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Contract Pack: Giving Aircraft a Purpose (GAP) 2.11 - Milestones, Air Flights, Coast Guard (Now Updated for KSP 1.12.5)


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  On 1/6/2016 at 2:08 PM, maculator said:

Looks promissing. And im glad my work helped. This is the best way it could have went for me. The contracts I made were the first I ever did, and it was also the first time I did "advanced coding" in my whole life. There is no way I could have gone more complex with my verry basic knowledge. All I know comes from the modulemanager and contractconfigurator wikis.

Thanks to nightingale I was able to get my pack together and thanks to the guys on the ckan irc I got it up there. 

And now thanks to you I dont have to worry about anything anymore. When ksp 1.1 comes out Ill give this pack a shot. 

Only one thing I would love to see is my agency somwhere in this pack. 

Cheers keep up the good work and thanks for making this.


Thank you @maculator! See the DEVNOTES linked in the OP. KAB merge will be in GAP 2.0! Feel free to submit pull requests if you want to after I get them in. The KAB agency will also appear.

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  On 1/6/2016 at 1:55 PM, inigma said:

@nightingale @Nereid any chance CC NewKerbal kerbals set to with add to roster = false, when being removed from the game after contract completion, would trigger KIA in Nereid's mod?  Contract in question is https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP/blob/master/SSI-Start.cfg


All I do is remove them from the crew roster - that shouldn't trigger any of the killed events (ie. onKerbalStatusChange), but it does trigger onKerbalRemoved.

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  On 1/6/2016 at 1:55 PM, inigma said:

@nightingale @Nereid any chance CC NewKerbal kerbals set to with add to roster = false, when being removed from the game after contract completion, would trigger KIA in Nereid's mod?  Contract in question is https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP/blob/master/SSI-Start.cfg


Maybe nightingale should just try

 public bool Remove(ProtoCrewMember crew);

from KerbalRoster to remove the kerbal. FF will list all kerbals in the roster with their status.  FF can't detect that a kerbal who ist listed as "dead" is not really dead.

If have just tried it, and even Bill Kerman can be removed that way from the game.

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  On 1/6/2016 at 3:16 PM, nightingale said:

All I do is remove them from the crew roster - that shouldn't trigger any of the killed events (ie. onKerbalStatusChange), but it does trigger onKerbalRemoved.


FF just refreshes its internal roster in case of such events. But at the moment FF does not espect a kerbal to be removed. In my tests this didn't matter. But I think I will have to ensure, that if a kerbal gets removed, it will be removed from the roster in FF, too.

Ok, I will fix this and  release FF 0.9.2 0.9.3 a bit earlier. So we can check if this will help.

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  On 1/6/2016 at 1:55 PM, inigma said:

 @Nereid any chance CC NewKerbal kerbals set to with add to roster = false, when being removed from the game after contract completion, would trigger KIA in Nereid's mod?  Contract in question is https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP/blob/master/SSI-Start.cfg


Please try FinalFrontier 0.9.3 and report if kerbals spawned by CC+ are still listed as dead if the contract is completed.

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  On 1/6/2016 at 1:55 PM, inigma said:

the parts will turn regular color (lose their experimental status) when you research them normally via your tech tree.  I'll have a look at Final Fantasy mod.


@nightingale @Nereid any chance CC NewKerbal kerbals set to with add to roster = false, when being removed from the game after contract completion, would trigger KIA in Nereid's mod?  Contract in question is https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP/blob/master/SSI-Start.cfg


also as a thought, perhaps don't remove spawned kerbal, and just add him to list of available kerbals? you could have it be something along the lines of this kerbal brought these parts from x place/company, he's joining us as pilot/engineer/scientist as an advisor from the company? Just a thought, not sure which would be easier to code out.

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  On 1/6/2016 at 5:00 PM, vardicd said:

also as a thought, perhaps don't remove spawned kerbal, and just add him to list of available kerbals? you could have it be something along the lines of this kerbal brought these parts from x place/company, he's joining us as pilot/engineer/scientist as an advisor from the company? Just a thought, not sure which would be easier to code out.


That's actually how it works. he is added as a list to available kerbals (actually assigned on EVA), just removed after contract so he can't be abused. see my above post. :)  try FF 0.9.3 as a fix for your reported issue as Nereid made a change on how FF recognizes kerbals removed from the game. They should no longer appear KIA.

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  On 1/6/2016 at 5:02 PM, inigma said:

That's actually how it works. he is added as a list to available kerbals (actually assigned on EVA), just removed after contract so he can't be abused. see my above post. :)  try FF 0.9.3 as a fix for your reported issue as Nereid made a change on how FF recognizes kerbals removed from the game. They should no longer appear KIA.


I've already downloaded the update and will give it a try when I can.

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  On 1/6/2016 at 9:57 PM, vardicd said:

Okay, after the latest patch to FF, the results are in:


Inigma is no longer killed on recovery, and


Is available for future flights.


hmm... he shouldn't be available for future flights. he should be completely off the roster. all recovered GAP Kerbals should be. Did you cancel the contract at one point using the F12 menu?

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  On 1/6/2016 at 9:59 PM, inigma said:

hmm... he shouldn't be available for future flights. he should be completely off the roster. all recovered GAP Kerbals should be. Did you cancel the contract at one point using the F12 menu?


nope, fresh game, fresh installs brand new save. third contract offered, and completed without the cheat menu, only thing that changed was FF's update.

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  On 1/6/2016 at 10:01 PM, vardicd said:

nope, fresh game, fresh installs brand new save. third contract offered, and completed without the cheat menu, only thing that changed was FF's update.


Is this only isolated when using FF? If you remove FF and do Join SSI again in a new career as you did above, is Inigma removed?

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Frankly I, personally, like this, unintentional, change. The fact that he's hanging around. hey guys, brought these parts by for you to try out, going to hang around and be an engineer here, let me know if you want me for anything. :) 

  On 1/6/2016 at 10:03 PM, inigma said:

Is this only isolated when using FF? If you remove FF and do Join SSI again in a new career as you did above, is Inigma removed?


I don't know, Didn't try that, will do so, hang on. take me a few minutes to test.


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  On 1/6/2016 at 10:04 PM, vardicd said:

Frankly I, personally, like this, unintentional, change. The fact that he's hanging around. hey guys, brought these parts by for you to try out, going to hang around and be an engineer here, let me know if you want me for anything. :) 


the only issue is that if he hangs around, so will every Kerbal GAP spawns for you.. which could get very bloated really fast.

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  On 1/6/2016 at 10:05 PM, Evanitis said:

Also got him on both careers. First I just used debug to complete the contact (but definately not canceling). The second was legit without touching F12.


Hmm. I wonder, do the KSP Island Prep engineers stick around too (they aren't recovered by the player), or the Flight 38 kerbals (which are recovered by the player)?  I may have to use CC's nuclear option to remove the kerbals.  

Try clicking on the Tracking Center and then click back on your roster. They should clear out. Please confirm. It's a state change limitation with CC I think.

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  On 1/6/2016 at 9:59 PM, inigma said:

hmm... he shouldn't be available for future flights. he should be completely off the roster. all recovered GAP Kerbals should be. Did you cancel the contract at one point using the F12 menu?


Well, I dont think FF is causing this. FF never adds kerbals to the crew roster (but it keeps references until they get deleted).

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@vardicd and @Evanitis I'll test it tonight to see if I can duplicate it.

In the meantime, I'm in the planning stage for 2.0, and wanted to run an idea by you guys:

A bit of R&R:  a day trip with four of your astronauts.. offroading to the K2 mountains, and back to KSC. Could include a wingsuit to test out while there...

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  On 1/6/2016 at 10:42 PM, inigma said:

@vardicd and @Evanitis I'll test it tonight to see if I can duplicate it.

In the meantime, I'm in the planning stage for 2.0, and wanted to run an idea by you guys:

A bit of R&R:  a day trip with four of your astronauts.. offroading to the K2 mountains, and back to KSC. Could include a wingsuit to test out while there...


I'm game, how the hell would you get it up a mountain to test though?

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  On 1/6/2016 at 10:49 PM, vardicd said:

I'm game, how the hell would you get it up a mountain to test though?


where there's a will...

solid rocket powered offroad cars are amazing. :)  i'm sure there are other solutions. At the very least, I'll offer the Day Trip as just an offroad adventure, but then add in other contracts separately for wingsuit and BASE jumping...

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  On 1/6/2016 at 11:17 PM, vardicd said:

I'd like you to really sit down for a second and think about that statement, and how very kerbal it is. what planet were you born on again? :D:D:D


nah, it's when you don't sit down to think, but just think on your feet, that one discovers the true essence of going kerbal.

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