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Kerny Kerman's Journal (mission reports from a Kerbal's point of view) [Chapter 87: "Among the growing shadows."]


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I'd call it the groundhog if it was me, it's got the right ring for a small chassis, and warthog has a bit of a reputation, as I mentioned in my above post. also warthog from Halo series. 

Also, your buffalo mod pack is pretty awesome looking, as observed through these mission reports, I may have to add it into my current campaign.

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I have decided NOT to take Kerny into 1.3, for now. I will continue the story, but it will remain in the 1.2.2 version until I can figure out why the new version crashes.  Don't worry, the next chapter is coming soon.TM

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  On 6/1/2017 at 12:13 AM, adsii1970 said:

I have decided NOT to take Kerny into 1.3, for now. I will continue the story, but it will remain in the 1.2.2 version until I can figure out why the new version crashes.  Don't worry, the next chapter is coming soon.TM


Understood. Take your time, we all go thru a waiting period when the game updates. :wink:

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  On 6/2/2017 at 10:04 PM, obney kerman said:

It crashes due to mods, I moved them into a different folder and then it worked.


Yup, I think I have figured out the mod in question. One of the problems I now face is one of the mods has been abandoned and I am not sure if it will every be 1.3 compatible. I am still waiting on a dozen more to be updated. But instead of waiting, I am going to keep Kerny in 1.2.2 for now.

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  On 6/3/2017 at 10:45 PM, The solid fuel chemist said:

"let me sing the song of my people."




XKCD put it best


To put it another way: If I mounted a GAU-8 on my car, put the car in neutral, and started firing backward from a standstill, I would be breaking the interstate speed limit in less than three seconds.



GAU-8 is the main gun of the Warthog

Edited by Thedrelle
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  On 6/6/2017 at 5:14 PM, Thedrelle said:

GAU-8 is the main gun of the Warthog


A little off-topic, but I've seen it in action in a place called Grafenwoehr in Germany. That gun, and the Warthog itself, is horrifying!  When it goes off the air sounds like it's being ripped apart... and then the ground in front of it just explodes... like every foot in a square acre all being hit at once... it's hard to put into words. I'm just super glad it's on our side.


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  On 6/6/2017 at 7:07 PM, Angel-125 said:

Ok well, the Buffalo's little brother is the Groundhog, it is a science craft after all... :)


Well, if it is going to be in a 1.3 release, it might be a while before I can use it. I'm still in 1.2.2 and am no closer to figuring out what's causing the crash.

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Plock 8, Y003 
"And the circus comes to town..."
Chapter 42

Yesterday and today have become long blurs of time in my mind. Once the news crew were on the tarmac in front of the space plane hangar, it seemed that the evening yesterday went from bad to worse. This evening, at our briefing, we were told by Gene that some Kerman employed at the center had leaked information about Captain Jebediah to the news network. He also reminded us that according to the Declaration of the Rights of Kermen, he nor Dr. Haywood could forbid the reporters from being on the space center grounds. And that's when he filled everyone in on what happened about thirty minutes after KNN set up their mobile broadcast studio. He began talking about the moment when Captain Bob did something that Captain Jebediah would have done.




Captain Bob and his newest pilot-in-training had arrived in front of the space plane hangar about twenty minutes before the media trucks. He and his newest trainee, a young cadet named Odion "Orion" Kerman, was scheduled to take his first introductory flight in the Kyap Mk 4 trainer. Although Captain Bob would be the one flying the actual craft, Orion would essentially be introduced to the navigation controls. Every pilot went through this important part of training. But what no one in tonight's briefing was to hear the audio between Captain Bob and Kuzzter being played. 

"Kermen," Gene began. "Let me play for you something that should never have happened at my center. Now no Kerman here hates KNN's reporters as much as I do..." and with that, the audio began to play.

"Tango Three, this is tracking, you are given permission to taxi to the runway. Heading zero-niner..." It was clearly Kuzzter's voice, in his normal cold and exacting tone.

"Negative, tracking. Tango Three requesting permission for scramble launch..." It was Captain Bob's familiar lowlands accent; every Kerman in the briefing room turned towards Bob and began snickering. We all knew that the scramble launch command was only given during extreme emergencies and was to get as many craft into the air within the shortest period of time. And at this point, everyone knew what Bob was going to do.

"Tango Three, it is unadvised at this time..." Bobak could be heard cutting in... but too late. The entire space center heard the turbine engine's afterburner kick in. By the time the Kyap passed behind the portable news studio, it had already passed 45 meters per second and was loud enough to drown out the two news speakers in their portable studio. By the time the craft reached the junction where the taxiway met the runway, Captain Bob pulled back on the stick and the plane headed up - on its way for Cadet Orion's first training flight. He would be the very first trainee -- ever -- to get to do a scramble launch before graduation day!


Although the entire assembly of space center Defense Forces Kermen thought it was funny, it was obvious that Gene didn't share that sentiment. Earlier this morning, I found out from Bobak that the visitor who interrupted our meeting with Gene last night was none other than Prime Consul Katrina Kerman. For the first third of her ten-year term, she had been pretty much hands-off with the affairs of the Kerbin Defense Forces and the management of the space center. Although Bobak wasn't sure what was being discussed, he told me that he thought the latest escapades of Jebediah had something to do with her visit. Bobak said he overheard her mention something about some Kerbin general, but didn't catch the name. Whomever it was, the name was enough to get Gene to become very attentive to what she was saying. 

Everyone on Kerbin had already heard on KNN that Captain Jebediah had refused to testify at a Board of Inquiry, had been declared responsible for the death of Captain Jala, and had commandeered two craft in the process. No wonder why Gene wasn't in much of a good mood -- and what happened earlier today certainly didn't help matters any. Prime Consul Katrine was known to be a very serious Kerman. I can imagine her conversation with Gene wasn't too pleasant in light of all that has happened. 

Before the morning meeting and assignments were given, I received a data packet from Major Ralph. He shared with me that the passenger he was to bring to the space center was none other than J. Jim! So, as Kerbol rose over the horizon at Tulum Station, he, his two crew members, and Jim set out to on their return voyage. For the most part, the voyage was uneventful.





Although it had taken the Ko'ox Ya'ax nearly five hours to fly from Tulum Station to the space center, Major Ralph and his crew arrived - and were given front row seats for the circus of events that were setting up at the center. Little did the major know that he was bringing one of the main stars. Yes, what Captain Bob had done yesterday may have been the opening act. But what was about to happen was to be the main attraction.

But the other thing that Major Ralph and his crew didn't know is that Angelo and Dr. Wernher had pressed the space center's engineering crews to complete the newest project. Where the Ko'ox Ya'ax had been a prototype proof of concept model, a new and larger one had been completed even before the prototype had made it to Tulum Station. It's name, Muyal Otoch, or Cloud Home when translated from the ancient Kerbin language, was much larger than the prototype. It was designed to be a long-distance Kerbin exploration craft - and able to carry a ground surveyor vehicle. 




In between our short mission survey simulators this morning, I was able to watch the loading of the ground surveyor into the new airship. Although I visited the space plane hanger regularly, I never realized the Muyal Otoch was that big. Compared to the ground surveyor, the hangar deck of the Muyal Otoch is like a giant Kerman-made cavern that engulfs the vehicle. And as the crew members prepared the vehicle for flight, it's new commander, Major Ralph, began his descent to the space center grounds.





What we all didn't know is that since Jim wasn't part of the required flight crew, he spent all of the morning watching the news coverage unfolding at the space center. He knew about Jebediah's latest stunt, the decision of the Panel of Inquiry and the concurrence of the Delegates of Five. He also had witnessed as it was broadcast on live television, the full-afterburner take-off of Bob yesterday, and knew that today the news crew was still there hoping to get an interview with Gene and Prime Consul Katrina. 

Prime Consul Katrina and Gene went to go meet and congratulate Major Ralph and his crew for their completion of the final test flight of the prototype. But what happened in the next three-quarters of an hour made things even more difficult for Gene. Unknown to him, as soon as the prototype landed and Ralph shut down her engines, Jim got off and headed towards the location of the news crew.





Gene was the first to get out of the passenger transport and head to the waiting crew of the Ko'ox Ya'ax. Prime Consul Katrina had to take an important video call and remained behind in the vehicle for a few minutes. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but from what I've overheard Gene and Bobak talking earlier this evening, things only became worse for Gene.

"Major, where's Jim?" Gene asked. Jim had earned a reputation for never being punctual and doing things in his own time.

"Gene, as soon as we touched down, he took off towards the portable news setup..." Ralph answered. "He said he wanted to talk to the news crew before..."

"Dammit!" Gene interrupted. Almost immediately, Lieutenant Doodemonde began to signal Gene that he was no longer alone. Prime Consul Katrina was heading their way. Either the prime consul didn't hear Gene's outburst or she chose to ignore it, she approached the formation in front of the prototype craft.

Gene quickly changed the tone of his voice as the most senior consul of the Grand Committee took her spot to his right. "Gentle Kermen," he began, "I'd like to welcome you home from another successful test flight."

"Yes, we all would," Katrina interrupted. "I am also here at the request of the Triune Committee. Acting on their behalf, I hereby promote you, Major Ralph, to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, effective immediately." 

"Uh, yeah, Prime Consul, I was..." Gene tried to add to her statement.

"And as a result of that promotion, I also present you with your newest command, the Muyal Otoch. In accordance with the orders of command, you are given the assignment of exploring the surface of Kerbin, utilizing the means at your disposal as the commander of this vessel..." 

Ralph took a deep breath and swallowed hard before answering. "Thank you, thank you both Madame Consul and Gene." Ralph, Gene, and the prime consul were now facing Ralph's newest command. But before Ralph could ask his next question, he heard those words we all have come to fear from Gene...

"Dammit! I can't believe..." and with that, Gene took off running in the direction Jim had went just ten minutes ago. As Gene and Jim began to argue, every Kerman near the vehicle assembly building and space plane hangar could hear the exchange. In fact, it was loud enough that KNN sent a mobile video recorder to capture the entire argument. Yes, not only was it broadcast across Kerbin but it displayed Gene in one of his not-so-finest moments.





"Gene, how's it going? Wow, you sure have things going wild around here..." Jim began.

"Look, I do not need you here stirring up the pot. I've already got enough problems without you turning it into a video broadcast, you know, that... that..." It was easy to hear the frustration in Gene's voice. "That... show, what is it... Saga of Asteroid Station..."

"That's The Saga of Emiko Station, and yes, Gene... think about it, Jebediah going nuts, you've got this guy, Thompberry, running around here like some mad and crazed engineer, always trying to make things run more effcient, improving the automated processing systems... I mean, think of the possibilities I can do with the story in the third season...!"

"And that's exactly why I am going to ask you NOT to do it, dammit!" Gene shot back. "I don't like the way you trivialize what I'm... what we're trying to do here..."

"Spare me, Gene." Jim shot back. "Sure, you're the guy who runs the center, but I'm the guy who feeds the appetite of the space program fans out there on the rest of Kerbin..." By this point, it was clear that both Gene and Jim were losing patience with one another. "If people had to wait on you to feed their hunger for space exploration, they'd star..."

"Dammit, I've been told to let you have access of the center by Dr. Haywood. I've even been told to answer questions you have about the operation of this center..." Gene snarled. "But I don't have to make your stay here pleasant..."

"You know Gene, I'm going to rewrite your character. I'm going to make you all mushy and soft. Yeah, I'm going to portray you as falling in love, talking of marriage... and give you a soft side..." It was as if Jim was enjoying his tormenting of Gene. "And what's even more, I'll destroy the entire center... then let's see what Kermen say about that, Gene..."

"You do that..." Gene shot back, "and I will do whatever it takes to ruin your show. Every time I turn around, someone is watching that show. I'll ban it from being shown on the space center grounds. And most of the stuff you do... well, it isn't even rea..."

For another ten minutes, the two Kermen argued back and forth. Eventually, those of us who were watching the argument lost interest as the two continued their chorus of back and forth insults, threats, and talk of how to make each other's lives more miserable. Without either one realizing it, they had gone from talking about the news to being the news of the day.

Meanwhile, a few of us gathered to watch Lieutenant Colonel Ralph and his new vessel take to the Kerbin skies. Prime Consul Katrina gave them her blessing to begin the shakedown cruise and almost immediately, Ralph's new crew helped transfer his, Doodemonde, and Podgel's personal effects to be moved to their quarters on the Muyal Otoch. Podgel and Doodemonde were promoted to Senior Lieutenants. His new crewKermen are Private First Class Tanthy, Private First Class Haiisa, Sergeant Werlas, and Captain Danbelle, his new executive officer.  

Unlike the prototype ship, this one has four liquid fueled engines that not only enables Muyal Otoch to be able to fly at night, but can generate additional electricity when the solar panels simply cannot generate enough power to sustain the needs of the craft. We watched as Ralph gave the order to his crew. Within a few minutes, the Muyal Otoch took to the skies of Kerbin.  







Things have almost settled back down this evening. Once our briefing was over, I went over to the launch pad where our newest ship - my newest ship - that will take me and my five-Kerman crew back to Minimus. It was taken out to the pad this evening for the required main engine test, which it passed. Tomorrow, we'll begin our final simulator drills before the launch in two days. Minimus IV is about to become a very real mission!


This chapter's walk-on character is @Orion Kerman! Thank you for being a loyal reader!

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  On 6/7/2017 at 3:46 AM, insert_name said:

That  drive by afterburner didn't scare them off, maybe a full static fire?


Ha. Just in the real world,we are all aware of what the mainstream media will do for ratings. Think of those poor schmuks who will stand in the middle of a hurricane to report on how bad the weather really is... I kinda see that as this moment here... All of a sudden you have this massive wall of noise and -- the media speculation begins! Surely it can't be that Bob has had enough of the stuff... no, there has to be a real story... something else must be happening... because you saw it here first on KNN!

  On 6/7/2017 at 5:01 AM, Angel-125 said:

Love the new Muyal Otoch and the Minimus IV looks pretty cool too! It sounds like Gene and Jim are really tearing each other a new one. Can't wait to see what happens next! :)


You should! They are both made from the finest parts from Wild Blue! :D

  On 6/7/2017 at 11:00 AM, 53miner53 said:

Poor Gene. He just can't catch a break.


There are times when all of us go through this. The junk just gets piled higher and deeper on us to the point that we almost snap... Don't count Gene out quite yet.  :D

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  On 6/7/2017 at 2:20 PM, Pretorian28715 said:

He can be devious when needed....

Might want to be careful with that Gene, could get another trip [one-way] somewhere................


There's a small breadcrumb I threw out about Gene's backstory. Yes, Gene knows how to get the job done. The way I see him, he's pretty set in his way, but if someone shows him a better way to accomplish something, then he'll gladly change tracks... but don't expect a thank you. He considers it as you are doing what you are supposed to do.

And yeah, Gene won't have anyone killed off... but that doesn't mean he won't try and assign you to either polar duty or maybe an assignment on some orbiting platform...

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  On 6/7/2017 at 3:30 PM, adsii1970 said:

Now this is an idea...

First movie would have to be either "Egah" or "The Crawling Hand"... Or some other B rate film...


Ahhhh do your worst!!!  :sticktongue:

Well... so long as it isn't "Manos: The Hands of Fate"...  I don't think I could sit thru that one a 2nd time...lmao...  :confused:

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Plock 11, Y003 
"And the whole world went dark..." (part 2)
Chapter 43

Two nights ago, Gilti, Karloff, and myself watched from the tracking center as the craft we would be using for Minimus IV was launched into orbit. From what we understand, Angelo and his small team of designers and engineers met the expectations set by Dr. Wernher. She's reusable and has the docking capabilities to bring two landers with it. The new design allows for the craft to be launched without a crew. We will meet up with it in about ten days and dock with it. When we return to Kerbin orbit, we'll leave the ship in orbit and return using what Dr. Wernher has called the "crew transfer module." Basically we'll return to the surface in the same vehicle that carried us into orbit.



I heard the voice of Jim as he entered the tracking station. It was no secret Jim and Gene didn't like each other. Their recent confrontation was seen by every Kerman who had a video receiver as a part of the KNN evening news transmission. Although it was the last confrontation between the two caught by the newscasters, it would not be the last confrontation between the two. And that night was no different than any other confrontation.

"Gene, Dr. Haywood thinks it's ok that I set up some shots during simu..." 

"I don't really care what he thinks at the moment," Gene fired back. "I've got a launch in progress and you want to talk about filming in simulators next week? Your timing is incre-"

"I really don't care what you think, Gene." Jim shout back. "I've got a schedule to keep. And Prime Consul Katrine told me I had her expressed..."

"Provided your filming didn't disrupt normal operations of my space center. And right now, you're disrupting..." It was clear in this latest fight that Jim was on the losing end of this particular one. 

"Gene," this time, it was the voice of Bobak interrupting. "The early telemetry data is indicating optimal orbital insertion. Solar panels are deploying now, as scheduled. The orbit is stable and the craft's computer is on-line."



It seemed that for at least the rest of that day, the verbal battle between Gene and Jim ended as the celebration over the latest successful launch.

"Now that, Jim," Gene said, nearly beaming, "is how we do things here, at this center." 

"Congrats, Gene..." Jim added. "We'll talk later. But again, congrats..."  And with that, Jim headed out of the tracking center.

Gilti, Karloff, and myself spent most of the rest of the evening in the simulators preparing for our next mission, now just ten days away. Unlike previous missions where the entire crew trained on every aspect of the mission, only my core group - now called a command crew - would be trained in that manner. It was now our responsibility to train the newest two members of our crew. Their training will be the basic Kerbalnaut training each of us have been required to go through. They will be given their specialty field training, but it will be the command crew's job to teach them to handle the ever-changing dynamics of an actual space mission. 

As we were preparing for an early morning briefing on the 10th, Gene called everyone into the large briefing room next to the tracking center operations room. Another anomaly was about to occur. All the signs were there. During the night, the network of satellites surveying the surface of Kerbin had been exposed to some sort of radiation emissions - some sort of high intensity radio waves. For nearly five minutes, communications across Kerbin and among the vessels within our system were knocked out. Gene didn't hesitate to get permission from Dr. Haywood; the evacuation process began immediately. Now, some two hours later, the crew of the Orbital Platform Zebulan Kerman had already evacuated and were on their way back to the space center.



And on the video screen in the conference room, we all saw it. Towards the right of Kerbol, on the overhead screen, was one of the many products of this latest anomaly. A collective gasp left the room as we saw the dim red light of a star. From out of nowhere, Dr. Haywood stepped out and began to speak.

"I know many of you are aware of the old prophecies concerning the appearance of a stellar neighbor to our star. For those of you who still believe in the old religion of our ancestors, you know of the star by the name of Valentine..." Dr. Haywood paused, knowing there was no use to continue until his audience calmed down. "I assure you that other than appearing in our skies, this star poses no harm to the planet..."


"But Dr. Haywood," I immediately recognized the voice of Jim. I could already imagine Gene's demeanor changing. "How can you say it isn't going to affect us when it's another star..."

"Kerman Jim," Dr. Haywood began, "That star is not in our immediate vicinity but is visible because of it's size. What we do know is that our own star, Kerbol, releases particulates. We believe that since our star is younger and burns hotter, it releases more particulates that travel at a higher rate of speed. So, it is the belief of some of the best minds in Kerbin these particulates extend some distance beyond our system. Dr. Marcia Kerman thinks these particulates are carried to some extent and form a Kerbosphere around our entire system -- and possibly extends beyond Pock..."


"Oh, I...um... I... " Jim stuttered. "Yeah, I think I need to go check on something..." And with that, we all had a good laugh. Apparently Jim wasn't quite ready for that much of a scientific explanation. For the first time, I think Jim was speechless. The question that kept running through my mind was what he was up to.

The rest of the briefing, Dr. Haywood went into great detail about what has, so far, been a completely different anomaly. Besides the appearance of Valentine, Dr. Haywood urged us not to listen to the current round of news broadcasts from KNN discussing various topics about this new development in our stellar neighborhood.

"There are some out there who are pointing towards the ancient religious texts about the significance of this -- event," Dr. Haywood continued. "Let me reassure you that this has happened before. We've gone back nearly 25,000 years in our simulators and have seen at least four occurrences of Valentine appearing in the Kerbin sky. Just this time, we are more advanced and know what it is. And if you notice, there's a lot of the name, Valentine, present in our society... we have Kermen, both male and female that have some variation of that name..."

Immediately, I thought of Commodore Valentina. I always wondered where her name came from and what it meant. I guess I now know. But for the next half-hour, Dr. Haywood continued to explain that even with the appearance of the star, it had not affected too many systems. The latest Mun mission, Munar Base I, had been given the order to evacuate but by the time the lander cleared the Munar surface, Valentine had already appeared over the Munar horizon.



The crew, Lieutenants Genemy, Maxgy, and Lieutenant Commander Irtice, reported no strange or abnormal functioning of their command module with the appearing of Valentine -- other than a ten-minute radio blackout. Even the command module's internal digital recorder didn't even record any change in operation. For the most part, it appeared this anomaly, besides the appearance of a new stellar neighbor, had no real impact on Kerbin. But then Gene still hadn't had his chance to update the crowd on what he had learned.

"Folks," Gene began, "I know you all want answers and I do too. But here's what we know. The orbital platform was a casualty of the anomaly. We lost communication with it nearly half an hour after the evacuation was ordered. Kerbnet is completely functional and every satellite is accounted for - with the exception of the relay station of the Zebulan. To be honest, we halfway expected that..."

This would be the third time the orbiting platform would have to be rebuilt. Every Kerman knew it would happen. The only question would be when -- followed by how far does this move our scheduled missions back? And sure enough, Gilti asked that question.

"Well, to be completely frank, this has no bearing on your mission. You launch in ten days -- providing the vessel is still operational." Gene replied. "We've received an automatic data packet that shows all systems are functioning normally. So, no change in your mission. But remember, your mission will last twenty-five days..."

"Oh, ok, Gene... I was worried..." Gilti replied, cutting Gene off. "I can't wait to get back into space..." And with that, she stood up and whispered to me, "Sir, please excuse me... Jim's waiting for me by the pond..." And with that, she got up and left the briefing room. 

Gene continued giving the entire space center crew and Kerbalnauts the latest update. None of the surface settlements were affected by this particular anomaly. He reiterated the Kerbalnauts in transit from the Mun to Kerbin were largely unaffected and the new components of the munar base were also largely unaffected. The only casualties was the Orbital Station Zebulan Kerman and then Gene paused...

"Which brings me to what I need to tell you all now. All Kermen are accounted for with the exception of one of our trainees..." Gene began, his tone much more somber. "Before the anomaly hit us, our trainees were permitted to go on furlough to be with their families. All have now been accounted for with the exception of Cadet Triy Kerman. This morning, the decision was made by Dr. Haywood to list her as 'missing' on our rosters..."

The rest of the briefing was really quiet. Once Gene dismissed us, I went back to my quarters. Gene made it clear yesterday that I need to pick the remaining two members of my crew. We've narrowed it down to ten candidates, but now the final two Kermen comes down to my decision. "Captain, they will be your crew. You pick them..." was what I was told by both Gene and Dr. Haywood.

I've spent the better part of today continuing to go over the files. I think I have it now narrowed down to three candidates but I would like to meet with them and maybe even do a simulator mission to learn how they will perform under pressure. But for now, that will have to wait. I've been given clearance to fly and I do not want to miss my opportunity to fly in the new Kerbin sky. It's hard to believe that the Kermen who are born after this point will never know a sky with only one star. What is even stranger is that Dr. Wernher and Dr. Marcia both believe this encounter will only happen for the next 500 years... and then the two stars will begin to drift apart until Valentine is too far from our system to be seen with the naked eye. And then, when it is furthest from our corner of the galaxy, some 7,000 years from then, the cycle will start again.

It's getting late and I have an early flight tomorrow, a meeting with Gene to make my final selection, and nearly three hours of simulator training after that. I think it's time to get some much needed rest. After all, Kerbolrise is only three hours away. 

Edited by adsii1970
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