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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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4 hours ago, Alpha 360 said:

Why, Why do you do this!? You started with mimicking StarTrek and now with Starwars, will you ever respect copyrights.

I'm sure this was meant as a joke, and perhaps the poster does not realize that the wording "will you ever respect copyrights" is an accusation not dissimilar to the phrase "will you ever stop beating your children" 

"Fair use", as @KSK cites it, is a clear and well-established notion in US and most other jurisdictions' copyright law. Case law pretty much excusively supports the right to create a derivative work such as this, especially when (1) it's transformative (that is, the new work adds something, as I'd like to think mine does) and (2) when the work is a parody (that is, when said transformation represents a humorous commentary on the original, which again is pretty much what we're doing here) 

Given all that, if anyone ever does feel that my work or any other infringes a copyright, they should flag the post for moderation. Discussion of copyright infringement (don't worry, I'll report my own post in a moment) is forbidden under Guideline 2.2a (though I think the statute really refers to posts discussing means of accomplishing said infringement with respect to software, i.e. piracy).

Other Guidelines may apply, of course, but never forget that not only does Your Author take copyright and intellectual property ownership VERY seriously, managing such legal properties happens to be his day job :) 

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8 hours ago, BeeGeenie said:

Me saying " Poor Dongun. It's not easy being cheesy. :( " on Jan 16th.

I'm a bit confused.  I wrote no such thing on the date in question.  I'm guessing it was Soda Popinskulan being quoted.  Or it could have been Vodka Drunkenski.  People get us confused all the time.

Edited by Soda Popinski
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6 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Other Guidelines may apply, of course, but never forget that not only does Your Author take copyright and intellectual property ownership VERY seriously, managing such legal properties happens to be his day job

Well, darn. There goes my job as Kuzzter's Kounsel!

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1 hour ago, Dman979 said:

Well, darn. There goes my job as Kuzzter's Kounsel!

Practice limited to matters of intellectual property. You can still handle criminal allegations and torts. :) 

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22 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Practice limited to matters of intellectual property. You can still handle criminal allegations and torts. :) 

20 minutes ago, Brent Kerman said:

Valentina seems good enough with that!

She has not passed the Bar.

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16 hours ago, Soda Popinski said:

I'm a bit confused.  I wrote no such thing on the date in question.  I'm guessing it was Soda Popinskulan being quoted.  Or it could have been Vodka Drunkenski.  People get us confused all the time.

I don't know, I think I had originally intended to respond to you in a previous thread, changed my mind, and couldn't get rid of the quotation thing... I don't know how to format these things!

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12 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Practice limited to matters of intellectual property. You can still handle criminal allegations and torts. :) 

Tortes? Those are what Clauselle bakes right? Avec les gateaux du fromage d'espace?

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39 minutes ago, 0111narwhalz said:

Welp. We've all lost. Good thing I already submitted mine, else I might've been demoralized.

No, you haven't lost! Even if my story ends up being judged best, four winners will be chosen. You could be one of them! But @KSK, and @Cydonian Monk, and @Angel-125, and some other really good authors have also entered, so make sure you send your bestest stuff! :) 

14 minutes ago, GregroxMun said:

Does this count as Kerbfleet canon from the early days of the space program?

No, that story isn't canon... though you may find a few similarities between the Valentina Kerman in that piece and the then-Comder Valentina who made a somewhat angrier version of that speech in A Few Good Kerbs :) 

Edited by Kuzzter
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8 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

No, you haven't lost! Even if my story ends up being judged best, four winners will be chosen. You could be one of them! But KSK, and Angel-125, and some other really good authors have also entered, so make sure you send your bestest stuff! :) 

Hum. Maybe I needed to use :sticktongue: instead of :P. My sarcasm seems to have been poorly indicated.

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53 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

No, you haven't lost! Even if my story ends up being judged best, four winners will be chosen. You could be one of them! But @KSK, and @Cydonian Monk, and @Angel-125, and some other really good authors have also entered, so make sure you send your bestest stuff! 

Yeah... I'm posting mine now... But I just read thru the other submissions, and there are some really great stories! Not sure if I have a chance or not.... but that's fine... I love that so many people are entering!  :)

Edited by Just Jim
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1 hour ago, Just Jim said:

Yeah... I'm posting mine now... But I just read thru the other submissions, and there are some really great stories! Not sure if I have a chance or not.... but that's fine... I love that so many people are entering!  :)

Yep - it's great to see Squad doing a writing contest and hugely encouraging to see so many entries! I'm curious as to whether the eventual poll is going to be shortlisted though - some of the entries are really good but, to my mind anyway, don't really fit the humour, parody or satire brief.

Doesn't matter much at the end of the day though provided that folks have fun participating.

Edit: And it might prompt Squad to run another contest with a different brief. Which would be excellent!

Edited by KSK
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35 minutes ago, KSK said:

Yep - it's great to see Squad doing a writing contest and hugely encouraging to see so many entries! I'm curious as to whether the eventual poll is going to be shortlisted though - some of the entries are really good but, to my mind anyway, don't really fit the humour, parody or satire brief.

Doesn't matter much at the end of the day though provided that folks have fun participating.

Edit: And it might prompt Squad to run another contest with a different brief. Which would be excellent!

We're getting a little off topic, but I totally agree... it's great to see so many entries, and I also hope they do it again down the road.

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On 3/6/2017 at 2:07 PM, Just Jim said:

And just like that... without blinking an eye, @Kuzzter morphs this into the Battle of Britain... Outstanding!!!! :cool:

Good point sir!  That point leads to the obvious corollary: all good science fiction/space opera must have Space pedants.

(Well, that's a low-rent literary theory I'm working on.)

EDIT: hmm, it seems the forum software and/or the mods changed the word for "national socialists" into "pedants."  OK... sorry to offend, but I'll roll with that.  Now working on a new Space Pedant literary thesis.  This should be... fruitful?

Edited by boccelounge
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IMO, of all the depictions of Kerbulan ruthlessness in this series, the smile on Val's face as she spams the agonizer at the end of Chapter 18 just topped the list.  Stuff of nightmares right there!

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So I'm going to get back to comics soon, really I am...for now the writing time is going to the very fun Kerbal Chronicles challenge which closes for submissions today. My second entry isn't Kerbfleet canon either, though readers will recognize our favorite kerbelle (her name was auto-generated, so I think she's "stock" enough), as well as a certain senior pilot with a "random word salad" approach to linguistics :) 

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2 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

So I'm going to get back to comics soon, really I am...for now the writing time is going to the very fun Kerbal Chronicles challenge which closes for submissions today. My second entry isn't Kerbfleet canon either, though readers will recognize our favorite kerbelle (her name was auto-generated, so I think she's "stock" enough), as well as a certain senior pilot with a "random word salad" approach to linguistics :) 

Good luck, my friend!  :)

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1 hour ago, Just Jim said:

Good luck, my friend!  :)

And to you as well! If yours wins I'd like to see Shapeways make a special Harfield/Jandolin Munar Marriage Proposal Playset :D 

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Yup - good luck to everyone with entries in the competition! I think Kuzzter Kerman would make a mighty fine addition to the name generator and Just-Jim Kerman has a certain kerbal feel to it too. :) 

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46 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

And to you as well! If yours wins I'd like to see Shapeways make a special Harfield/Jandolin Munar Marriage Proposal Playset :D 

I hadn't thought of that!  That would be really cute!  I assume yours will have it's own custom Calvary hat?  :D

36 minutes ago, KSK said:

Yup - good luck to everyone with entries in the competition! I think Kuzzter Kerman would make a mighty fine addition to the name generator and Just-Jim Kerman has a certain kerbal feel to it too. :) 

It would be great to see Kuzzter Kerman become a game name, but I'm not terribly interested in mine... I would insist they add Emiko instead.  :)



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