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The Saga of Emiko Station - Complete

Just Jim

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8 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

@Just Jim Those screenshots are good reason for me to keep the current Bison cab (and rename it a flying bridge or something), and rework those ground stabilizers into proper landing legs. Your designs look great and are inspiring! :)

Those stabilizer legs worked brilliantly!!! The problem I had was the largest set of landing wheels slid just a tiny bit. I doubt anyone would normally notice, unless they're on a cargo ramp, then whoever is on it seemed to slide ever so slowly to one side. The wheel weren't jumping, so I don't think it's a bug so much as just the massive weight.

But the stabilizers stayed put beautifully, and supported it just fine to get all the screenshots I need. I would absolutely follow-up on those... please!!!

As for the Bison cab, I like using the gondola in front, and the command cab in the rear for airships. I think it gives it a nice look.  :cool:

Edited by Just Jim
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On 7/25/2018 at 11:34 AM, RealKerbal3x said:

I'm certainly looking forward to the next chapter :cool:

Go @Just Jim!!

Well, the next batch of screenshots are done and uploaded... a little over 200, so it should be a decent sized chapter.

I've got a bunch of real life stuff to do today, and it's raining... welcome to Florida... but I'll try and start writing it up later. 

21 hours ago, HansonKerman said:

Does anyone know which page my Emiko table of ships is on?

I'm afraid I don't off-hand... sorry. 

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6 minutes ago, Ho Lam Kerman said:

With each passing minute, we get closer to the completion of chapter 98! :sticktongue:

OK... I have a confession to make...

Everything is ready, the screenshots are done and uploaded to Ingur, and the chapter is swirling around finished in my head... 

Except I can't think of a good title...  :rolleyes:

I do this a lot, actually... I hate to admit how long it takes me sometimes before I think of something I'm happy with. But I thought about it all evening when I was running around, and I'm still blanking... :confused:

Other than that I see no problem with finishing it tomorrow or Saturday.

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The whole "The Kraken has psychic tentacles" thing, reminded me of something id seen on twitch recently...


The Fendahl were gestalt organisms from the original fifth planet of the Sol system. They were composed of two parts, a Fendahl core and the Fendahleen. The Fendahl posed a threat to all life, and when one Fendahl core and twelve Fendahleen coexisted they had the power to destroy all life on a planet. The Fendahl could drain all the spectrum of energy from their prey, effectively sucking out their souls. 

===========================================================================================================================================The core could create these Fendahleens from living beings with the correct genetic inheritance and in some cases could create the Fendahleen out of pure energy. If the core was destroyed, the Fendahl were killed. All of the parts of the Fendahl could telekinetically control people, but the core had many more psychic powers such as mind control and astral projection.


Each Fendahl core had twelve Fendahleen — eyeless and limbless creatures having a fringe of pink tentacles around their mouths, and two large fins above. The skull of the Fendahl core resembled a human skull in every respect, but for a pentagram shape in the forehead, visible only by an x-ray. After transformation into the Fendahl core, one  appeared as a golden-skinned, majestic being with gigantic, unblinking eyes, long golden fingernails and an ornate ringed hairstyle. The core was practically invulnerable, not harmed by guns at all. When the skull was activated, it began to pulse with a golden glow from inside, and touching it caused great pain — apparently mental pain more than physical — although the cause of this was unclear. It could, however, be safely handled with gloves.


and some video of it in Action:


(Yes Im a huge nerd, no need to remind me)

Edited by DeltaDizzy
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16 minutes ago, 0111narwhalz said:

I too know this pain.

yeah... except I'm such an idiot!!! I had it in my head all along for days now... I just needed to jar myself a bit...

Chapter 98 - Dead Souls



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2 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

There's always "In the Air Tonight" by Phil Collins...

Oh, hey... that's an idea. I just read over the lyrics, and it really does fit... I may have to re-think this...

Either way, I'll start writing this up tomorrow... 

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6 hours ago, Just Jim said:

By the pricking of my thumb....

(I thought of an even better title last night)

I think you are making the mistake many writers do. don't bother naming it until you have it all down on paper. or pixels, forum space, whatever. 

once it's written down, and you have it all good to go, THEN name it. otherwise you risk limiting your writing to a title, rather than picking a title to suit your chapter. 

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"By the pricking of my thumbs..."
                                                       Macbeth: Act IV, Scene I


Chapter 98
Something Wicked This Way Comes


It had been a long and stressful ten-day since the fall of the Kraken Handmaiden, night was falling on the Kerbal Space Center, and Werhner von Kerman was desperately trying to get the senior staff assembled into some semblance of order out behind the main hangar. 




"Kerbs... Kerbette's... please," Werhner sighed, then gave up. His nerves were beyond shot, and he just didn't have the energy... or the ambition. Day after day, night after night, he waited, and watched... but no attack came. He was sure there would be retribution for poofing the Handmaiden... but so far nothing.

Then the call came in... She was on her way, and would be landing in just an hour... Samantha Kerman, the "Acting" Grand Kerbal...


"Let's try and look professional, please," von Kerman sighed, and wondered if it would be easier to just drop a Magic Boulder on his head and be done with it... It wasn't the first time he thought that in the last hour...

For the first couple day after the handmaiden's fall, Werhner kept everyone away from the KSC. But nothing happened... No falling rocks from the sky... no creepy attempts to possess anyone... nothing. So they slowly began to come back in, only to find it was still a complete disaster. Luckily the buildings were intact; having gone through extensive structural restorations and improvements after the last major kerb-quake. But the place was a shambles, as if in it's last poof-throes the Kraken Handmaiden had picked up the entire space center and shook it like a snow-globe. They had been working on it since everyone returned, and it would be at least another ten-day... perhaps two... before everything was cleaned up.

Truth be told, the Grand Kerbal was luckily to get any kind of reception at all... Everyone was exhausted, and scared... So let her scream, Werhner was just too tired to really care.

"Here she comes..." Piper Kerman called out. Unlike the rest, she was standing next to Thompberry's new Mk-III science chariot... In fact she was never far from Thompberry anymore... something everyone had begun to notice. But now wasn't the time...



Then they all heard it coming in from over the Eastern Sea, and Chibi gasped. 

"What... what is that?"

Chibi was used to the massive Tornado fans on the Platypus and Annabel lee... but this... whatever it was, made the tornado engines sound like toy pocket fans!!!

"That... that is another of Angelo Kerman's creations... big sister of the Annabel Lee." Val called out over the increasing roar of the unbelievably huge engines...





"Tradition states that as long as the Grand Kerbal is on board," Val continued. "It's designation is the Imperial Eagle."

"More like Imperial EGO," someone called out from behind them, and even von Kerman laughed for a moment before re-composing himself.



As the massive airship came over the runway, Chibi was even more astounded. She had learned already her Kerbal friends didn't seem to understand the concept of "over-kill" in the least. And much to her delight, and amazement, this was no exception.

"My God..." she said out loud... but no-one heard her over the noise. "The engines are as big as the ship itself!!! Awesome!!!"




Then the monstrous fan-engines throttled back, and the Imperial Eagle came to a gentle stop some 500 meters or so over the waiting group, extended her landing gear, and began to slowly descend to the airstrip below. 





Almost without a sound the Imperial Eagle came to a rest in front of von Kerman and the senior staff, and for several seconds no-one moved... or even breathed. 

This was the moment they had all dreaded, and most were convinced it was KASA's last day... and tomorrow they would all return to the burrows... or worse.

Then the huge airship turbine compressors hissed, and vented their tanks in a massive burst, the lights suddenly came on and bathed everything in an eerie red glow, the bay doors slid back, ramp extended...

And there she stood, Samantha Kerman... the "Acting" Grand Kerbal...





No-one moved... despite her current reputation, the staff were still in awe at the sight...

All of them except Chibi, who suddenly started to giggle... and whispered over to Emiko.

"Dun Dun Dun... Dun de Dun... Dun de dun..."


"Stop it," Emiko whispered back, desperately trying not to laugh... but then a second later she started making... breathing sounds??? 

"Kuhhhhhhhhhh... Chhhhhhhhhhhhh... Kuhhhhhhhhhhhh... Chhhhhhhhhhhh..."

And Chibi started giggling even harder...


Then, as Samantha descended the ramp, Chibi whispered again...

"Emiko... I am your daughter..."

And von Kerman rushed forward to great the Grand Kerbal before she noticed both Emiko and Chibi were laughing histerically...





"Majesty, it is an honor," von Kerman smiled, unsure how to proceed. "May I assume you're hear to inspect the clean-up efforts?"

For a moment the "Acting" Grand Kerbal said nothing, and just looked back at von Kerman... and Werhner began to get very, very worried...


Then the impossible happened, and von Kerman began to suspect this was all just a weird dream brought on by stress and exhaustion... maybe... maybe he was hallucinating??? That had to be it... he was hallucinating... It had to be... There was no way the Grand Kerbal was... smiling??? And... laughing???"

"Oh, please! Uncle Werhner, you've known me since I was five." Samantha laughed. "Call me Sam... and that's an order."

"Yes, your Maj... ma'am... Sam..." von Kerman stuttered, totally blindsided by what he was hearing...

"OK, better, I suppose," Samantha smiled. "Now get out of my way..."

And von Kerman knew this had to be a fever dream... or something... when the "Acting" Grand kerbal shoved him aside and began running towards Emiko!




"Mother... MOTHER!!!" Samantha beamed. "I can't tell you how relieved I was to hear you were alive and safe. I have tried for ten-days uncounted to get away... but you know how the court can be. Silly protocall..."

"Sam..." Emiko smiled. "Emiko so glad to see you, too..."

But the truth was Emiko was also totally bewildered... everyone was. This was not the Samantha anyone remembered... Something was wrong. But Emiko felt nothing out of the ordinary... well, besides Sam's confusing behavior. But if she had been possessed, or even influenced, by one of the krakens, Emiko... as well as Chibi, Piper, and possibly the Rocklady, would have felt instantly... even if she didn't have the weird, dead eyes.

Except there was nothing... except a feeling of great... happiness... No, more like... satisfaction??? Victory??? Something along those lines emanating from Sam... That Emiko could feel even without trying to scan her daughter. The Grand Kerbal was happy about something... and Emiko had a bad feeling about it...

Then Samantha turned to val;... and everyone held their breath... but the impossible continued.

"Valentina, my daughter, don't you look magnificent!" Samantha beamed. "I am so looking forward to hearing about all of your adventures!"


 "And you must be Chibi," Samantha continued to bubble away... "I've heard so much about you! What about the other Earthanoid... Badie, is it? I would so like to meet her as well!"

"I'm afraid she's sleeping at the moment, ma'am," Chibi replied. "She's... well... to be totally honest, she's not adjusting too well."

"Oh, I am sorry to hear that, Sam frowned. "You seem to be doing all right."

Yes, ma'am," Chibi smiled. "But I knew I was coming here... Badie's circumstances were quite different... and traumatic. I think she'll be OK eventually... but it's going to take some time."

I understand," Samantha shook her head sadly. "I suppose it would be quite a shock..."

Then Samantha turned and looked up at Thompberry.

"And speaking of shocks... Imagine my surprise to learn you not only back on the planet, but you helped in the recent... events?" Samantha called up. "There are some on the Grand Council that are calling for you to be dissected and studied..."

"Over my poofed body!" Piper stepped forward and snarled, and the entire group gasped as one.





For several long, awkward seconds the world sat still... even the platypii down at the beach seemed to go silent...

Then Samantha broke into a smile, and laughed softly.

"So... someone cares for... it???" she whispered softly. "Outstanding..."

Then the Acting Grand Kerbal turned and smiled over at Werhner.

"I wish to address the senior staff assembled in 60 minutes.... I have an important announcement"



then Samantha turned to Emiko and Chibi and smiled... which Emiko was finding more and more unnearving, though she couldn't explain why exactly.

"Mother, please... before the meeting, may I..." Samantha paused, and actually looked a little embarassed. "Would the two of you sing a couple of those amazingly weird Earthaniod songs for me... please??? I've heard a couple of the recordings... but..."

"Emiko and I would be delighted!" Chibi cut in. "Wouldn't we???"

 "Yes... yes," Emiko tried to sounds as normal as possible. "Would Chibi run and grab Emiko's Guitar, please? We can preform in the small auditorium... Whould that suffice, Werhner?"

"Uhhh, yes..." von Kerman tried to play along... still half convinced he was sleeping. "I'll have the staff meet us there in an hour."



"Outstanding," Samantha beamed, then turned back to Piper. "Commander, would you be so kind as to drive me to this auditorium? I wish to hear more about why we shouldn't have Thompberry dissected..."

 Piper looked over behind the Grand Kerbal and saw Werhner nodding slowly before she replied.

"Yes, ma'am... it would be my pleasure." Piper turned to climb into the new and much improved Chariot. "I think you'll like this new rover... It's the latest design."




 Before she followed Piper and Samantha, Emiko turned to Chibi with a worried lok.

"Something... is very wrong," she frowned.

"I know..." Chibi nodded. "Just be careful. I'll meet you in a few minutes."

Then Emiko and Werhner gave each other a worried look, and followed Samantha and Piper into the Chariot, while the rest of the senior staff mulled about, trying to wrap their heads around what just transpired.

"I... I suppose you are all dismissed," Val called out in a shaky voice. "Mort, Linus, Gus... Walter, you heard the Grand Kerbal... please report to the auditorium in one hour."




The drive over only took a few minutes, even though Thompberry took a somewhat roundabout route to avoid getting too close to the Magic Boulder. While he didn't think anything would happen, the last thing anyone needed was that thing misbehaving, not when things were already getting real weird.






Emiko and Werhner didn't speak much during the ride over, just held hands and silently tried to figure out what was going on... And when they climbed out, the strangeness continued whey they overheard Samantha smiling and talking to Piper... who was smiling back!!!

"You make a compelling argument, Piper Kerman," Samantha nodded, then turned and looked up at Thompberry. "By royal decree, Thompberry Kerman you are hereby pardoned... temporarily... pending further inquiry."

"Why, thank you, ma'am..." Thompberry tried to sound as normal as he could. "I am... grateful."





"Now, shall we?" Samantha called over to Emiko and Werhner, then turned and headed towards the door.

Emiko just looked at Werhner and shrugged, then followed her daughter inside, while Piper stood and watched on in silence, until after the others were inside.





"You did scan her on the way over, didn't you???" Piper asked softly up to Thompberry.

"Twice..." Thompberry answered quietly back. "She's... normal."



"I don't like this..." Piper whispered.

"No... neither do I..." Thompberry whispered back.

And for once, Piper didn't object in the least to them being in complete agreement.



A few minutes later Chibi came running into the auditorium with Emiko's guitar... and more! Knowing her best friend as well as she did, she also grabbed two pair of sunglasses, and a fedora she saw in an office as she ran by. It wasn't Emiko's, but close enough, and Emiko giggled when she saw it, and was instantly in the mood when she put it on.

"What first???" Chibi smiled at Emiko.

"Oh... Emiko knows..."

And quietly she began to strum her guitar, and Chibi beamed...

"Perfect..." she whispered, then closed her eyes and listened to Emiko play...

Then began to softly sing... in human...

Ground Control to Major Tom
Ground Control to Major Tom
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on



"Wow.... just... wow," the Grand Kerbal whispered, and for a while she and Werhner just sat and listened.

But then the first song finished, and Chibi began singing in Kerbin about... Emiko Pie??? Something like that... 

Then Samantha leaned over, and Werhner realized she wasn't hear any music, but to get von Kerman alone for a short while.

"So, what news have you on Gene, and the other missing crew?"


"We're not exactly sure," Werhner tried to explain. "We think they most likely refueled at Kerbin Station after they launched, and are now on Emiko Station. But readings are... erratic... at best."

"Explain," Samantha asked softly.

"Well, Kerenna and Obney choose their vehicle well," Werhner continued. "That banshee... the space-plane... was a prototype, and fitted with the newest blanketing systems we have."

"Blanketing system," Samantha interrupted. "The device that turns things invisible?"

"Well, not exactly invisible. You can see it with your eyes just fine. But it's designed to mask and confuse any kind of electronic signal, and to a computer is... well... invisible. Or that's how it's supposed to work."

"I see," Samantha nodded. "That does make things a little more difficult."

"Yes, it does," von Kerman agreed. "But we have picked up intermittent signals from Emiko Station itself... Some systems have come online in the last couple days..."



Actually, Gene, Kerenna and Obney had arrived at Emiko Station over three days ago... But when they arrived they discovered the old tower had been damaged, and was now listing about 10 degrees off. But a quick investigation showed it was most likely a micro-meteor, and the station systems were still functioning... at least for now

So, after a brief discussion, Kerenna began to search the large rockets full of replacement parts, each following Emiko Station in close orbit, until she located the new command tower, then spent the next day on-station bringing in the command center, and preparing to attach it to the massive asteroid near the old tower.



The attachment could not have gone smoother, almost as if the ancient asteroid welcomed a new addition, and soon they were using the new command center's massive reaction wheels to bring Emiko Tower back to an upright position...




Then Kerenna and Gene set to work detaching one of the observation pods from the old tower, while Obney volunteered to monitor the situation from inside. True, he was probably more experienced to be helping Kerenna. But he was also smart enough to see Gene and Kerenna were really enjoying themselves, and quietly stayed out of the way, and inside the station.

It took a couple hours, but eventually Kerenna found the right safety catch, and the observation popped  loose, and drifted off into space.




Then the pair crawled back inside, and with Gene standing by to monitor and hook up systems in the old tower, and Obney doing the same in the new one, Kerenna went back out and attached an interconnecting "Mine-shaft" tube between the two towers, so as to start bringing the new tower, and their new home, online.








It may have taken them three days to do what the engineering team could have done in three hours, but the tiny crew couldn't be more proud of themselves, and were currently on the new command bridge, ecstatically switching things on and off... and having the time of their lives!






Back at the KSC auditorium, the lights had changed to an eerie purple, and Emiko began to play the haunting introduction to the weirdly beautiful Hotel Kalifornia song she had played not long ago on Kokomo Island, and for a moment Samantha stopped to listen. then she leaned in towards Werhner once again.

"And the other MIA's? Commander Geschosskopf and the cadets that helped Obney and Kerenna?"

"We have absolutely no clue," von Kerman sighed. "You see, it was Geschosskopf that invented the blanketing system."

"Oh," Samantha nodded. "I think I understand."




Actually, Geschosskopf and the cadets were only a few hundred kilometers west, at a half-finished and now abandoned facility in the middle of the desert...amusingly nicknamed the Dessert Airfield.

"Geschosskopf couldn't believe their good fortune... and felt a deep sense of regret at how it had happened.

The facility was being built secretly by Zaltonic Electronics, who not long before the Ground Zero disaster, had also contacted Geschosskopf privately, and inquired into the possibility of blanketing an entire airfield. Intrigued, Geo tentatively agreed to assess the situation, and the building project was put on hold until a meeting could be arranged.

Then came ground Zero... and from what he could tell, the few Kerbs that knew of the dessert field's existence poofed with all the rest of the unfortunate victims.

For all practical purposes, the airfield was now his, and the cadets... so long as they could remain unnoticed.



 Standing atop a desert sailor... a sort of fan powered rover... Geschosskopf gave his final instructions for the evening to the cadet CQ for the night.

"Now I want lights out and everyone bunked down in 30 minutes," Geschoffkopf barked. " First violator gets KP for the next two days, understood?"

"Yes, sir!" The cadet snapped.

"Good," Geo sat down and buckled himself in. "We should be back before sunrise. Maintain radio silence unless it's absolutely necessary."

"Understood, sir." the cadet replied as the Sailor slowly drove off into the night, then he whispered slowly after them. "And... good hunting, sir."






Once the were clear Geschosskopf had his driver, cadet Rasel Kerman, bring the fans up to half throttle.

"Maintain speed..." Geschoffkopf barked. "Pay attention. Good... good." 

Geo didn't mean to be gruff with the young cadet; she had actually done quite well, and exactly as ordered. Earlier that day, while on long range patrol, Rasel spotted... something. She wasn't sure what it was, or if it was a threat or not, and instead of rushing in, or needlessly breaking radio silence, she stood watch for a while, until she was convinced it wasn't moving. Then she noted it's exact position, and reported it as soon as she returned. And now the two of them were returning to investigate more closely.



Geschosskopf was actually quite impressed... Rasel did exactly as she should have... but he was too agitated to show it. Something was beginning to bother him... badly. 

It had been pre-arranged that he and the cadets would make their disappearance sometime right after Kerenna and Obney escaped... and he was quite surprised when the evacuation order was called, but assumed it was some last minute addition to the plan Kerenna or Obney somehow arranged to add cover.

Or was it??? 

Geo had done exactly as planned, and they made their way to the dessert field with no difficulty. But while they broke radio contact, he had listened for a time... and what he heard concerned him deeply. Had there been an attack??? And if their had been... Then did that mean Geschosskopf... ran??? Ran when he should have stayed and fought for his friends???

No... no... he had done the right thing... at least he kept telling himself that. They were out here for a reason... he could feel it... wait.. what is that???


Out of no-where just as they crested a small hill, there was a large floating boulder, right in their path! Rasel hit the brakes and reversed the fan, and was able to bring the sailor to a stop just before they crashed into it.



"Is that... what I think it is, sir?" Rasel asked.

"Yup, it surely is," Geschosskopf answered softly back. "Go slow, and give it a little room." 

"Yes, sir," Rasel replied, then slowly drove around the boulder, and on to their target.


But just as they crested the nest hill, they spied another floating boulder... and the a third!


What dies it mean, sir?" Rasel asked in awe. Never had she seen a real floater, and now three... no, wait, there was a fourth one ahead of them!

"I don't know," Geschosskopf replied slowly. "Stay alert... this can't be a coincidence."


Then they crossed one last hill, and the strange object lie some 4 kilometers ahead... and plainly visible in the desert night.


"From this distance, that is much large to be a cactus," Geschosskopf mused. "And too straight to be a rock. That is unusual... You did good, cadet, to report this. take us in closer... slowly. Kill the fan, use just the wheel motors, I want as little noise as possible."

"Yes, sir," Rasel replied softly, then slowly let the brake off and began to quietly coast the Sailor down the small hill and close to the odd looking object.



But as they drew close, Geschosskopf began to feel... uneasy, and then a little queasy, and was just beginning to wonder if it was just in his head when Rasel said softly.

"I... Sir, I don't feel so good." 

And then Geschosskopf knew what it was they were approaching... he remembered the feeling all too well.

"Stop... Rasel, stop," he called softly. "That's a monolith."


"But, sir, with respect," Rasel replied. "There are no monoliths out here."

"No known ones," Geschosskopf agreed. "That there is one of those strange green ones. I saw one on Minmus... Thompberry theorized it's actually some sort of anti-mater... which is impossible... but then again so are floating hunks of rock. Anyway, if it is anti-matter, then that's what making you feel so... strange. The space around is somehow being effected..."




"So is that what the floating boulders were trying to tell us about?" Rasel asked quietly.

"I... I don't know," Geo wasn't sure. Granted, a green monolith was unusual... but 5 floating boulders? That was unprecedented... and ... wait....

"What was that???" Geschoffkopf whispered, turning and looking out into the desert night. "Did... did you just hear something?"

"No," Rasel whispered. "I... Oh... wait... there... I think???"


"Wait here, Geschosskopf strained to see, and thought he could make out... something... a figure???

"Keep the Sailor running... We may need to move fast."

"I understand," Rasel nodded softly. "Be careful, sir."


Then Geschosskopf jumped down, and carefully walked towards where the sound originated from... and where he thought he saw... something. But whatever it was, it blended in so well it was almost impossible to make out until he was several meters away, and whatever it was collapsed in front of him...




Then he stopped, and stared, and then broke radio silence and radioed softly back to Rasel...

"I... I think it's a body..." Geschosskopf paused... "Oh, wait... It's moving..."

And the dusty, dirty figure in front of him rose... and Geschosskopf saw who... or what... it was... and instantly recognized it... HER!!!

"No... No, it can't be..." 




Geo wanted to scream... run... until he noticed something strange... different...

Her eyes... HER EYES!!!

They were... normal???

And then in a cracked and strained whisper, the wizened, elderly Kerbette whispered softly...

"Help... please... help me..."

And fell back to the ground...



"By the Goddess... Rasel... It's Bruberry... Bruberry Kerman!!!" Geschosskopf shouted as he ran up to the poor, long lost Kerbette.

"Oh... My... Goddess... She's free... Rasel get that rover over here now... NOW!!!"




Meanwhile, back at the Kerbal Space Center, Emiko and Chibi had just finished up playing, and the senior administrators were waiting to come in.

"That was magnificent!" Samantha beamed. "I never... wow... Mother, I can't wait to hear all about this remarkable Earth place! but now... now we must get to business. Werhner, please show everyone in."



Once everyone was seated, and Emiko put away her guitar and hat, Samantha stood up and looked out at everyone with a satisfied grin... the kind of grin a cat gives you when it has just caught a mouse... and Emiko suddenly had a horrible, horrible feeling.




"My esteemed colleagues, I am delighted to be standing here before you tonight," Samantha began. "I have much to tell you, and we have much to do... But first, i have a very special announcement...."

Samantha looked out at her daughter, Valentina... who suddenly got the coldest chill down her back...

"Val, my beautiful daughter... I could not be prouder," Samantha smiled.... much like a serpent... "I am thrilled to be the one to tell you, by unanimous consent, the Grand Counsel has named you Crown Kerbette, and heir to the seat of the Grand Kerbal when I step down! Isn't that just wonderful???"

"Mother.... no..." Val whispered in horror...


"I will order the most extravagant retirement gala imaginable. And then, my dear, you will move with me to Emerald Island and assume your new position at my side!!!"

Val couldn't move... couldn't breath. All her life Samantha had hated and resented the fact her daughter ran off and joined the space agency... and here... here was her revenge at last, sugar-coated as some great honor.

"And Jebediah," Samantha smiled even more evilly... "Brave, brave Captain Jebediah. I am thrilled to announce you are to be promoted to Commodore, and head of the Emiko Station rebuild project, and will assume your position there as soon as possible."




Emiko was crushed. She had hoped that Samantha had actually changed for the better... but instead her daughter was so much more of a monster. Behind her Val had started to quietly weep, and Emiko couldn't begin to imagine how this could get any worse...

But then it did...


"I've saved the best for last," Samantha grinned and turned to face Emiko.

"As you all know, the Grand Council has undertaken an extensive investigation into recent events, and it has been decided that if these Krakens do, in fact, exist, then they are obviously intelligent creatures. And this... aggressive... posturing by the former administrator, Gene Kerman, is the real threat to the peace and security of our world... And at this important juncture more... diplomatic... hand is required."

Behind her Emiko heard several gasps, but just nodded for Samantha to continue.

"Mother, as you are the most senior ranking Kerbette here, it is only fitting that you replace Gene Kerman as senior administrator of the newly re-formed Kerbal Space Program... or KSP... if you will. And it will be your first duty as administrator to reach out to these... aliens... in an attempt to establish a friendly dialog, and establish an eventual treaty with them."


"OK... enough..." Emiko sighed and stood up. "Stop... just stop."

"Emiko..." Chibi stood, but Emiko shook her head.

"No... no... maybe Samantha is right," Emiko whispered sadly. "Maybe time to... talk... to nasty Krakens."

"Emiko... NO!" Werhner and several other voices cried out at once. But Emiko ignored them, and looked her daughter straight in the eye...

"Suit up."




It was now just past midnight, and Emiko, along with Samantha and Chibi, stood outside the astronaut complex in full EVA suits, and looked up at the ominous Emerald Magic Boulder.

"This is a bad idea," Werhner whispered to Emiko, afraid to let her go.

'Emiko knows..." she sighed back. "But else what can Emiko do?"


"Nothing... nothing." Werhner shook his head sadly, then looked over at Samantha. "I don't think she'll believe anything less..."

For a moment the two said nothing, then Werhner grabbed Emiko and hugged her as hard as she could.

"Please, my love, be safe..."

And he turned and ran to towards Thompberry, who was waiting with Piper at a safe distance, without looking back... 






"We're all clear here," Thompberry radioed to Emiko, once Werhner was near enough. He didn't wish to interfere in any way, only take advantage of his new rover's impressive science equipment, and try to glean any new data possible...

 And... well... if something did go wrong, he would try to assist in any way possible... if there were any way possible...

"OK, follow Emiko," Emiko nodded, then walked up to the Magic Boulder, looked up, and smiled.




"Now what?" Samantha asked, in awe at being so close to such a legendary thing...

"Hold on," Emiko smiled, then raised her hands to her helmet... "Magic Boulder... Emiko needs to find Krakens..."

And suddenly everything got... fuzzy!


From where Thompberry was observing there were three small flashes followed by a brilliant emerald green and white burst... and the trree of them were gone... along with the magic Boulder itself... and Thompberry whispered softly as the data began to flow into his circuits...







Now out on Bop, the Kraken Lord had listened to his Empress Slave/mate rage on for days at the murder of her "beloved" handmaiden. Beloved... bah!!! The Empress hated that one with a jealous passion, and only kept her around because she had no other... 

And now.. somehow beyond reason or comprehension... these... primitives... vanquished her!

How??? How could it be possible???

This was the question holding the Empress back... How could these Kerbals have brought such a creature as the handmaiden down? They just weren't that powerful!!!

It defied all understanding... and struck a rare sense of fear into the heart of the three surviving krakens... If they could murder the handmaiden... could they present a threat to the Empress and Kraken Lord themselves???

The Empress wanted to exterminate the planet in the worst way... but this unknown element... this unknown power... was holding her back...

"How???" She kept screaming at the dead elder Kraken's bloated old body... but got no reply.



Then the Kraken lord, who had been standing outside with her, turned and smiled...

"We have guests..."


Suddenly the Emerald magic Boulder appeared, only inches from the much more massive Crimson Magic Boulder, and a strange sort of resonance began to vibrate between the two.

And to the Krakens amazement, in front of the magic Boulder stood none other than Emiko Kerman... along with... 

"You... at last..." the Empress chuckled. "I've been waiting several millennia to rend your soul..."


"Oh, just try it," Chibi smiled back.  

But then Samantha smiled, and hopped forward in the low gravity... and did something incredibly foolish.

"Greetings, wise and ancient creatures... I am Samantha Kerm... Kerm... Oh... oh gods... no... NO!!!"

And Samantha fell over in a sick heap as the Empress's thought tentacles reached out and violated her mind...






"Mother... please... help me..." Samantha screamed as she felt he mind being ripped apart... "Please... make it stop..."

"OK, that will be quite enough..." Emiko raised her hand... And to Samantha's relief, and the Empresses stunned amazement, Emiko telepathically... shoved... the Empress back away from her daughter!!!



"What???" The Empress howled... "You dare??? how?"

"Oh... not so strong without your slave, are ya?" Chibi laughed back as Samantha rose to her feet, and looked at the Krakens with a new found horror.

"What... what are you?"


"Now Krakens listen very, very carefully..." Emiko called out coldly. "Stay away from Emiko's family... Emiko's friends... Emiko's planet!!! Or... or Emiko will... will murder-poof all of you!!!"

And in an emerald flash, the three brave, foolish primitives vanished, along with the Magic Boulder.





"So be it," The Kraken Lord whispered into the darkness. He had tried to do things as he thought his father would... but these fools had sealed their fate.

Slowly... slowly... he turned to the Empress...

And snarled...

"Eradicate them all!!!"



The Saga of Emiko Station, and the strange tale of Emiko, Chibi, and Badie Kerman, is far, far from over...

Go to Chapter 99
Return to index


(note: this evening I received some great news I've been waiting on for quite a while... But I may have not proofread this properly... I'm a little giddy... lol...  I'll try and fix any major goofs over the weekend.)

Edited by Just Jim
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Darn, I wanted to be first!

Also, great chapter, @Just Jim!!

37 minutes ago, Just Jim said:


"Oh, just try it," Chibi smiled back.  

But then Samantha smiled, and hopped forward in the low gravity... and did something incredibly foolish.

"Greetings, wise and ancient creatures... I am Samantha Kerm... Kerm... Oh... oh gods... no... NO!!!"

And Samantha fell over in a sick heap as the Empress's thought tentacles reached out and violated her mind...



Well, that is what she assigned Emiko to do.


Am I really taking these Kerbals to that Kraken-possesed world of Bop? What am I thinking, the Boulder thought.

But for some strange reason, it took them there anyway.


I laughed hysterically when I read this. Glad to see my and @obney kerman's parts make it in.


Edited by HansonKerman
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42 minutes ago, HansonKerman said:

Well, that is what she assigned Emiko to do.

Exactly... be careful what you wish for... lol... ;)

16 minutes ago, HansonKerman said:

Are you going to make your TR configs public?

Texture replacer? Most everything is already available on the TR page OP, but I'd have to take a look and then make a list of what came from where. Some of the faces, especially the gray hair, I did, and a few of the suits, but the rest came from the TR page.

45 minutes ago, HansonKerman said:

I laughed hysterically when I read this. Glad to see my and @obney kerman's parts make it in.

I tried to remember everything... ;)

48 minutes ago, DeltaDizzy said:


18 minutes ago, HansonKerman said:


Got it and got it... thanks.

Again, this was a really great day, but I got a little distracted, so I really couldn't pay as close attention proofreading as I normally do.


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