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The Saga of Emiko Station - Complete

Just Jim

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19 minutes ago, obney kerman said:

May I be the first to say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMIKO STATION!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh hey, is that today? Cool!! Happy Birthday Emiko!!!

Thank you!!!  :D


4 hours ago, Lo Var Lachland said:

Plain yogurt, some honey, coffee grounds, and some granola. Mix it all together. Boom.

Do you let the coffee disolve?

I'm a big fan of coffee ice cream... so this really doesn't see all that weird.

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3 hours ago, Just Jim said:

Do you let the coffee disolve?

Coffee is the universal solvent, it dissolves everything else.

The difference between Texas and Louisiana coffee is as follows.  In Texas, a horseshoe will float on coffee.  In Louisiana, the horseshoe floats but dissolves in less than 30 seconds.

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Oh, man, I got so much done the last couple days!!!  Woohoo! All the new stuff is built for the next chapter... and I've already got some of the screenshots done. This is going to be a fun one!

Here's a screenshots of one of the new ships... The Chalupa Queen!!!
(Thanks to @adsii1970 for the name... hehehe)


But what in the world does a steamship have to do with anything??? lol...  :rolleyes:



On 12/13/2017 at 10:02 PM, Lo Var Lachland said:

EAUGH, No. you eat it so it adds a crunch. 

I tried it, and I have to admit, I don't really like the crunchy coffee... However, if you let it sit a while in the fridge, so the coffee can dissolve... that was pretty good.

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On 12/13/2017 at 8:42 PM, Geschosskopf said:

Coffee is the universal solvent, it dissolves everything else.

The difference between Texas and Louisiana coffee is as follows.  In Texas, a horseshoe will float on coffee.  In Louisiana, the horseshoe floats but dissolves in less than 30 seconds.

Ah. Another fan of Community Coffee! :D


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5 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

But about that brake explosion, @Just Jim, IIRC you worked around armor in the past, is there a precident for such a thing?

Yes and no... It was years after I was in the army, when I was driving a septic truck (long story), I watched a really bad break fire happen on another truck. It was really nasty, lots of smoke... but I'll admit there wasn't a huge fireball like the Platypus. But I've only got so much to work with as far as flames and smoke effects in the game.

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9 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

... no one’s out of a job, are they?

No... It's mostly just eye-candy, and fun for me to play around with, but will play a big part in the next chapter.

Funny story... I was toying with names like Proud Mary, or Mississippi Queen... Kerbin Queen??? But nothing felt right. Then I was talking with @adsii1970 (FYI... we're really good friends and talk about stuff behind the scenes all the time)  Anyway, he suggested Chalupa Queen... Let me tell you... I did the biggest spit-take, and almost fell out of my chair laughing... it was so perfect!!! :D

And so, we now have the Chalupa Queen!

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On 18.12.2017 at 2:55 PM, Just Jim said:

 But I've only got so much to work with as far as flames and smoke effects in the game.

Which just reminded me of a question I wanted to ask u:


Do u still make stuff blow up by pointing running rocket engines at it or have u found a better solution?


I would probably use BDArmory and shoot at the part I wanna blow up with a 30-mm-gun or so. Most of the normal parts seem to go in a single hit. At least that's what I found when I built some test craft to shoot down (which sometimes I had a hard time trying despite my pretty decent piloting skills, even tho the AI was more focused on getting its nose pointed at me than dodging my fire) and the parts I hit always seemed to explode in a single hit. But then again, I'm stuck with a long obsolete version of the game and don't know what kinda changes have been made to the game and the mod.

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52 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:


Hey, how’d you get the nameplate on the tower like that?

It's a custom made flag I threw together in Photoshop  :wink:


23 minutes ago, DualDesertEagle said:

Do u still make stuff blow up by pointing running rocket engines at it or have u found a better solution?

The last couple chapters I used the "K4 Standard Explosive" that comes with the KIS mod.  It's the little brown and black package with the red LED's.


FYI... I added the red LED numbers with Photoshop so they'd really jump out. Anyway, these little bad-boys are really handy for blowing up stuff because you can set the timer and also the blast radius... which is super handy for precision explosions. Downside is the explosion itself is really fast, so you have to pay attention to the countdown, and be ready to hit the screenshot key the second it's supposed to blow. I use F5/F9 a lot here so I can do it 2-3 times from different angles.... and in case I don't hit the screenshot key fast enough.  :wink:

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1 minute ago, Just Jim said:

The last couple chapters I used the "K4 Standard Explosive" that comes with the KIS mod.

Weird, once I wanted to simulate a wing being ripped off by enemy fire and thus stuck one of those to 1 of my wingtips. Blew everything to bits and only left the cockpit untouched. And the plane wasn't exactly small!

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5 minutes ago, DualDesertEagle said:

Weird, once I wanted to simulate a wing being ripped off by enemy fire and thus stuck one of those to 1 of my wingtips. Blew everything to bits and only left the cockpit untouched. And the plane wasn't exactly small!

You may have had the blast radius too wide... I did some experimenting and found you can set it as low as 0.5 meters.. Set that low it might have taken off just the wing tip.

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