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You Know You're A Nerd When:


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while a few years ago you were being able code autocad without it's graphics interface and gui, but all the math part in #external on a hp gx, well you stopped coding and became a  "bee caretaker" and now produce and attempt to seel bee product instead of coding

when sometime you think the fun about coding on a hp 48 gx using external  and barely reminding the basics years later even without any pratice is, hp 48 gx is not natively linked to internet, so  on norton, panda, avg, kaspersky, mc affee, pc cillin etc & etc and etc are grumpy with the 48 gx xD

when i don't use mechjeb, still long ago time to time i used autocad, and coded a large part of it's simple math just for fun xD

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
when "i don't use mechjeb" is a lie ^^ and then wut ? xD
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  On 10/2/2017 at 1:08 PM, cubinator said:

When you watch math videos before going to bed.


When you watch math videos after going to bed. :confused:


There are three kinds of Wikipedia pages on math.
1: Short articles.
2: Long articles made up entirely of equations.
3: Long articles without a single equation.

You know you're a nerd when "that side of the internet" is full of type 3 articles.

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yup still harvester, no news or video or picture or article since a long time ... and i searched the net a lot on a regular basis, so as someone who easily imagine the worsts scenarios before the better one, i even ask myself if something bad happened to him .... may be he made enough money to retire and totally cut with squad and ksp, or still around using another account,  or still working on the game and making story telling to tease hacker kind of public, who know he can even work for the aeb, nasa isro whatever now etc. and etc. or may be he was doing some stuff with a bad guy and get killed, the amount of possible scenario ... but whats remain weird is the no news thing when you search on google ... felipe just disapeared from google search so it's bit weird ...

let's say the moach avatar, the pizza delivery meme when sarbian and a few others modder joined the team etc ... it's a bit mindbugging

but when you type felipe fallanghe on google you don't find anithing fresh since a while, wich to me is a bit weird as he is a talented coder

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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When you and your friend spend 5 hours creating a DnD like game focused around sci-fi spaceships instead of characters. 

One time after playing a FPS in which you can zoom in to aim, I was outside and saw a bird quite far away. Completely unconsciously I attempted to actuate muscles which weren’t actually there, trying to zoom in in real life. The end results was that I felt disoriented and highly amused, yet saddened at the same time.

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  On 8/12/2017 at 7:31 AM, ChrisSpace said:

When you're perfectly fine with the idea of one day spending the rest of your life in a glass dome in a frozen desert on the other side of the solar system.


Update: When you get a girlfriend who is just as excited about this as you are.

Also: When you want to know the Isp and Dv of every fictional spaceship you see.

Edited by ChrisSpace
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  On 10/4/2017 at 12:48 AM, The_Cat_In_Space said:

When you binge watch all Star Trek series' on Netflix, and then go through every article on Memory Alpha. A great way to spend two weeks of your life.


Netflix must be missing some.

Rough ballpark numbers from IMDb:

TOS: 80 episodes x 50 minutes each = 4,000 minutes.

Animated: 22 episodes x 30 minutes each = 660 minutes.

TNG: 176 episodes x 44 minutes each = 7,744 minutes.

DS9: 173 episodes x 45 minutes each = 7,785 minutes.

Voyager: 170 episodes x 44 minutes each = 7,480 minutes

Ugh... Enterprise: 98 episodes x 45 minutes each = 4,410 minutes.

22 Days, 6 hours, 39 minutes to watch all the shows straight no sleep, no wiki reading.  Slacker :wink:


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  On 10/16/2017 at 9:49 PM, Geonovast said:

Netflix must be missing some.

Rough ballpark numbers from IMDb:

TOS: 80 episodes x 50 minutes each = 4,000 minutes.

Animated: 22 episodes x 30 minutes each = 660 minutes.

TNG: 176 episodes x 44 minutes each = 7,744 minutes.

DS9: 173 episodes x 45 minutes each = 7,785 minutes.

Voyager: 170 episodes x 44 minutes each = 7,480 minutes

Ugh... Enterprise: 98 episodes x 45 minutes each = 4,410 minutes.

22 Days, 6 hours, 39 minutes to watch all the shows straight no sleep, no wiki reading.  Slacker :wink:



You know you're a nerd when you analyze every assertion to determine whether it follows physical laws.

Edited by cubinator
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  On 1/15/2016 at 11:11 PM, cubinator said:

Oh, also:

3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307 from memory.

*checks* Yup, I've got too much free time.


I've got 80. 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899.

When you discover a new KSP hack nobody else thought of(drilling in a cargo bay).

Edited by Mrcarrot
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