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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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does anyone know why is this happening?

It's a known bug. There's a problem with the launch pads colliders which cause the engines and the pad to overlap causing it to get stuck. The workaround is to use the red launch clamps elevating the rocket off the pad. It will get fixed in a future update but who knows when that will be.

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Where can I know which buildings upgrade I have to do in order to get a given option?

For exemple, in the launch autopilot, mechjeb tell me that I need an upgraded tracking station to let him circularize the orbit. However, it doesn't tell me at which level of upgrading it will allow it(do I need to upgrade the tracking station once or twice?).

Also, where can I change these? In exemple, if I want mechjeb to circularize the orbit even if I didn't upgraded my tracking station, what must I do?

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Where can I know which buildings upgrade I have to do in order to get a given option?

Also, where can I change these? In exemple, if I want mechjeb to circularize the orbit even if I didn't upgraded my tracking station, what must I do?

Level 2, and you can't. As in, there's exceptions and NullRefs if you try as MJ is literally unable to create a node to do it. As sarbian has said:

Blocking modules that uses node is about fixing a bug, not changing the user experience. When you call node related code without the upgraded tracking station you get errors/exceptions. Adding a check box won't make them go away by magic.
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How do I get ascent guidance in career mode? Is there anyway I can enable all the functions without having upgraded buildings I've literally spent 5 hours today trying to save a kerbal in orbit and its just stupid hard.

You could try editing the part cfg file, where it shows this:



name = MechJebCore

MechJebLocalSettings {

MechJebModuleCustomWindowEditor { unlockTechs = flightControl }

MechJebModuleSmartASS { unlockTechs = flightControl }

MechJebModuleManeuverPlanner { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }

MechJebModuleNodeEditor { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }

MechJebModuleTranslatron { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }

MechJebModuleWarpHelper { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }

MechJebModuleAttitudeAdjustment { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }

MechJebModuleThrustWindow { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }

MechJebModuleRCSBalancerWindow { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }

MechJebModuleRoverWindow { unlockTechs = fieldScience }

MechJebModuleAscentGuidance { unlockTechs = unmannedTech }

MechJebModuleLandingGuidance { unlockTechs = unmannedTech }

MechJebModuleSpaceplaneGuidance { unlockTechs = unmannedTech }

MechJebModuleDockingGuidance { unlockTechs = advUnmanned }

MechJebModuleRendezvousAutopilotWindow { unlockTechs = advUnmanned }

MechJebModuleRendezvousGuidance { unlockTechs = advUnmanned }

Change what you want enabled in unlockTechs = to start

So MechJebModuleAscentGuidance { unlockTechs = start }

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Landing guidance coordinates question/observation....

How accurate are the landing coordinates. I had a couple odd things happen when trying to land on Mun. I wanted to go one of the arches and launch a rover, and the landing guidance landed me ON TOP of the arch. A little difficult to launch a rover from there. I got out of that one by re-launching the skycrane....but still, impressive?

The next landing, I wanted to visit the flying saucer. I moved it one second off in one direction, and it tried to land me atop the saucer. Not being as wide as the arch, this had the effect of toppling my lander over. So I changed the coordinates by a few seconds in another direction. It still landed me on the saucer, capsizing my lander. Wouldn't a few seconds move me at least a couple hundred meters? Or is the landing guidance not that exact? How far away do I have to go coordinate-wise so as not to have the saucer put my lander on its head? Ideally I'd like to land no more than a couple hundred meters away.

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1. As I have stated multiple times MechJeb is not working as designed.

2. Mechjeb is acting on its OWN WHIMS.

3. MechJeb is either launch rockets the INSTANT engage auto pilot is hit

4. Mechjeb is either "waiting" but firing launch clamps prematurely then launching as soon as 17 SECONDS EARLY

5. Mechjeb is either "waiting" until "proper" time to launch but spasm fires ALL STAGES IN RAPID SEQUENCE WHILE STILL BURNING PRIOR STAGES.

6. Debug menu SHOWS NO FAULTS.

7. Something in .90 has rendered the current 2.4.2 MechJeb unusable to me. NOT a programmer so idk what is wrong.

I have stated ALL OF THIS already. All I have gotten by and large is derision and mockery. I went directly to seek help to no avail. I will make two statements implicitly clear again. This is GAME BREAKING for me and as such has rendered the game unplayable. I am NOT A PROGRAMMER. Editing code is not an option for me. Flying with out mechjeb is not possible as it is a CORE element to my value in the game. I have faith that either you sarbian or r4m0n know what is wrong. It is my faultering hope at this point you know of a fix for this because until one comes this game is not playable.

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Is there going to be an option to make the autopilot follow a particular order of actions like during a rocket launch a roll program is completed first then the pitch program starts instead of going all over the place chasing the target marker?

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And also is it actually going to support any aerodynamic mods adequately any soon like dealing with wobbles on high speeds flight and being able to get the true atmospheric data?

Just I would very very much like to be able to use the mod for its full extent with a realistic modded game.

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1. As I have stated multiple times MechJeb is not working as designed.

2. Mechjeb is acting on its OWN WHIMS.

3. MechJeb is either launch rockets the INSTANT engage auto pilot is hit

4. Mechjeb is either "waiting" but firing launch clamps prematurely then launching as soon as 17 SECONDS EARLY

5. Mechjeb is either "waiting" until "proper" time to launch but spasm fires ALL STAGES IN RAPID SEQUENCE WHILE STILL BURNING PRIOR STAGES.

6. Debug menu SHOWS NO FAULTS.

7. Something in .90 has rendered the current 2.4.2 MechJeb unusable to me. NOT a programmer so idk what is wrong.

I have stated ALL OF THIS already. All I have gotten by and large is derision and mockery. I went directly to seek help to no avail. I will make two statements implicitly clear again. This is GAME BREAKING for me and as such has rendered the game unplayable. I am NOT A PROGRAMMER. Editing code is not an option for me. Flying with out mechjeb is not possible as it is a CORE element to my value in the game. I have faith that either you sarbian or r4m0n know what is wrong. It is my faultering hope at this point you know of a fix for this because until one comes this game is not playable.

calm your tits bro. is version 2.4.1 of mechjeb working for you? maybe you can roll back one version if you really need mechjeb?

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1. As I have stated multiple times MechJeb is not working as designed.

2. Mechjeb is acting on its OWN WHIMS.

3. MechJeb is either launch rockets the INSTANT engage auto pilot is hit

4. Mechjeb is either "waiting" but firing launch clamps prematurely then launching as soon as 17 SECONDS EARLY

5. Mechjeb is either "waiting" until "proper" time to launch but spasm fires ALL STAGES IN RAPID SEQUENCE WHILE STILL BURNING PRIOR STAGES.

6. Debug menu SHOWS NO FAULTS.

7. Something in .90 has rendered the current 2.4.2 MechJeb unusable to me. NOT a programmer so idk what is wrong.

I have stated ALL OF THIS already. All I have gotten by and large is derision and mockery. I went directly to seek help to no avail. I will make two statements implicitly clear again. This is GAME BREAKING for me and as such has rendered the game unplayable. I am NOT A PROGRAMMER. Editing code is not an option for me. Flying with out mechjeb is not possible as it is a CORE element to my value in the game. I have faith that either you sarbian or r4m0n know what is wrong. It is my faultering hope at this point you know of a fix for this because until one comes this game is not playable.

A couple of questions to help with diagnosis of the problems you're having:

1. Does MechJeb behave this way for all rockets or just one in particular? Can you share a .craft file of a vessel that exhibits the behavior? (Please list any mods other than MechJeb that it uses, too, so others can load it)

2. Can you share an output_log.txt from a quick session in which the problem occurs? Ideally you would start the game and immediately proceed to launch, after the problem occurs exit and copy out the log file (this keeps the log shorter and easier to examine). The output_log.txt file is located in the KSP_Data folder.

Please be patient with the people trying to help, it is something they do voluntarily in their spare time and it is a busy season for almost everyone. :)

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General open questions:

Do you have any use for the MechJeb POD?

How do/would you like to use it?

I personally would use it as a rover-without-wheels. A robot to start exploring planets before I send my Kerbals out there to the unknown. So, since the original part can't do much other than Mech its own Jeb, and fly around, I've edited the part and added a few sensors to him, so it has a purpose to go and land somewhere. :)

What's your way to use it?

Also, what's the combo to open that core's eye during flight? : D

Thanks, and merry christmas!

Edited by Kowgan
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Anyone else having weird problems with mechjeb post .9 and 2.4.2?

The Kraken is eating ships left right and center, 25 in one go even. Screen goes black regularly when I switch ships or go to the space center. Advanced Planet transfer is throwing up awful paths and numbers half the time it tries to make a bee line for the planet and the other half schedules the manuever for centuries into the future, if it will project a manuever at all.

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Anyone else having weird problems with mechjeb post .9 and 2.4.2?

The Kraken is eating ships left right and center, 25 in one go even. Screen goes black regularly when I switch ships or go to the space center. Advanced Planet transfer is throwing up awful paths and numbers half the time it tries to make a bee line for the planet and the other half schedules the manuever for centuries into the future, if it will project a manuever at all.

No problems here. Output_log.txt or it didn't happen.

Here's how to find your logs.


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Let me remind everyone that my PM box is not an anger management support group hotline.

Ha! That paints a funny picture. Thank You for the great mod (without which I would have been finished with Kerbal a long time ago)! Merry Christmas.

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calm your tits bro. is version 2.4.1 of mechjeb working for you? maybe you can roll back one version if you really need mechjeb?

2.4.2 is the variant thats being bad. 2.4.1 was listed as .25 but stated to be .90 compat but all reports on curse said it was buggy. Saw 2.4.2 state supports .90 which is why I DLd it. I tried 2.4.0 but .90 kept crying foul.

Red Iron Crown I will get you the requested .craft and log this evening after holiday activities as well as other infos

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2.4.2 is the variant thats being bad. 2.4.1 was listed as .25 but stated to be .90 compat but all reports on curse said it was buggy. Saw 2.4.2 state supports .90 which is why I DLd it. I tried 2.4.0 but .90 kept crying foul.

Look here for the MJ Changes page for the devel versions. Lots of mods are changing a lot as they adapt to the massive changes in KSP 0.90. Click on the links on the left-hand side Build History to go to a page for a particular version to download it. Follow the thread here and the MechJeb2 Changes pages to see when new ones come out and for what reasons.

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1. As I have stated multiple times MechJeb is not working as designed.

2. Mechjeb is acting on its OWN WHIMS.

3. MechJeb is either launch rockets the INSTANT engage auto pilot is hit

4. Mechjeb is either "waiting" but firing launch clamps prematurely then launching as soon as 17 SECONDS EARLY

5. Mechjeb is either "waiting" until "proper" time to launch but spasm fires ALL STAGES IN RAPID SEQUENCE WHILE STILL BURNING PRIOR STAGES.

6. Debug menu SHOWS NO FAULTS.

7. Something in .90 has rendered the current 2.4.2 MechJeb unusable to me. NOT a programmer so idk what is wrong.

I have stated ALL OF THIS already. All I have gotten by and large is derision and mockery. I went directly to seek help to no avail. I will make two statements implicitly clear again. This is GAME BREAKING for me and as such has rendered the game unplayable. I am NOT A PROGRAMMER. Editing code is not an option for me. Flying with out mechjeb is not possible as it is a CORE element to my value in the game. I have faith that either you sarbian or r4m0n know what is wrong. It is my faultering hope at this point you know of a fix for this because until one comes this game is not playable.

The described behavior is consistent with something issuing spacebar characters at random times. My experience with MechJeb 2.4.2 and KSP 9.90 has been no worse than the earlier releases. I have successfully completed the career mode through researching all of the tech tree and getting three kerbalnauts to level 5 (1 pilot, 1 engineer and 1 scientist). Admittedly I run a rather clean game with only ModuleManager and MechJeb mods installed (and a few customized parts).


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