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15 hours ago, KasperVld said:

I've worked out a tool that converts the old threadid and takes you to the thread on this forum. I hope that will make things a lot easier for people who want to convert links. I'll see if we can also adapt this tool to work with old links. Details are in the first post.

I think this tool would be a salvation for those of us, who store links for topics with important info for us in the browser's bookmarks and in opened browser tabs. It would be great for community to have that opportunity to get access in any way to info through old links!

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15 hours ago, KasperVld said:

I've contacted our webhost about that, shouldn't be too hard from this point forward but we'll have to wait for them. Do note that this tool doesn't work for posts, just threads (though I think that's a vast improvement already!)

Your effors to handle situation have so much value to us!

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Are there any news about the subscription? Is there a way to get a list of the threads we were subscribed to?

Also I'm getting a loading animation whenever I follow a thread:

It actually does follow the topic but the animation/window doesn't disappear.

Edit: Chrome Version 46.0.2490.86 (64-bit) on Mac OS X 10.9.5

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3 minutes ago, SMILIE said:

Are there any news about the subscription? Is there a way to get a list of the threads we were subscribed to?

Also I'm getting a loading animation whenever I follow a thread:

It actually does follow the topic but the animation/window doesn't disappear.

I have the same loading animation bug.

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It seems like my question was missed in this fast moving thread:

20 hours ago, mhoram said:

Is it possible to retreive a list of the threads that I had a subscription for in the old forum?



On 29.11.2015, 16:26:36, KasperVld said:

Update Nov 30th, 16:30 UTC:

The old thread links now properly redirect to the new forum.


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24 minutes ago, Sigma88 said:

is there a way to show threads instead of posts in the "subscriptions" page (Threads I Follow)

my page has like 10 posts from the same thread at the top, it's really useless this way.

Yes you can do this! I created a new Activity Stream with this settings:



Important is the "Show me: Content items only" and "Content Types: Topics"!

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3 hours ago, Cpt. Kipard said:

I, like many others, am missing a lot of functionality that I used extensively before.
This forum software was made for toddlers.

I feel the same. For one, I've lost all the threads I was following, which is really bad. And second, even though I'm following threads now, I cannot see at a glance which ones have new posts. I have to click them, and THEN have to click again to go to the last page, and then manually check if there are new posts. It's awful.

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13 minutes ago, blizzy78 said:

I feel the same. For one, I've lost all the threads I was following, which is really bad. And second, even though I'm following threads now, I cannot see at a glance which ones have new posts. I have to click them, and THEN have to click again to go to the last page, and then manually check if there are new posts. It's awful.

I believe SMILIE gave us the answer for this :)


31 minutes ago, SMILIE said:

Yes you can do this! I created a new Activity Stream with this settings:

  Reveal hidden contents


Important is the "Show me: Content items only" and "Content Types: Topics"!

Ace, thanks :)  Worth noting the 'time period' option too, to keep this list short.


In other news... I'm sure there was a +rep button yesterday, but I can't find it today. Guesses, anyone?

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Still haven't seen an answer to this:  Any way to retrieve my old subscription list?   I was assured before the transition that subscriptions would be kept across the transition so I didn't do anything to back up my list of the 100+ threads I was following.    
(I'm kicking myself for not doing this and thinking of a particular scene from Animal House....)


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New annoyance, the forum wants me to quote the person I quoted last post... and keeps giving errors when I don't quote them!

*edit* Third time lucky. But really. Remembering what I had started typing even though I've closed the browser tab is... excessive. Especially when paired with this editor's... challenges, with regard to deleting complicated things like quotes.

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The WYSIWYG editor should really become an option. Preferably one settable in the profile, so that it persists. I am much more comfortable typing in BBCode by hand.
At least the double-linefeed thing has a workaround.

I'd also like a way to split quotes for point-by-point responses, without having to copypaste and then edit the quote blocks.

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6 minutes ago, Sean Mirrsen said:

I am much more comfortable typing in BBCode by hand.

Have you tried yet?

I'm not sure exactly which tags all work, but some do.

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4 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

@Arcwolf you are my hero. That plugin rocks and now the forum looks awesome. Verdana by default, and a bit bigger for my poor old eyes.

It's like ModuleManager for the forum!

Glad its getting some use.

I've modded my browser... I Mod the game... Next step naturally is to mod the forums... why not :D

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14 hours ago, TiktaalikDreaming said:

That's a fairly common use for a line break instead of a paragraph break.

Using shift-enter to force line breaks at the end of every
line looks really
poor when you change the browser width
and your lines
now line break in odd places.
So don't do that.

The proper fix for the line spacing issue is for Squad to fix the formatting issues in the default CSS file to tighten up inter-line whitespace (as well as eliminating a lot of the wasted whitespace to the left/right of the post area).

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1 hour ago, razark said:

Have you tried yet?

I'm not sure exactly which tags all work, but some do.

Heh. I know that it still works. But the crux of the matter is in the reliance on WYSIWYG in this forum setup. There isn't even a way to preview post formatting with manually typed tags.

Honestly, the best way this could be handled is a button to turn WYSIWYG on and off, like I saw some forums do. That way you keep any benefits you want from WYSIWYG, and still have access to raw BBCode when you need it.

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27 minutes ago, Sean Mirrsen said:

Heh. I know that it still works. But the crux of the matter is in the reliance on WYSIWYG in this forum setup. There isn't even a way to preview post formatting with manually typed tags.

Honestly, the best way this could be handled is a button to turn WYSIWYG on and off, like I saw some forums do. That way you keep any benefits you want from WYSIWYG, and still have access to raw BBCode when you need it.

The old forum did that.

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5 hours ago, blizzy78 said:

I feel the same. For one, I've lost all the threads I was following, which is really bad. And second, even though I'm following threads now, I cannot see at a glance which ones have new posts. I have to click them, and THEN have to click again to go to the last page, and then manually check if there are new posts. It's awful.

Sorry if this has been mentioned already, but the same thing applies to the Activity-->Unread Threads.... That has always been the first thing I do everytime I come to the Forums; checking new posts... This new way is HORRIBLE... There has to be a way to make something clickable that takes you to either the specific post in the thread, or AT LEAST the LAST page in the thread... Pleeze look into this

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