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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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So I have toolbar, installed newest MechJeb and now I don't have access to it. Button on the right disappeared, there are no new buttons on toolbar. It's not showing in VAB, on newly designed spaceships, neither on ships already in space that have MJ on them. What am I doing wrong?

There's an option on the ToolBar to configure visible buttons. (make sure you have most recent toolbar plugin from the toolbar thread; if you overwrote it with another mod's distributed version it might be out of date)

Click that and see if any MJ buttons show up. Make sure to check off the ones you want.

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Here is the log. The ship is called "Asteriod Redirect Mission 3 - Astronauts"

Download link: http://www.4shared.com/office/UGWQg1vkce/output_log.html

Thanks in advance for the help!

I had the same. Whenever I got off rail on sometimes on, my ship exploded. I fixed that by removing KerbPain and updating my MM to the latest version from here:


Your problem might be cause by a different mod than mine but it's not MJ's fault. Just think what mod you installed last and temporarily remove it just to see if it works.

Cheers! :cool:

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Hey thanks for finally adding the one feature that I always thought was missing... launch to planetary transfer! It makes planning missions outside Kerbins SOI much easier and less tedious. One feature I would like to be able to tweak would be the lead time to the transfer window. Currently my ships get to orbit about 1hr ahead of the window which is plenty of time to maneuver and get set up for the burn, however I would like to be able to extend that to maybe a day or more even to allow for multi-launch ships because sometimes it takes more than an hour to get them all up and assembled. If it were possible to have the first ship launch 1 day or more before the window, then all subsequent launches and assembling etc would have time to be finished and then MJ could still schedule the burn for the window.

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Well, the error you have does not seems to be related with MJ. Your vessel crash while trying to go back on rail, on a class called ActiveJoint.

It's part of KSP and I don't see how MJ could mess up anything related to it. So I think it's more a part related problem. You only seems to use protractor and MJ so You may have fond a stock bug.

If you still have the save and it does that each time can you share it as well ? I'll get it to Ted so the dev can look at it.

The error for those interested :

at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Transform:INTERNAL_CALL_TransformDirection (UnityEngine.Transform,UnityEngine.Vector3&)
at UnityEngine.Transform.TransformDirection (Vector3 direction) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ActiveJoint.getControlOrt (Vector3 refAxis, PartSpaceMode mode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ActiveJoint.applyCoordsUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ActiveJoint.onPartPack (.Part p) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at EventData`1[Part].Fire (.Part data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Part.Pack () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.GoOnRails () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at OrbitPhysicsManager.LateUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

It did it 2 days ago and yesterday as well. Due to lack of time I can't experiment more until Tuesday. So, until then, here are the save files: http://www.4shared.com/rar/WJ2clxRRba/Save_files.html

I thought the problem might have been related to MJ, since I didn't encounter it before, only 2 days ago after using the landing autopilot. Warping went on just fine until now. If it is some error related only to that particular ship, I'll just save my astronauts with a second mission and terminate the ship.

Anyways, thanks again for the support! Greatly appreciated! Have a nice day.

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Hey thanks for finally adding the one feature that I always thought was missing... launch to planetary transfer! It makes planning missions outside Kerbins SOI much easier and less tedious. One feature I would like to be able to tweak would be the lead time to the transfer window. Currently my ships get to orbit about 1hr ahead of the window which is plenty of time to maneuver and get set up for the burn, however I would like to be able to extend that to maybe a day or more even to allow for multi-launch ships because sometimes it takes more than an hour to get them all up and assembled. If it were possible to have the first ship launch 1 day or more before the window, then all subsequent launches and assembling etc would have time to be finished and then MJ could still schedule the burn for the window.

The logical thing to do would be to just launch and build your ship in orbit rather than use "launch to transfer", then once it's built use maneuver planner to do the transfer. No new functionality needed.

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(make sure you have most recent toolbar plugin from the toolbar thread; if you overwrote it with another mod's distributed version it might be out of date)

That was it, thanks mate.

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The logical thing to do would be to just launch and build your ship in orbit rather than use "launch to transfer", then once it's built use maneuver planner to do the transfer. No new functionality needed.

True you can do that, however it can take a while because you are limited to how fast you can warp while in LKO. Warping on the launchpad is unlimited. What I do now is add a maneuver node for the planet transfer on the launchpad for the first launch then use warp helper to spin time on till approx 1 day before the window. Then I do my other launches and assemble in orbit before doing the last small warp for the burn. What I was suggesting is that this functionality could be built right into the launch assistant panel, which would remove some of the steps that my current method requires. It would speed things up and remove some unneeded tedium. As an alternative, the functionality Im talking about could be added to the warp helper so that when a planet is selected as a target, its possible to warp until X amount of time before the next transfer window.

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Let me get my magic wand.


Err, no. Didn't work.

You'll have to give some info on what's not working.

Sorry Sarbian, but without your magicWand_log.txt file we cant troubleshoot your wand. NOT the magicWand.log file because that doesnt have detailed enough wand diagnostics.

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True you can do that, however it can take a while because you are limited to how fast you can warp while in LKO.

An alternative, which is what I used to do before this feature, is to set the launch altitude to 750Km (and do the same on the way back from Duna or wherever). At that altitude you can warp at max rate.

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I have recently encountered a pesky bug with MechJeb: I was trying to land at a target with the autopilot, but after I warp or it auto-warps, the ship freezes in a fixed point in space and just remains there; it won't advance along the orbit or turn in any direction. Engines and everything else on the ship works fine. Even RCS, although I can't get the ship to turn with it. I have to go back to the space center, reload everything, but after a new warp, the ship freezes again. It's like some weird force is keeping it in place.

Warping from the tracking station works just fine.

I have the latest version of KSP through Steam and the only mods installed are MechJeb and Protractor.

LE: MechJeb downloaded from the first page

That sounds like the Frozen Orbit Bug/Kraken.


It is a stock KSP bug and not related to MechJeb. When it occurs the only fix I know is to revert to your last quick save and then to immediately close and restart KSP. If you don't do a full restart the bug will attack all your ships when they get focus until you do. Returning to the space centre without a full restart does not clear the bug.

It is related to time warping when an asteroid is within the physics model range. If you avoid switching between asteroids in map view and remember to always change via the tracking station it seems to reduce (or eliminate) occurrences of this bug.

Edited by Kaa253
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My apologies if the answer is somewhere in the preceding six and a half thousand posts. I read the manual page about custom windows, but didn't see the answer there.

I want to make a custom window with only the few lines of information I use during a launch. I created a custom window, named it Launch Info, added the few lines, and it worked okay... once. Where's the option to save my custom window for the next flight? Or do I have to set up the custom window every time?

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I'm having an issue with MechJeb's KEEPVERT.

I use this thing a lot with the Wayland Eagle (and other landers - especially when I'm hovering trying to find a landing spot). And in past releases this has been the perfect VTOL control. In the past when setting up the KEEPVERT. If I input "0" it would just hold altitude with a constant thrust. And with the Eagle, I'd land the ship by means of setting the KEEPVERT to a -1 or -0.5 in the last dozen meters of descent or so.

But with .23 and the latest release, that's changed. I'm now getting what I refer to as a severe "POGO" effect (in reference to a problem that occured in the Saturn V boosters that caused problems more than once. On one Apollo mission POGO vibrations shut off the center engine of the 2nd stage, but they were able to make orbit on the remaining 4 engines.)

MechJeb's KEEPVERT doesn't seem to be able to find the "sweet spot" anymore and the throttle oscillates wildly bouncing the ship up and down almost like an ORION Nuclear pulse engine. Looks like it's damn near shaking the ship apart.

Here's a Twitch Video I made showing off Mechjeb and the KEEPVERT at arguably their best back in .22.

And here's a new video I just put up tonight illustrating the new "POGO" Problem.

Does anyone have any solution? Or is this just a known issue that still needs work?

Has this been solved yet? I've noticed it works fine when command module is orientated as in a rocket (up), breaks when orientated as in a VTOL (forward). This means it's kinda solvable but with a huge sacrifice. (Mechjeb 2.2.1, KSP 0.23.5)

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White Owl : as Pecan said it should be autosaved. If it does not work can you have a look at your install in KSP/GameData/MechJeb2/Pluging/PluginData ( more or less this ) and check that you have files here and that they are writable ? If you play on Windows and your game is in "Program FIles" or "Program FIles(x86)" I would try to copy or move th game in an other folder like a c:\games to avoid a problem with windows security.

DailyFrankPeter : did you read my post that followed that ?

Stealthy Monk : "unzip the zip in Gamedata"

Edited by sarbian
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I have been using a personal mod which integrates MechJeb automatically into any command pod or probe core, eliminating the need for an extra part.

Its just a config that adds the module data automatically into any part with command capabilities. Do you have any objection to my releasing it?

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I have been using a personal mod which integrates MechJeb automatically into any command pod or probe core, eliminating the need for an extra part.

Its just a config that adds the module data automatically into any part with command capabilities. Do you have any objection to my releasing it?

Module Manager configs don't fall under the licensing of the mod parts they are editing.

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After a long time of true service, MJ decided to stop working for me. I don't know what happened, perhaps an auto update by steam or whatever, I don't know. What I do know is that the MJ sidepanel does not appear anymore. The parts are still there and I can attach them just fine, the panel itself won't appear anymore. It's odd, because last time I was playing KSP the panel button was there, but when I unfolded it, a tiny grey box appeared without any contents. Then I tried downloading the latest version of MJ and now the entire panel is gone.

I'm currently running KPS

The debuger shows that an exception is being thrown:

MechJeb module MechJebModuleMenu threw an exception in DrawGUI: System.NullReferenceException.

Here's a printscreen


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I have been using a personal mod which integrates MechJeb automatically into any command pod or probe core, eliminating the need for an extra part.

Its just a config that adds the module data automatically into any part with command capabilities. Do you have any objection to my releasing it?

Nah, it's alright, I already have one.

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This is what I've been using. Just paste it into a new .cfg file anywhere under GameData folder and save it. No more need for a separate part.


name = MechJebCore

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