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Star Wars: The Force Awakens


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I liked the previews. It should be good so long as the keep the hell away from the wackier and narrative destroying stories of the EU. I'm sorry EU fans, you enjoyed them in your youth and I don't want to take your enjoyment away from you, I'm not saying the stories themselves are bad, just that their overall effect on the movie narrative is disastrous. Disney made the right choice to not be constrained by them

Examples of terrible narrative ideas in my opinion. First, because people have raised it as a possibility, and his absence in the clips, the whole Luke turning to the dark side thing.... absolutely atrocious idea, wiping out basically all of the character development and indeed the entire point of the first trilogy. Similarly bad ideas are Emperor clones or Vadar Clones. Basically any idea which makes the previous movies irrelevant.

Also they need to stay away from "Buffy Syndrome" also known as a case of the "Stargates". This is a condition where after you defeat the [B]Big Bad[/B] you find out that really there was an even [B]Bigger Bad[/B] that you didn't know about previously. Of course, once you beat the [B]Bigger Bad[/B], you find they were just holding back the [B]Ultimate Bad [/B]all along.

Before the previews, I would also have listed more super-weapons as being pretty silly as well... I mean, how many times do we need to destroy ultraweapons... but I'm reserving judgement on Starkillar base. Edited by Tourist
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The movie will break all records on box office still it's not released but got most famous among all of us like Finn and Han solo who will be the leading character, i love Han Solo style outwear i saw at [URL="http://www.famous-jackets.co.uk/Force-Awakens-Han-Solo-Jacket"]online[/URL] it is very nice will surely be wearing while watching the movie.
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  • 3 weeks later...


I just saw it about an hour ago and I loved it all...  All the FX are amazing and anyone who hasn't seen it yet will love the classic action scenes as well as the more tender side of things that all Star Wars movies have.

I won't reveal any spoilers ever, as they would probably ruin your life if I did (is you're a die-hard Star Wars fan that is). I also won't write a whole review, because that would take forever. Instead I'll just sum it up in single words:

Awesome. Amazing. Epic. Intense. Confusing (in some parts). Mysterious. Force-y. Lightsabre-y. Umm.... Well you get the idea. :)

Happy Flying


May the force be with you....

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Mine eyes have seen the glory... Abrams has delivered!

I will not reveal any secrets, but I will say that this movie can hold its own against any of the previous films, even the originals. There were a few things I have issues with (as with any movie), but overall, I enjoyed it very much.

Edited by pTrevTrevs
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Actually not bad. Solid movie. Solid effects. Solid casting. Nothing over the top twist wise, had a real Star Wars feel to it. Nothing too spectacular but if you're expecting prequel levels of disappointment, you won't get it here. As a matter of fact I would say this edges out ROTJ as perhaps my third favorite. My opinion is I feel I got my money's worth and am actually looking forward to seeing where they take this trilogy.

Some other things to note here though it is does share one problem with ANH: the middle of the movie kind of drops out. Also the beginning of the movie is a bit stronger than the end. It certainly has the feel of the first part of a trilogy, but I felt the bulk of what happened in the movie was self contained. The ending felt more like the end of the 'Two Towers' instead of the end of say the end of 'The Matrix Reloaded'.
Edited by Frybert
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I'm speechless. Just got home from the theater. Like was mentioned above, I had a few kinks with the movie (mainly astrophysics related, thanks SQUAD) but overall the movie is amazing. It well surpasses Episodes I-III, and is up there with IV-VI. If you're questioning whether or not to see it, or whether or not it's good, do yourself a favor and go see it as soon as possible. 

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I saw the movie yesterday and I have mixed feelings.

On the one hand, it is pretty solid on a lot of levels (acting, special effects that actually serves the movie and the universe, pacing, characters, ...). On the other hand the plot is weak (ANH all over again), not really interesting and quite confusing and the movie is 30 minutes too long.

Way better than I, II, III and VI but not even close to IV and V.

Edited by H2O.
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I loved it! The success of this movie is proof that characters and story are more important than special effects. Though there's plenty of classic Star Wars eye candy, the storytelling is done in a way that makes us connect emotionally with the characters, relate to them, and feel their triumphs and failures like we're right there with them.

Heck, you can even pull off a believable potential romance story arc without creepy stalker staring and monotone delivery of cheesy love lines. Who knew!?

It's a stark contrast to the hollowness of Ep. 1-3, where the characters are boring, and the space battles look nice but the audience doesn't care which side wins because no meaning is behind it, and thus no dramatic tension.

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This will be one of the few times I break my general rule of waiting a couple weeks after release to see movies, mostly because I don't want spoilers for this one and I don't feel like cutting off all contact from the world. Still a bit loathe to do it though, especially with Star Wars fans being so notorious for showing up early (I don't feel like standing in the hall for an hour before the theatre is ready because we couldn't all be borderline late like proper grown ups :D).


Ah well, some friends asked if I wanted to come along, and I figure why not.

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Saw it last night. Great movie, though some of it is just blatant fan service. BB-8 is better than R2-D2 in my opinion. He has a lot more personality, and the fact that he can move his head all the way around his body means he can make far more expressive motions, like drooping his head in sadness or bobbing his head in excitement in the back of an X-Wing (then hiding inside as TIEs scream past) that made him feel much more like a character and less like the resident beep generator.

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  On 12/18/2015 at 7:58 PM, Randox said:

This will be one of the few times I break my general rule of waiting a couple weeks after release to see movies,



Same here. I saw it at a 2:30 AM showing last night.  Of course I was there opening night for all the prequels too, but this time I left the theatre feeling great about the movie.  Overall it's very strong.  The acting of Ridley and Boyega are great. And Ford isn't phoning this one in, you don't see Harrison Ford, you see Han Solo.  Most of the fan service doesn't seem jammed in, it fits more naturally (Most, Not all).  The story is pretty basic, but the execution of it is great so you can forgive the issues with it. Kind of like CA: The Winter Soldier. I may actually return to theatres to watch this again in a few weeks when it isn't so jammed packed.  I was so close to the screen I couldn't take in the periphery without averting my eyes from the center.

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Just got back from seeing it, I'd give it 9/10, and my main issue isn't with the movie itself, but rather the marketing/merchandising crap that has gone with it. I know that there will be toys and lightsabers and costumes, but Star Wars coffee creamer? Seriously? Ridiculous. 

My thoughts on the actual plot of the movie:

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I don't mind the blatant fan service. You could tell who the Star Wars fans were at certain points because they cheered in the theatre. I have issues with some of the physical designs simply because I am familiar with the cross sections and know why they won't work, but I'm willing to let that slide. It was certainly a bit different, but I really like the angle they have taken with the story, and I really like the new characters, and I think the next two movies should do pretty well. Hoping to see it again in theatres actually with another group of friends. Accidently saw it in 3D (was wondering why the ticket cost so much), and it was worth the extra dollars in my opinion.

I'll have to sleep on it, but I think this movie will be able to hold it's own with the original trilogy, and I don't think watching these four movies together would be a jarring experience like it is with the prequels. I'm still not sure I really like JJ Abrams, but I'm giving him a pass on this one :)

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