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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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Woo hoo! You'll see the ore report in the next update, but we're aiming for a spot on the Highlands showing good concentration. Should have a few hundred dV margin, but the Qwammer really is a beast sometimes; you never really know whether you want to control it from the cockpit or the dorsal port, and it can really get away from you if you're not careful--especially when the tanks are near empty and the thrust balance is all wrong. Stay tuned, I'll try to get the whole (attempted) landing posted for next time!


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31 minutes ago, Deddly said:

I was thinking, does Intrepid have enough thrust and fuel to land, refuel and launch (empty of other craft) on Tylo?

I second this. The main engine must pack a punch.

A start of a new and great chapter. I feel like the last thing Val said was a bit ominous... I'm actually slightly worried now.

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Using the Qwammer on Tylo? Great idea! If you crash, Bill can build you an escape ship out of mk2 space sickness bags and snacks! Even better, you could land the Skimmeroo, refuel with surface docking, use the fuel to get suborbital, then launch the Gumdrop and rendezvous on a suborbital trajectory! 

I bet that relay probe is going to be called a weapon. They're going to think that the first Jool Weapon failed, so then they're trying again with a new one. Because the first one didn't work, then the are the same so the all won't work!

Keep an eye on that probe or you might loose you connection again! Wait... Why don't you have 3 or 4 antennas so you can have multiple things happening at the same time? You could be sending science, and talking, and sending mission plans, and still have an unused antenna! Plus, if one breaks, then you could use another. Right?

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2 hours ago, Deddly said:

That and the Mk2 sick bag

Well, there there has to be some reason we don't use the Mk1 bags any more... *shudder*

2 hours ago, Deddly said:

I was thinking, does Intrepid have enough thrust and fuel to land, refuel and launch (empty of other craft) on Tylo?

Almost certainly not. All the LV-Ns together pack 1440 kN. The two big Kerbodynes double that, for 2880... now let;s just suppose we could get the ventral engines to thrust usefully as well, and throw in the Qwammer's four engines also. That brings us to a grand total of 4320 kN, which on Tylo (7.85 m/s2) would just barely lift 550 tons. That's pretty close to Intrepid's dry mass--and in any case she only carries about 25,000 units of oxidant fully loaded, so nope, no chance at all to put the ship down on Tylo.

1 hour ago, DMSP said:

 I feel like the last thing Val said was a bit ominous... I'm actually slightly worried now.

I'm glad someone on this boat is scared. This is a really tough mission!

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24 minutes ago, RocketSquid said:

If you had KIS that would free up some options. Even if you crashed the Qwammer, Bill could theoretically rebuild it. Come to think of it, that would make for a really good story...

Plus, there is F5 and F9.

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2 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Almost certainly not. All the LV-Ns together pack 1440 kN. The two big Kerbodynes double that, for 2880... now let;s just suppose we could get the ventral engines to thrust usefully as well, and throw in the Qwammer's four engines also. That brings us to a grand total of 4320 kN, which on Tylo (7.85 m/s2) would just barely lift 550 tons. That's pretty close to Intrepid's dry mass--and in any case she only carries about 25,000 units of oxidant fully loaded, so nope, no chance at all to put the ship down on Tylo.

Huh. I think we're gonna need a bigger boat.

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10 hours ago, RocketSquid said:

If you had KIS that would free up some options. Even if you crashed the Qwammer, Bill could theoretically rebuild it. Come to think of it, that would make for a really good story...

Yeah, I might have to try that out one of these days--many possibilities for Bill stories, indeed!

10 hours ago, rlin said:

Plus, there is F5 and F9.

Don't think I haven't used those... many, er, "simulations" were required before I got the hang of flying the Qwammer again. It's been a long time since the design/development trials.

9 hours ago, Dman979 said:

Huh. I think we're gonna need a bigger boat.

Yeah, or at least one that's designed for high thrust. For reference, the boat we are sending down is 80t--as Clauselle once said, "we must go big or we will not go home, n'est-ce pas?"

9 minutes ago, TaintedLion said:

I hope the Mk3 sick bag doesn't need to be developed :D

You and me both! 

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I like the episode. I feel it is one of the best this summer - definitely in the top 5. The character development and the in-depth exploration of the captain's thoughts and feelings... I like that, very much actually. These seven panels did a better job than Superman vs Batman, Civil War, Suicide Squad and Independence Day Resurgence in terms of character introduction and those were multi-million Dollar investments. Kind of reminds me of Firefly.

Tense to see more of that.


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Well Jool Perhelion is around 65M km while Kerbin has a distance of 13.6M km. So in best case that gives a distance of 51.4Gm from Kerbin to Jool and a signal delay of 171s. So the round-trip time should be 342s or around 5.5min. I got the impression that the qwammer was launched within that 5min window. On the other hand, I am not even sure Kuzzter uses the concept of signal delay...

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46 minutes ago, Wildcat111 said:

Nice chapter @Kuzzter! For a sec I though the contact was the Kerbulans!

You and Kenlie both! But right now he thinks everything is the Kerbulans.

44 minutes ago, KAL 9000 said:

Shouldn't KSC interrupt them for the Kerbulus message? It IS life and death.

Yeah, probably. Of course the connection still seems pretty sketchy... well, I guess we'll see :) 

2 hours ago, something said:

Kind of reminds me of Firefly. Tense to see more of that.

Now that is some high praise, thanks so much! And hey, I was on a roll, and I really can't break up the next sequence, so... let's land on Tylo :) 








Woo hoo! I've been waiting to play to the end of that tune since...wow, November of last year! :D 

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19 minutes ago, something said:

 On the other hand, I am not even sure Kuzzter uses the concept of signal delay...

I do, when it's convenient for the story. I recall a scene in the Duna book where Jeb was unclear on the concept. ("Ooh! Gene can see the future!") I guess we can just assume the delay exists, but the waiting for a signal happens between panels :) 

7 minutes ago, max_creative said:

Jeb is now the first kerbal on Tylo! For real! Or, at least one of the first. Depends which part of the ship touched down first...

Jeb was indeed first down the ladder--no choice, because there isn't any exit from the inline crew cabin. So he gets out first, then the rest of the crew transfers to the cockpit one by one, and exits from there.

Oh, and in case you're wondering--every note, line and dynamic is a separate, hand-made object in the Powerpoint file because I simply couldn't find any other way to make it look good. I think I'm as glad that's over as I am to see the Qwammer safely down :) 

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16 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Oh, and in case you're wondering--every note, line and dynamic is a separate, hand-made object in the Powerpoint file because I simply couldn't find any other way to make it look good. I think I'm as glad that's over as I am to see the Qwammer safely down :) 

Ouch. :0.0:


And I thought powerpoint was annoying when I couldn't change the default settings!

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Impressive, I can't really read music but a bit of context and the (I don't know the terms) ... the bit of the music for the drums in the lower bar told me what it was.

Nice to see it worked out, also that bit with the Joolian moons visible looked like something straight out of the movie that made that bit of music famous.

Got to go, sorry I can't say more


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1 minute ago, rlin said:

Well, Bill was never good at planting flags anyway.

Ah, that's hilarious! I'd forgotten that was Bill in that video. And really, the flag fell over all by itself, multiple times. I had thought it was because it was downslope from where he's standing (Lisa planted hers just fine afterwards) but now I blame Bill's technique.

Just now, AkuAerospace said:

Nice to see it worked out, also that bit with the Joolian moons visible looked like something straight out of the movie that made that bit of music famous.

Thanks, yeah, the game kind of has an uncanny way of giving the player random awesomeness! And speaking of music theory, wonder if anyone got the 525 Hz joke. :) 

44 minutes ago, Wildcat111 said:

Also, chack out my own mission report, Shadows of Kerbin.

Yep, seen it, good early career report so far. If you want to direct more people to it I suggest putting the link in your sig. :wink: 

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