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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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5 minutes ago, Dman979 said:

Kuzzter- because this is a scientific mission, will you be confirming the Wikipedia's measurements above 63o N/S?

I will; that will probably happen beginning of next chapter. Plan is to send the Jooldiver.

2 minutes ago, Garrett Kerman said:

did you science the shores biome?

Yes--we got Shores and Sagen Sea. I know there are a few others, but I think it's about time to wrap things up, the chapter is already pretty long.

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Just now, Kuzzter said:

I will; that will probably happen beginning of next chapter. Plan is to send the Jooldiver.

Glad to hear it. It also solves a plot issue for you, doesn't it? :wink:

Just now, Kuzzter said:

Yes--we got Shores and Sagen Sea. I know there are a few others, but I think it's about time to wrap things up, the chapter is already pretty long.

Does it matter how long the chapter is, if you'll still be doing the same stuff?

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That was definitely awesome!

Nice work Bob!  Beautiful piloting Tedus!

The fact that this begins to wrap up the exploration of Jool's final moon seems to bode dangerous things for our heroes.  Especially given what Sarge has in store and how the Kerbulans will perceive that act.

Thanks Kuzzter!

Happy Concerned landings!

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I was going to go a little farther with the story before ending the chapter, but I got to this point and it seemed a nice way to close, so here we are!

Now I'm not going to try to hide it--mulch WILL begin to impinge the forward compressor blades in the next chapter. As this will require a good deal of setup work on my part, pages will appear with much lower frequency than they have this week. :) 

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On 5.12.2016 at 10:52 PM, Kuzzter said:

Similarly, Bob has no way to get out of the onboard luxury hot tub (there's an RTG back there somewhere) that was once the science bay.

Seriously, Mark Kuzzter? Seriously?


On 7.12.2016 at 6:03 PM, Zhetaan said:

Would you be averse to 'discovering' that Laythe's oceans are full of ... 'hydrazine'?  :wink:

An ocean of a mixture of water and ethanole'hydrazine' would have some very interesting properties. For starters, I guess a lot of the substance would not actually be liquid, but form a gaseous phase in the atmosphere (like water vapor does on earth). You could actually get DRUNK by breathing. 

Edited by Flow
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6 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Hm, what did Bobak just see? Write your responses on the back of a 500-fund banknote and send them to Mort, care of this station!

Kambridge (Our Fair City).... :wink:



Ach, I knew you'd find a gute use for it!

Maybe it's scrambling. Maybe he said it like that. But there's an E there where there should not be an E. Unless, of course, you meant "quality," which is a little out of place here.




Ooh! Is that what I think it is? Gene! Hey, Gene! You have got to see this!

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@Dman979 has mentioned you in a topic: Guess Who Will Reply Next?

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2 minutes ago, Dman979 said:

Maybe it's scrambling. Maybe he said it like that. But there's an E there where there should not be an E. Unless, of course, you meant "quality," which is a little out of place here.

Well, I don't speak Deutschekerb myself. Knowing that we sometimes see "gut" and sometimes "guten" as in "guten tag", I wanted to make sure I had the correct declension so I Google translated the phrase "find a good use for it" and received back "Finden Sie eine gute Verwendung für sie" Anyway, that's what Wernher meant. Unless he didn't.

2 minutes ago, Dman979 said:

New Notification:
@Dman979 has mentioned you in a topic: Guess Who Will Reply Next?

Lol, excellent. You may have hit upon the one and only provocation that would make our pacifist Kerbals turn to violence. :) 

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Oh wow... too funny!!!  I'm not letting any of my people near the water now!  :D

As for what Bobak saw, it was definitely a ... bbzzzzzzzsssssttttttt.............. mffffpppp......... mmmffff..... oh, crap... bzzzzttttt.....



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Kuzzter, I'm not sure if you're trying to imply that the delay is getting longer because the planets are moving or that they need time to speak. But the delay between the first comms is 187 seconds, and the second is 192.

Which leads me to- why did Kuzzter put the timestamps in? Obviously it's a lot of work, and he doesn't leave red herrings swimming around. Is he implying that whatever it is Bobak finds will take about three minutes to get to the Intrepid?

It's been about three and a quarter minutes (197 seconds) since the probe entered Laythe's atmosphere. If data takes ~3 minutes to send, it's reasonable to assume that Bobak is looking at the data from it. But that would mean that the data is from the upper atmosphere, not the ocean. Why would Kuzzter show Bobak, and not Sarge, Val, or anyone else on the Intrepid?

Could the Kerbulans have uncloaked when they detected the missile launch?

Also, why do the time delays on the comms keep going up by 5 seconds?

Right now, I'm just asking more questions than I'm answering. But I bet that Bobak is either going to show science or show Kerbulans.

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1 hour ago, Dman979 said:

Kuzzter, I'm not sure if you're trying to imply that the delay is getting longer because the planets are moving or that they need time to speak. But the delay between the first comms is 187 seconds, and the second is 192.

Which leads me to- why did Kuzzter put the timestamps in? 

Regarding the first question: @Dman979 is correct. The delay between the stamp at the end of Gene's line and the one right before Val's line is indeed 187 seconds, which if you think about it is pretty close to what you get if you divide 56,000,000 by 300,000. The next time stamp is at the beginning of Wernher's line, and the delay between that and the previous one (which, remember, was at the beginning of Val's) is 192 seconds, five seconds longer. There are a lot of possibilities to explain that. It could be that the solar system is expanding. It could be that the Kerbulan bloaking technology is affecting the speed of light! It could also be that it took five seconds for Val to finish speaking :wink: 

Similarly, if the *ping* Bobak detected came at the speed of light from roughly the same distance, then that *ping* must have initiated about ten seconds after the timestamp given in the previous panel. So yes, I'll confirm it, the delays I've selected are not random, and I appreciate Dman taking the time to puzzle it out. 

As to the second question ("Why did Kuzzter put [them] in?") you may recall we had a discussion on the subject of signal delays some weeks ago. Somewhere in there I agreed that there are, in fact, signal delays in Kuzzterverse, and I gave my reason for eliding them up to that point in the story. Apparently that reason must no longer be operative. :) 

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3 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

It could also be that it took five seconds for Val to finish speaking :wink: 

I figured that was the case.


Similarly, if the *ping* Bobak detected came at the speed of light from roughly the same distance, then that *ping* must have initiated about ten seconds after the timestamp given in the previous panel. So yes, I'll confirm it, the delays I've selected are not random, and I appreciate Dman taking the time to puzzle it out. 

So then the question is "Did the probe get down to the ocean in 10 seconds, or is the ping something else?"


As to the second question ("Why did Kuzzter put [them] in?") you may recall we had a discussion on the subject of signal delays some weeks ago. Somewhere in there I agreed that there are, in fact, signal delays in Kuzzterverse, and I gave my reason for eliding them up to that point in the story. Apparently that reason must no longer be operative. :) 

You reason was "If the plot requires them, they're in." Obviously the plot requires them, because they are there. My question wasn't "Why has he suddenly added timestamps?" it was "What is going to happen that requires timestamps as an plot device?" In retrospect, I guess I phrased that badly the first time.


As an addendum, I noticed a *ping!* in the frame above Bobak, too. I feel like this has significance, but I don't know how yet.

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11 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Well, I don't speak Deutschekerb myself. Knowing that we sometimes see "gut" and sometimes "guten" as in "guten tag", I wanted to make sure I had the correct declension so I Google translated the phrase "find a good use for it" and received back "Finden Sie eine gute Verwendung für sie" Anyway, that's what Wernher meant. Unless he didn't.



This seems legit to me. The use of gut or gute depends on the word it's modifying, (in this case, "use" which, in Kerblish doesn't seem to have a specific gender) so it's up to Wernher to decide what he meant. I think it also makes sense from a phonological perspective, that one might insert a vowel sound to separate the hard "t" sound in gut from the "u" sound in use.

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9 hours ago, Dman979 said:

As an addendum, I noticed a *ping!* in the frame above Bobak, too. I feel like this has significance, but I don't know how yet.

Hm... significance? Well, I think I've been reasonably consistent in using the *ping* effect...there may even have been an entire panel or three just about pings... and hey @Dman979 if it doesn't feel like I'm giving full credit for your perspicacity in my replies, remember that I'm not just replying to you, I'm replying to the Forum, and may be adding some words to help others along :wink: 

12 hours ago, Just Jim said:

As for what Bobak saw, it was definitely a ... bbzzzzzzzsssssttttttt.............. mffffpppp......... mmmffff..... oh, crap... bzzzzttttt.....

Hm, I think Jim might be on to something! Actually, it's-- BZZZZZTTTT!! I mean--no, nothing to see here, no significance at all, just a red herring yeah...

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2 hours ago, Emperor of the Titan Squid said:

This  is worrying. 

Don't worry--everything's fine! 


Took me forever to get the contract system to do what I wanted for this page :) 

In response to the other part of the Emperor's post--yes, KSS stands for "Kerbal Space Ship". I've never canonically described the political structure of Kerbin, other than introducing the "Kerbin Federation" back in the Zweischenspiel--mostly because that level of worldbuilding would just pin me down and not add much to the narrative. :) 

But this much is consistent with what I have shown in canon: there is a single political body on Kerbin, the Kerbin Federation. It was formed in "the year before Year Zero" at the culmination of an economic crisis between the various corporations and agencies competing in the Race to Space. Kerbfleet operates as an independent agency of the Federation, much as NASA operates in the United States--and since there is no "navy" on Kerbin other than Kerbfleet, Kerbfleet has the sole right to the KSS prefix. Sure, all space ships from Kerbin are "Kerbal space ships", but only Kerbfleet ships represent the Federation and therefore all the Kerbals.


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