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This seems like the most relevant place to post this suggestion and I don't want to waste peoples time by using the report function:

Could we maybe get this thread stickied:


Just a thought I had as it seems like a good idea.

Let me know if it's best to put this elsewhere, seemed like the most relevant place.

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  • 2 weeks later...

can you eventually move that post:

in this thread, was the first intent but picked the thread while half staring at the sky and screen, not sure if fully necessary, so at the discretion of moderators team.

thks and as you prefer sort off (but was thinking that related to my sig it might be more accurate in the show off thread).

edit: (i pm ya ric)

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
(ps i told to the "pseudo" psy medic that i was allergic to flags an roughly map drawed line, the medic attempted to answer me with some pills, like if it could solve anithing ... sometime ... they should really take there magic pills themselves imho ...)
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