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[1.9.1] SLS Part Pack Basic Version - Small update: specular parts & preview of the new Main Core


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The work on the next update in progress. Today, Orion received new textures and docking port. I fixed the ESM and many other parts. However, the waiting list is still long.


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The RO config hasan issue. Orion shows a max delta v of only about 850 m/s (should be ~1.4 km/s) and its about 10 tons over its actual mass. I think you misinterpretted the gross/dry weight NASA listed. And AR-1 and F1-B can't gimbal, and F1-B's mixture ratio is way off what it should be

Edited by brickmack
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First I just wanted to say thanks for this mod, the textures are really well done and I really love the way you put the fuel tanks together.

I do have a couple of questions though. The SAS in Realism Overhaul has a factor of 10.0 from memory? I'm just wondering how to lower this to make it more inline with other pods in RO, if someone can direct me I don't mind doing the work. Also, whenever I jettison the escape system I seem to have a pretty large explosion the destroys my solar panels, I jettison through staging, am I doing something wrong?

I was also wondering if I could request a feature of an interstage decoupler that would be more universal to attach to other craft. Basically this would mean you could use the SLS initial stage/SRB's as a booster for other craft. If that's a bad idea or there is in fact a way to do it let me know though, it was just a thought I had while playing last night.

Thanks for making this, I'm really interested in the second launch pad you're working on!

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@Sobol ok. In the meantime, I've posted fixed versions of the RO configs here. This includes AR-1 and F-1B gimballing, F-1B mix ratio, and a general redo of Orion's config (the original turned out to be very innaccurate. Orion SM should only have 1 set of tanks for all engines, just burning MMH/MON-3, and the CM RCS is hydrazine monoprop. Changed Orion engine configs as well to match real life fuel, thrust, and ISP values).

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  On 5/16/2016 at 7:10 AM, Irenicus said:

Hello! Where I can get RO config?

Because in my 1.1.2 version with instaled RO+RSS  I have message : THIS PART NOT SUPPORTED BY RO.  And tihs message I see for ALL PARTS  SLS


Theres a realism overhaul config folder included in the download, make sure you extract that as well. That should make most of the parts work in RO. After you do that, you should probably also include the patches I posted here (just replace the RO configs in the original link with those), since the ones originally included don't work too well

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  On 5/16/2016 at 4:36 PM, brickmack said:

Theres a realism overhaul config folder included in the download, make sure you extract that as well. That should make most of the parts work in RO. After you do that, you should probably also include the patches I posted here (just replace the RO configs in the original link with those), since the ones originally included don't work too well



Thak you so much!! It is working!! :))

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Sobol, is there a RO config for your LC39?

Edit: I assumed there wasn't so I made one myself. 

In each config:


    scale = 1.6,1.6,1.6

after the mesh line and replace the instance with the following

		CelestialBody = Earth
		Orientation = 0,1,0
		RadialPosition = 913107.57671685559177104,3051680,-5518225.61
		RadiusOffset = 90
		RotationAngle = 350
		VisibilityRange = 25000
		Group = RoundRange
		LaunchSiteName = Launch Pad 39B
		LaunchPadTransform = spawn
		LaunchSiteDescription = .
		LaunchSiteLogo = SLS
		LaunchSiteType = VAB
		Category = RocketPad
		OpenCost = 40000
		CloseValue = 10000
		OpenCloseState = Open
		FacilityType = None
		CustomInstance = True
		LaunchRefund = 10
		RecoveryFactor = 0
		RecoveryRange = 100000

Sobol, is 1.6 the right scale to convert the LC to its real size?

Also, do you think you could make an Apollo program version of LC39? I know it isn't part of the Space Launch System, but you might have done most of the work already.

Edited by ErrHeadII
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  On 5/21/2016 at 5:34 PM, Sobol said:

@ErrHeadII No, no . You do not need to scale models , they are all made in real dimensions. Can I put the configuration in the next update?

@james123456789 Can you post a screen and describe it ? I don't understand your problem .


Ah, okay. Yes, feel free to do anything you want with it, no rights reserved and all that. It is currently positioned off to the left (facing east) of the runway when Cape Canaveral is selected in RSS, I am going to try adjusting it.


Moved it to Pad 39B's real position:

		CelestialBody = Earth
		Orientation = 0,1,0
		RadialPosition = 911349.3,3052434,-5517488
		RadiusOffset = 90
		RotationAngle = 260
		VisibilityRange = 100000
		Group = LC39B
		LaunchSiteName = Launch Pad 39B

Here is an instance for Chris P. Bacon's VAB in its real position also:

		CelestialBody = Earth
		RadialPosition = 908856.4,3048479,-5520260
		Orientation = 0,1,0
		RadiusOffset = 243
		RotationAngle = 161
		VisibilityRange = 100000

His VAB is under the CC BY-SA 2.0 license.

Too bad we don't have a crawlerway connecting the two hint hint

Edit 2:

Here is my attempt at the SLF with Konstruct's included runway statics and landing guide system:


// Generated by Kerbal Konstructs

	mesh = kkrunway1strip.mu
	scale = 1.6,1.6,1.6
	module = Part
	static = true
	author = AlphaAsh
	DefaultLaunchPadTransform = kkrunway1strip_spawn
	title = Runway Strip
	category = Runways
	cost = 40000
	manufacturer = KashCorp
	description = Planes crash on it.
	DefaultLaunchSiteLength = 0
	DefaultLaunchSiteWidth = 0
	name = kkrunway1strip
	DefaultFacilityType = None
	DefaultFacilityLength = 0
	DefaultFacilityWidth = 0
	DefaultFacilityHeight = 0
	DefaultFacilityMassCapacity = 0
	DefaultFacilityCraftCapacity = 0
	DefaultStaffMax = 0
	LqFMax = 0
	OxFMax = 0
	MoFMax = 0
	ECMax = 0
	DefaultProductionRateMax = 0
	OreMax = 0
	PrOreMax = 0
	DefaultScienceOMax = 0
	DefaultRepOMax = 0
	DefaultFundsOMax = 0
	keepConvex = 
		CelestialBody = Earth
		RadialPosition = 903657.6,3052112,-5518590
		Orientation = -0.02,1,0.02
		RadiusOffset = 163.5
		RotationAngle = 319
		RefLatitude = 28.62533
		RefLongitude = 279.2995
		VisibilityRange = 25000
		Group = Ungrouped
		GroupCenter = false
		RefCenter = 905976.9,3049440,-5520239
		LaunchPadTransform = kkrunway1strip_spawn
		LaunchSiteDescription = No description available.
		Category = Other
		FacilityType = None
		CustomInstance = True
		CelestialBody = Earth
		RadialPosition = 904333.6,3050941,-5518590
		Orientation = 0,1,0
		RadiusOffset = 163.5
		RotationAngle = 319
		RefLatitude = 28.61561
		RefLongitude = 279.3064
		VisibilityRange = 25000
		Group = Ungrouped
		GroupCenter = false
		RefCenter = 905976.9,3049440,-5520239
		LaunchPadTransform = kkrunway1strip_spawn
		LaunchSiteDescription = No description available.
		Category = Other
		FacilityType = None
		CustomInstance = True
		CelestialBody = Earth
		RadialPosition = 905012.6,3049763,-5518589
		Orientation = 0,1,0
		RadiusOffset = 162.4
		RotationAngle = 319
		RefLatitude = 28.60584
		RefLongitude = 279.3132
		VisibilityRange = 25000
		Group = Ungrouped
		GroupCenter = false
		RefCenter = 905976.9,3049440,-5520239
		LaunchPadTransform = kkrunway1strip_spawn
		LaunchSiteDescription = No description available.
		Category = Other
		FacilityType = None
		CustomInstance = True
		CelestialBody = Earth
		RadialPosition = 905692.6,3048590,-5518595
		Orientation = 0,1,0
		RadiusOffset = 162.5
		RotationAngle = 319
		RefLatitude = 28.59608
		RefLongitude = 279.3201
		VisibilityRange = 25000
		Group = Ungrouped
		GroupCenter = false
		RefCenter = 905976.9,3049440,-5520239
		LaunchPadTransform = kkrunway1strip_spawn
		LaunchSiteDescription = No description available.
		Category = Other
		FacilityType = None
		CustomInstance = True


// Generated by Kerbal Konstructs

	mesh = ksideflatlaunchlg.mu
	module = Part
	static = true
	author = KerbinSide
	title = Landing Guide
	category = Misc
	cost = 0
	manufacturer = KashCorp
	name = kerbinsideflatlaunchlguide
	DefaultFacilityType = LandingGuide
	keepConvex = 
	DefaultLaunchPadTransform = 
	description = 
		CelestialBody = Earth
		RadialPosition = 905960.9,3049476,-5520239
		Orientation = 0,1,0
		RadiusOffset = 204.5
		RotationAngle = 139
		RefLatitude = 28.5959
		RefLongitude = 279.3201
		VisibilityRange = 25000
		Group = SLF
		GroupCenter = true
		RefCenter = 905960.9,3049476,-5520239
		LaunchSiteDescription = No description available.
		Category = Other
		FacilityType = LandingGuide
		CustomInstance = True


// Generated by Kerbal Konstructs

	mesh = kklandinglights2.mu
	scale = 2,2,2
	module = Part
	static = true
	keepConvex = 
	author = AlphaAsh
	title = Landing Lights
	category = Airbases
	cost = 0
	manufacturer = KashCorp
	description = Lights to land by.
	name = kklandinglights2
	DefaultFacilityType = None
	DefaultLaunchPadTransform = 
		RadiusOffset = 177.5
		CelestialBody = Earth
		Group = SLF
		RadialPosition = 906078.9,3049278,-5520239
		RotationAngle = 319
		Orientation = 0,1,0
		VisibilityRange = 50000
		LaunchPadTransform = 
		CustomInstance = True
		RefCenter = 905976.9,3049440,-5520239
		GroupCenter = false
		FacilityType = None
		RefLatitude = 28.5942547379215
		RefLongitude = 279.321276320475
		LaunchSiteDescription = No description available.


// Generated by Kerbal Konstructs

	mesh = kkrunway1ramp.mu
	scale = 1.6,1.6,1.6
	module = Part
	static = true
	DefaultLaunchPadTransform = 
	author = AlphaAsh
	title = Runway Ramp
	category = Runways
	cost = 10000
	manufacturer = KashCorp
	description = Planes get on and off a runway with this
	DefaultLaunchSiteLength = 0
	DefaultLaunchSiteWidth = 0
	name = kkrunway1ramp
	DefaultFacilityType = None
	DefaultFacilityLength = 0
	DefaultFacilityWidth = 0
	DefaultFacilityHeight = 0
	DefaultFacilityMassCapacity = 0
	DefaultFacilityCraftCapacity = 0
	DefaultStaffMax = 0
	LqFMax = 0
	OxFMax = 0
	MoFMax = 0
	ECMax = 0
	DefaultProductionRateMax = 0
	OreMax = 0
	PrOreMax = 0
	DefaultScienceOMax = 0
	DefaultRepOMax = 0
	DefaultFundsOMax = 0
	keepConvex = 
		CelestialBody = Earth
		RadialPosition = 905976.9,3049440,-5520239
		Orientation = 0,1,0
		RadiusOffset = 193.5
		RotationAngle = 138
		RefLatitude = 28.59561
		RefLongitude = 279.3203
		VisibilityRange = 100000
		Group = Ungrouped
		GroupCenter = true
		RefCenter = 905976.9,3049440,-5520239
		LaunchSiteDescription = No description available.
		Category = Other
		FacilityType = None
		CustomInstance = True
		CelestialBody = Earth
		RadialPosition = 902951.1,3053284,-5518579
		Orientation = 0,1,0
		RadiusOffset = 230.4
		RotationAngle = 319
		RefLatitude = 28.63512
		RefLongitude = 279.2924
		VisibilityRange = 25000
		Group = Ungrouped
		GroupCenter = false
		RefCenter = 905976.9,3049440,-5520239
		LaunchSiteDescription = No description available.
		Category = Other
		FacilityType = None
		CustomInstance = True


// Generated by Kerbal Konstructs

	mesh = ksidetwinlightslg.mu
	module = Part
	static = true
	DefaultLaunchPadTransform = 
	author = AlphaAsh
	title = Lights Twin TGL
	category = Lights
	cost = 0
	manufacturer = KashCorp
	description = Lights.
	name = kktwinlightsL
	DefaultFacilityType = TouchdownGuideL
	keepConvex = 
		CelestialBody = Earth
		RadialPosition = 905981.9,3049477,-5520209
		Orientation = 0,1,0
		RadiusOffset = 204.5
		RotationAngle = 139
		RefLatitude = 28.59602
		RefLongitude = 279.3203
		VisibilityRange = 25000
		Group = SLF
		GroupCenter = false
		RefCenter = 905960.9,3049476,-5520239
		LaunchSiteDescription = No description available.
		Category = Other
		FacilityType = TouchdownGuideL
		CustomInstance = True


// Generated by Kerbal Konstructs

	mesh = ksidetwinlightslg.mu
	module = Part
	static = true
	author = AlphaAsh
	title = Lights Twin TGR
	category = Lights
	cost = 0
	manufacturer = KashCorp
	description = Lights.
	name = kktwinlightsR
	DefaultFacilityType = TouchdownGuideR
	DefaultStaffMax = 0
	DefaultProductionRateMax = 0
	DefaultScienceOMax = 0
	DefaultFundsOMax = 0
	keepConvex = 
	DefaultLaunchPadTransform = 
		CelestialBody = Earth
		RadialPosition = 905934.9,3049453,-5520239
		Orientation = 0,1,0
		RadiusOffset = 204.5
		RotationAngle = 139
		RefLatitude = 28.5957359142203
		RefLongitude = 279.319821165254
		VisibilityRange = 25000
		Group = SLF
		GroupCenter = false
		RefCenter = 905976.9,3049440,-5520239
		LaunchSiteDescription = No description available.
		OpenCost = 0
		FacilityType = TouchdownGuideR
		TrackingShort = 0
		TrackingAngle = 0
		StaffMax = 0
		ProductionRateMax = 0
		ScienceOMax = 0
		FundsOMax = 0
		CustomInstance = True
		Category = Other
		LaunchPadTransform = 


Edited by ErrHeadII
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that's a really cool mod. I will definitely give it a try on my RO install once I have a bit of time. Would you mind me if I delete the fuel tanks for PP instead?:blush:

(and also, really cool looking butless engines... :) )

Edited by Zarbizaure
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