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[STOCK]Tiny rocket challenge (Continuation for 1.1)

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On 01/20/2016 at 6:51 PM, TedwinKnockman66 said:

Make a rocket from tiny parts(0.625m) and send somwhere.(you can use command pods any size)

Easy mode: get sub-orbital or orbital flight

Medium mode: go to any planet/moon

Hard mode: go to any planet/moon and get back

HARDCORE Mode: send Jeb, Bill, Bob to any planet/moon(Not mun or minmus) and return him without refuel


Hi, What is to stop me just building a full-size rocket from hundreds of tiny parts? I know I could make one that could conceivably go anywhere and return. It's no different from making any rocket. It would just take more parts. Am I missing something?


Edited by Majorjim
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If your stacks gets over 8-10 parts they become limp noodles but really a tiny jool 5 is possible.  Also around 200 parts craft become unflyable to me at least

Edited by Nich
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Just now, KerbonautInTraining said:

Why is this thread stickied...?

No idea at all. Ask @sal_vager .

On 02/02/2016 at 4:51 PM, Nich said:

If your stacks gets over 8-10 parts they become limp noodles but really a tiny jool 5 is possible.  Also around 200 parts craft become unflyable to me at least

You really need to learn how to strut. LOL 'strut' and it's double meaning.

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already some time ago, I did my attempt to this challenge in half an hour after work cause I was curious about how hard it would be.

Without having my video editor functioning right now I decided to still upload my raw footage cause someone may be interested.

I managed to put a Kerbal in Orbit, so it's the easy goal with a slight touch of hardcore mode ;-) If I add a launcher to this, I might be able to go for a real hardcore mode attempt. However my pc will go hardcore crazy then as well :-)


Edited by CallisTrOn Entertainment
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2 hours ago, Hexlord said:

0.625m parts = meters or mass? Using numerical digits with an m after usually means measure of distance (height, width etc) and I can't see anything like this while choosing parts. Am I missing something?

Also this challenge seems incredibly easy.

Meters.  the diameter of the parts, So the same diameter as the Oscar-B

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On 23. 1. 2016 at 3:20 AM, GoSlash27 said:

I believe my "Teeny" still holds the record for smallest rocket to orbit: 0.86 tonnes.

After quite a lot of testing and several amusing fails, I finally managed to beat Slashy's record! :)

My rocket was very similar to his, it just had two small solar panels instead of the basic fins, and is imaginatively named "Untitled space craft", because, uhm, I forgot to name it in the VAB. It is lighter by 20 kilograms (0,02t), and to my surprise, I could make it reach a 200x216 orbit, so it could have been even a little lighter.


On a launchpad:


Stats before launch:


In orbit, after final burn:


the final orbit:


And I hope @Nefrums doesn't attempt this any time soon, from my observations he likes to crush other people's records by miles, and in a way that there is often no possibility of comeback :)


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15 minutes ago, Nefrums said:

Here you go:  825 kg


Well that didn't take long :D

I'll try to tweak my design just a little bit later in the evening. Just curious - how did you find out your mass that precise? I can only see two decimal places i my map view...


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58 minutes ago, Nefrums said:

Here you go:  825 kg



Ok, did some tweaking, on my last try, I was carrying too much fuel. I left some of it at home, and managed to get the lighter version (795 kg) to orbit on fumes. 




I don't have KER installed, I did the math by hand, but it seems to agree with the indicated mass (0,80t).


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18 hours ago, MrWolf83 said:

Question for those using doing this challenge, how do y'all get the flight debug stats shown I your screen without debug menu open, and also how are you getting those shots without and HUD.

F2 removes the HUD (and brings it back again)

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12 hours ago, Jasonden said:

How do you guys keep yours pointing straight?  Mine keep flipping.

For the first part of the ascent, it's necessary to keep the rocket nose-heavy, I disable the two top tanks, so the bottom one is depleted first, and enable them in flight just before it runs out of fuel. It's still not very stable, but it's possible to handle.


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