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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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Hello there,

Maybe someone can help me with a little issue... My ship is constantly rolling back and forth when using the ascent helper. It even do a complete flip around itself after the first staging... I don't understand what's making it doing so as I'm able to perfectly launch my ship with KOS when I used this one. (same design).

Maybe can you help me with that? Probably my ships have to much lift surface or something like that, if you have an idea about what can be wrong to cause this issue.

Kind regards.

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Guest Space Cowboy

Quick question. I would like to play multiplayer either thru the current multiplayer mod or whenever it comes standard with Kerbal. My goal is to have a station my friend and I can fly up to and rendezvous, and fly back down to the surface whenever we want.

My question: does MechJeb provide automatic guidance to rendezvous and perhaps even dock with an orbiting object? Thanks to anyone willing to answer!

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  FrancoisH said:
Hello there,

Maybe someone can help me with a little issue... My ship is constantly rolling back and forth when using the ascent helper. It even do a complete flip around itself after the first staging... I don't understand what's making it doing so as I'm able to perfectly launch my ship with KOS when I used this one. (same design).

Maybe can you help me with that? Probably my ships have to much lift surface or something like that, if you have an idea about what can be wrong to cause this issue.

Kind regards.

Are you using FAR ? If so, when using aerodynamic control surfaces, disable engine gimbals. Or build your rocket in a way you dont need aerodynamic controls (longer is better)...

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Sorry for being such a stupid buy but what do FAR stand for. Maybe I use these parts not knowing their name. Is it the active winglets? If so, yes I do use them because my rocket was quite unstable without those. I'll try to follow your suggestions ;) Anyway I started a new campaign now I have set up all my plug-ins as I wanted. Was quite hard to get a few of these working...

Some test mission are rather hard to complete. Especially those requiring a specific speed and altitude to test a part. I discovered I could use R10 boosters at middle altitude... I made a little rocket early using 4 of those. 2 activated at first ignition then staging to a standard liquid fuel rocket with two middle sized tanks (sorry, I have trouble remembering all the parts names). Then reaching the 20km as requested at the right speed activated the two remaining after cutting of the throttle of the main engine... and I got to orbit with this configuration as it wasn't expected initially ;)

Never thought to use rockets this way, as a mid ascension booster. Was quite funny in fact. Even a 100 km orbit with this configuration.

Anyway thank you, MechJeb is a fabulous tool, as kOS is too as well.

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  therealcrow999 said:
I notice this when I went put in the new dev version #341. There is a white blank area in the toolbar area.

Oh oh....

That might not be MechJeb's fault.

That might be my fault.

Did you click the white square?

If it's what I think it is, just ignore it..... it's harmless.

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  Starwaster said:
Oh oh....

That might not be MechJeb's fault.

That might be my fault.

Did you click the white square?

If it's what I think it is, just ignore it..... it's harmless.

I believe its harmless, I think you can click the area and nothing happens.

I didn't notice it was white until I moved it to have something in background other then the sky, It originally looks clear.

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Well, after trying mechjeb 335 release and loving the new features i had to revert back to an older release because i had around 8 - 10 fps no matter what rocket i was flying (be it large or small).

Anyway, i have been experiencing a problem recently that might not be entirely mechjeb related.

When mechjeb executes maneuvering nodes it does it great until towards the end of the burn when the node suddenly either starts jumping all over the nav ball or just goes to the back of the rocket and mechjeb tries to follow it thus ruining the whole thing.

It might not be such a big deal when circularizing but it really hurts when trying to reach another planet/moon.

Idk why this is happening and it doesn't happen all the time ... Last time it happened on a satellite, a small rocket, simple and symmetrical and not wobbly and yet the node just went nuts and mechjeb followed screwing my long and tedious burn ...

Why is this happening?

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  code99 said:
Well, after trying mechjeb 335 release and loving the new features i had to revert back to an older release because i had around 8 - 10 fps no matter what rocket i was flying (be it large or small).

Anyway, i have been experiencing a problem recently that might not be entirely mechjeb related.

When mechjeb executes maneuvering nodes it does it great until towards the end of the burn when the node suddenly either starts jumping all over the nav ball or just goes to the back of the rocket and mechjeb tries to follow it thus ruining the whole thing.

It might not be such a big deal when circularizing but it really hurts when trying to reach another planet/moon.

Idk why this is happening and it doesn't happen all the time ... Last time it happened on a satellite, a small rocket, simple and symmetrical and not wobbly and yet the node just went nuts and mechjeb followed screwing my long and tedious burn ...

Why is this happening?

I don't know, but try adjusting the tolerance on the maneuver node window.

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  sarbian said:
With the Kerbtown/RSS loaded, or just the https://github.com/MuMech/MechJeb2/raw/master/LandingSites.cfg file added somewhere ?

If you used just the file you need to add sites to it.

No kerbtown or RSS. I downloaded that LandingSites.cfg But WHAT FOLDER does it go in so that the Island Runway will show up as a landing location choice?

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  Galane said:
No kerbtown or RSS. I downloaded that LandingSites.cfg But WHAT FOLDER does it go in so that the Island Runway will show up as a landing location choice?

I think I need more instruction, or something isn't working as intended. I've got my landingsites.cfg placed in my mechjeb folder (due to lack of any other instruction). I copied the contents of this file: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MuMech/MechJeb2/master/LandingSites.cfg and notice the 3rd site I've added to LandingSites.

name = KSC Pad
latitude = -0.09694444
longitude = -74.5575
// body = "Kerbin" // if not set defaults to the starting world (Kerbin, Earth for RSS)
name = VAB
latitude = -0.09694444
longitude = -74.617
name = Mid Runway
latitude = -0.049284
longitude = -74.621956
name = KSC runway
// body = "Kerbin" // if not set defaults to the starting world (Kerbin, Earth for RSS)
latitude = -0.050185
longitude = -74.490867
altitude = 67
latitude = -0.0485981
longitude = -74.726413
altitude = 67
name = Island runway
latitude = -1.517306
longitude = -71.965488
altitude = 132
latitude = -1.515980
longitude = -71.852408
altitude = 132

I would expect my new "Mid Runway" site to be available in the Landing Guidance module, but still my only options are VAB and KSC Pad.

Edited by JedTech
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On latest release version (2.4.0) i got some funky docking autopilot behaviors recently, like overshooting the target dock position completely before going on axis, while having the message "moving to position at 0.00m/s" instead of backing up, going towards axis and moving forward as usual.

Target has multiple docking ports, it's almost like it picks the opposite docking port... All the while it stays completely off axis. Auto bounding box seems correct according to the figures i see in the docking window.

Did you fix something in more recent dev releases concerning auto docking ?

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