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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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Thanks for the prompt update! Can't fly efficiently enough without Mechjeb.


Awesome to see an update so fast, I thought the changes made to sas would do more chaos than it seems to have.

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Anyone else having a docking issue? My ship that im currently flying just spins and spins.

I had this happen to me and right after my VAB locked up I could build a craft, but not save, launch or load.

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I had an issue with when I tried to dock with the autopilot, the craft spun out {and boom} after I couldn't load, save or launch anything in the VAB all the buttons were un-clickable. Had to do a clean reinstal

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Edit: Herp a derp - I had the guidance part installed upside down. Never mind this - it seems to be working just fine!

Yep. Looks like something has been turned around 180 degrees somewhere - the ascent guidance is doing its best to bore a hole into the ground at exactly 180 degrees from the correct ascent vector, and the circularize orbit maneuver node is burning retrograde when it should be burning prograde.

Edited by LordAldrich
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Sounds like the 'new' ASAS is screwing it up. :mad: Have you guys tried docking without MechJeb?

Yup i have but that's not the point, I am merely reporting a bug and obviously something is throwing it off, i turned off my reaction wheels while docking and it still couldn't dock to save it's life.

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It works for me. It's a bit different. I used rendezvous auto pilot to get to 50m separation. I switched to the target ship and used Smart A.S.S. to KILROT, back at my active docking ship I clicked over to docking mode in the lower left hand corner then used docking autopilot. Took a while and used a ton of monopro.

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Hey everyone, just signed up to post a possible bug issue with the current version of MJ.

Going to wall of text everyone so please hang in there.

OK so the situation is as follows, IM trying to save some kerbs from mun who had an accident on landing. So I made a Lander and injection craft to get there. 3 man cap with a separator and MJ module, SAS remote command section with fuel, rocket legs RCS and fuel and all that jazz attached to a multistage orbit delivery system.

This is where things go bad. With the new patch we can play around with kerbs so I want this rocket to go up without any crew and use the remote system to get it to mun. So I first launch goes without a hitch. Perfect in every way until I notice I forgot to remove the kerbs from the capsule. No problems. Reload launch, remove kerbs and fire again, this is where things go wrong. After 5 attempts later with my rocket going ape**** at around 20km I notice on attempt 6 that while im sitting on the pad, the navball is showing at 30deg of vertical. well that's odd.

Launch anyway, ship goes stupid and finally dies at around 20km again. Reload and add crew. On the pad with navball sitting dead center where it should be. Remove crew, 30 degrees off. OK something wrong here so I made the fateful choice to take the mechjeb unit off to test if its a game or a MJ issue and game over. Once I got rid of the MJ off the ship i can no longer select any of the top righthand buttons, launch quit and all that. Had to close the game from task manager so I restarted and problem persists.

The saved game is dead. Starting a new game there is no problem but the game I removed the MJ mod is totally locked out now regardless of restarts. Ah well hope we get it fixed because this is a really useful tool for the game

If you have any other Q in regards to this let me know.

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Yup i have but that's not the point, I am merely reporting a bug and obviously something is throwing it off, i turned off my reaction wheels while docking and it still couldn't dock to save it's life.

This. It does a great job launching. Which is tedious already. But I did notice that it doesnt utilize SAS as much as it used to. Used to flicker on and off.

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KaidenOZ, I have a feeling that your remote pod may not be facing upward the way that your command pod is. Once you switch control to the remote unit, its "up" would be off if it's attached to the wrong part of the ship.

At first I thought maybe you needed some more control torque that can be gained from reaction wheels, since maybe removing the crew would reduce your steering power.

edit: Unfortunately I have no idea why you lost the save. :( I saw reports earlier of old versions of MJ possibly causing that, but not the current one.

Edited by texasmed
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Okay, the woes I've been having with Mechjeb and Rovers for the past six months are still continuing. Now instead of flipping things around like it's drunk, it simply ignores all mechjeb commands if there's a wheel anywhere on the vehicle. As this is sort of a huge problem- Can -ANYONE- think of anything that might sort this out so I can use rovers for once?

[edit] Ah, it ignores any smart A.S.S commands but still cant' figure out how to set something with wheels on the ground without drunkenly swinging back and forth until it slams into the ground.

Edited by Tassyr
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KaidenOZ, I have a feeling that your remote pod may not be facing upward the way that your command pod is. Once you switch control to the remote unit, its "up" would be off if it's attached to the wrong part of the ship.

At first I thought maybe you needed some more control torque that can be gained from reaction wheels, since maybe removing the crew would reduce your steering power.

edit: Unfortunately I have no idea why you lost the save. :( I saw reports earlier of old versions of MJ possibly causing that, but not the current one.

thanks or your input mate, i jumped back into a new game to test it further to see if it was the remote control unit being the problem. alas no.

i built a new basic ship following the basic setup as before. capsule-> seperator -> SAS -> remote control ->fuel tank -> engine. without a mechjeb unit this time. with crew in the rocket on the pad read as vertical. removed crew and it was fine. adde mechjeb unit with crew was fine. removed crew and on the pad wa reading 30 odd degrees off on the navball again. its definatly a MJ problem based on this second round of testing. try it yourself and see. on a p[ositive note removing the MJ unit didnt lock me out of the game controls this time.

on a side note i am running the new 2.0.9 MJ with latest game version


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Dum Question, were do you install the new Version of MechJeb2-

Extract the one folder from ZIP file. Move that folder to GameData. Do NOT move parts to other sub-folders. Be sure to remove old MechJeb from GameData.

In Controller tab of VAB/SPH, install the MechJeb device on your command capsule. (If you already knew this, I'm not trying to insult you. When I first installed this mod, I did not know that was required. LFMF)

Edited by Apollo13
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Use a probe core under your pod and make sure it's being controlled from there. I've had a similar problem before with removing crew and then it reverts to the next command-able core or pod. Often times I'll slap a core on a radial mount and when it reverts it'll use the probe core's axis' to determine which way is "Up", Can't tell you how many times that has happened and my launch has gone bat**** crazy.

Sounds like whatever mechjeb unit your using also functions as a command source, yours wouldn't happen to be on the pods sloping sides now would it???

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Use a probe core under your pod and make sure it's being controlled from there. I've had a similar problem before with removing crew and then it reverts to the next command-able core or pod. Often times I'll slap a core on a radial mount and when it reverts it'll use the probe core's axis' to determine which way is "Up", Can't tell you how many times that has happened and my launch has gone bat**** crazy.

Sounds like whatever mechjeb unit your using also functions as a command source, yours wouldn't happen to be on the pods sloping sides now would it???

This - 100x this! I have a bunch of crazy sideways lanches till I realised the mechjeb as on a slope!

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Use a probe core under your pod and make sure it's being controlled from there. I've had a similar problem before with removing crew and then it reverts to the next command-able core or pod. Often times I'll slap a core on a radial mount and when it reverts it'll use the probe core's axis' to determine which way is "Up", Can't tell you how many times that has happened and my launch has gone bat**** crazy.

Sounds like whatever mechjeb unit your using also functions as a command source, yours wouldn't happen to be on the pods sloping sides now would it???

yes the mechjeb was mounted to the side of the pod. could possibly be the issue. il test it again and let you know

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Use a probe core under your pod and make sure it's being controlled from there. I've had a similar problem before with removing crew and then it reverts to the next command-able core or pod. Often times I'll slap a core on a radial mount and when it reverts it'll use the probe core's axis' to determine which way is "Up", Can't tell you how many times that has happened and my launch has gone bat**** crazy.

Sounds like whatever mechjeb unit your using also functions as a command source, yours wouldn't happen to be on the pods sloping sides now would it???

ok good spot mate, manualy switching to the remote control on the pad fixs it. so as you said. its the MJ unit acting as commander and throwing off the navball

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