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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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"I couldn't find anything" means "I only found non-answers". I can't judge the optimal value of a mysterious, arbitrary parameter.

Indeed. I sometimes forget that weak sarcasm doesn't translate well in forums.

I'll play with some options until I am comfortable, or until I give up on FAR.

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Docking Autopilot doesn't seem to work with the new Advanced Grabbing Unit and Asteroids. And you need to be EXACT (beyond my piloting skills) or when you turn on your engines and the center of gravity is a wee bit off you spend around like a top... MechJeb doesn't seem to accept "Set center of gravity as target" on the new .23.5 asteroids.

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Docking Autopilot doesn't seem to work with the new Advanced Grabbing Unit and Asteroids. And you need to be EXACT (beyond my piloting skills) or when you turn on your engines and the center of gravity is a wee bit off you spend around like a top... MechJeb doesn't seem to accept "Set center of gravity as target" on the new .23.5 asteroids.

Did you trying using SmartASS to TGT+ after matching speeds and just gently bring it on manual throttle?

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is there a way to move the root window? it overlaps the resources pane and drives my ocd nuts.

Right click drag on the button while in flight (won't work in the editor).

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Did you trying using SmartASS to TGT+ after matching speeds and just gently bring it on manual throttle?

I tried to do that, but TGT+ won't come up, even if I click the center of mass as the target. Like I haven't chosen a target...

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After updating KSP to 0.23.5, mechjeb wont start anymore. i can equip the vessel with the mechjeb part, but no info screen will show up. Any help?

Please read the last few page to find out that I released a version in the hour following the patch. You can find it in my sig, in the "Dev Build" link.

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Bugreport on delta-V calculator. It looks like the calculator for remaining delta-v can not work out the available resources for engines that use MonoProp or Xenon, the two resources that changed flow type in this update.

These two are no longer ALL_VESSEL flow type, but are now STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW instead. I'm guessing that this is likely the cause.

Using build 194 on 0.23.5.

Interestingly, the RCS delta-V figure is still okay, it is just in the engines/stages calculation that it fails.

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What is the latest update for MJ? I got one the other day. I'm not sure if its the latest one. Can someone link the latest Jenkins one? To many update links on the forum to know which is the latest one.

Just go to the main page and click on "get the latest dev builds here" and click on version 198.

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Ho do I use MJ to get to an asteroid? The one I want to go for is going to impact kerbinnso the planetary transfer window is basically when the asteroid is in re-entry

As of yet you can't use MJ, you'll have to do the rendez-vous with the maneuver node. Also grabbing the asteroid can't be done with MJ.

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I seem to be having a bug with the newest version of KSP and MJ regarding the Delta-V per stage display. In the SAB it appears to display correctly but when I go the launch pad it puts all the Delta-V in the bottom stage and never updates remaining Delta-V or what stage I'm on.

I got the lastest version of KSP and MJ didn't even show up in UI so I downloaded build #198 which was the latest and encountered the problem.

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Hello, I am quite new to KSP and have some questions:

I like to use MechJeb in career mode and that worked quite well in the vanilla version of KSP. Now I want to try the BTSM mod ("Better than starting manned", which includes the "Deadly Reentry" mod) and use MechJeb again. Does anybody know if there are compatibilty issues?

Additionally, I would like to use all mechjeb features early on. Can somebody explain me how to do that? I found Virtualgenius' post on page 403 of this thread about what I have to add to unlock mechjeb with the first tech node but where do I have to change that? In the savegame, in a mechjeb file or anywhere else?

Sorry if these questions are explained somewhere, I used the forum and the thread search but found no answer.

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I seem to be having a bug with the newest version of KSP and MJ regarding the Delta-V per stage display. In the SAB it appears to display correctly but when I go the launch pad it puts all the Delta-V in the bottom stage and never updates remaining Delta-V or what stage I'm on.

I got the lastest version of KSP and MJ didn't even show up in UI so I downloaded build #198 which was the latest and encountered the problem.

Just because you have the latest build, doesn't mean he's got around to addressing the issue. ARM came out two days ago, people have lives and there are more pressing bugs to address. Have you tried Engineer Redux to see if they have the same ssue with dV?

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Is anybody else having the problem of MechJeb not recognizing an asteroids center of gravity as a target? Or, as would be typical, it's just me. :/

It might not be anything that can be handled by Mechjeb. And it might be that it's actually working as it should but it's not readily apparent from your perspective. Targeting center of gravity probably affects how the asteroid reports its reference transform which would be transparent to MJ. In other words, it should 'just work.'

That's how docking ports work. You can target a docking port that points in an entirely different than its parent object (like the inline docking port or Porkjet's FLAT hab) and MJ 'just works' because KSP handles everything in the background.

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I seem to be having a bug with the newest version of KSP and MJ regarding the Delta-V per stage display. In the SAB it appears to display correctly but when I go the launch pad it puts all the Delta-V in the bottom stage and never updates remaining Delta-V or what stage I'm on.

I got the lastest version of KSP and MJ didn't even show up in UI so I downloaded build #198 which was the latest and encountered the problem.

Build 198 works for me in 0.23.5. If your MJ settings file was created in the previous MJ and KSP 0.23, try moving it out of your KSP folder and letting MJ create a new settings file. If the bug still shows up on a clean MJ install, post a .craft file where you're seeing the issue in case there's a particular characteristic of the staging sequence that triggers it.

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MechJeb does work but it has a few bugs with displaying dV...otherwise how would I be able to launch, auto-stage and reach other planets? It does not work atm with regards to auto piloting to an asteroid which is being worked on but works fine manually. Saying it does not work is quite blatantly wrong.

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