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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-END OF CHAPTER 21! (and hopefully not so many talking heads in 22!)

Mister Dilsby

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13 hours ago, Deddly said:

Seems to me that the Kerbulans plan on having Kenlie Kerman under their control - hence the agonizer he has been forced to wear. Time will tell whether his loyalties to Kerbfleet outwiegh his fear of pain.

Probably so,,,  but I'm still hoping for a Kenlie-Kenlie alliance to save the day...

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11 hours ago, 0111narwhalz said:

I have to ask: What does a comma-ellipsis mean, particularly in relation to a normal ellipsis?

It means I have poor typing, and I should change my browser font-- I can barely tell the difference between commas and periods on these forums. :confused:

Er, I mean... [witty comeback].

(But seriously, I need to change this font.)


EDIT: I just realized @0111narwhalz is true to his word in declaring himself a "brutal nitpicker," as he saw what I couldn't.  No offense taken (or meant).  You actually improved my KSP forum experience-- my new font is much more readable at small scales-- thanks!

[and I will avoid such off-topic excess in the future,  Sorry, @Kuzzter.]

Edited by boccelounge
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On 09/02/2017 at 8:11 AM, Deddly said:

Seems to me that the Kerbulans plan on having Kenlie Kerman under their control - hence the agonizer he has been forced to wear. Time will tell whether his loyalties to Kerbfleet outwiegh his fear of pain.

I think this depends on his courage/stupidity stats- with a high level of courage and a medium to low level of stupidity, he would be able to see that staying loyal to Kerbfleet is the best course of action, and have the bravery to carry this out.

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Simply from the fact that Kenlie volunteered for the mission, I don't think we need to see his bravery stat to know that it's pegging the needle.  Stupidity is more subject to discussion--he did volunteer, after all--but I don't think loyalty is really a problem for him.  So far as I know, he still has his Duna patch.

Besides, it's hardly fair to equate psychological breaking under torture to failed loyalties.  That implies that those being hurt are somehow at fault for not having either the physical or psychological fortitude to withstand strains that are deliberately designed to destroy that fortitude--it's morally equivalent to being angry with a murder victim for not being immortal.  I agree that what is about to transpire will in some way be a battle of wills, but if anything, the SPQK's reliance on torture shows that it lacks both the means and the motivation to create something better.  Since fear of pain is emphatically not the same as loyalty, and since Kenlie knew exactly what he was volunteering to do, I think the real test is whether Kenlie has enough fortitude to endure what will come, enough mental (possibly also physical) agility to sidestep the worst of it, and enough residual strength to manage to secure a path to victory before the insidious cruelty of an organisation dedicated to controlling people by torture finally wears him out.  He may manage to make a correct challenge to leadership--that counts as sidestepping.  He may simply shake off the pain and succeed--that's fortitude.  But he may find that a lifetime of comparatively easy living, where the worst that anyone ever did to him was accidentally knock his shoulder while crawling into the passenger cabin of a Gliido, has left him completely unprepared to deal with what he's about to face, in which case he loses the gambit.  The Kerbulans provide the conflict, but Kenlie's wager provides the suspense.

Truly, assuming it is a quirk of personality rather than something akin to whatever passes for genetics or heredity in Kerbals, Kenlie really ought to have his BadS status revised as well.

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On 2/11/2017 at 0:22 PM, obney kerman said:

So Shirley is the Kaptin pike of this story.

That implies there will be a future Captin Bill who speaks... dramatically and has... a bad... hairpiece: but there's already a Bill in Kerbfleet, and despite the coincidental fact that our Bill Kerman cheated on his Kerbahashi Maru test, I have no plans to make that Bill such.. a large... HAAAAAAAAMMM!!!



39 minutes ago, Wildcat111 said:

Hey, if there's one thing we've learned from Trek and from life, there's always another Enterprise. :) 

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21 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Hey, if there's one thing we've learned from Trek and from life, there's always another Enterprise. :) 

But they don't get to bring their crew back to life....

Well, except for that one Vulcan.

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1 hour ago, Kuzzter said:

That implies there will be a future Captin Bill who speaks... dramatically and has... a bad... hairpiece: but there's already a Bill in Kerbfleet, and despite the coincidental fact that our Bill Kerman cheated on his Kerbahashi Maru test, I have no plans to make that Bill such.. a large... HAAAAAAAAMMM!!!


It would go so well with all the cheese. Might even fend off (or at least mask) the symptoms of Space Madness too.

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