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Real Space Program [Need Launch Controllers] [Launch 1/14/17]


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5 minutes ago, Dman979 said:

That one is closest to what I was thinking. The last change would be to leave the logo where it is and move the title to the right border.


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After some conversation with @Dman979, and as the "art guy," I'd like to share my ideas about future missions and pull some ideas from the major real-world space fairing nations, meaning the U.S., U.S.S.R/Russia, the European Space Agency, India, and China...

Our first mission to launch a satellite was successful, so let's consider missions that echo real-life accomplishments, such as...

  • More satellite launches with variations in orbit, such as a polar orbit, a high altitude orbit, etc.
  • I've read that we have a planned "manned orbit" around the second/fifth of April, this is great!
  • After that orbit, why not do one where we have two separate space vehicles and we do orbital maneuvers to dock the two craft...
  • Send unmanned probe to Moon for lunar orbit.
  • Send unmanned probe with deploy-able lander/rover for lunar orbit.
  • Do impactor lunar mission (as previously stated by someone else), to be followed up by another unmanned probe with deploy-able lander/rover for lunar exploration around impact site...

Anyhow, just a couple of thoughts... I'd love to help out more, but until I upgrade my computer I'm afraid my only contributions will be artwork... feel free to comment, critique, etc... :wink:

Edited by adsii1970
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A general suggestion--and this may have already been discussed, apologies if so. But I would suggest that going forward the PAO (whoever s/he may then be) act more as a real-life PAO: the PAO should be the one describing the activities that can be seen in simple, summary terms; by contrast the audio from the mission control team should be quieted while the PAO is speaking. Similarly, for crewed missions, there should be three audio streams; the PAO (who lowers the volume of the others while speaking), CAPCOM<->crwe, and mission control.

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3 hours ago, adsii1970 said:

After some conversation with @Dman979, and as the "art guy," I'd like to share my ideas about future missions and pull some ideas from the major real-world space fairing nations, meaning the U.S., U.S.S.R/Russia, the European Space Agency, India, and China...

Our first mission to launch a satellite was successful, so let's consider missions that echo real-life accomplishments, such as...

  • More satellite launches with variations in orbit, such as a polar orbit, a high altitude orbit, etc.
  • I've read that we have a planned "manned orbit" around the second/fifth of April, this is great!
  • After that orbit, why not do one where we have two separate space vehicles and we do orbital maneuvers to dock the two craft...
  • Send unmanned probe to Moon for lunar orbit.
  • Send unmanned probe with deploy-able lander/rover for lunar orbit.
  • Do impactor lunar mission (as previously stated by someone else), to be followed up by another unmanned probe with deploy-able lander/rover for lunar exploration around impact site...

Anyhow, just a couple of thoughts... I'd love to help out more, but until I upgrade my computer I'm afraid my only contributions will be artwork... feel free to comment, critique, etc... :wink:

My only issue with those ideas is the docking one. DMP does not do well with two controlled crafts in proximity, they jitter and spaz out erratically making docking impossible UNLESS one remains uncontrolled.

Aside from that all missions are doable if not already discussed :) . Thanks for the ideas though!

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3 hours ago, NathanKell said:

A general suggestion--and this may have already been discussed, apologies if so. But I would suggest that going forward the PAO (whoever s/he may then be) act more as a real-life PAO: the PAO should be the one describing the activities that can be seen in simple, summary terms; by contrast the audio from the mission control team should be quieted while the PAO is speaking. Similarly, for crewed missions, there should be three audio streams; the PAO (who lowers the volume of the others while speaking), CAPCOM<->crwe, and mission control.

I would like one to do that as well but CliftonM has real life factors that prevent him, such as background noise. If someone else wanted to do this, then I'll let them join. Until then, we have nobody to do this.

As to Capcom, I have the role designed but we lack any proper way to assign someone best suited for the role. For Mercury-Apollo Capcom was always filled by another one of the flight team, such as the back up crew, but we lack any such thing- so there's no option. So once I have someone selected, then we'll be good for that role.

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1 hour ago, AlextheBodacious said:

No offense but that has the same framerate as your twitch streams, Cliffton M.

Now that's rude. 

If you can make the gif  smoother then do so, otherwise shut it.

CliftonM was hosting a server at the same time, he was maxing his computer and Internet so any frame rate is respectable.

Edited by ZooNamedGames
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2 hours ago, AlextheBodacious said:

No offense but that has the same framerate as your twitch streams, Cliffton M.

I chose a medium frame rate for the gif on purpose - when I sped it up, it just didn't look right. @ZooNamedGames - I'm not stressed out about his comments for a couple of reasons, firstly that it's my first real attempt at making an animated gif, and for that, I think it's pretty good. Now since I know what I am doing and not so tired, I might be able to do better.  There are basically three types of people in this world - those that try and do, those that try and give up, and then there's those that complain about what others are doing. While there is one group that has unlimited potential for success (and failure), this group also has the greatest potential to gain.

The way I see it is that nearly everyone in this group, especially @CliftonM, are a part of the first group - those who try and do. Yes, we tried with the Apollo Recreation Missions and excuse the pun, we never got off the ground. We learned a lot of lessons from what we were able to accomplish. And here we are, just completed our first successful launch - and sure, we have all commented about what lessons we've learned, what we can do better, and how we can make it look more professional - and that's part of the "doing" process. @AlextheBodacious has offered criticism based on simply observing and throwing rocks - and maybe he can make animated gifs better than I can, or maybe he feels he could have done  a better job at hosting the program - who knows! But don't let him upset you because we've accomplished what we set out to do - and that needs no defense!

On a separate note, and remember I am a child of the 1970s and 1980s, I can think of a song that would make awesome mission music...




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8 hours ago, NathanKell said:

A general suggestion--and this may have already been discussed, apologies if so. But I would suggest that going forward the PAO (whoever s/he may then be) act more as a real-life PAO: the PAO should be the one describing the activities that can be seen in simple, summary terms; by contrast the audio from the mission control team should be quieted while the PAO is speaking. Similarly, for crewed missions, there should be three audio streams; the PAO (who lowers the volume of the others while speaking), CAPCOM<->crwe, and mission control.

I'm planning to do something like that for the next launch.  I'll probably be able to talk then, and at times I'll mute myself on mission control, and lower the volume of it so you only get it in the stream.  I'll probably run some tests on the idea.

Also, since we're planning a manned mission, we'll need CAPCOM.

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I now deliver bad news.  Mods_O_Joy is no longer going to be part of this, and appears to have resigned from the forum itself.  We need a guidance officer now.

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Just now, CliftonM said:

I now deliver bad news.  Mods_O_Joy is no longer going to be part of this, and appears to have resigned from the forum itself.  We need a guidance officer now.


Just now, CliftonM said:

I now deliver bad news.  Mods_O_Joy is no longer going to be part of this, and appears to have resigned from the forum itself.  We need a guidance officer now.

Maybe @NathanKell? He sounds like a good replacement.

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2 hours ago, adsii1970 said:

I chose a medium frame rate for the gif on purpose - when I sped it up, it just didn't look right. @ZooNamedGames - I'm not stressed out about his comments for a couple of reasons, firstly that it's my first real attempt at making an animated gif, and for that, I think it's pretty good. Now since I know what I am doing and not so tired, I might be able to do better.  There are basically three types of people in this world - those that try and do, those that try and give up, and then there's those that complain about what others are doing. While there is one group that has unlimited potential for success (and failure), this group also has the greatest potential to gain.

The way I see it is that nearly everyone in this group, especially @CliftonM, are a part of the first group - those who try and do. Yes, we tried with the Apollo Recreation Missions and excuse the pun, we never got off the ground. We learned a lot of lessons from what we were able to accomplish. And here we are, just completed our first successful launch - and sure, we have all commented about what lessons we've learned, what we can do better, and how we can make it look more professional - and that's part of the "doing" process. @AlextheBodacious has offered criticism based on simply observing and throwing rocks - and maybe he can make animated gifs better than I can, or maybe he feels he could have done  a better job at hosting the program - who knows! But don't let him upset you because we've accomplished what we set out to do - and that needs no defense!

On a separate note, and remember I am a child of the 1970s and 1980s, I can think of a song that would make awesome mission music...




That's fair, and what Alex said was rude, but mostly how he phrased it. I personally have nothing wrong with criticism, as long as it's attempting to be constructive. If he said something like "Hey, I noticed the framerate on the gif is pretty low. It's' your decision, but I feel like it'd look better if it were smoother," that would've been different.

And I don't think being a critic requires you to also be skilled in that field. If they're the consumer, they can offer criticisms, since they're the ones viewing it. As long as they're polite about it.

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