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[1.1][1.1-1] Apr-19-2016 Dynamic Texture Loader


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I saved memory using all three startup parameters.  OpenGL saved the most memory, but DX11 looked best.  DX9 was on brink of crashing & didn't look good.  So I guess it is a value judgement as to whether to use OpenGL or DX11, but DTL is an improvement either way.


Thanks Rbray89!

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Doesn't bloody work. ;(

1GB Directx11 graphics, windows10:

In main menu I'm getting ~1GB memory saving(2.1GB reported by task manager)

loaded KSC: memory usage jumps up to 2.8GB - normal memory usage without DTL

In VAB: station loaded(~60 different parts) memory usage goes to 3.3GB - 300MB saved

game crashes on rocket load from subassemblies.

station only on launchpad 3.5GB, reverting to VAB results in crash

most thumbnails in VAB uses normal texture, only few mods show low res texture.




ATM also does nothing,  time to remove some mods... ;(

Edited by ZAJC3W
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2 hours ago, ZAJC3W said:

Doesn't bloody work. ;(

1GB Directx11 graphics, windows10:

In main menu I'm getting ~1GB memory saving(2.1GB reported by task manager)

loaded KSC: memory usage jumps up to 2.8GB - normal memory usage without DTL

In VAB: station loaded(~60 different parts) memory usage goes to 3.3GB - 300MB saved

game crashes on rocket load from subassemblies.

station only on launchpad 3.5GB, reverting to VAB results in crash

most thumbnails in VAB uses normal texture, only few mods show low res texture.




ATM also does nothing,  time to remove some mods... ;(

Ksp.log file? If the low resolution texture isn't being used, something is probably crashing during unload

. As well, with DX11, only graphics memory will be impacted, not system.

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I have found conflicting mod: ModuleManager.

Well... kind of conflicting...

KSP is hitting 2.5G on changes between large ships after removing files below






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Hey, having an odd problem I've been working on for an hour or so and I can't seem to really fix it.

Everything was working really well for the last month or so I had this installed and it hasn't crashed in all of that time. Today I noticed that there was a new version of BDArmory so I installed it like every other mod by placing it into gamedata, overwriting the old version. Loaded up KSP, and every texture for parts and icons was white. So I started troubleshooting, uninstalling BDA, DTL plugin files (the cache folders), Filter Extensions, TweakScale, ATM, and then finally Dynamic Texture Loader itself (in that order.) I also deleted the module manager caches and ran KSP to create new ones, and then I got a new version completely. 

Currently, starting KSP with DTL installed gives me white textures, and reloading the resources in game (alt-F12 menu) brings back about 3/4s of them. Uninstalling DTL and then running ksp again brings evrything back, but I can only make 1 or 2 flights before a crash. 

Edited by InfiniteShock
Reordered events.
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3 hours ago, Speedster159 said:

So when running in DX11 mode all of the textures are offloaded to VRAM? So what's stored inside DRAM?

everything else. Geometry, dlls, etc.

3 hours ago, InfiniteShock said:

Hey, having an odd problem I've been working on for an hour or so and I can't seem to really fix it.

Everything was working really well for the last month or so I had this installed and it hasn't crashed in all of that time. Today I noticed that there was a new version of BDArmory so I installed it like every other mod by placing it into gamedata, overwriting the old version. Loaded up KSP, and every texture for parts and icons was white. So I started troubleshooting, uninstalling BDA, DTL plugin files (the cache folders), Filter Extensions, TweakScale, ATM, and then finally Dynamic Texture Loader itself (in that order.) I also deleted the module manager caches and ran KSP to create new ones, and then I got a new version completely. 

Currently, starting KSP with DTL installed gives me white textures, and reloading the resources in game (alt-F12 menu) brings back about 3/4s of them. Uninstalling DTL and then running ksp again brings evrything back, but I can only make 1 or 2 flights before a crash. 

BDArmory must be doing something funky then... I'll have to take a look.

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1 hour ago, rbray89 said:

BDArmory must be doing something funky then... I'll have to take a look.

So I had the idea to grab a vanilla install and put a new copy of both BDA and DTL in the new install's gamedata folder, and it launched just fine. So I spent the last hour or so grabbing new versions of mods where I could (Kerbal Stuff is gone again) and used pre-downloaded mods to fill in the gaps and everything is working swimmingly. I'm assuming it's just a fluke or something to do with how windows copied the BDA folder into gamedata; duplicate textures maybe? Thanks for the help though.

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@rbray89 First let me just go ahead and apologize for what might be a lousy bug report. I had a couple of issues that ended up being a conflict of some sort with DTL. Removing DTL was the easy solution, but the plugin was so awesome at boosting performance that I hated to see it go. Hopefully, what little I have to offer here might point you in the right direction and maybe others reading this may have had a similar experience and can post logs. As I'm not having any issues at the moment, I doubt my current log file would help. I do have a screenshot of my bloated GameData folder, so maybe that plus the description of the problem may be of some use.

My specs are Core i7 2.8 Ghz, 16 GB DDR, nVidia GTX650 2GB. I'm currently running Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa 64 bit. KSP is a Steam installation and I'm running Realism Overhaul / RSS + more mods. Here's GameData:


The problem first started with some weird specular and/or reflective shader effects with textures on Procedural Parts. I'm using all the available packs, including Blackheart's, FreedomTex, Mainsailor's, and the Saturn/Nova pack by Ferram. Here's an example of what I'm talking about.


The main things of note here is the section with the Saturn style texturing and the procedural payload and interstage fairings above and below. The fairings are extremely glossy and the procedural tank shading is inverted. I didn't pursue this that heavily, as it's only cosmetic and not game breaking per se. I did search around to see if anyone else was having the problem, but nothing substantial came up.

Next, I found that I was missing some parts, primarily a few of the Bobcat engines, including the RD-180. I initially thought this might be a problem with RO, so I posted in one of the threads, and it was there that another user suggested DTL might be the issue, since he had some similar behavior in his game. Following that lead, I removed DTL and both problems appear to have been solved.

As I mentioned, I don't know how useful this will be to you, and if anyone else reading this is having similar problems, please send rbray your logs BEFORE you remove DTL to give him more to work with. I really hope this is a fixable problem, because as far as boosting performance, DTL is otherwise AWESOME, and I look forward to being able to use it again.


Edited by jonrd463
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8 hours ago, jonrd463 said:

@rbray89 First let me just go ahead and apologize for what might be a lousy bug report. I had a couple of issues that ended up being a conflict of some sort with DTL. Removing DTL was the easy solution, but the plugin was so awesome at boosting performance that I hated to see it go. Hopefully, what little I have to offer here might point you in the right direction and maybe others reading this may have had a similar experience and can post logs. As I'm not having any issues at the moment, I doubt my current log file would help. I do have a screenshot of my bloated GameData folder, so maybe that plus the description of the problem may be of some use.

My specs are Core i7 2.8 Ghz, 16 GB DDR, nVidia GTX650 2GB. I'm currently running Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa 64 bit. KSP is a Steam installation and I'm running Realism Overhaul / RSS + more mods. Here's GameData:


The problem first started with some weird specular and/or reflective shader effects with textures on Procedural Parts. I'm using all the available packs, including Blackheart's, FreedomTex, Mainsailor's, and the Saturn/Nova pack by Ferram. Here's an example of what I'm talking about.


The main things of note here is the section with the Saturn style texturing and the procedural payload and interstage fairings above and below. The fairings are extremely glossy and the procedural tank shading is inverted. I didn't pursue this that heavily, as it's only cosmetic and not game breaking per se. I did search around to see if anyone else was having the problem, but nothing substantial came up.

Next, I found that I was missing some parts, primarily a few of the Bobcat engines, including the RD-180. I initially thought this might be a problem with RO, so I posted in one of the threads, and it was there that another user suggested DTL might be the issue, since he had some similar behavior in his game. Following that lead, I removed DTL and both problems appear to have been solved.

As I mentioned, I don't know how useful this will be to you, and if anyone else reading this is having similar problems, please send rbray your logs BEFORE you remove DTL to give him more to work with. I really hope this is a fixable problem, because as far as boosting performance, DTL is otherwise AWESOME, and I look forward to being able to use it again.


This is much more an issue with procedural parts. There is no good way for me to hook into their system to determine when a texture was changed. The only true solution I have would be to disable it for procedural parts entirely.

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On 2/15/2016 at 4:12 AM, jonrd463 said:

My specs are Core i7 2.8 Ghz, 16 GB DDR, nVidia GTX650 2GB. I'm currently running Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa 64 bit. KSP is a Steam installation and I'm running Realism Overhaul / RSS + more mods. Here's GameData:

The problem first started with some weird specular and/or reflective shader effects with textures on Procedural Parts. I'm using all the available packs, including Blackheart's, FreedomTex, Mainsailor's, and the Saturn/Nova pack by Ferram. Here's an example of what I'm talking about.

The main things of note here is the section with the Saturn style texturing and the procedural payload and interstage fairings above and below. The fairings are extremely glossy and the procedural tank shading is inverted. I didn't pursue this that heavily, as it's only cosmetic and not game breaking per se. I did search around to see if anyone else was having the problem, but nothing substantial came up.

I've not seen any specular/normals issues on either of my installs with pParts and DTL installed, although I'm running Win32 not Linux.

The only issue I'm specifically having is that occasionally, the pParts won't load up the full texture (only the low res copy.) Usually exiting the VAB and going back in will correct this issue, and I've never seen it in a flight scene.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow... From 3.1GB to 2.4GB... The lag when placing parts is worth it ;)

Also, CGMonitor seems to report memory usage bigger than what it actually is when using this mod... (Maybe it's right and task manager is wrong, who knows)

Thanks for this mod!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, I really like this. It's so useful! Of course I have one problem.

I have this EVE configuration/general graphics mod, but it takes a lot of memory and I can't run it without this mod. Of course... whenever i installed this mod it turned the dark side of the planet orange! Is there any way I could not have that happen? I'll provide a log and screenshots if it's necessary, but I can't quite do that at the moment...

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/edit Nevermind, I read the OP again, carefully this time. So I guess this is for people who for some reason or other can't use OpenGL.

Now something that hooks into/replaces Unity's various resource facilities with something that lazy-loads from disk (and unloads again, like a cache basically) would probably be the most useful thing ever. If only I had the time...



On 14.2.2016 at 10:05 PM, Speedster159 said:

Are there any ways to reduce DRAM usage?


On 14.2.2016 at 10:12 PM, rbray89 said:

Not really....

Wait, let me get this straight. If I'm already using OpenGL, DTL basically does nothing? I thought this would dynamically unload textures from system RAM? What's the point then? Am I misunderstanding something? <- yep


Edited by MaxRebo
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So, will this be updated to 1.1 when it officially releases, for those that don't have all that much ram? (Not me personally, I've got 24 gigs...) I also noticed a fairly substantial performance improvement on my 1.0.5 64-bit install - it has 2998 parts, according to the database... so yeah. And there's something that has actually got me thinking a bit - why does adding part only mods decrease overall performance? Is it because everything is chucked into ram?

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22 minutes ago, lagcity613 said:

Is it because everything is chucked into ram?

That, and vertex information. 
I would like to I think, but for now x64 seems sufficient, and I couldn't get it to run under 32 bit. The texture loading/saving used up too much memory and would crash KSP :/

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I've been using DTL for awhile now and never noticed a problem.  But today I was working on building a new rocket and couldn't find the engine I wanted to use.  I hadn't used this engine anywhere else before so had never noticed that it was missing.  I double checked to make sure I had the mod that the engine came from still installed.  Then I took out all my mods and slowly added them back in a few at a time until the engine stopped showing up.  In the end I've been able to verify that if I don't install DTL, the engine loads up just fine but if I install DTL, the engine (and a few others from the same mod) is no longer available.  And when I have DTL installed, if I look at my output_log, I see errors being reports relating to the models that engines.  I don't want to give up the engine mod since the engines are to create some specific rockets.  But I also don't want to give up using DTL.  Anyone have any ideas how to correct this so that the models will work with DTL properly?  Barring that, is there any way to configure DTL so that it will ignore the models from this particular mod?

Should note, the mod in question is Bobcat's Soviet Engines.

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