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The Elcano Challenge: Ground-Based Circumnavigation (Continued)


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Ive been working my Elcano since 1.0. Im using the ruggedized wheels. They used to be difficult to keep going without wrecking, now, with the new suspension, they seem to work much better. I can still break a wheel occasionally, but no catastrophic, explosion-filled flips.

Power-wise is another problem. The wheels dont seem to have the power to go up any significant slope, with increasing power consumption. However, velocity has increased. I used to be able to max speed on battery alone to about 23m/s, now they can get up well over 30m/s on flat grade.

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I'm finding them similar, though I haven't done a lot of driving recently. There is also still the issue that hitting them too hard can cause them to disable, if they momentarily clip into another part. That was causing me some more issues when under timewarp. I also need to make a few tweaks to the design of my usual rover.

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I did some quick test on the Mun. As constant speed doesn't require continuous motor propulsion, the energy is not that a problem.

I find that the wheels resist less when hitting ground. I used to jump into craters, now that results in a lot of crash, even with MJ stability control.

Wheel stress is not an issue either. My rover is too light I think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm still running on 1.0.5, 'cause I find the latest version too buggy/crashy for me so far. Also, it doesn't have all my mods updated yet! :D Hope that won't disqualify me.......

Anyway, I've just completed my Bop circumnavigation with a Stock Craft. Linky in sig, hope you enjoy it.

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@Thalamask - Nope, there is no rule about which version is required.

Nice job on Bop. I overcame the wheels on the low gravity by using torque to push them into the ground and get a little more traction. Though I also recall careening out of control quite often, and had to limit speeds to something like 15 m/s.

Congrats on another Elcano completion! :D

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I am finding the ruggedized wheels to be wonderful. Ive been continuously doing this challenge since 0.90, and it has been very difficult until this latest patch.

It is still easy to break a wheel, but the craft just rolls to a stop instead of the usual fireworks display.

I'm going to have a hefty photo album when this is over.

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  On 6/16/2016 at 3:31 PM, Thalamask said:

Just completed my Minmus circumnavigation (link in sig) with a stock craft.

Also @Claw, my Dres circumnavigation is still outstanding, and the Bop craft hasn't been updated to "stock craft". Ta.


Thanks for your patience. I've updated the main board. Congratz on another job well done! :D

I'm liking that little ion bike.

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Hi all!

I'm running a career game with a bunch of mods. Along them there is SCANsat, MJ, TCA, Anomaly surveyor contract pack, and the Malemute Rover.

At some point I got contracts for surveying 6 anomalies in the Mun, so I told myself "Why not make a rover to survey them all at once?"

Ultimately I've driven around the Mun, visiting both polar regions and ending up in the same crater where I landed. I also realised that the MJ rover autopilot can make a good travel journal if the last node is never reached and if visited nodes are not deleted. This makes for a rather lovely route display.

The rover itself is a VTOL-capable vessel with around 1400 dV. It can land and take off without assistance, and fly over small obstacles if needed. The VTOL capabilities were used just once during the circumnavigation, in the 1500 meter drop near one of the southern anomalies. I knew how hard that anomaly was to reach (from a previous game), so that's why I decided to haul a VTOL around the Mun:


As I'm playing career, I loaded the rover with the usual science instruments, including a BTDT. I didn't realise BTDT could plot a map of the route taken in the SCANsat small game until it was too late, so sorry for that.

These screenshots show the route taken:

Some more screenshots below, just because. You can see the anomalies and the VTOL engines when maneuvering through the big drop.


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Day One of Workaround Industries's circumnavigation attempt. A crew of 3 engineers sets out aboard the LandKreuser amphibious vehicle. The LandKreuser is rated for up to 75 m/s on flat ground and is powered by RTGs and fuel cells.



Remotetech and TAC fuel balancer are installed, though the vessel is locally controlled and TAC fuel balancer is not active. I wonder if 67000 m/s of jet dV is enough for an ocean circumnavigation. The KSS Keralia functions as a beacon, and the crew of the LandKreuser will use it to find their distance from home.

Edit: Am I allowed to send resupply craft to it?







Edited by The Optimist
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  On 6/25/2016 at 3:32 PM, IvanSanchez said:

Ultimately I've driven around the Mun, visiting both polar regions and ending up in the same crater where I landed.


Awesome job! I've added you to the front page board. :D



  On 6/25/2016 at 4:52 PM, The Optimist said:

Edit: Am I allowed to send resupply craft to it?


As Thalamask said, you are allowed to send resupply craft and refuel. You can also use ISRU if desired. One additional consideration, in case you are using add-ons:


Categories: Stock / Stock Craft / Modded - Mods are acceptable, those who complete this stock will have it noted. Support vehicles used (delivery, replacement, recon, and refueling) also factor into this category.


Good luck!

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  On 6/25/2016 at 8:01 PM, Claw said:

Awesome job! I've added you to the front page board. :D



As Thalamask said, you are allowed to send resupply craft and refuel. You can also use ISRU if desired. One additional consideration, in case you are using add-ons:

Good luck!


I think that remotetech just makes it harder

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  On 6/25/2016 at 8:05 PM, The Optimist said:

I think that remotetech just makes it harder


That's cool, either way. The categories just denote what level of add-ons were in use (or not) for the challenge. There are very few that aren't allowed, and generally are the "futuristic" or "god-like powers" category. Remote tech and TAC are perfectly fine. :)

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