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The Rocks! Asteroid landing challenge

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Hey all since i just landed my first asteroid in ksp i decided to make a challenge out of it, like with ssto's is a challenge not many people had taken and since it isn't rewarded by the game it would be worth to cheer up players who made it here on the forum. (Also most of this challenges topics are pretty old or outdated so why not making a definitive one?)



Already landed an asteroid? Try the extra challenges down below!


No gameplay mods or cheats (Informative and visual mods are ok)

  • You should  tell what mods you used in your post

All parts must be stock duh!

You must provide proof you captured an asteroid and landed it, either videos or screenshots containing important events like launch, maneuvers, burns, reentry and landing.

  • For a bit of glory you can land a asteroid you already captured, but you will not be recognized for it in this topic (hurrah for personal achievement!

You can use any number of vessels you need

Rules (Moded clients)

No cheat or autopiloting mods

  • You should  tell what mods you used in your post

Do something worthy for the mods you're using (Ex: if your mods have powerful engines, land your asteroid far away from you got it, or use mod with bigger distances between planets etc)

You must provide proof you captured an asteroid and landed it, either videos or screenshots containing important events like launch, maneuvers, burns, reentry and landing.

  • For a bit of glory you can land a asteroid you already captured, but you will not be recognized for it in this post (hurrah for personal achievement!)

You can use any number of vessels you need




All awards will have a prefix letter for the class of your asteroid!

Asteroid lander: Land an asteroid on kerbin

KSC Asteroid lander: Land an asteroid near ksc ( must be landed on the shore where ksc is, planes can't win this award)

Amateur Asteroid lander: Land an asteroid on the mun or minmus 

Expert Asteroid Lander: Land an asteoid on another planet or moon

Runway Asteoid lander: Using a plane land your asteroid on the runway and then land your plane (not chutes allowed on the plane, you can use them in the asteroid)

Asteroid collector: Land 2 or more asteroid at ksc (Prefix all the letters of your landed asteroids)

Simple rockman: Land your asteroid using a single vessel

SSTO rockman: Land  your asteroid using a SSTO (no refueling)

Extra challenges and Awards:

This extras will get you to special metions

Fat starman: Land the asteroid while riding it infrom an external command pod (Scream YEEEHAAAAW! while doing it)

Armageddon: Destroy a ksc building or a big ship while landing your asteroid (without destroying the asteoid too)

My rock, my house: Land your asteroid along with a surface oupost (Must have a crew capsule or laboratory, an atenna and must generate power) 

  • +Bigger house: Expand the outpost and make studies about your asteroid in your science lab

Return to sender: Re-launch your asteroid from it's current planet and send it back to it's original SOI (Sphere of influence) you can use any asteroid already landed at any place and send it to any original SOI

Bunny hop: make your asteroid bounce 2 or more times ( high enough to be noticeable on pics or video) when landing it, any method you use is valid.

Duoble the rocks: Land 2 asteroids at almost the same time. + Amateur on any place where you can use chutes +Expert in places with thin or no atmosphere

Triple the rocks: Land 3 asteroids at almost the same time + Amateur on any place where you can use chutes +Expert in places with thin or no atmosphere

Multiply the rocks: Land 4 asteroids at almost the same time + Amateur on any place where you can use chutes +Expert in places with thin or no atmosphere

Stone skipping: make your asteroid touch water before landing it

Ready for transport: Land a rover carrying your asteroid and move it form the landing point.

Unique Awards:

This awards will get you to hall of fame

Heavy duty: Land the most massive possible asteroid you can find

Lightweighted: Land the lightest asteroid possible (protip: use drills to get rid of its mass)

Far away: Land you asteroid to the farstest place you can from it's current position (you can move an asteroid to increase distance between places before sending it to your destiny)

Ant: Land your asteroid with lightest ship possible you can build

Elephant: Land your asteroid with Heaviest: ship possible you can build


When completing the challenge be sure to pick up your shiny medal! Made by @Evanitis, thanks a lot for the desing!




Asteroid landers:

@Speeding Mullet 

Class A asteroid lander, and simple rockman,  honorable mention for trying to get fat starman, and a runway landing, rip patcan kerman.

Class C asteroid lander, and simple rockman for his second asteroid.


Class A expert asteroid lander ,and simple rockman for landing his potatoroid on duna.

Special mentions:

@Speeding Mullet Landed a surface oupost on kerbin and awarded my rock my house!

@purpleivan Landed an asteroid surface outpost on duna and awarded my rock my house!

Hall of fame:

@Speeding Mullet Lightweighted with a class a asteroid (0.22484t when landed) , Elephant With a ship having a mass of 1560.48t (671 parts and 73.5m height) and Heavy Duty with a class C asteroid  (mass of 85.10606t when landed)

 @purpleivan Far away for landing his asteroid on duna after capturing it on kerbin. 

I hope you enjoy landing an asteroid for the first time, or completing the extra challenges. See ya later!

Edited by MagicFireCaster
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  On 1/12/2016 at 2:02 AM, Djslime6764 said:

How bout a station on a Asteroid?



The challenge is about landing them, at least you want to retire your space station in a nice way, i will think of a name for taht award

  On 1/12/2016 at 2:13 AM, RA3236 said:

Damm, I have a pic somewhere from 0.90.0...


Not an attempt due to version.



I also have to document the capture of an asteroid so i can't call my landing an attempt, but anyway, hurrah for personal achievement!

Also if someone wants to help with a banner or something for the challenge it would be nice and i would be very thankful 

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  On 1/12/2016 at 3:06 AM, MagicFireCaster said:

Also if someone wants to help with a banner or something for the challenge it would be nice and i would be very thankful 


I'll make one. Wanted to do it anyways, as I'm interested in the challenge myself, and I like pretty badges. Never actually got to play with rocks since those are featured, so you are providing me the perfect excuse to do so.

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  On 1/13/2016 at 10:29 AM, Evanitis said:

I'll make one. Wanted to do it anyways, as I'm interested in the challenge myself, and I like pretty badges. Never actually got to play with rocks since those are featured, so you are providing me the perfect excuse to do so.


Thanks a lot, i love nice badges too,i will be looking foward for it :D 

And yes, as i said in the main post a lot of players haven't made it yet, like SSTO planes, so a challenge would be the perfect reason to do it.

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Wow looks like I'm the first to enter!  

This challenge was great fun so thanks for putting it together!

Firstly I had to pick my ship.  Well of course I wanted to prove the Buran 11F-35 Kerbal 1 even more than I already have.  I wasn't sure at all of it's capability in this area so some well thought out modifications to the cargo hold took place, and put a couple of new sub assemblies together for what I wanted to achieve.  Then I had to watch about 300 videos on how to rendezvous with an asteroid.

Many hours later the Buran 11F35 Kerbal 1B Asteroid mission was ready to go.  Brave Pilots Patcan and Ronrick Kerman of course would pilot the shuttle.  For their sheer grit and determination they clearly have the clout for this expedition.  Don't worry that it's their first mission, play the game.  Scientist Enlong Kerman would investigate some investigatey bits, and finally Mission Engineer Dildred Kerman was in the wrong place at the wrong time and press ganged into being the Benaffleck Kerman of the mission - Mine the asteroid or die trying.

Let's check out the mission report and see what happened on this hastily (but with the best intentions) put together mission:



Asteroid Lander - Phew!
Simple Rockman - Get in!
Lightweighted - 0.24484t
Elephant - 31.31t landed - 0.24484t for the asteroid = ~31.06t landed.  I presume you mean landed rather than takeoff weight? If you meant takeoff weight then 490.9t (337 parts and 34.4m height)

Award Fails

Fat Starman - Sooooo close!
Runway Asteroid Lander - I was really going for this but messed up the re-entry and quick saved in the wrong place to correct it :(

Mission Factoids

Asteroid Mass on landing - A tiny 0.24484t (just over 1t before mining)
Fuel used - Literally all of it, along with every other resource including the asteroids.  Check the landed resource panel photo.
Panic had - so panic, much sweat.
Kerbals sacrificed - 1:  Brave Patcan "exploded due to overheating"
Stock - Yup, and hand flown!

First ever shuttle asteroid landing?  Citation needed!
First ever chair riding asteroid re-entry from interplanetary space? Citation needed!


Fun had:  10/10 would explode Patcan again.


Super challenge, very well laid out and a lot of fun had!


Edited by Speeding Mullet
took out pending approval
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  On 1/15/2016 at 1:10 PM, MagicFireCaster said:

Conglaturation you earned your medal sir! So close for the fat starman, next time leave the chair facing the other way of the reeentry,  it may help with the landing (i think, as long as it doesn't flip over) 


Thanks very much indeed!  Was really surprised to land using a shuttle I never thought that would work.  Certainly wouldn't on anything larger (I don't think?!).

Edit: @Evanitis made me an awesome rework of the original badge he enjoyed Patcan riding an asteroid riding a shuttle so much haha - Thanks Evanitis!

I had a try at another mission profile today for this challenge and came so close (but so so so far) to Heavy Duty and My Rock, My House.  I've posted the mission report here if you wanted a laugh!


Edited by Speeding Mullet
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Right!  I had another decent go with the Show Stopper - I launched the ship unmodified but this time I selected a mid size (class C) potato and decided to fly the mission as well as I possibly could.  In the interests of time and bandwidth I'll slightly condense the pictures this time.  It still contains all the relevant and exciting bits however.  Time to check in with the crew to see how we got on:



Relevant scores this time round are as follows:


Awards (Pending OP Approval)

Asteroid Lander - Managed a soft landing of a Class C asteroid at under 10 m/s
Simple Rockman - The Show Stopper Launches as one ship
Heavy Duty - Asteroid weighs 85.10606t
Elephant - 116.67t landed - 85.10606t for the asteroid = ~31.56t landed.  I presume you mean landed rather than takeoff weight? If you meant takeoff weight then 1560.48t (671 parts and 73.5m height)
My Rock, My House - Landed a base with solar panels, antenna and batteries, and two hitchhiker modules containing 8 kerbals, all survived re-entry!  

Award Fails

Nothing that I was going for, although came close to Armageddon!

Mission Factoids

Asteroid Mass on landing - 85.10606t - A decent sized potato!
Explosions had - many explosions - the batteries really go off with a bang
Panic had - medium levels of panic on re-entry, but otherwise a calm mission
Kerbals lived - All of them!  Mirllian, Melfal, Hanory, Morina, Daphie, Thompoly, Haylina, and Lincy survived the perils of asteroid base re-entry.
Stock - Yup, and hand flown (You can really tell lol)

Fun had:  10/10 would land Class C again.


Another fun time had with the challenge, surprised more people haven't entered to be honest.  Now I've got the hang of asteroid interception and a handle on what it takes to move them around I think I'll have a go at some of the more "extreme" awards.  I learnt also that the klaw and tall modules = very wobbly so I'll cut down the length of the modules in the future and go for squat and wide.


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  • 1 year later...

Here's my entry to the challenge.

I thought I should go for something a little different, so rather than try to nail a landing of a big fish, I thought I'd take a smaller one on a little excursion to Duna.


  • Expert Asteroid Lander (Class A)
  • Simple Rockman


Extra Challenges and Awards

  • My Rock My House


Unique Awards

  • Far Away (I think, if I understood the concept)


Behind the scenes

  • I took waaaay too much fuel for an asteroid this size
  • I took Jeb but he was not the pilot (he sulked all the way there)
  • I set up and burnt my first attempt at a plane change to match that of the asteroid, only to find I was going the wrong way round Kerbin... saved by F5
  • I originally planned to ditch the nuke engine and fuel tanks section and a couple hundred metres above the ground and drift down on chutes to land with the crew quarters on top of the asteroid. However I made the mistake of attempting a tail landing on the engine instead... with the asteroid balanced on top... never going to work.


Here's a few highlights for those that don't want to wade through the album.









Edited by purpleivan
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I'll throw this down here as well.  All stock parts, KAC, KER, Trajectories and Precise Node used.


Asteroid Lander

Runway Asteroid Lander

Simple Rockman

Extra Challenges:

Fat Starman?  Maybe?  I wasn't controlling from the command seat, but a Kerbal was riding it all the way in.

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