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Planet Ideas And Names For The Future Of Kerbal Space Program

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Well, I hope they just add one more planet in .22 ( which is not gonna happen.. )

but here's my wish list:

add at least a gas giant, with 9 moons, one similar to Titan, which has a really thick atmosphere and if you walk on it you feel like you walk in water, it's very dusty and all that stuff.

also a moon like Io, sending stuff to space, and I'd like to see more Moons like Laythe, but with almost the same things as kerbin, lower gravity too,

Umm.. Also to make the current planets more beautiful and add volcanic activity on Laythe!

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how about 1 or 2 gas giants and have one of them look kind of like Neptune with about 7 moons, one of which is a moon that has an atmosphere very similar to Laythe's, Kerbin's or Duna's but has incredibly strange geological features like really steep (like 10 to 50 degree inclines) and very high mountains about 2500m to 5000m for a normal mountain and give it a trademark feature near the equator. A enormous mountain that reaches almost mid-way through the atmosphere which is around 37,000m high. and lets call it Yov. i think what name suits it nicely. :D

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Anyway, i think i bumped (don't know) but here's a planet idea for the Kerbol System.


A Niburu analog, not like Niburu actually exists or anything, it's (i think) apart of Sumerian Mythology.

-Orbits farther than the Sedna analog, highly tilted orbit, making it a challenge to line it up.

-Composed of volatile materials, tholins and methane.

-Surface is mostly flatlands, very rarely has mountain ranges, hills and some pointed rocks.

-There should be a Easter Egg temple.


Natural Satellite of Linburus

-Polar orbit.

-Basically like a smaller Vall.

-Completely spherical, but if you look closely at it, there's some small hills.

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  Bekiekutmoar said:
Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2014 to y'all. Now that version 0.25 has been released, we're able to travel to another star system. After a lot of trouble I managed to reach Proxa, a red dwarf star at 0.2 lightyears from the Sun (Kerbol) and decided to visit Sehera, a hot planet orbiting close to its parent star (0,9 to 1,3 million km). Gravity is 8,22 m/s and atmosphere thickness varies between 1,1 bar at the highest mountains and 3,8 on the low and intensely hot flatlands. Not as difficult to ascend from as from Eve, but due to the heat (I measured 319°C at 440 meter) engines overheat quickly.

Also love the 'hot air animation' that has been implemented:


Anyway, seeing this post makes me think about ideas for the rest of Proxa's system.


-Could have a Superheated Atmosphere, like the original Moho, remember KSP players, if Proxa and it's system actually makes it in the game, and you want to land on Sehera, the Left Ctrl key is your best friend!

-Geysers depositing heated steam would be neat, and an easy way to get a ship into the atmosphere.


-Nothing really interesting here, just a ball o' dirt.

-Well, there's various mounds and mountain ranges.

-Also, spires would be on the surface.


Natural Satellite of Bello

-It's just a bigger Gilly...


-A Kerbin/Earth-like Planet, with a thin atmosphere.

-Bombarded with Craters, and very few mountains.

-A high- tech, but dillipitated space center as a Easter Egg would be cool.


Natural Satellite of Kohlni

-It's covered in a thin sheet of ice, making it the brightest object in Kohlni's night sky.

-Has very high mountains and hills.

-A bit bigger than Ike.


Natural Satellite of Kohlni



Natural Satellite of Kohlni

-Bruised Potato-shaped captured asteroid moon.

-A bit smaller than Gilly, good luck landing.




-Gas giant, no moons.

-There's a hexagonal vortex that you can fly in, but nothing much in it.

Edited by Sylandro
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  Sylandro said:
Anyway, seeing this post makes me think about ideas for the rest of Proxa's system.


-Could have a Superheated Atmosphere, like the original Moho, remember KSP players, if Proxa and it's system actually makes it in the game, and you want to land on Sehera, the Left Ctrl key is your best friend!

-Geysers depositing heated steam would be neat, and an easy way to get a ship into the atmosphere.


-Nothing really interesting here, just a ball o' dirt.

-Well, there's various mounds and mountain ranges.

-Also, spires would be on the surface.


Natural Satellite of Bello

-It's just a bigger Gilly...




Natural Satellite of Kohlni



Natural Satellite of Kohlni



Natural Satellite of Kohlni

-Bruised Potato-shaped captured asteroid moon.

-A bit smaller than Gilly, good luck landing.




-Gas giant, no moons.

-There's a hexagonal vortex that you can fly in, but nothing much in it.

Is this real? Because it sounds cool. But for the effort of going 1.3 million kilometers it doesn't seem worth it. How can you get something that far legit anyway? if it was 100 million kilometers maybe but it doesn't seem possible to get there legit. 75, 50 or 25 million kilometers seems to be a better distance from Kerbol, and KSP is not designed for realism, Kerbol Should not be able to support life, everything is 10 times smaller and 10 times closer, nosecones increase drag, planes can fly just by flapping ailerons, Kerbals don't need food or water, nothing burns up in the atmosphere and every celestial body is denser than any element known to man. I do like the idea of another solar system , but closer and mot another Kerbol system like a blue, green or purple star that ripples or has a hole through it. What I'm saying think insane, think like the inner kerbal you are.
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  MUSTANG said:
I think a "dead" planet would be pretty cool. A barren world that has a crater like, 1/8th to 1/4th its total size, due to being struck by an enormous asteroid milennia ago, surrounded by dozens, (hundreds?) of peices of debris.

Kind of this thing going on:


Yes! maybe the crater is so big it goes though the planet!:cool:
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How about a Uranus Analogue, Neptune Analogue, and Pluto analogue? And for the Uranus Analogue, it should have an irregularly shaped moon. Also, for such a far distance from teh sun for Ice Giants, the sun should be very small and not bright, therefore, solar panel's barely work.

Edited by Sax Man Aeronautics
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The current sun in KSP is a mix of three real-life class stars. I can't remember the names off the top of my head, but another galaxy or solar system sounds a bit far off for now. Getting there would be a real pain, unless you had a monster refueling station orbiting Eeloo AND you were able to rendevous with it.

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If you mean a rocky planet the size of a gas giant... Hmm. The gravity of such a monstrosity would dwarf pretty much anything in the entire system apart from the sun itself. You'd never be able to land on it safely, much less get out and walk around. The gravity would be too strong for pretty much any rocket currently in the game to overcome. And forget lifting off again.

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