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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


Recommended Posts is the one in the far thread and the last on in the FAR release page on github is the one in the source of the github repo, and is not the current release afaik.

OK, that explains the log references. Removing the extension dll did the trick for me, so I'll wait before trying it again. Thanks!

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I have HotRockets installed, but it doesn't produce the effect. Nice exhausts, but not the side-scattering. Everything just gets swallowed up by the "black hole" beneath the pad...

Just "a bit", and it might depend on the rockets you're using. I had a liftoff with a large all-solid stage earlier this evening, and I was presently surprised to see that some of the glowy flecks in the exhaust that happen just after ignition with Hot Rockets appeared to be coming sideways out of the flame tunnels.

I did get a screenshot of the lifter, but too late for the flame tunnels, unfortunately:


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Hey, I realise I'm likely to bring down the wrath of the forum with this one, but try as I might, I cannot get MechJeb (from fresh today downloaded MechJeb2- to work with my up-to-date KSP v0. From the forum lead-in post I assume that should work with my KSP version. I'm putting the entire zip contents into the main GameData folder (replacing previous MechJeb version which worked fine with whichever older KSP version I last played on). I've started new sandbox modes, as well as continuing saved games, and despite having the AR202 computer in the parts window, I do not get any 'Mechjeb' button or an of the standard windows.

What am I doing wrong? (I've tried both x64 and 'old' versions)

Cheers for any help


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Hey, I realise I'm likely to bring down the wrath of the forum with this one, but try as I might, I cannot get MechJeb (from fresh today downloaded MechJeb2- to work with my up-to-date KSP v0. From the forum lead-in post I assume that should work with my KSP version. I'm putting the entire zip contents into the main GameData folder (replacing previous MechJeb version which worked fine with whichever older KSP version I last played on). I've started new sandbox modes, as well as continuing saved games, and despite having the AR202 computer in the parts window, I do not get any 'Mechjeb' button or an of the standard windows.

What am I doing wrong? (I've tried both x64 and 'old' versions)

Cheers for any help


never install a new release on top of a older one, because things could be changed

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Hey, I realise I'm likely to bring down the wrath of the forum with this one, but try as I might, I cannot get MechJeb (from fresh today downloaded MechJeb2- to work with my up-to-date KSP v0. From the forum lead-in post I assume that should work with my KSP version. I'm putting the entire zip contents into the main GameData folder (replacing previous MechJeb version which worked fine with whichever older KSP version I last played on). I've started new sandbox modes, as well as continuing saved games, and despite having the AR202 computer in the parts window, I do not get any 'Mechjeb' button or an of the standard windows.

What am I doing wrong? (I've tried both x64 and 'old' versions)

Cheers for any help


Also realize that you have to buy every MechJeb module from the Science tree. Just having the AR202 doesn't really do anything. You need Flight Control, Advanced Flight Control, Advanced Unmanned, etc... for each different MechJeb module.

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Also realize that you have to buy every MechJeb module from the Science tree. Just having the AR202 doesn't really do anything. You need Flight Control, Advanced Flight Control, Advanced Unmanned, etc... for each different MechJeb module.

I believe he's saying that he's unlocked the case and some (Or all) of the functions, but no Mechjeb bar is appearing on the side of the screen regardless. I can confirm this, as it is happening to me as well, though I'm going to hazard a guess and say it's due to running the 64-bit version. I haven't bothered to fire up 32-bit since x64 came out. Mostly because I'd rather have my game not crash after every attempt to recover a vehicle than have working Mechjeb.

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Also realize that you have to buy every MechJeb module from the Science tree. Just having the AR202 doesn't really do anything. You need Flight Control, Advanced Flight Control, Advanced Unmanned, etc... for each different MechJeb module.

You missed the part where he says it didn't work in sandbox.

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Just upgraded to build 282. Delta-V stats aren't displaying, with the log message

[MechJeb2] Exception on MechJebModuleStageStats.RunSimulation(): FuelFlowSimulation.SimulateStage reached max step count of 100

Edit: further testing. Downgraded to 280. No change. Removed KIDS. 282 displayed delta-v stats.

Reinstalled KIDS and tried different KIDS settings. Turns out delta-v calculation breaks only if my KIDS settings have "Extend curve to zero ISP" active.

Edited by undercoveryankee
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What is KIDS?

Kerbal ISP Difficulty Scaler, by ferram4. Primary function is to scale rocket performance so you need a large rocket to reach orbit even though the planet is tiny. I use it for the thrust corrector option to vary thrust instead of fuel flow as Isp varies with atmospheric pressure.

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I believe he's saying that he's unlocked the case and some (Or all) of the functions, but no Mechjeb bar is appearing on the side of the screen regardless. I can confirm this, as it is happening to me as well, though I'm going to hazard a guess and say it's due to running the 64-bit version. I haven't bothered to fire up 32-bit since x64 came out. Mostly because I'd rather have my game not crash after every attempt to recover a vehicle than have working Mechjeb.

I'm seeing the same thing in Linux running 64bit. Works in the VAB (but delta-V display goes wonky sometimes) but no MechJeb bar during flight. Fell back to 2- which works ... sort of. Some of the numbers are clearly wrong, but I can work around it most times. A crippled MechJeb is better than no MechJeb ...

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Just upgraded to build 282. Delta-V stats aren't displaying, with the log message

[MechJeb2] Exception on MechJebModuleStageStats.RunSimulation(): FuelFlowSimulation.SimulateStage reached max step count of 100

Edit: further testing. Downgraded to 280. No change. Removed KIDS. 282 displayed delta-v stats.

Reinstalled KIDS and tried different KIDS settings. Turns out delta-v calculation breaks only if my KIDS settings have "Extend curve to zero ISP" active.

Could you open a ticket on github so we have a look ? Since you provide a ful diagnostic it should be an easy fix.

Edit : as for the other "it does not work" all I see is 8 hours of posting without a log.

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Is there any way to move the MechJeb Sidebar Tab down? It's obstructing the menus in the upper right corner.

C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\MechJeb2\Plugins\PluginData\MechJeb2\mechjeb_settings_global.cfg

Under "MechJebModuleMenu":

To turn-off the tab display:


showInFlight = False

showInEditor = True

hideButton = True

Or, adjust:

windowVector = 1910,1070,0,0

windowVectorEditor = 1910,1070,0,0

I use blizzy;'s Toolbar to access the MJ functions I use the most: Delta V, Maneuver Node Editor, Maneuver Planner, Rendezvous Planner, SMART A.S.S.

Edited by Apollo13
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C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\MechJeb2\Plugins\PluginData\MechJeb2\mechjeb_settings_global.cfg

Under "MechJebModuleMenu":

To turn-off the tab display:


showInFlight = False

showInEditor = True

hideButton = True

Or, adjust:

windowVector = 1910,1070,0,0

windowVectorEditor = 1910,1070,0,0

I use blizzy;'s Toolbar to access the MJ functions I use the most: Delta V, Maneuver Node Editor, Maneuver Planner, Rendezvous Planner, SMART A.S.S.

Or you could just right click on the mechjeb tab and drag it down.

MUCH easier.

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Could you open a ticket on github so we have a look ? Since you provide a ful diagnostic it should be an easy fix.

Edit : as for the other "it does not work" all I see is 8 hours of posting without a log.

sarbian, I can get you a log file for Linux 32 and 64 bit shortly. I'm going to make a clean sandbox with MechJeb as the only installed mod.

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sarbian, I can get you a log file for Linux 32 and 64 bit shortly. I'm going to make a clean sandbox with MechJeb as the only installed mod.

sarbian ... I am able to operate MechJeb without issue running Linux KSP 32 and 64 bit mode if no other mods are installed. My normal game play log file shows a ton of stuff like this, tho:

[ERR 21:47:45.180] MechJeb module MechJebModuleMenu threw an exception in DrawGUI: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at MuMech.Button.attachEventHandler (System.Reflection.EventInfo event, System.String methodName, System.Object realButton) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.Button..ctor (System.Object realButton, MuMech.ToolbarTypes types) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.ToolbarManager.add (System.String ns, System.String id) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.MechJebModuleMenu.SetupMainToolbarButton () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.MechJebModuleMenu.SetupToolBarButtons () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.MechJebModuleMenu.DrawGUI (Boolean inEditor) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.MechJebCore.OnGUI () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

I think this might be a problem that only shows up if certain other mods are installed. I am trying to track it down through process of elimination and identify which mod(s) triggers the problem. Will let ya know if I find something useful.

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Thanks Sarbian for this great mod, I wouldn't play without it.

MechJeb #281 works mostly fine (sometimes the deltaV numbers go negative for a bit, not a big issue) for me on KSP 24.2 Linux x64. I wanted to update to the latest version but the recent posts scare me.

I would just like for the landing guidance to create manouver nodes like everything else so I know how long to wait for things to happen :)

I have the following mods installed:

Active Texture Management


Cargo Transportation Solutions

Custom Biomes

DMagic Orbital Science

Extra Planetary launchpads

Final Frontier


For Science!

Goodspeed Aerospace Parts


Kerbal Alarm Clock

Kerbal Attachment System



Klockheed Martian SmartParts

KSP Interstellar

Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics


Module Manager

Open Resource System

Procedural Fairings

Procedural parts

Real Chute


Ship Manifest

Stage Recovery

Station Science

TAC Life Support



Universal Storage

USI Kolonization Systems

Is it just the Ferram mods that cause problems with Mechjeb? I already don't use those because of known problems in the past, so can I safely update to the latest version?

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Dev 286, Linux 64...

Maneuver Planner --> Create Periapsis

Situation: Creating a node just beyond an SOI change calculates a new periapsis value from the pre-SOI orbital information (or possibly random data) instead of the projected post-SOI values.

Game play: Transfer out to Mun, check the time-to-SOI, create a node to occur, say, 5 minutes after SOI to adjust the final periapsis for orbital insertion, then execute while still in the pre-SOI path. MP will consistently calculate an incorrect periapsis, occasionally below the surface, occasionally well outside the desired altitude, never where you want.

FOLLOW_UP: If I wait until the SOI change occurs, then do MP --> Create Periapsis, MP calculates the new periapsis correctly.

Edited by BARCLONE
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