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Mitsubishi A6M Zero (RO, AJE, RSS)


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Now this thread is obsolete. Here is new topic with more and much more accurate replicas:





Speedbuild + extensive testing of my Mitsubishi A6M Zero replica: long-range fighter aircraft, operated by the Imperial Japanese Navy from 1940 to 1945.  Unfortunately I was forced to use Pratt & Whitney R-2800-18W from F4U Corsair so performance is much better than original.


Imgur album:












Here is my attempt to create Hawker Hurricne replica.  Unfortunately it didn't manage to get the same look as original one.








Imgur album (No idea how to post imgur albums on the new forum):








Proc. Parts with my own textures

B9 Proc. Wings

NEBULA Decals with my own stickers




BD Adjustable Landing Gear

Aviator Arsenal




Edited by winged
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The use of the P&W 'oil-spewer' makes me think about all these modified T-6s use in the movies of the last seventy years to take over the Type 0, B5N/6N, D3A or even Kurt Tank's wonder, until it has a radial.

It's an excellent looking model anyway.

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On 20.12.2015 at 11:43 AM, Azimech said:

A Zero with a R2800? So you forced yourself to build a fantasy Zero, the one all the IJN pilots dreamed of once they encountered the Hellcat.

It looks good though.

I think that is generally better to maintain the same look and much better performance than the same performance and different look.

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[nerd mode]

Depends on your "customers" ;-)

If for some reason someone wants to do dogfights with great looking planes from the 1941 period, with the Wildcat, Brewster Buffalo and other early war periods having a hard time with the Zero, they'll look in a different direction if performance is way off.

You put so much effort in the looks, why not let it have the same flight characteristics? They were great for turn & burn at sea level but lousy energy fighters (climb, dive, top speed). Anyone willing to fly such a plane will seek the thrill of aerobatics against  more allround planes like the early Bf109 or Spitfire and LA5 (not that any Bf-109 was in the Pacific theater).

[/nerd mode]

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1 hour ago, Azimech said:

You put so much effort in the looks, why not let it have the same flight characteristics?

This would require creating a new AJE config for Nakajima Sakae engine. Unfortunately I don't know what these parameters below means and where I can find such detailed data for japanese engine:


@title= Pratt & Whitney R-2800-10W Double Wasp
@description=WWII-era 2000HP twin-row 18-cylinder water-injected radial with a strong three-speed (only 2 modeled) two-stage supercharger. Note, due to modeling issues, will only develop rated altitude horsepower (high blower) when at maximum speed. Used on F6F-3 Hellcat, with very nearly identical model (-8W) used on F4U-1 Corsair with the exception the Corsair did not employ exhaust thrust. 13ft 1in 3 bladed constant speed propeller.
%mass = 1.381 //1161kg engine
%rescaleFactor = 1.12
%CoMOffset = 0, -0.15, 0
IspMultiplier = 1
useOxygen = true
// R-2800-10W
displacement = 2804.5
compression = 6.75
minRPM = 2200
maxRPM = 2700
power = 2030
gearratio = 0.5
BSFC = 1.104E-7
coolerEffic = 0.6
coolerMin = 0
ramAir = 0.1
exhaustThrust = 0.75
meredithEffect = 0.003
boost0 = 52.5
rated0 = 500
boost1 = 52.5
rated1 = 5670
cost1 = 240
switchAlt = 1400
turbo = false
wastegateMP = 52.5
propName = HS6501A-0x4
propDiam = 3.9878 // 13ft 1in
// 3-bladed
CtTweak = 0.77
CpTweak = 0.75


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I've got a few links for ya.



I've flown the IL2 series for almost a decade, those guys really know their stuff. My user name is Azimech over there as well.

This might be a great resource as well:


Almost forgot, Nathan Kell knows a lot about AJE configurations. I can tell you this: the values are in metric and manifold pressure is in ata (also known as at, "technical atmosphere"), which is close to bar.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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