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[1.3.1] Pood's OPM-VO (Outer Planets Mod - Visual Overhaul) [v0.3.5] [2017-09-23]


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@Drew Kerman Thanks for the heads up. I did what you told but still no clouds, my clouds.cfg file looks like this:

		name = gasLayer
		body = Urlum
		offset = 0,0,0
		speed = 0,1300,0
		altitude = 500
			_Color = 100,100,150,255
			_UVNoiseScale = 0.01
			_UVNoiseStrength = 0.002
			_UVNoiseAnimation = 0.4,0.2
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/cloud
				type = AlphaCubeMap
				alphaMask = ALPHAMAP_B
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/uvnoise1
		name = gasRing1
		body = Neidon
		offset = 0,0,180
		speed = 0,200,0
			_Color = 255,230,240,30
			_UVNoiseScale = 0.01
			_UVNoiseStrength = 0.002
			_UVNoiseAnimation = 0.4,0.2
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/gas
				type = AlphaCubeMap
				alphaMask = ALPHAMAP_G
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/uvnoise1
		name = gasRing2
		body = Neidon
		speed = 0,200,0
		offset = 0,0,-180
			_Color = 10,5,10,60
			_UVNoiseScale = 0.01
			_UVNoiseStrength = 0.002
			_UVNoiseAnimation = 0.4,0.2
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/gas
				type = AlphaCubeMap
				alphaMask = ALPHAMAP_R
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/uvnoise1
		name = fogCloud
		body = Tekto
			_Color = 200,300,200,40
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/cloud
				type = AlphaCubeMap
				alphaMask = ALPHAMAP_G
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/detailCloud
			size = 4000,2.2
			maxTranslation = 100,200,100
			rotationSpeed = 0.002
				_InvFade = 0.008
				_Opacity = 1.5
				_MinScatter = 1.2
					value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/particle/rgb
					value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/particle/particle_NRM
		name = mainCloud
		body = Tekto
		altitude = 4850
		speed = 0,10,0
			_Color = 140,255,230,255
			_UVNoiseScale = 0.01
			_UVNoiseStrength = 0.001
			_UVNoiseAnimation = 0.4,0.2
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/cloud
				type = AlphaCubeMap
				alphaMask = ALPHAMAP_B
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/detailCloud
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/uvnoise1
			maxTranslation = 100,200,100
			size = 4000,2.2
			area = 48000,4
			rotationSpeed = 0.002
				_InvFade = 0.008
					value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/particle/rgb
					value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/particle/particle_NRM
		name = cloudUpper
		body = Tekto
		altitude = 5000
			_Color = 160,255,230,140
			_UVNoiseStrength = 0.001
			_UVNoiseScale = 0.01
			_UVNoiseAnimation = 0.2,0.1
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/cloud
				type = AlphaCubeMap
				alphaMask = ALPHAMAP_R
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/detailCloud
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/uvnoise1
			rotationSpeed = 0.002
			area = 48000,4
			maxTranslation = 100,200,100
			size = 4000,2.2
				_InvFade = 0.008
					value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/particle/rgb
					value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/particle/particle_NRM
		name = gasLayer
		body = Tekto
		altitude = 6000
		speed = 0,50,0
			_Color = 160,255,230,120
			_UVNoiseStrength = 0.001
			_UVNoiseScale = 0.01
			_UVNoiseAnimation = 0.4,0.2
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/cloud
				type = AlphaCubeMap
				alphaMask = ALPHAMAP_G
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/detailCloud
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/uvnoise1
			size = 4000,2.2
			maxTranslation = 100,200,100
			area = 48000,4
			rotationSpeed = 0.002
				_InvFade = 0.008
					value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/particle/rgb
					value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/particle/particle_NRM
		name = aurora
		body = Tekto
		altitude = 6100
		detailSpeed = -200,300,0
		speed = 0,40,0
			_DetailScale = 15
			_DistFadeVert = 40E-05
			_Color = 0,200,100,40
			_UVNoiseStrength = 0.0025
			_UVNoiseScale = 0.01
			_UVNoiseAnimation = 1.4,1.2
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/aurora
				type = AlphaCubeMap
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/auroraDetail
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/uvnoise1
				_MinLight = 0.3
		name = gasRing1
		body = Sarnus
		speed = 0,-300,0
			_Color = 35,20,20,60
			_UVNoiseScale = 0.01
			_UVNoiseStrength = 0.002
			_UVNoiseAnimation = 0.4,0.2
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/gas
				type = AlphaCubeMap
				alphaMask = ALPHAMAP_B
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/uvnoise1
		name = gasRing2
		body = Sarnus
		speed = 0,-400,0
			_Color = 36,18,18,110
			_UVNoiseScale = 0.01
			_UVNoiseStrength = 0.002
			_UVNoiseAnimation = 0.4,0.2
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/gas
				type = AlphaCubeMap
				alphaMask = ALPHAMAP_G
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/uvnoise1
		name = gasRing3
		body = Sarnus
		speed = 0,250,0
			_Color = 35,20,20,110
			_UVNoiseScale = 0.01
			_UVNoiseStrength = 0.002
			_UVNoiseAnimation = 0.4,0.2
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/gas
				type = AlphaCubeMap
				alphaMask = ALPHAMAP_R
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/uvnoise1
		name = polarStorm1
		body = Sarnus
		speed = 0,0,0
			_Color = 30,10,10,180
			_UVNoiseScale = 0.01
			_UVNoiseStrength = 0.001
			_UVNoiseAnimation = 0.4,0.2
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/sarnusStorm
				type = AlphaCubeMap
				alphaMask = ALPHAMAP_R
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/uvnoise1
				_MinLight = 0.1
		name = polarStorm2
		body = Sarnus
		speed = 0,-300,0
			_Color = 80,65,65,130
			_UVNoiseScale = 0.01
			_UVNoiseStrength = 0.001
			_UVNoiseAnimation = 0.4,0.2
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/sarnusStorm
				type = AlphaCubeMap
				alphaMask = ALPHAMAP_G
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/uvnoise1
				_MinLight = 0.1
		name = polarStorm3
		body = Sarnus
		speed = 0,600,0
			_Color = 90,75,75,110
			_UVNoiseScale = 0.01
			_UVNoiseStrength = 0.001
			_UVNoiseAnimation = 0.4,0.2
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/sarnusStorm
				type = AlphaCubeMap
				alphaMask = ALPHAMAP_B
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/uvnoise1
				_MinLight = 0.1
		name = polarStorm4
		body = Sarnus
		speed = 0,1200,0
			_Color = 60,45,45,120
			_UVNoiseScale = 0.01
			_UVNoiseStrength = 0.001
			_UVNoiseAnimation = 0.4,0.2
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/sarnusStorm
				type = AlphaCubeMap
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/uvnoise1
				_MinLight = 0.1

			%_DetailScale = 6
			%_DistFadeVert = 3.99999E-05
			%_DetailDist = 1.5E-07
				@value = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/detailCumulus
			%_DetailScale = 10
			%_DistFadeVert = 3.99999E-05
				@value = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/DetailLow
			%_DetailScale = 5
			%_DetailDist = 1E-07
				@value = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/detailCirrus
					@value = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/particle/rgb
				%_Opacity = 1.75
			@_Color = 160,255,200,80
			@size = 4000,3
				%_LightScatter = 0.55
				%_MinLight = 0.0
				%_Opacity = 1.5
				%_MinScatter = 1.5

		name = baseTexture
		body = Urlum
		offset = 90,-90,0
		speed = 0,-300,0
		altitude = 450
			_Color = 150,150,150,100
				value = PoodsOPMVO/Textures/poodUrlum

Any idea why there are still no clouds? Thanks!

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1 hour ago, VaPaL said:

Any idea why there are still no clouds? Thanks!

prob because you're missing the detailCirrus texture that no longer ships with SVE, unless you tried copying it in from an older version?

Anyways, something I did to PoodsOPMVO seriously screws up my game now when I load it, turning Scatterer atmospheres into a gray transparent sphere around planets. I'm just going to wait for Poodmund to update...

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1 hour ago, Drew Kerman said:

prob because you're missing the detailCirrus texture that no longer ships with SVE, unless you tried copying it in from an older version?

Anyways, something I did to PoodsOPMVO seriously screws up my game now when I load it, turning Scatterer atmospheres into a gray transparent sphere around planets. I'm just going to wait for Poodmund to update...

I'm just missing the clouds, everything else looks fine. But I'll revert back to SVE 1.1.4 anywaym since 1.1.6 I having weird visual glitches, probably an interaction with another mod, it persisted after I desintaled all other visual mods, so I kinda gave up figuring out the problem, to many mods to try :rolleyes:

I talked about this on SVE thread but was received no answer, heres the post: 

I didn't provide much info, but I didn't had much to provide. Anyway this is an issue for SVE thread.


I will probably be stuck with OPM VO 0.3.3 ans SVE 1.1.4, and that's sad :/ 

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Also Pood I want to suggest that if you choose to keep disabling the EVE integration with the next release, that you include more information in the ReadMe/Release Notes about what this option does, mainly that disabling it will no longer allow Scatterer to show cloud color changes during sunrise/sunset. Should hopefully save Blackrack some support requests from ppl going to him asking why Scatterer no longer colors their clouds after installing your OPMVO without realizing it was the culprit.

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51 minutes ago, Drew Kerman said:

Also Pood I want to suggest that if you choose to keep disabling the EVE integration with the next release, that you include more information in the ReadMe/Release Notes about what this option does, mainly that disabling it will no longer allow Scatterer to show cloud color changes during sunrise/sunset. Should hopefully save Blackrack some support requests from ppl going to him asking why Scatterer no longer colors their clouds after installing your OPMVO without realizing it was the culprit.

Yep, I just notice that this was the reason why I didn't had it. I didn't report any bugs, but was about to on SVE or scatterer threat, them search in the mods cfg's I found EVE clouds integration was off. It does not only change the clouds colours but also the terminator colour as well.

Came here to say this I found out that it s intentional :P

Edited by VaPaL
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To be fair I do say in the Readme in the known issues section that the feature is disabled and in the patch notes that, "EVE cloud integration with Scatterer must be disabled in the Scatterer settings menu. A patch is included to toggle this off when SVE is also installed (as SVE enables this option). This is a known issue with Scatterer when using cloud layers in EVE that are not RGBA 255,255,255,255." 

Please remember that whilst this is in active development I do expect that users have a basic understanding of the dependencies and how they function in order for them to give critical feedback, however, toggling this feature on whilst you're doing Moho-Jool missions and then off when doing any OPM mission is probably your best bet.

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v0.3.4 Release - https://github.com/Poodmund/PoodsOPMVO/releases/tag/v0.3.4

  • Edited Tekto's & Urlums EVE cloud layers slightly
  • Amended SVE integration due to SVE's new file structure
  • Added in Kopernicus' new Ring Shader effects for all bodies (if Jool rings are present, they are maintained). Kopernicus' Ring Shader update is not incorporated in the latest Kopernicus release yet, however, the patch can be downloaded here to be installed into your Kopernicus directory: https://mega.nz/#!vUowhKgB!PAIeK8M1KlBOXhcBNglxGTq6MzSiqFxF27fAXYOD8_w

As mentioned above, if using the new release YOU MUST download the development Kopernicus.Components.dll that updates the ring shader behavior otherwise planetary rings will not appear correctly.

Edited by Poodmund
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4 hours ago, Poodmund said:

v0.3.4 Release - https://github.com/Poodmund/PoodsOPMVO/releases/tag/v0.3.4

As mentioned above, if using the new release YOU MUST download the development Kopernicus.Components.dll that updates the ring shader behavior otherwise planetary rings will not appear correctly.

This is interesting. I got Urlum rings when using 0.3.3 withouth the new Kopernicus dll, ...

... but when using 0.3.4 and the new dll I don't get them, although I do get the shadows of the rings displayed on Urlum.

Don't know if I will get used to the shadows the rings now throw onto the planet. But that's just me. Great work otherwise!

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20 minutes ago, ShadowZone said:

This is interesting. I got Urlum rings when using 0.3.3 withouth the new Kopernicus dll, ...

Please ensure you are using all the latest versions of the dependencies as listed in the OP, also, would you please delete your 'PoodsOPMVO' folder from your install and re-extract OPM-VO v.0.3.4 into your GameData folder to ensure there are no leave-overs from a previous version. Also, ensure that you are definitely using the Kopernicus.Components.dll as linked above and ensure that you are placing it in the GameData\Kopernicus\Plugins folder.

Please then check to see whether Urlum's rings are rendering and having a planetary shadow cast on them.

If not, please post your output.txt, KSP.log and your ModuleManager.ConfigCache files so I can take a look to troubleshoot.

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Installed dependencies:

  • OPM 2.1
  • EVE 1.2-2
  • scatterer v0.0300
  • Kopernicus 1.2.2-5

PoodmundOPMVO v0.3.4 and new Kopernicus.Components.dll - result: No rings visible around Urlum, only their shadows (see post above). Weird thing though: The ring's shadows seem to be above the equator?

This is Sarnus with 0.3.4 and the new .dll. What a beautiful sight!

The required files (log, output, modmancache) packaged here for 0.3.4 and new .dll file:


I can confirm that with 0.3.3 and the old Kopernicus.Components.dll I have rings around Urlum.
Here are the logs for that iteration: https://www.mediafire.com/?6mlgajw2z1naugd

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1 hour ago, ShadowZone said:

The required files (log, output, modmancache) packaged here for 0.3.4 and new .dll file:


Everything is working as it should be but it seems the Kopernicus.Components.dll from the dev branch of the Kopernicus repo doesn't actually give the ring shader update that blackrack posted in the Kopernicus thread even though I think the pull request was merged into the dev branch. Anyway, download the .dll here (directly from link blackrack posted): https://mega.nz/#!vUowhKgB!PAIeK8M1KlBOXhcBNglxGTq6MzSiqFxF27fAXYOD8_w

That should fix the issue.

Also, it seems that you have Scatterer's EVE Cloud Integration turned on as I made an oversight only to disable it if SVE was installed... I didn't realise Scatterer turned it on by default. To get OPM-VO's clouds functioning correctly, visually, please disable this feature. It can be found on the main menu screen in Scatterer's setting s GUI:


Please let me know if this resolves your issues.

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On 4/8/2017 at 11:55 PM, ShadowZone said:

Yep, that did the trick!
The directly downloaded .dll and setting that scatterer switch did the trick. Thanks!

Great to hear. Hope you are enjoying yourself. :D 

I've thrown together an updated trailer for the OP and if anyone was on the fence about downloading this mod, this may help you decide:

I have little experience in video production but it gets the idea across. :) 

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thank you so much for this mod, updating it and keeping up the constant improvement. And also a lot of thanks for your clip and the fine piece of music. Keep up the good work.

Edited by Schaufel
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Just now, voicey99 said:

Given that this mod doesn't seem to play nice with SVE, did @VaPaL actually find a solution to SVE's clouds disappearing beyond just downgrading to an old version of SVE? I'm not really sure what was being said about that,

The latest release of OPMVO works with the latest SVE

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1 hour ago, Galileo said:

Post your logs and a screenshot of your gamedata folder

For instances such as this with conflicts between mods that primarily provide configs, its usually more beneficial to post the ModuleManager.cache as that contains all the loaded configs in the final state that KSP recognizes.

53 minutes ago, voicey99 said:

Logs are here and Gamedata is here (it's a rather large GD so it's two screenshots-a modlist is included in the logs, anyway)

It would appear to me that due to your SVE installation containing textures that are no longer used in the most recent version of SVE, you may be using an outdated version of SVE. Please ensure that you are using SVE v1.2.1.

@Galileo, it also appears that in the SVE OP, the link to the latest version still directs to the v1.2.0 release page. Would you mind updating this, please?

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18 minutes ago, Poodmund said:

@Galileo, it also appears that in the SVE OP, the link to the latest version still directs to the v1.2.0 release page. Would you mind updating this, please?

Yeah one of the links was wrong but the download button at the bottom of the OP was correct. I forget nobody reads the full OP around here

Edited by Galileo
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4 minutes ago, Galileo said:

Yeah one of the links was wrong but the download button at the bottom of the OP was correct. I forget nobody reads the full OP around here

I'm normally the one to have a go at somebody for not reading OPs-I thought v1.2.1 meant it was for KSP v1.2.1, which the version I was using (v1.1.6) was, so I thought I had the latest version. Even though it does distinguish it in the same line. Sigh.

Edited by voicey99
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40 minutes ago, voicey99 said:

I'm normally the one to have a go at somebody for not reading OPs-I thought v1.2.1 meant it was for KSP v1.2.1, which the version I was using (v1.1.6) was, so I thought I had the latest version. Even though it does distinguish it in the same line. Sigh.

Have you updated to SVE v1.2.1 and did it solve the issues you were experiencing?

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