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Kerny Kerman's Journal (mission reports from a Kerbal's point of view) [Chapter 87: "Among the growing shadows."]


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46 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

Which log do you need? No, I had it on the muncrete pad, then had the pad connected to the Hacienda.

I had an idea for a part - what about a M.O.L.E. part that is a chute that is round... I think you see where I am going?

If you have logs when the part blew up, I could look at them and see what happened. it's the KSP.log file, in the game's folder.

Not sure what you mean by a round chute...

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4 hours ago, adsii1970 said:

@Angel-125: I continued to play after the explosion. Would it still have the relevant data needed in the log?

A chute that would fit beneath the airlock/docking port and the tube of the M.O.L.E. extension.

Ok, so, like the Flight Control Package? It is a nose extension to the MOLE that also has a chute. Also, the Mk1 Docking Port has a built-in drogue chute.

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5 hours ago, adsii1970 said:

@Angel-125: I continued to play after the explosion. Would it still have the relevant data needed in the log?

A chute that would fit beneath the airlock/docking port and the tube of the M.O.L.E. extension.

Look by the time in USI Survivability Pack.

There are some unconvemtional chutes there. As idea?

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30 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

Ok, so, like the Flight Control Package? It is a nose extension to the MOLE that also has a chute. Also, the Mk1 Docking Port has a built-in drogue chute.

I never knew that!!

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Neidon 30, Y003
"Whispers of shadows, voices from the past"  (Part 3)
Chapter 35


Within ten minutes of me boarding the sea goose, we departed Tulum Ha' Ta'ab heading towards the coordinates that only the pilot, Lieutenant Froming, knew. Although his copilot was certainly capable, Froming was under strict orders not to share the coordinates with anyone on the sea goose until we were free of the control and radio monitoring of Tulum Ha' Ta'ab. About two hours into the flight, I watched as he ordered his copilot, Lieutenant Mathis, to switch off the radio frequency data transmitter. Another thirty minutes, the sea goose did a hard bank to the left and we went to a higher altitude.

"Sorry, sir..." he apologized. "I've got strict orders that no one is to know about where we are taking you. In fact, my orders were specific to make it impossible for Tulum Ha' Ta'ab to track our exact destination. Bobak suggested we fly as if we were heading to the KSC and once out of range of the radars of the station, he'd radio confirmation the space center was now tracking our location..."

"Clever Kerman Bobak," Lieutenant Mathis interrupted. "No wonder he is so good at twelve dots... he's always got..."

"Yeah, he always has a plan... I prefer playing twelve dots with anyone but him. Anyhow, Commander, we've got another three hours of flying time before we get to the rendezvous site." Froming added. "Might be a good time to catch up on some sleep..."


"Lieutenant," I asked, hoping for an answer. "Can you at least tell me where we're going?"

"Sir, we are heading to the Kor atoll. I'm not sure if you are familiar with it, but it's located in the South Great Sea..."

It has been a long time since I took Kerbin land studies, but was pretty sure we were heading towards the south polar region. Soon enough, we were flying into the Kerbin night. As Froming said, it would be daybreak before we arrived at the final destination.



"Sir, we are about 48 kilometers from the rendezvous point..." until I heard Froming's voice, I didn't realize I had fell asleep. "I figured you'd want a chance to wake up and at least be somewhat coherent before we touched down..."

"Ah, how long was I out?" I really didn't remember when it was I fell asleep.

"Sir, all I can tell you is that about two and a half hours ago, we thought we had an engine malfunction... until Lieutenant Mathis tracked down the sound to your seat..." And with that, both Froming and Mathis broke out laughing. I just sort of sat there, dumbfounded. I've never been told that I snore. Gods, I just hope I wasn't as loud as Jebediah!



A few minutes later we approached the rendezvous coordinates. Below, I could see the UKRN Sinaan, Captian Valentina's ship! Two days ago, the Sinaan left the port at Tulum Ha' Ta'ab on the 28th! To the west of the Sinaan was the UKRN Kappe, a sea goose tender. We continued our descent and within moments, once the craft was stabilized in the water, I heard the landing gear deploy as Froming increased the throttle to get us onto land.

"Ok, sir, this is where you get off. We've got our orders to let you off here and refuel...." Froming said as he shut the engines off. "We're to wait here until the other sea goose finishes refueling and then we make our way to the Kappe to top off our tanks."


As I exited the sea goose, Froming told me to head to the Casa portable habitat. In my entire time as a Kerbalnaut trainee or even as a member of the Kerbin Defense Forces for basic training, I never heard of such secret orders and meetings in far-away locations. I made my way into the habitat and was surprised at who was at this meeting.


"Ah, Commander Kerny," Gene said. "How was the flight?" As I entered the mobile conference room, I noticed a blue tint to the room, indicating that a secure and encrypted channel had been established. Not only is this entire thing strange, but why a secure video conference here?

At the table was Gene and sitting next to him was Captain Valentina! Across from Gene was Major Ralph. "Kerny, I'm sure you know everyone here. You'll have to set at that chair over there, as Ralph broke the one next to him..."

"Gene, you know it was an accident..." Ralph protested, not sure if Gene was kidding and faking his anger or seriously angry.

"And on the video communications screen, Dr. Edmond Kerman, the chair of the Triune Committee of the U.R.K. Defense Forces." Gene added, nearly as an afterthought. I had seen his picture in the KSC, but never would I thought I would be attending a meeting where he would be present - even if it was through a video communications screen.

"Ok, Dr. Edmund, everyone you've requested to join us is now here." Gene said, completely ignoring the protests of innocence from Ralph and Valentina's laughter.

"This is good," Dr. Edmund responded, his heavy Northern Plains accent in a stark contrast to Gene's Southern Coast accent. "What I want each of you to know is at this meeting, rank has no regard here. Each member is free to speak their own mind. There are several things we need to discuss. Valentina, I want to start with you..."

"Yes, Dr, Edmund, I am here..." she answered. It was obvious to everyone that she was uncertain why Dr. Edmund wanted to start with her.

"Nearly a year and nine months ago, the Triune committee met. We wanted to put a skilled and trusted Kerman in charge of the naval branch of the KDF. We asked Gene who he would recommend in the Kerbalnaut program. Gene recommended you because of your professionalism and determination to complete mission objectives. He also was impressed with your ability to make sound judgments in the field. The Triune took his recommendation into consideration; we even discussed it with Dr. Haywood, who agreed, providing your missions would be allowed to conduct ocean research. Gene agreed to share our decision and offer with you; we were glad you accepted our offer..."

"Yes, sir. I will admit at first I was disappointed and even felt rejected. I felt I had done something to lose your confidence in me as a Kerbalnaut..." She replied, cutting Dr. Edmund off in mid-sentence..."


"Well, yes, but that was never the inten.." Gene added, before being cut off by Dr. Edmund.

"As Gene pointed out, we never wanted you to feel that way. And you've not disappointed us. As you know, your position as the officer in charge of the Kerbin navy has been well-received by the Grand Committee. It was for this reason, we gave you command of the newest and largest ship in the navy. As we are in this meeting, Commander Alddred is receiving new orders for your next mission." Dr. Edmund's heavy accent punctuating the importance of her new mission.

"Sir, I don't und..." Valentina began to ask.

"Valentina," Edmund continued, "the Grand Committee made the decision on the 15th of Neidon to promote you to the rank of Commodore. But we also make the following promise. Once we have determined the nature of these alien craft -- and if we know there is no substantial threat, you will be returned to space assignments..."

"Sir, that's not necessary. I've grown to love the oceans of Kerbin. There's still much I feel we can learn..." Valentina said, totally unexpected by Gene, myself, and Ralph. I never would believe Valentina, one of the four original Kerbalnauts, would refuse to go back into space. "I think I've spent more of my life in space than I care to admit, even to myself..." she added.


"Well, you can always change your mind later..." Gene began, before being cut off by Dr. Edmund.

"Ralph, Kerny," Dr. Edmond now turned his attention to us.


"Ralph, I know you and your crew of the Akna 1 were called out three weeks ago and ordered here." Once this meeting is over, Gene will brief you on your new mission. There's a lot of questions about your appearance nearly a year ago; in fact, there are questions about if your appearance is related to the alien craft. To be honest, almost all of us believe your story about a parallel universe. But did your universe -- your Kerbin -- was it ever visited by these Alien craft?"

"As I stated in my report," Ralph answered, "the polar alien craft found here is identical to the ones we discovered on the Mun and in the polar region of the Kerbin I came from. I really cannot add any additional information, sir..."

"Good enough." Dr. Edmund added. "Did your -- Kerbin ever have anyone taken by one of the alien craft?"

"Yes, sir, now that you mention it, Bill - the Bill of that Kerbin - disappeared on the Minimus I mission. The capsule returned from the far side of Minimus without any signals or power. I was sent in a rescue mission to get him and that's when the anomaly happened... there was a bright flash of light followed by a great darkness. Not even the stars, Kerbin, Kerbol, or the Mun was visible. Next thing I know, I was reentering Kerbin's atmosphere."

"I know you've taken a voluntary assignment in the Ground Expeditionary Force. Do you want to return to space..." Gene began to ask.

"No sir, I don't believe I want to do that. I'm not meaning to be difficult to get along with, but no... I can't... I won't..." Whatever it was, something has Ralph terrified to return to space.


"Gene, we weren't going to offer that... the Triune Committee is fine with his current assignment and duties." Although I didn't know Dr. Edmund well, it was easy to pick up his irritation with Gene in his voice. "That's not the reason I wanted him here. I wanted to do this in order, but since you've decided to do your own thing -- I think you've been hanging around Jebediah too much, no?"


"I'm sorry, Dr. Edmund. I just do not want you taking all my Kerbalnauts..."

"Whose Kerbalnauts?" Dr. Edmund replied. "Anyhow, Valentina, Ralph, and Kerny, upon the recommendation of Gene and at the request of the Triune Committee, you are offered a unique -- opportunity. If you choose to do this, within the military chain of command you will report directly to me. But before I tell you any more, I need to know -- are you interested?"

"Affirmative, sir!" Ralph responded.

"Sir, you can count me in," Valentina answered, almost excited with the prospect of intrigue.

"I'm always ready to help, sir. Yes, I'm interested." Ugh, how lame could I be. For the next twenty minutes, Dr. Edmund explained that as far as the Kerbin Defense Forces went, we reported directly to him. For me, I would still be expected to attend the command meetings at the Space Center, but I would no longer file any mission reports dealing with alien spacecraft contacts. In fact, none of us would. All alien spacecraft contacts would go directly to Dr. Haywood and Dr. Edmund. Gene was ordered, from that point forward, to report that all alien craft were, in fact, experimental aircraft. Even "official" reports coming into the KSC would be altered to read "experimental craft sighting" instead of "alien craft sighting."

Dr. Edmund continued, "Kermen, from this point forward, you are now listed as Section 31 within the Kerbin Defense Forces. You will have access to all the information we have on Bill's disappearance, the alien craft encounters, and the study of the wreckage of the alien craft Froming shot down. Kerny, I know you didn't expect this, but to be honest, we did think of offering it to Bob. When we reached out to him, he turned us down. He suggested we approach you. He said you're a great pilot, your command evaluations are equal to that of Commodore Valentina, and you're more stable than Jebediah. He also said he felt he needed to keep an eye on Jebediah because of his breakdown when Bill was abducted..."

"Uh, thank you, sir..." Wait... what? Uh, thank you, sir? Again, such a smart and snappy response. Looking back, my stupid response reminded me of that book we read in youngling school, Oliver Kerman. Specifically the part when Oliver Kerman tells the abandoned youngling home master, "Please, sir, I want some more...!"

What happened next was unexpected. Gene began, "Kerny, you asked me a few days ago about why you and your crew have no missions scheduled for the rest of the year or the next year after Minimus 4. The reason is because you are going to Duna..."

I admit I was overwhelmed for the rest of the two hour meeting. My crew, Karloff, Gilti, and myself are heading to Duna on an exploratory mission. The Minimus 4 mission will be testing new technology and will have two new crew members being added to my crew - the first non-space station crew of five ever launched into orbit! Over the next year and a half, we will be flying missions beyond Minimus to test the new systems. Right now, the KSC's tracking center is following the course of a few near-Kerbin objects, of which we will fly three missions and return. Then after that, we would be sent to Duna. I'd receive more information about those missions in due time.


"Kermen, I'm afraid I must bring our meeting to a close. But one more thing - as members of Section 31, you now have the highest security clearances offered by the government. You are ordered to to follow all security protocols -- and don't share information with anyone outside the section without it being cleared first. If you cannot reach me or Dr Haywood, Commodore Valentina will be your next contact. Gene... what's the status of the two sea geese?"

"Sir, I received an encrypted message on my K-pad that both have been refueled and are awaiting passengers to return to their stations."

And with that, Dr. Edmond dismissed the meeting and within seconds, the channel closed and the bluish glow disappeared, indicating there was no longer a secure channel.

As if the meeting wasn't already mind-blowing enough, Gene added, " Kerny, there's more but we'll talk about it once you return to the KSC. You'll be flying back to Tulum Ha' Ta'ab in the same sea goose you flew in to get here. Your cover story will be you were ordered to cross train on the sea goose in case anyone asks. From there, you'll fly your aircraft back to the KSC."

And with that, our meeting ended and I was on my way back to Tulum Ha' Ta'ab.

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Actually - the twelve dots reference was originally supposed to be the Kerbal form of dominoes... But I never made it too clear. It could even be dice, if you think about it... :D But one thing's for certain, there's no one better at it than Bobak... I don't think I'd play him in either game!

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Yet another intriguing step on this story.

On another note, that comment on accents piqued my interest, are there any earth analogues to these? (or anything near enough I could look up) These background details such as the regions of Kerbin, any sociocultural differences, anything really is quite interesting to me (I still have a screenshot of that Kerbal calendar stored away somewhere).


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Actually, I have thought about what a Kerbal language would sound like. Based on my story line, Kerbin is not only united in government, but in a dominant language. This is a result of the Fifth Great War and the push, in lack of better words, to eliminate global wars all together. I'm a native American English speaker, but can tell you from my own global travels, I have always found others who speak English (just not the Queen's English!). Now keep in mind, there are a variety of English accents, and this is what I imagine for the global language on Kerbin.

The northern plains accent would sound a lot like highland German in my mind. Don't know why, but it simply does. Think of the heavy accent of Henry Kissinger and you're really close to the accent I envision for Dr. Edmund (even though his name is in honor of British Field Marshal Sir Edmund Allenby, 1st Viscount Allenby as his title is.)  He was a sheer military genius, but history mostly forgets him.  Sadly. For me, he is the perfect person to model Dr. Edmund after. In a future installment, you'll learn more about him and what he actually knows...

The southern coast accent would be, for obvious reasons, what I'd expect to hear around the Beaumont-Houston-Port Arthur (TX)-Lake Charles (LA) corridor. Being originally from that region of the U.S., and with the Johnson Space Center being there, kinda a gimme if you ask me.

Although I haven't mentioned it yet, Kerny has a lower plains accent. To me, if you or I were speaking to him, he'd sound like he was from Wisconsin-Minnesota-Northern Indiana...

I've always felt, as apparently you do, the cultural bread crumbs should be a part of good story telling. I've dropped a few clues into their religion and even the proto-language of the Kerbin. Words like Tulum Ha' Ta'ab are actually real words in the ancient Mayan language. In one of my sources, a textbook on the ancient Maya I used in graduate school, Tulum actually means "gathering place" or "pyramid," which is Kerbal enough for me. Ha' Ta'ab literally translates to "water-salt" So, that settlement is actually the Kerbin navy's docking facility along the southwestern continent... :D Since the emergence of Kerbals back to the surface, there's been a fascination in the old and ancient things of their past. And we pick up our story as they are rediscovering who they are...

And one of the reasons I created the Section 31 story line is it now gives Kerny access to even the classified information on Kerbin's past - and gives me a way to introduce elements of it without compromising the story line...

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@Orion Kerman:


Dr. Edmund continued, "Kermen, from this point forward, you are now listed as Section 31 within the Kerbin Defense Forces. You will have access to all the information we have on Bill's disappearance, the alien craft encounters, and the study of the wreckage of the alien craft Froming shot down. Kerny, I know you didn't expect this, but to be honest, we did think of offering it to Bob. When we reached out to him, he turned us down. He suggested we approach you. He said you're a great pilot, your command evaluations are equal to that of Commodore Valentina, and you're more stable than Jebediah. He also said he felt he needed to keep an eye on Jebediah because of his breakdown when Bill was abducted..."

It's been revealed that something was recovered. Guess you'll have to wait and see... :D

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Neidon 37, Y003
"Things to ponder; questions that avoid answers" 
Chapter 36

I've been back at the space center for four days. Just as Dr. Edmund and Gene had instructed me, I rode back to Tulum Ha' Ta'ab on the Sea Goose. Instead of landing in the water and taxiing to the shore as we had done at the meeting coordinates, Lieutenant Froming landed on the makeshift runway nearly a kilometer to the north. Within a few minutes of me shutting the door, the Sea Goose turned into the wind. I could hear its pilots increasing the throttle, and within a few minutes, the Sea Goose rose off the dirt runway, heading for its next destination.

Sergeant Ertiko, a familiar face, approached me as I headed towards my waiting Koos. "Sir, you've already got take-off clearance. Lieutenant Jebfrey said your new orders just arrived from the KSC. You're ordered to report to Gene once you've landed."

"Thanks, Sergeant..." I replied back. She even had the Koos' engine in low idle, in preparation of my immediate take-off.

"Sir, you have enough fuel to get back without the external drop tank as long as you don't do any sight-seeing on the way back" she added. And with that, I climbed into the cockpit and put my helmet on as she stored my canvas flight bag in the small storage compartment on the underside of the cockpit. The flight back to the space center was uneventful and boringly routine. I went up to an altitude of 17,000 meters and simply flew a straight line until I passed over the mountains to the west of the center.

The meeting with Gene was fairly routine with the exception it was conducted in his office and Bobak, his right hand Kerman, was clearly not invited to attend. "Kerny, I cannot thank you enough for deciding to accept the assignment to Section 31. It means I can now speak more freely with you about your next mission. Your next mission, Minimus Excursion 4, has three main objectives: we've discovered an anomaly on the surface and want a survey of it The second is for you and your crew to become accustomed to the new designed command module. Finally, the third is for you to become accustomed to commanding a larger crew."

"Ok, Gene, I understand all but one objective -- what about this larger crew?" At our secret meeting there was a mention of increasing the size of my crew. Gene and Dr. Edmund never fully explained how large this crew would be.

"Kerny, right now, the new command module can hold up to five Kermen. But here's the deal -- " Gene paused as he pulled up a data chart for my next mission. "There's still some discussion about that command module. Dr. Haywood wants the new vehicle to remain in orbit and have the crew flown up to the ship using a reusable launch vehicle. Dr. Wherner is insisting that a reusable launch vehicle simply isn't feasible at this time."


Gene pushed another button on his console and the screen which held the mission data changed. It was now showing the latest test vehicle to leave the vehicle assembly building. In the center of the screen was the launchpad - and a new type of craft that had only been on blue-draft paper when my last Mimimus mission was launched. Now, here it was, on the launch pad waiting to be launched. Gene was going to show me the video playback from the initial test flight.


"X-5, this is Mission Control. Countdown is paused at T minus 60 seconds. Data received indicates the vehicle is performing within specifications. Do you wish to continue launch?" Bobak's familiar voice could be clearly heard on the video recording.

"Mission Control, this is KAI X-5, requesting resuming of launch countdown..." I immediately recognized the voice of Lieutenant Erinia Kerman, one of the newer test pilots for Dr. Wernher's program.

"X-5, now at T minus 55 seconds and counting..." Bobak's calm voice still firmly in control of the upcoming excitement of launch.  The countdown continued. "We are at T minus 6...5...4..."

By this time, the two short solid rocket boosters roared to life, drowning out the rest of the countdown. As zero obviously approached, the prototype reusable launch vehicle jumped off the pad and continued on its upward journey.

"We are now at T plus 25 seconds. X-5 is performing within expected parameters." Bobak's voice could be heard among the cheers of the tracking and control room crews.

"Mission Control, we've got some strong vibrations within the craft..." This time, the voice was that of Lieutenant Billbak Kerman, the co-pilot. "Bobak, are you getting any data about..." And with that transmission, the craft's master failure alarm began to sound.

"Mission Control," Erinia's voice cut in. "we're evacuating. Repeat, we are evacuating... Billbak, on the count of three... two... one..."

And with that, the engines of the X-5 were shut down, the air brakes deployed, and the drogue chutes were released. At the same time, the stack decoupler ejected the command deck from the rest of the craft.


The monitor also showed something I didn't expect. This shuttle model, the X-5 was designed to ferry crews to ships and stations in orbit around Kerbin. It had been designed to hold up to eight passengers. During the initial ejection sequence, the camera had been focused on the control deck. But above the chutes of the command deck, the passenger compartment had also been ejected even though there was no Kerman aboard! If nothing else successful came from this mission, it could be argued the evacuation procedures worked extremely well.

Already there are two more prototypes ready for testing. Gene said that Dr. Wernher began testing the X-5b - but at a much slower pace. Instead of using solid rocket boosters to achieve a targeted altitude of 12,000 meters for a glide test, the decision was made to use it's rocket engines to fly off the runway. Gene suspects we are at least seven years away from a single stage to orbit shuttle, but is sure that such a concept will be a reality someday.

"Kerny, I have to agree with Dr. Wernher on this one. As much as I like the idea of having a new launch vehicle that's reusable, I'm not going to risk my crews to rush some new design concept that's not tested and run the risk of killing any more Kermen. The risk is simply too great..." I will say that since the secret meeting, I've really learned to trust Gene's judgment. The last thing he wants to do is to risk lives unnecessarily in this space program.


Simulator training for our next Minimus mission began on the 34th of Neidon. So far, it's been myself, Karloff and Gilti in the simulators. Gene has told me that within the next four days, Dr. Haywood, Gene, and myself will be in a meeting where I will be able to select two new members of my crew. The simulator training has been very rigorous for the three of us. This new craft has an engineering station that allows Karloff to literally monitor every aspect of our space vehicle. Gilti's flight operations station gives her complete navigational control over the craft. For now, I am seated behind the sciences station and am learning the new communications and science controls. From what Gene said, eventually one of my new crew members will be assigned to this station.



I spent most of today researching those strange glyphs Major Thompberry discovered on the KSC monolith. Since no one was using the twelve dots table at the Kerbalnaut complex,I decided to take advantage of the new clearance I've been given. During the last briefing I had yesterday with Gene, he taught me how to turn any of the K-Screens into a work station, regardless of where they are. So, I decided to try that with the K-Screen on the balcony table. Within a few button clicks and correctly entering my security code, the screen changed, allowing me to navigate to any of the Grand Committee electronic library files.

Immediately I knew the first thing I wanted to research - the glyphs on the space center's monolith that were discovered by Major Thompberry and his crew. Dr. Carter has identified them as being the exact same form of writing discovered at Tulum Altun Ha on the pyramids. My new clearance has given me complete access to all of his notes; so far, he knows the same thing everyone else does when it comes to what the glyphs actually say. Right now, all is out there is pure speculation. Besides the image sent to me by Bobak a while back, I believe I've seen glyphs similar to this at the space center, but I'm not sure where I saw them.

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1 hour ago, Just Jim said:

Excellent chapter! How did you make the yellow handled railings? Are they from a mod?

Yes, they are. would you like me to extract them for you and send that part of the mod to you? I've grown accustomed to cherry-picking the mod parts I use. If it has no purpose, I weed it out!


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