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The Saga of Emiko Station - Complete

Just Jim

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On 9/24/2017 at 7:06 AM, Just Jim said:

Oh, hey... I'm in the middle of writing up the next chapter, but I had to stop a couple times to re-verify some game stuff... Gonna try and finish it up today

Wow, that's an old screenshot. That, my friend.... is Photoshop.  :rolleyes:

Ah, Photoshop, HyperEdit... hmmm... The magic that makes Hollywood...:wink:

On 9/27/2017 at 12:45 PM, Just Jim said:

This variation of Angelo Kerman's bison series took the concept of an airship gondola, and adapted it to an amphibious land vehicle instead, and was designed to explore even the harshest conditions on worlds like Eve and Laythe.

It was, however, just a prototype, and not fully field tested, which worried Gene. But preliminary tests were astounding, and in the right hands, it could prove to be a land-speed record breaker.... which is just what the Grand Kerbal requested.

Testing, schmesting. I agree with Jeb... let's open 'er up and see what she can do! :D

On 9/27/2017 at 12:45 PM, Just Jim said:

"I... I really wish you would reconsider," Werhner hugged Emiko tight to his chest. "What if something happens?"

Emiko squeezed Werhner back, then glanced over her shoulder at her Magic Boulder.

"That is why Emiko must go," she whispered to Werhner. "In case something does happen."

Wait... what?  The nerdy guy gets the girl? Now I really know this is fiction!

On 9/27/2017 at 12:45 PM, Just Jim said:

"You... did tell her majesty the Platypus was fusion powered?" Angelo whispered.

"No... you didn't tell her, did you?" Werhner asked just as softly.

"Yeah..." Gene tried his best to force a smile. "I am so screwed."

Hehehe. The old Army saying is absolutely true. Sometimes it is better to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission. :sticktongue:

On 9/27/2017 at 12:45 PM, Just Jim said:

"So that's the stupid saucer thing???" Sanny the ghost suddenly materialized and sneered. "Can we go now?"

Yay! Sanny's back. And in fine form... Now the question becomes, does Sanny ask, "Are we there yet?"

On 9/27/2017 at 12:45 PM, Just Jim said:

"Gem... fire up the reactor," Jeb called out in quiet but determined voice. 

"We're going to Baikerbanur.... to Ground Zero..."

Hehehe... Now the Grand Kerman will know for sure... :D But she did say by the fastest means possible... seems like a plausible out to me...

Great chapter... glad Sanny and Thompberry are back...

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57 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

Wait... what?  The nerdy guy gets the girl? Now I really know this is fiction!

Ahhh, yes... In my universe, the nerdy guy always gets the... the nerdy girl!!!  :D

58 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

Hehehe. The old Army saying is absolutely true. Sometimes it is better to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission.

In this case, absolutely... Jeb knows in his gut if he takes the time to ask, it'll already be too late... so lets see how fast the Platypus can go... for real this time... :0.0:

1 hour ago, adsii1970 said:

Yay! Sanny's back. And in fine form... Now the question becomes, does Sanny ask, "Are we there yet?"

All the time, I'm sure!

I consulted with @Geschosskopf on this, and if Sanny thinks that Emiko is her only way back to Ovok and her monolith, then she will follow Emiko around like a puppy. But Sanny unfortunately has the attention span of a small sponge..... lol.... and will start nagging (again) whenever she thinks Emiko is doing something that doesn't involve sending her back to Ovok... Like going on another road trip. So while this is actually quite important, and these rescued VIP's will form the basis of the science/engineering team that's rebuilding Emiko Station (spoiler...)... and help with the problem of the krakens, Sanny only sees it as a big waste of time... which would probably lead her to throw several "Are we there yet?" style tantrums, yes.... :mad:

1 hour ago, adsii1970 said:

Hehehe... Now the Grand Kerman will know for sure... :D But she did say by the fastest means possible... seems like a plausible out to me...

I actually haven't quite decided how the Grand Kerbal will react... but I have a couple fun scenarios in mind... lmao.... 

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On 9/13/2017 at 5:27 PM, Torgo said:

You had to eat Subway? 

My heart (and stomach and taste buds) aches for you. The devastation wrought by this storm is just too much to bear. 

We need to get you some real food, pronto. 


Subways alright

but eating only subway for more than a day...

yeh, youll need ssomething else

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2 hours ago, Just Jim said:

I consulted with @Geschosskopf on this, and if Sanny thinks that Emiko is her only way back to Ovok and her monolith, then she will follow Emiko around like a puppy. But Sanny unfortunately has the attention span of a small sponge..... lol.... and will start nagging (again) whenever she thinks Emiko is doing something that doesn't involve sending her back to Ovok... Like going on another road trip. So while this is actually quite important, and these rescued VIP's will form the basis of the science/engineering team that's rebuilding Emiko Station (spoiler...)... and help with the problem of the krakens, Sanny only sees it as a big waste of time... which would probably lead her to throw several "Are we there yet?" style tantrums, yes.... :mad:

Here's why I wanted to know if Sanny's a genuine crossover or just an expy:

The @Geschosskopf Outer Planets Traveling Circus universe also contains world-bending interdimensional mind-possessing Krakens (well, only one) as well as entities gifted in manipulation of mental energies for various purposes (shamans - aka - witches) and amorphous colorful semi-sentient entities dedicated to maintaining interdimensional peace (familiars - aka - magic boulders/guardians).

And the interesting thing is that the Kraken in that universe was defeated.

As a gag Sanny was funny, but if she actually makes it back, and Orbles or Munmy or someone catches on, and sends something like the Dummy's Guide to Kraken Squashing or something...


I know dragging the OPTC universe into this would likely be annoying to you both and I'm NOT in any way expecting you to do it, but it's an interesting thought.

On 9/27/2017 at 1:45 PM, Just Jim said:

"She's made to handle Eve... the worst radiation storms in the solar system..." Bill said softly.

I was going to say that the Krakens would likely just eviscerate your mind from a distance, before I realized:

Krakens don't have mind control. The best they can do is kill you and insert another member of their species into you. They can also give you bad vision, apparently, and deflect your aim, which might be devastating if they can expand that into full-out optical hallucinations and trigger friendly fire or something. But we don't see "Kraken-puppets" - we've only seen one bossy Kraken and two thug Krakens on both Earth and Kerbin, with the Kraken Lord presumably joining in at some point in the interim.

So they'll stick to physical attacks. Which is a relief until you consider that the last physical attack used by a Kraken involved firing a ball of dense, deranged, angry exotic matter at someone.


Angelo, where'd you leave the keys to the Wave Motion Cannon?


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2 minutes ago, greenTurtle1134 said:

Here's why I wanted to know if Sanny's a genuine crossover or just an expy:

Well... that has sort of evolved over time. At first Sanny was a sort of cameo... It actually just started as a joke when I mentioned to @Geschosskopf about adding OPM, and he said "Say hello to Sanny for me..." But she's turned into a cross-over character of sorts, yes. The idea is she's somehow "crossed over" to my dimension along with the monolith on Ovok... I haven't gotten too specific, but it's from the Travelling Circus dimension, yes.

There are a lot of differences, and wonderfully bizarre aspects to @Geschosskopf's Travelling circus, and I've only touched on a few of them. I'm not sure just how far it will go... again, she's sort of an evolving character... but a character that very much does believe in witches and shamens... and:

7 minutes ago, greenTurtle1134 said:

amorphous colorful semi-sentient entities dedicated to maintaining interdimensional peace


9 minutes ago, greenTurtle1134 said:

But we don't see "Kraken-puppets" - we've only seen one bossy Kraken and two thug Krakens on both Earth and Kerbin, with the Kraken Lord presumably joining in at some point in the interim.

yes... exactly!!!  I hinted at it in the beginning of the last chapter, Gene is starting to see this pattern as well... :)


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12 hours ago, greenTurtle1134 said:

Here's why I wanted to know if Sanny's a genuine crossover or just an expy:

The @Geschosskopf Outer Planets Traveling Circus universe also contains world-bending interdimensional mind-possessing Krakens (well, only one) as well as entities gifted in manipulation of mental energies for various purposes (shamans - aka - witches) and amorphous colorful semi-sentient entities dedicated to maintaining interdimensional peace (familiars - aka - magic boulders/guardians).

And the interesting thing is that the Kraken in that universe was defeated.

Just to be clear (which I apparently wasn't in the OPTC thread)....   the Outer Planets Travelling Circus universe contains the following:

  • A small pantheon of creator deities who normally have MUCH more important things (intersecting branes and such) to worry about than Kerbals.  But that's OK because the vast bulk of Kerbals in the OPTC universe are complete atheists anyway.  Most gods and Kerbals don't know each other exist, and that's OK to everybody.
  • A somewhat larger number of not-quite-god major spirits who are sometimes wannabe gods.  The Kraken of that storyline was one of the latter crowd.  Mostly such major spirits don't care about Kerbals, either, only inter-major-spirit and godly politics, but in the OPTC story, The Kraken figured out a way to gain god-status by manipulating Kerbals.  Its pans were foiled, however, but the unlikeliest of adversaries.
  • An incredibly huge number of minor spirits who are either genii locorum or free-range.  Almost none of them care about Kerbals at all, a few take vague scientific interest in Kerbals (and other Middleworld lifeforms) if their paths happen to cross, and a few of the latter might wave and say "hello" in passing, although WAY less than 1% of Kerbals would notice, and most of those would misinterpret the signal.  Most such spirits are working stiffs caught in the spirit rat race so even if they do notice Kerbals, their own affairs take precedence.
  • A menial subclass of minor spirits whom the creator gods cursed with making shamans and then being their spirit guides, a few score such spirits for each intelligent race in the universe.  Those assigned to the Kerbals hadn't had anything to do since the Kerbals went atheistic a few thousand years ago, until Orbles came their way.  But this rather onerous job frees such spirits from the usual chain of command, so they can be the conduit through which shamans can petition the creator gods.  But of course they have their own Spiritworld agendae, too, so are not above manipulating shamans to their own ends.
  • One single shaman (Orbles), who during the story didn't much know what was going on but just rolled with it.  By the time he got home he'd fully accepted being a shaman and had become fairly competent.  The Circus took note of all that had happened and put Orbles in charge of its newly created Spiritual Medicine department, giving him free rein.  So in any future story in the OPTC universe, there will certainly be more shamans and fewer atheists amongst the Kerbals.

IOW, the OPTC story was sort of a 1st Contact thing, only instead of Kerbals meeting corporeal aliens from another planet, they met spirit beings from another plane of existence.  Of course, there'd been a lot of contact back in prehistory but, that all being prehistoric, there were neither written records nor survivors to consult.  Orbles' spirit guides of course remembered but Orbles, an nth generation atheist, had no clue the Spiritworld even existed until it slapped him in the frontal lobes.

Anyway, there's a huge difference between The Kraken of the OPTC universe (a single major spirit who was never corporeal) and the Emiko KrakenS who began (unless I've misread things) as a mortal, corporeal race but became fairly god-like through technology.  "Kraken" just seems to be the Kerbal word for all flavors of  "boogeyman" in all parallel Kerbal universes :) 



As a gag Sanny was funny, but if she actually makes it back, and Orbles or Munmy or someone catches on, and sends something like the Dummy's Guide to Kraken Squashing or something...

Orbles tried to psychopomp Sanny's soul to Ancestorland.  She refused, rejecting the obvious spiritual reality confronting her and substituting her own, baseless New Age interpretation.  She willingly condemned herself to be a homeless ghost but she liked it that way because it fit her (utterly mistaken) view of things.   As such, the few gods, spirits, and shamans in the OPTC universe who cared about her at all gave up on her.  Ever since then, she's been the plaything of whatever space-time rift has blown her way.  She thus has to cope with the realty of whichever universe she winds up in.  Culture shock doesn't improve her behavior :wink: 


12 hours ago, Just Jim said:

There are a lot of differences, and wonderfully bizarre aspects to @Geschosskopf's Travelling circus, and I've only touched on a few of them. I

I'm waiting for the gender bomb to drop :)

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2 hours ago, Jarin said:

I was rooting for the nerdy girl to get the other nerdy girl. :( 

(All aboard the good ship Chibiko!)

That could very well happen as well... maybe... Now that Chibi is on Kerbin, it could lead to... complications. 

I honestly haven't decided yet how this is going to play out... other than to say I have considered this possibility. :wink:


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2 hours ago, Just Jim said:

That could very well happen as well... maybe... Now that Chibi is on Kerbin, it could lead to... complications. 

I honestly haven't decided yet how this is going to play out... other than to say I have considered this possibility. :wink:

Do I want to know?

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34 minutes ago, KAL 9000 said:

Do I want to know?

Don't worry... 

I will put a little (huge) spoiler out there from the next chapter to really mess with everyone's heads... and perhaps settle the issue before it becomes one:



"Bob... sir... we've run the DNA scan 3 times with the same results. Emiko and Chibi both have 2 extra chromosomes... and weirder yet, while I can't even tell what some of this is... I can tell you this much..."

Harfield drifted off, while Jandolin finished...

"As impossible as it sounds... we know these ET's tampered with them... and the results clearly indicate... they're... they're sisters!!!"



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I'm going to a murder mystery dinner. Let's hope I won't have to deal with green-skinned aliens, sea bugs, slaughtered guests, or polydimensional killers! :D


Seriously I don't want to have to deal with anything like the Killer Kraken Queen or Abeloth or anything on that level. Plz universe.


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6 minutes ago, ProtoJeb21 said:

I'm going to a murder mystery dinner. Let's hope I won't have to deal with green-skinned aliens, sea bugs, slaughtered guests, or polydimensional killers! :D

  Reveal hidden contents

Seriously I don't want to have to deal with anything like the Killer Kraken Queen or Abeloth or anything on that level. Plz universe.


Yeah, I can see you talking to the Host...

"I'd like a nice, normal murder mystery, please..."

lmao.... :D


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6 hours ago, Just Jim said:

Don't worry... 

I will put a little (huge) spoiler out there from the next chapter to really mess with everyone's heads... and perhaps settle the issue before it becomes one:


  Reveal hidden contents

"Bob... sir... we've run the DNA scan 3 times with the same results. Emiko and Chibi both have 2 extra chromosomes... and weirder yet, while I can't even tell what some of this is... I can tell you this much..."

Harfield drifted off, while Jandolin finished...

"As impossible as it sounds... we know these ET's tampered with them... and the results clearly indicate... they're... they're sisters!!!"



*suspense overload 505 brain not found*

@Just Jim why you do dis

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5 hours ago, Just Jim said:

I will put a little (huge) spoiler out there from the next chapter to really mess with everyone's heads... and perhaps settle the issue before it becomes one:


  Reveal hidden contents

"Bob... sir... we've run the DNA scan 3 times with the same results. Emiko and Chibi both have 2 extra chromosomes... and weirder yet, while I can't even tell what some of this is... I can tell you this much..."

Harfield drifted off, while Jandolin finished...

"As impossible as it sounds... we know these ET's tampered with them... and the results clearly indicate... they're... they're sisters!!!"



So... kerbals have 21 chromosomes! Wait, why is this such a suspenseful thing?

Also - how do you genetically edit people to become sisters? I don't think that's how that works...

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7 hours ago, qzgy said:

Also - how do you genetically edit people to become sisters? I don't think that's how that works...

hehehe... it's not.

7 hours ago, qzgy said:

So... kerbals have 21 chromosomes! Wait, why is this such a suspenseful thing?

Suspenseful because two are extras!

9 hours ago, The Space Dino said:

*suspense overload 505 brain not found*

@Just Jim why you do dis

Ahhh, Because I'm mean???  :sticktongue:

5 hours ago, The Space Dino said:

You never know how complicated @Just Jim's universe is...


Y'all have to just trust that I (think) I know what I'm doing... lol.... 


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22 hours ago, Buzz light fear said:

Indeed platipie are quite resilient to many things and don’t need light to swim just a fun fact Jim could include in the story

Oh? Cool! I'll remember this.. 

I've been working on the Ground Zero screenshots today... and while she won't have to swim, she still very-well might need to see in the dark by the time I'm done... :wink:

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On ‎9‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 3:55 PM, adsii1970 said:

Wait... what?  The nerdy guy gets the girl? Now I really know this is fiction!

As a nerdy guy myself, I can confirm that the nerdy guy does not get the girl.

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8 hours ago, obney kerman said:

As a nerdy guy myself, I can confirm that the nerdy guy does not get the girl.

Being kinda nerdy about my interests too I have to disagree, already being in my second relationship. And it was ME who broke up with my ex, not her. Tho the details would probably call in the mods for too much OT.

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