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[1.12.x] Editor Extensions Redux released (with SelectRoot merge. StripSymmetry & NoOffsetLimits)


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Noticed both on my laptop and pc, part offset is a bit wonky with local offset on most parts, it doesn't read the current angles of the part, just changes the colour of the arrows. It acts the same as absolute mode. tested SPH only, Win7x64 and Win10x64. Part rotation is always fine.

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This excellent mod comes with one particular minor nuisance that just keeps driving me nuts (and slowing down my craft-building). A little background: When using the translate tool (2), either with or without editor extensions, I pretty much always have to switch it out of snap mode. Snap mode frequently causes the part to shift position along axes other than the one I'm dragging, forcing me to re-place the part and start over, and the positions it snaps to are generally not very useful anyway. It's a lot better to have fine control anyway (even if it didn't ever cause parts to jump in unwanted directions).

Toggling angle snap with the usual keyboard shortcut (C) is quick and easy without editor extensions installed -- one keypress toggles it off and back on -- but with it, you have to hold shift and tap it several times to get to no-snap mode, then tap it several more times to get back to your preferred snap setting after you're done moving the part(s). The only alternative seems to be clicking the icon with the mouse, which toggles it directly to no-snap and directly back to its former setting, but this requires moving your mouse a long ways away from the part you're trying to manipulate (and then moving it back).

Either way (keyboard or mouse), getting it switched into no-snap mode just to slide one part around a little and then returning it to the usual setting requires a lot more time and attention to detail than it should.

Could you add the ability for each of the translate, rotate, and place tools to independently remember whether angle snap mode was on or off when that tool was last used, and automatically toggle it appropriately when switching tools? (Maybe remember which angle it was set to as well, not just whether it was on or off. Whichever you think would be easier and/or more useful.)


Edited by Tallinu
Typos & wording
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Hey @Tallinu, try Alt+C.  That immediately sets you to no-snap mode.

One point I agree with, it would be nice to have the ability to snap only along one axis.  That would be helpful when moving radially mounted parts up or down along fuselages.  That said, the recent introduction of "master snap" helps and alleviated the need somewhat.

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@Fwiffo I wasn't aware of that one. I'll try it, thanks. The multiple axis thing only seems to happen when using translate with a part that isn't on a snap point for the other axes, but it's hard to tell under what conditions that's true... and I have yet to find a situation in which translation snap points have been remotely useful anyway (or even consistent between different parts attached to the same parent).

Oh, and I just remembered the other thing that always annoys me: When you've clicked in the ship title, description, or the parts search fields and are typing, EEX still reads the keys you press and does things like reset your camera position, toggle options on and off, (trivially) change symmetry options, or (not so trivially) accidentally reposition parts, and so on. I've even had it reposition a large chunk of a subassembly I was saving while I was entering its name ("Drive Module", entering the V caused a large surface-attached part to shift way out of position, even while the assembly was still held by the mouse pointer). After typing anything more than a short word or two where I manage to see which options get flipped before another notice appears in its place, I have to refer to the key bindings (so I don't forget any) and toggle them all to check and/or reset their state.

Edited by Tallinu
Adding a paragraph instead of double-posting!
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  On 10/30/2016 at 5:51 PM, Tallinu said:

The multiple axis thing only seems to happen when using translate with a part that isn't on a snap point for the other axes, but it's hard to tell under what conditions that's true


Yes, it's basically guaranteed to happen whenever you attach a part radially then move it.  The attach_node's are not aligned to snap locations.

  On 10/30/2016 at 5:51 PM, Tallinu said:

and I have yet to find a situation in which translation snap points have been remotely useful anyway (or even consistent between different parts attached to the same parent)


It's useful when you want to align various parts, or align a part to the VAB "origin" (y=15m).  It might be more useful if you could change the grid density (i.e. make it finer).  If you attach the same parts to a parent, they should align consistently when using snap mode.  Another useful shortcut key is "F" (I might have customized it so might be different for you) to change between local / absolute mode.  Try and see if that gives you improved consistency.

  On 10/30/2016 at 5:51 PM, Tallinu said:

When you've clicked in the ship title, description, or the parts search fields and are typing, EEX still reads the keys you press and does things like reset your camera position, toggle options on and off, (trivially) change symmetry options, or (not so trivially) accidentally reposition parts, and so on


Yes that's SUPER annoying.  It's a hopefully-temporary bug that was introduced when the final KSP 1.2 came out.  LGG actually had developed a workaround which a bunch of mods including this one were using to prevent that issue, but it broke.  It's a problem around input locks for which Squad really needs to push out a better solution.  (So the short story is, unless someone comes up with another clever workaround this is something Squad needs to fix on their end).

If you know of any mods which successfully avoid responding to keyboard shortcuts while your cursor is in a textbox, let us know!

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  On 12/9/2015 at 2:09 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Click on an empty space to turn off Master Snap


The only thing I've found which actually disables master snap mode (and the associated glow with the part tooltip stuck to your mouse pointer that the glow causes) is to pick up a part off of my vessel, although I can do so while holding down ALT to copy instead of remove parts and then trash the extras. Clicking on the interior of the VAB in the background does nothing (even if holding down control). That's what I would imagine "clicking an empty space" means, but maybe I'm wrong?

I have a few other mods installed, so maybe one of them is interfering somehow. Here's my KSP.log:


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I just released 3.3.4 on Github.  Spacedock is down right now, so I can't update it there, but you can download and install it yourself from this URL:

Spacedock is VERY slow right now, but I did manage to get it updated there as well


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  On 10/31/2016 at 10:49 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Actually, not.  The way it's coded, the way to stop the master snap is to select another part.

Clicking on an empty space to disable the master snap would be good, I'll add that.


As in, control-clicking a different part, or picking up a different part? I tried grabbing new parts out of the list on the left too, but that wasn't working. Only parts that were already on the vessel would clear it when clicked or alt-clicked to pick them up.

Anyway, thanks for the update! This master snap mode is definitely a big help with positioning multiple asparagus stages or SRBs where the decoupler has to be moved vertically to get the ejection force to tilt the booster away safely, but the correct position isn't near the middle of a part.

On a previous topic, alt-C works for going directly to the no angle snap setting, but it doesn't toggle it back to the previous setting when pressed again (so I have to hit C several times). Any chance of making it behave the same way that clicking on it with the mouse does, where it goes to no-snap with one click and then back to the previous angle setting if clicked again?

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  On 11/1/2016 at 6:44 AM, Tallinu said:

Any chance of making it behave the same way that clicking on it with the mouse does, where it goes to no-snap with one click and then back to the previous angle setting if clicked again?


Personally I like having a hotkey which will always get me to no-snap mode, without having to bother to look at what mode I'm in beforehand.  Not saying your idea doesn't have merit (it does), just pointing out some of us who are used to the way it works now may not want to lose that. :-)

LGG if you're considering this, maybe find a way to keep both around?  If you don't want to clutter up additional hotkeys you could do something like Alt+C to toggle between no-snap and last-snap setting, and Alt+C+C (Alt not released in between) to go to no-snap...  (may sound silly but you get what I mean)

Edited by Fwiffo
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  On 11/1/2016 at 6:44 AM, Tallinu said:

As in, control-clicking a different part, or picking up a different part? I tried grabbing new parts out of the list on the left too, but that wasn't working. Only parts that were already on the vessel would clear it when clicked or alt-clicked to pick them up.


Clicking a different part on the vessel.  One of those things that is obvious in retrospect.

  On 11/1/2016 at 6:44 AM, Tallinu said:

On a previous topic, alt-C works for going directly to the no angle snap setting, but it doesn't toggle it back to the previous setting when pressed again (so I have to hit C several times). Any chance of making it behave the same way that clicking on it with the mouse does, where it goes to no-snap with one click and then back to the previous angle setting if clicked again?


Next version


  On 11/1/2016 at 10:35 AM, Fwiffo said:

LGG if you're considering this, maybe find a way to keep both around?  If you don't want to clutter up additional hotkeys you could do something like Alt+C to toggle between no-snap and last-snap setting, and Alt+C+C (Alt not released in between) to go to no-snap...  (may sound silly but you get what I mean)


There will be an option in the settings to say whether it should be a toggle or just a plain reset

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I've had to revert to 3.3.3, as in 3.3.4 I was having trouble selecting parts when I wanted to pick them up or move/rotate them. I'd have to click on the background a couple of times before I could select a part properly again. So seems like something to do with master snap, which I wasn't trying to use at the time.

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  On 11/1/2016 at 1:50 PM, Rodger said:

I've had to revert to 3.3.3, as in 3.3.4 I was having trouble selecting parts when I wanted to pick them up or move/rotate them. I'd have to click on the background a couple of times before I could select a part properly again. So seems like something to do with master snap, which I wasn't trying to use at the time.


Any chance you could get a short video showing  the problem?

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  On 11/1/2016 at 1:50 PM, Rodger said:

I've had to revert to 3.3.3, as in 3.3.4 I was having trouble selecting parts when I wanted to pick them up or move/rotate them. I'd have to click on the background a couple of times before I could select a part properly again. So seems like something to do with master snap, which I wasn't trying to use at the time.


You must have something going on, I can't get this to happen.  

So please get me a log file, and, if possible, a video showing the problem.  At least the log file, and try to have as little else going on (ie:  start the game, go into the editor, get it to fail, then exit and send me the file)


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I'll have a go, though I'll try it with just stock+EER and see if it even still happens then first.

Edit: Looks like it's just not working at all in 1.2.1, which was just released. The app launcher button doesn't open on mouseover, and the angle snap and symmetry keys don't do anything, though you can click them to cycle through the vanilla options (and I checked the keybindings, they're still set properly).

Edited by Rodger
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Is it possible to override the inbuilt version lock? I restarted KSP to clear RAM and the stealth 1.2.1 patch bricked the mod :(

I'm fine with glitches when doing so, but i'd really love to have access to the custom angle snaps and radial settings. Kind of strange how the rest of my mods run (with warnings) but this one goes out of it's way to disable itself

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Just released 3.3.5 for 1.2.1:

  • Added AnglesnapModIsToggle, if enabled, hitting the Mod-C (for Windows,ALT-C) will switch between 1 and the last setting
  • Added CycleSymmetryModeModIsToggle , if enabled, hitting the Mod-X (for Windows, ALT-X) will switch between 1 and the last setting
  • Reordered the settings windows, now all keystroke settings are on the Settings 2 window
  • Commented out old code blocks:  SymmetryModeCycle & AngleSnapCycle, which were replaced by Boop's code in Update()
  • Updated for 1.2.1
  • Fixed menu height to adjust depending on whether mass tweakables is on or off - Menu needs to be redisplayed by moving the mouse over the toolbar for height to be adjusted
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  On 11/2/2016 at 2:27 AM, Rodger said:

@linuxgurugamer for president! Grats on probably the first mod to update to 1.2.1 lol

And yeah, I can't get my bug to reproduce with only EER. I'll play around more with my full modpack and 3.3.5 for a bit and see if I can reproduce.

(also 3.3.5's version file needs an update)


Already updated:

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Slight incompatibility with Part Angle Display. EER and PAD causes parts to rotate at offset angles and tilts the parts when rotating. Almost looks like the part is rotating around an invisible sphere instead of the surface of the part. Uninstalled PAD and rotation went back to normal. Not a big deal for me as I don't use PAD much. Might cause other issues though with editor, i only tried with rotation.

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