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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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  BigD145 said:
They know how to install a mod, which is great. Now they just need the right version, per the OP and last couple pages.

What's really funny is that his was right under Sarbian's with the big red CLICK ME. I wonder if it would help if he said WHY they should click. Probably not....

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  Starwaster said:

edit: actually, yes I do have an idea why your change didnt work. Did you literally change it to Start? it should not be capitalized, if you capped it then it wont work because therenis no Start tech node. but there is one named start

That was the trick. Thanks for the assist. I appreciate it.

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  BigD145 said:
They know how to install a mod, which is great. Now they just need the right version, per the OP and last couple pages.
  Starwaster said:
What's really funny is that his was right under Sarbian's with the big red CLICK ME. I wonder if it would help if he said WHY they should click. Probably not....

Get off your damn high horses, glad to see this is a great and functional support community.

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  starspy said:
Get off your damn high horses, glad to see this is a great and functional support community.

Of course it is, which is why I keep trying to help people! But I've been doing support for so long that I know that all the FAQs and all the replies aren't going to stop the repeats, sometimes literally right after it was just answered!

So, yeah, I'll poke a little fun at it sometimes. It's the only way to not tear my hair out.

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  Starwaster said:
Of course it is, which is why I keep trying to help people! But I've been doing support for so long that I know that all the FAQs and all the replies aren't going to stop the repeats, sometimes literally right after it was just answered!

So, yeah, I'll poke a little fun at it sometimes. It's the only way to not tear my hair out.

Yup, I know the feeling. Six months on an ISP "hell desk" left me with a twitch in my left eyebrow that took another six months to go away. Then there are the people who are supposedly there to "help" but never read *all the words* of problems people post, then proceed to tell the person to do exactly what they already said they'd tried and didn't work.

"I've tried all the above and none of it worked. Got any different ideas?" Getting a response that's almost a verbatim quote of what you've already said failed, that is (to put it mildly) a bit irritating.

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  Galane said:
Yup, I know the feeling. Six months on an ISP "hell desk" left me with a twitch in my left eyebrow that took another six months to go away. Then there are the people who are supposedly there to "help" but never read *all the words* of problems people post, then proceed to tell the person to do exactly what they already said they'd tried and didn't work.

"I've tried all the above and none of it worked. Got any different ideas?" Getting a response that's almost a verbatim quote of what you've already said failed, that is (to put it mildly) a bit irritating.

Yeah I could never be happy with cut and paste support. I can understand the pressure to do do however. I was working support for a moderate but growing customer base that suddenly ballooned pretty much overnight. Server stability went down and suddenly I was handling thousands of tickets in one day :(

My recreation was Fallout3 and L4D2. I ended up having dreams that I was working support in a deep underground bunker while the zombie apocalypse raged across a nuclear wasteland.

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I've got a problem with automatically getting to orbit with Mechjeb. I'm still on 0.22 btw.

I launch my craft using the "Ascent Guidance" module. Everything goes fine until the craft approaches the point where it will circularise its orbit. Basically what happens is:

- After the engines shut down for the "coast to apoapsis" phase the craft will orient itself nicely for the next burn. The navball shows it aligned with the target.

- Then we warp forward automatically. I can see how the target and the prograde marker slowly converge. A minute before the manouever node is reached we drop out of warp.

What then happens is the odd part. As we drop out of warp the ship is perfectly orientated for its burn. All that is needed is waiting for the right time, and fire the rocket. However what mechjeb does is to start manoeuvring. Bassically it first flips the craft end for end, then tries to get back on course, which it never manages. So the burn is missed...

What is happening here?

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  Krist said:
I've got a problem with automatically getting to orbit with Mechjeb. I'm still on 0.22 btw.

I launch my craft using the "Ascent Guidance" module. Everything goes fine until the craft approaches the point where it will circularise its orbit. Basically what happens is:

- After the engines shut down for the "coast to apoapsis" phase the craft will orient itself nicely for the next burn. The navball shows it aligned with the target.

- Then we warp forward automatically. I can see how the target and the prograde marker slowly converge. A minute before the manouever node is reached we drop out of warp.

What then happens is the odd part. As we drop out of warp the ship is perfectly orientated for its burn. All that is needed is waiting for the right time, and fire the rocket. However what mechjeb does is to start manoeuvring. Bassically it first flips the craft end for end, then tries to get back on course, which it never manages. So the burn is missed...

What is happening here?

Hard to say with just that.

Possibly Tf could be too high or too low for that ship. (low mass ships want low Tf. higher mass needs higher)

If you have FAR make sure flight assist options are all OFF if you are not in atmo. I'm pretty sure it fights MJ if you have it on in space)

more one MJ dll installed. not super sure that is a cause but I had MJ acting up like that and when I exited the game I noticed I had an extra dll. might just be anecdotal but I offer it anyway.

eh fourth possibility. misjudged atmo height and you're grazing atmo

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  sarbian said:
I agree with you sojourner, and even more if it lower the amount of people asking for that in the thread.

For now I have added a message to the menu that explain to user that additional module are unlocked as they unlock R&D node. It's a band aid but it works for users who thought is was a bug and can manage without the ascent guidance and landing AP (most likely the more missed) until they unlock it.

The remaining is user that don't want the limits. My options as I see it are :

- add a check box somewhere that deactivate the R&D system but I don't think it would lower the amount of message in the thread unless I ask with a big popup at the start of a career mode.

- add an optional download of an AR20X without the R&D limits

The popup may works if can find the correct wording.

Personally, I think the best option would be a dialog that pops up at the start of a new career mode, quite similar to what the Tree Loader mod does. You present them with two options: MechJeb with full functionality of all modules or Mechjeb with limited modules at first, with new modules delivered as you progress through the Tech tree. Should be simple enough to word so that almost everyone who is at least aware that career mode has a tech tree can understand it.

Mechjeb is different from other mods in that there are no parts to unlock. I like what you did to incorporate it into the tech tree though. That said, many people might prefer to just take Mechjeb as a full plugin at the start of career mode.

Another thing to consider... when someone unlocks a new module from the Tech tree, they aren't given any information to indicate that. For someone who has never used Mechjeb before, they actually might be confused. They either won't know where the new 'stuff' came from, or they won't notice it at all. It might be nice if you could make it so that when a new module is unlocked (by researching an appropriate node in the tree), a popup comes up celebrating the new modules you just unlocked (I really don't know if this is possible to code a plugin to do). That would be a big help to players who have never used Mechjeb before and aren't familiar with all its features.

Edited by simmy2109
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  tour1988 said:
I can't get the "new" MechJeb to work.. i deinstalled the complete game then redownloaded it. After that i copied the MechJeb folder into: Kerbal Space Program/GameData/. The Parts are available but the normal MechJeb windows don't turn on if i use the AR or the Pod. I tried this with the versions 136-138 everytime deinstalled and redownloaded. I tried the MechJeb in Sandbox mode. Did i miss something or what could be the problem?

I've found my problem.

If anyone got the same issue (version 136-139 not showing up the windows ingame) you should take a look in the Kerbal Space Program\KSP_Data\output_log.txt. My problem was a AntiMalware tool blocking the .dll

This is out of the Output_log:

Failed to load assembly D:\...\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\MechJeb2\Plugins\MechJeb2.dll:

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path "D:\...\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\MechJeb2\Plugins\MechJeb2.dll" is denied.

at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean anonymous, FileOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AssemblyLoader.LoadExternalAssembly (System.String file) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

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simmy2109 - there are limit to what I can do with MJ for one simple reason : MJ is a partmodule, so I can display things only when a part with that module is here. So Editor and inFLight only.

I will most likely do a popup that ask what you want the first time you add a part with MJ on a ship. The "you unlocked new module" part is bit more complex since MJ does not know that you unlocked something new, it just know what you have right now. I think the current message in the menu is good enough for that.

tour1988 - Great info, I can ask user with bugs to test without their AV and such.

Krist - I won't help with old version. You problem may be related to things that were fixed in later version of MJ

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that doesnt mean you cant store state information per save. several mods do that just as the stock game does. store a node in the scenario section that contains information about what is unlocked. when entering flight mode (or editor mode or both) compare that to what tech nodes are unlocked. if something new is available notify the player.

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report on Build #139 (Dec 19, 2013 8:22:29 PM)

Small ships with Mk1 pod and stock parts used to test rendezvous and docking.

These ships were used by me in previous versions to learn rendezvous and docking. The only problem with them is an unbalanced RCS which is perfect to test the RCS balancer.

First ship launch to 150km orbit.

MJ worked fine but missed the target orbit by 4km high. It the tried to circularize the orbit. At that point it lost the ability to stay locked to a direction and would fire the engine every time the blue marker was crossed. I manually circularize to just below a circle and then had MJ do the final tweak to circularize which worked more or less.

Second ship launch to 225km orbit

MJ worked fine but missed the target orbit by 2km high circularizing the orbit worked fine.

Set target to first ship. Enabled Rendezvous autopilot. MJ tried to match planes without much success. I had to manually point the ship and then MJ was able to match planes. It then setup a new phasing orbit to 270km. Everything seemed fine up to the rendezvous which was set to 10m. MJ did not match velocities very well and in the time it took target the other ship's dock and enable the docking autopilot the ships had drifted to 30 meters apart. Autopilot enabled MJ lined up the axis fine but then sat there saying it was approaching at 0.0mps. At one point it said it was backing away at 0.0mps. It had not move as far as I could tell. I took manuall control and moved to within 10m and aligned properly. MJ docked fine at that point. I then undocked and put the ship into various locations to test the docking ap. Of the 5 tests I had to take over manually to better align the ship one time. Like the first attempt the ship was behind the target docking port. I then tested the RCS balancer which seem to work fine with my very unbalanced RCS.

The only other thing I notice was the very aggressive docking at what seemed like ramming speed. It would also dock without aligning first and would dock coming in at an angle. It's hard to describe. The axis were aligned so it was more sliding sideways into the dock.

I hope some of that helps. It could always be operator error but I've used MJ for a longtime and this was pretty much hands off simple stuff for it but required me to manually intervene a number of times.

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Starwaster : Can and want are two different things :)

We'll see how fast I can fix the last real bug this weekend and if I have the spare time I'll look into it.

I want to release an official .23 monday, before I go away for Christmas, so I have to prioritize

dr_jt : this remind me I need to fix my logic bug in the docking AP. It should be aligned at 5m from the port but I made an error and it aligns too late.

The speed does respect the limit you set in the window. Unless you have it to 0, then it goes as fast as it can.

shrx : I'll resume my FAR work later.

Edited by sarbian
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  shrx said:
Does mechjeb work with FAR? I read on the FAR's FAQ section that sarbian's supposed to be working on it, but I don't know how old this info is.

follow the mj extensions link in his sig.

that's where he's working on it. still just very rudimentary support. (no drag, no terminal velocity, etc)

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  sarbian said:

dr_jt : this remind me I need to fix my logic bug in the docking AP. It should be aligned at 5m from the port but I made an error and it aligns too late.

The speed does respect the limit you set in the window. Unless you have it to 0, then it goes as fast as it can.

It would really be nice if there was a way for user to specify the minimum distance for the final alignment. This would help for coming into very congested areas where you might want to make sure you are fully aligned say 50m, 100m out from the docking port.....

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