALCOR pod



/\ Science package and the KSO Station Service Tug



/\ And a re-purposed ALCOR Lander designed for multiple Minmus landings.


It's on a shakedown cruise before refuelling at the Mun and then doing (hopefully) a slingshot around Kerbin to head out to Duna, where it will dock with a lander module already on the way.

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DSEV is now available:

New Parts
- Personal Airlock Module: This surface-attached and stack-mounted airlock holds a single kerbal. It is styled to fit with the upcoming Nautilus.
- D2 Briefing Room: This alternate habitat configuration seats 10 kerbals. You can click on the conference phone to change the internal lighting color from white, blue, and off.

Bug Fixes & Enhancements
- Fixed rotation issues with the D2 Centrifuge.
- WBT update.

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On 4/23/2017 at 3:11 PM, DStaal said:

Note that by 'not compatable' he really means 'has no support for any of the MKS-specific toolchains, resources, and mechanics'.  Nothing breaks, that I've noticed.

I just wondered if the "Habitat" feature would work with DSEV or Pathfinder

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2 hours ago, Starslinger999 said:

I just wondered if the "Habitat" feature would work with DSEV or Pathfinder

I haven't double-checked recently, but I believe I recall that should work - that's USI-LS, not MKS.  (Although MKS expands on it.)  And USI-LS is supported, generally.

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I've been having ridiculous issues trying to dock using DR-375 rings.  I can not get them to connect.  I've tried moving them and reattaching them with KIS on EVA multiple times trying to reset them to no avail.  Any suggestions?  The Hexport docking rings I never seem to have any problems with.

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14 hours ago, Gumby1973 said:


I've been having ridiculous issues trying to dock using DR-375 rings.  I can not get them to connect.  I've tried moving them and reattaching them with KIS on EVA multiple times trying to reset them to no avail.  Any suggestions?  The Hexport docking rings I never seem to have any problems with.

Do you have a screenshot from the VAB/SPH while you're building the craft?  In particular, do you have (or can you go and take) a screenshot showing the docking port?  Is the "red ring" showing on either section you are trying to attach?  If so, it is backwards.



Does it look like this?



Or like this?


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I had launched the two spacecraft based off of Angel-125's sample craft, I hadn't touched the docking rings, I just added some stuff and made some propulsion exchanges.  When I was trying to reattach the docking rings using KIS, I tried reorienting them, and had the no docking.  Right now, they do not have the no docking.  It's possible I just have to make them really straight and oriented completely correctly.  I may try docking some more helper craft with more RCS thrusters to try to orient them properly. They are correctly oriented in the VAB.

8 hours ago, smotheredrun said:

Do you have a screenshot from the VAB/SPH while you're building the craft?  In particular, do you have (or can you go and take) a screenshot showing the docking port?  Is the "red ring" showing on either section you are trying to attach?  If so, it is backwards.



Does it look like this?



Or like this?



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Hexport.cfg has this:

        name = ModuleDockingNode
        referenceAttachNode = top
        nodeType = size2
        minDistanceToReEngage = 1
        acquireRange = 0.75
        captureRange = 0.22

        name = WBIDockingNodeHelper
        portRoll = 30
        portTorque = 30
        acquireTorque = 10
        acquireTorqueRoll = 10

while  LargeDockingRing.cfg has this:

        name = ModuleDockingNode
        referenceAttachNode = top
        nodeType = size3
        minDistanceToReEngage = 1
        portRoll = 30
        portTorque = 30
        acquireRange = 1.0
        acquireTorque = 10
        acquireTorqueRoll = 10
        captureMinRollDot = 0.999
        captureRange = 0.37

        name = WBIDockingNodeHelper

I'm going to do an experiment and move some items....maybe get rid of the "captureMinRollDot = 0.999"?  I think I'll try again tomorrow, or rather later today, I am up far too late :)

Edit: Finally got it docked!

It looks like captureMinRollDot is the culprit.

Edited LargeDockingRing.cfg like so:

        name = ModuleDockingNode
        referenceAttachNode = top
        nodeType = size3
        minDistanceToReEngage = 1
        acquireRange = 1.0
        // captureMinRollDot = 0.999
        captureRange = 0.37

        name = WBIDockingNodeHelper
        portRoll = 30
        portTorque = 30
        acquireTorque = 10
        acquireTorqueRoll = 10


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