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Kerbal Space Program update 1.0.5 enters experimental testing!


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Experimentals are here!:cool: That means, based on past experimentals timespans and considering it has started mid-week, I estimate the rest of this week and the whole of next week will be experimentals. Then, there will be a weekend in which YouTubers/streamers with experimentals copies of 1.05 will do their 1.05 showcase videos, meaning the week in which the Sunday at the end of the weekend in question is a part of will be the same week that KSP 1.05 is released, most-likely on a Tuesday, so the Squad staff doesn't have to cram a devnote with not much to say AND a "1.05 Update is Now Live!" notice with a quick rundown of KSP 1.05 into the same two-day timespan! :):confused:(If your :huh:, here's a summary: In short, it will probably be only 1 week and 6 days until the Kerbal Space Program 1.05 Update is now live! :0.0::D)

Edited by LaytheDragon
Typo in the word "Experimentals"
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So happy!!!!!!! I can't wait for 1.0.5!!!

Why does the moderator need to approve this?

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  AlextheBodacious said:
So... can I get it now? Or do I have to wait...

Sorry, we have to wait. Experimentals is the stage when all the features have been added, and it's in it's final phase, where testers push the game to it's limits, find any bugs, and report it. It lasts typically two weeks, and it is a benchmark for both the community and developers that release is near, which is why the Hypetrain is started once a version has reached that stage of development.

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There's been so much complaining over the months about stuff going up on Twitter/Facebook/Reddit/<other social delivery service of your choice>, but where are all the cries of "thank you!" when news like this is put right here in the announcements section for all to see?

Thank you, Kasper!

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Did somebody say they are shrinking the ISRU? Pleas tell me they are adding a smaller one and not shrinking the big one. I use mine as an importan structural item in every build I make... If they have two canisters they should really make two converters....

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