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[1.0.5] * Rocket Factory * - LeBeau Space Industries


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I've thought of alternate times a few sketches in forum.

It's all about the "NG Series" - in this series I use a 2m pod. Here there are corresponding parts. The basic idea should be made to the sketch seen. especially the flat 'FLAD' parts allow a broad and stable attitude when landing.

cheers :)






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There is a patch that adds mechjeb to any command pod, so this will also add it to your pods.

I notice you are making the parts OP and even just cheat mode (fuel and electric genny, large alternators in engine etc). Basically this is just using unlimited fuel and Ec from the Alt-F12 menu. I'd love to use your parts, but anyone can turn on unlimited fuel/Ec in the menu, so it would be cooler if the parts were usable for normal careers as well?

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I've scanned this thread searching for a download link, but I'm getting the impression that this mod is not available yet, correct?

I'm looking forward to it, though, I like some of the larger command pods, and some of the engines look pretty nifty too!  Hopefully we'll get to play with it soon.  :D

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21 hours ago, Jimbodiah said:

There is a patch that adds mechjeb to any command pod, so this will also add it to your pods.

I notice you are making the parts OP and even just cheat mode (fuel and electric genny, large alternators in engine etc). Basically this is just using unlimited fuel and Ec from the Alt-F12 menu. I'd love to use your parts, but anyone can turn on unlimited fuel/Ec in the menu, so it would be cooler if the parts were usable for normal careers as well?


surely you mean 'mechjeb for all' - basically works with module manager.dll




- But still need "Mechjeb core plugin" . - Cool thing when for all PODS and command parts mechjeb needed.


hi, I'm not sure if there was this feature in ksp version 0.25 already. in any event, that were 'cheat' divide my first mod parts that I created. - Sure you can now also via the Start menu 'old +12' etc. Unlimited turn fuel. 


Therefore, I find a generator-based version much flexiebler .. clearly is a matter of taste. :)



18 hours ago, Neutrinovore said:

I've scanned this thread searching for a download link, but I'm getting the impression that this mod is not available yet, correct?

I'm looking forward to it, though, I like some of the larger command pods, and some of the engines look pretty nifty too!  Hopefully we'll get to play with it soon.  :D


yes, I'll no longer have long, therefore, is not yet a pre-release download link. Mod's still 'work in progress' .. in 1-2 weeks it should be ready by then.

cheers :D

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On 2.12.2015 at 6:58 PM, davidy12 said:

VERY Impressive :D 

I'd love to see some stockalike capsules. Maybe next you can make landers? 

PS: I'd make the Leia 6 crewed instead of 5 because it looks like a good substitute to Orion.

hi ,

hi, yes a Lander pod series is already being planned. I'll then also to pack a habitat.
here some pre-release Pictures ..

cheers :)


- (huge 3.75m) Lander "Amelia" (3d-modell sketchfab link )




- LBSI prototyp - SML (scientific munar lander) - (3-d model sketchfab link)




inflatable HABITAT Module prototyp  (8 m diameter)




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On 2.12.2015 at 4:17 AM, Venusgate said:

Nice command pods! 
Every time I see a new mod like this, I weep for the RAM restriction.

Out of curiosity, how are you balancing the tonnage of the pods? A .9t 2-crew re-entry vehicle sounds too good to be true XD



Hello, sorry for the late reply.

still had some way to go in the planning phase and textures. to your question. YES enters the atmonsphere no problem. have parachute successfully done today in this respect also be tested with the CX400. This parachute was actually developed especially in the DUNA Atmosphere for reentry. as you can see from the images is the size and scope of the parachute for extreme weights designed. so no problem for a 10-15 ton spaceship... only during reentry into the atmosphere, the speed should be about 2000 m / s. Therefore, I start before reentry the retro booster at (LAE 250 laterally Advanced Engine)

cheers !


[ingame reentry test - play with 100% reentry Heating difficult ]



at last of picture series :  [* LBSI Stack Chute CX0400 - 'Fast Save Chute Reaction system' especialy developed for DUNA's Atmosphere Descending. dimensions fully deployed : 22m Diameter, 14 m hight ]



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Last weekend I've also tried "Emmisives/heat glow" according to various forum entries to make. unfortunately works only partially. :) obviously it's up to my Unity 4.3.4 installation..
- Create one more try with Unity 4.2.2, this was supposed to according to various forum entries function .. did however also read that one with Unity 5.x and part tools (no idea which version ..probably 0.23) it should work. have except animations .. as I understand
- They would have to be imported using "legacy import" in unity.
- What is inexplicable to me is how do you get now in Unity 5.x and part tools (no idea) "Emmisives/heat glow" to run.

- Well somehow I have not really recovered since the survey which should be currently used for developer tools .. there's a sort of list that is currently supported by which Unity version and what KSP tools  ?
- I would love my future projects do not have to tackle 2 or 3 times ...^_^



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now have held still tinkering with this problem .. So with Unity 5.31 you can bring nothing to run with the current part tools apparently.


- Anyway, ...



I've installed "Unity 4.22" with PT.020 at end.

Before that I had 'Unity 4.3' with PT 0.23 in use since I originally wanted to renounce "emissive shading" ... :)

- Still images of the first implementation of engines with "emissive glowing"

* engine wpt500 "SkyWipe" : [ mass = 2.1 / maxThrust = 590 ]



- cheeeersss ! 





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On 21.1.2016 at 7:13 PM, CobaltWolf said:

Ugh, I should get around to doing emissive shading for my parts... some day... some day... maybe...

HI Cobalt,

ja's just a matter of time ..

so for the rest its very simple. i used this very good emmisive tutorial :

and for config i use actually this way :

      name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
      animationName = wpt2800HEAT
      dependOnEngineState = True
	  dependOnThrottle = True
      responseSpeed = 0.008


for the right Unity-parttools Tools Setup I have some nerve and requires much caffe this variety  ..



cheers :)

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here briefly a little prospect of a future project .. This includes a large habitat and Lander Module and be around colonization of planets .. 

OK, may receive the following series of images is not suitable for this thread. so please with caution .. "Soon tm"

cheers ! :)     ps. sorry the many pictures .. did not do anything by - just like from scratch

more about the development and problems of inflatable habitats I run from this thread. - To tips and hints suggestions etc. I'm always happy. ^_^



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8 hours ago, Gaultesian said:

Wow, that looks pretty awesome.  Is the light color of blue on the centrifuge the same coloration as the light blue on the pods (grey?).



hi gaultesain,
which is a material (with color) Assign unity. the colors can be made from small 64x64 pixel textures.
This variant is super fast to test prototypes which I (have obviously the models in Blender no material & color assigned .. are still prototypes) of blender from export. - So I can try in untity with different colored materials and define an external vote. until the very end when the color design fits, then I make the textures ..


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1 hour ago, Rho-Mu 34 said:

Speaking of future projects. Raendy, do you plan to develop that space fighter from sketchfab? It definitely looks interesting.

hi, you mean this Fighter piece..



I once the model Long time ago but imported without "control surface" Processing .. - So this issue I could not deal with .. I think I'll stay in parts first rockets. Who knows .. maybe at the moment but I have other KSP projects.

cheers :)


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hi all,

finally created also the 2nd engine. textures and emissive glowing.

* Missing only the WPT 2800 and 5 more .. and when I'm at it get my Pods also very very nice cockpit lighting. I am looking forward especially - .. the "Sigma" will light up like a Christmas tree ^_^


here a lot of animated gifs and pictures of the "WTP1200- skywipe"  [ mass = 3.7 t / maxThrust = 1120 kn ]

cheers  :)

xHkPt30.jpg   JIcSaI0.gif




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hi all,

now have still the cockpit lights of NG-1 provided.

- Looks better than I thought. here as always something for the eye.  :)




picture album & gif animation







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now have the "big boy" - "WPT 2800" completed.
- All now with fine textures, bump maping and emissive engine glowing. :)



the LBSI wpt-'skyline 'series Engines has fully comprehensive constructions very stable fairing *

- which means there are no additional bracing (struct connectors) needed.

- wpt 500 FAIRING = corresponds 1.25m diameter constructions

- wpt 1200 FAIRING = corresponds 2.5m diameter constructions

- wpt 2800 FAIRING  = corresponds 3.75m diameter constructions

* Now I just embedded another collider beneath the fairing. This seemed to work. The fairings are really good and keep the upper construction stable.








- In addition I have the NK-V 'Leia' equipped with fine cockpit hatch and lighting.

- Now jebediah has no excuse he could find no longer return to the ship in the darkness of space.



- full animation



cheers ^_^

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the pods are all now equipped with emissive lighting. :)
In addition, the engines of skywipe series are also finished.

in the textures of the POD Sigma-V I'm not quite sure yet. maybe there are still some little changes to the outer textures.

- Anyway, I'm a good step towards the release progressed.

Enclosed lot of pictures




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