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[1.12.x] Kerbal Atomics: fancy nuclear engines! (August 18, 2024)


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6 hours ago, JoE Smash said:

What does this mean @Nertea?

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[LOG 10:00:20.189] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: Settings: Started loading
[LOG 10:00:20.189] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: Settings: Couldn't find settings file, using defaults
[LOG 10:00:20.189] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: Settings: Finished loading


Seems straight-forward enough: it's looked for a settings file and not found one so it's using the defaults. If this is your first time running the mod, it's expected behaviour. If it's not, and you had changed the settings from the defaults, then there could possibly be a problem.

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1 hour ago, JH4C said:

Seems straight-forward enough: it's looked for a settings file and not found one so it's using the defaults. If this is your first time running the mod, it's expected behaviour. If it's not, and you had changed the settings from the defaults, then there could possibly be a problem.

I don't even know how to change the settings for dynamic battery storage....where are they? There aern't any in the folder....

And it's not the first time....it does that all the time....

Edited by JoE Smash
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41 minutes ago, Nertea said:

Why on Earth would you want to change them?

I don't I was replying to that other person...

Why can't the mod ever locate them?

It's always looking for them in the logs....I've asked you about this before 

Edited by JoE Smash
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2 hours ago, JoE Smash said:

I don't even know how to change the settings for dynamic battery storage....where are they? There aern't any in the folder....

This appears to indicate you're looking for them somehow.

If you dig through the repo you can find out how to specify the configuration. The configuration is not required, the log messages help to debug the state of the config...

1. Started loading the plugin
2. Couldn't find settings file so using defaults.
3. Finished loading the plugin

Seems clear to me... just as @JH4C said.

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8 hours ago, Nertea said:

This appears to indicate you're looking for them somehow.

If you dig through the repo you can find out how to specify the configuration. The configuration is not required, the log messages help to debug the state of the config...

1. Started loading the plugin
2. Couldn't find settings file so using defaults.
3. Finished loading the plugin

Seems clear to me... just as @JH4C said.

Whatever. Just forget it.

Thanks for the help!

Edited by JoE Smash
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  • 2 weeks later...

Odd thing i can't seem to figure out. The stock nuclear engines are using liquid fuel instead of being changed to use LH2. Been a while since i've played but i thought i recall Atomics changing the standards to LH2. I know there's a patch specifically to force them to use liquid fuel but i triple checked that i don't have any of the patches from extras installed. Any suggestions on where i can start looking for how i've messed up?

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3 hours ago, skald said:

The stock nuclear engines are using liquid fuel instead of being changed to use LH2. Been a while since i've played but i thought i recall Atomics changing the standards to LH2. I know there's a patch specifically to force them to use liquid fuel but i triple checked that i don't have any of the patches from extras installed.

The patches you're thinking of are in KerbalAtomics\Patches\NTR.  They're part of the core mod, not optional extras.

But the stock Nerv actually gets turned into a dual-mode engine that can run on either LF or LH2 — this is to avoid breaking compatibility with existing designs that have Nervs with LF tanks.  The LF mode is the default, but you should have a "toggle mode" button in the engine's right-click menu.

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16 hours ago, Wyzard said:

The patches you're thinking of are in KerbalAtomics\Patches\NTR.  They're part of the core mod, not optional extras.

But the stock Nerv actually gets turned into a dual-mode engine that can run on either LF or LH2 — this is to avoid breaking compatibility with existing designs that have Nervs with LF tanks.  The LF mode is the default, but you should have a "toggle mode" button in the engine's right-click menu.

Thank you, strangely mine didn't have the dual mode either. I have  no idea what i did wrong, but i reinstalled it twice and the 2nd times and suddenly it worked, so I think it must have been user error with me not fully clearing out an old version or something.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've found a small issue when using both RealPlume's stock configs and Kerbal Atomics. The RealPlume setup isn't working with the Nerv, instead it uses a bugged version of the default plume. This has been an issue since last year, I just never got around to mentioning it online. Only mods are RealPlume, Kerbal Atomics, and Making History.


Edited by coyotesfrontier
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Hello, was trying to use the ntr-gc-25-2 emancipator and I have found out some thing interesting, maybe I am doing it wrong but maybe you guys can clue me in.  When I take a enriched uranium tank with said engine I cannot transfer fuel to the engine itself, it says selected part cant't handle radioactive storage.

So any tips on how to refuel this engine would be nice thanks

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OK, so digging around in Nearfuture Electrical I was able to find the module for transfering fuel from the nuclear fuel container, something like Safe fuel engineer level and such.  I edited the cfg file from kerbal atomics emancipator and added it.  I will have a spoiler below with contents if anyone is interested.

Now the more difficult part is getting crossfeed from Nearfuture electrical nuclear fuel container to engine for it to work with out having to manually transfer it but I will leave that for people smarter than me.


// Kerbal Atomics 0.3.3
// Open Cycle Gas Core - 2.5m

    // --- general parameters ---
    name = ntr-gc-25-2
    module = Part
    author = Chris Adderley

    // --- asset parameters ---

        model = KerbalAtomics/Parts/NuclearEngines/ntr-25/ntr-gc-25-2
        scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
    scale = 1.0
    rescaleFactor = 1

    // --- node definitions ---
    node_stack_top = 0.0, 2.499, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
    node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -3.849, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2

    // --- FX definitions ---

          channel = Ship
          clip = sound_vent_medium
          volume = 1.0
          pitch = 2.0
          loop = false
                prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2
                transformName = thrustTransform
                oneShot = true
          channel = Ship
          clip = sound_explosion_low
          volume = 1.0
          pitch = 2.0
          loop = false
                  channel = Ship
                  clip = sound_rocket_hard
                  volume = 0.0 0.0
                  volume = 1.0 1.0
                  pitch = 0.0 0.2
                  pitch = 1.0 1.0
                  loop = true
                modelName = KerbalAtomics/FX/fx-gc-open-25-core
                transformName = innerFX
                emission = 0.0 0.0
                emission = 0.01 0.1
                emission = 0.075 0.25
                emission = 1.0 1.0
                speed = 0.0 0.35
                speed = 1.0 1.0
                modelName =KerbalAtomics/FX/fx-gc-open-25-plume
                transformName = thrustTransform
                emission = 0.0 0.0
                emission = 0.01 0.1
                emission = 0.075 0.25
                emission = 1.0 1.0
                speed = 0.0 0.35
                speed = 1.0 1.0
                modelName =KerbalAtomics/FX/fx-gc-open-25-turbo
                transformName = thrustTransform2
                emission = 0.0 0.0
                emission = 0.01 0.1
                emission = 0.075 0.25
                emission = 1.0 1.0
                speed = 0.0 0.35
                speed = 1.0 1.0

    // --- Sound FX definition ---

    sound_vent_medium = engage
    sound_rocket_hard = running
    sound_vent_soft = disengage
    sound_explosion_low = flameout

    // --- editor parameters ---
    TechRequired = nuclearPropulsion
    entryCost = 268000
    cost = 152000
    category = Engine
    subcategory = 0
    title = #LOC_KerbalAtomics_ntr-gc-25-2_title
    manufacturer = #LOC_KerbalAtomics_manufacturer_postkerbin_title
    description = #LOC_KerbalAtomics_ntr-gc-25-2_description

    // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
    attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0

    // --- standard part parameters ---
    mass = 16
    dragModelType = default
    maximum_drag = 0.2
    minimum_drag = 0.2
    angularDrag = 2
    crashTolerance = 7
    maxTemp = 5000
    thermalMassModifier = 2.5

    breakingForce = 5000
    breakingTorque = 5000

    tags =#LOC_KerbalAtomics_ntr-gc-25-2_tags

        name = ModuleEnginesFX
        engineID = MainExhaust
        thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
        exhaustDamage = True
        runningEffectName = fx-gc-core
        powerEffectName = fx-gc-plume
        ignitionThreshold = 0.1
        minThrust = 0
        maxThrust = 1540
        heatProduction = 981.6286842
        fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.574338
        engineAccelerationSpeed = 0.6
        engineDecelerationSpeed = 0.9
            name = LqdHydrogen
            ratio = 1.0
            DrawGauge = True
            key = 0 2850
            key = 1 1150
            key = 4 650
            name = EnrichedUranium
            ratio = 0.0001
            DrawGauge = True
        name = ModuleEnginesFX
        engineID = TurbopumpExhaust
        thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform2
        exhaustDamage = True
        runningEffectName = fx-gc-turbo
        //powerEffectName = fx-gc-plume
        ignitionThreshold = 0.1
        minThrust = 0
        maxThrust = 10
        heatProduction = 0
        fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.0

            name = LqdHydrogen
            ratio = 1.0

            key = 0 2850
            key = 1 1150
            key = 4 650

        name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
        animationName =  GasCore25-2_Throttle
        dependOnEngineState = True

        responseSpeed = 1.0
        layer = 2

        name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
        animationName =  GasCore25-2_HeatA
        dependOnEngineState = True
        responseSpeed = 0.001
        layer = 4

        name = ModuleGimbal
        gimbalTransformName = GimbalBone
        gimbalRange = 3
        gimbalResponseSpeed = 6
        useGimbalResponseSpeed = true
        name = ModuleGimbal
        gimbalTransformName = GimbalBoneTurbo
        gimbalRange = 3

        name = ModuleTestSubject
        useStaging = True
        useEvent = True
        situationMask = 121
            type = REPEATABILITY
            value = ALWAYS
            prestige = Trivial
            type = REPEATABILITY
            value = BODYANDSITUATION
            prestige = Significant
            type = REPEATABILITY
            value = ONCEPERPART
            prestige = Exceptional
            type = ALTITUDEENV
            test = GT
            value = 4000
            prestige = Trivial
            type = ALTITUDEENV
            test = LT
            value = 8000
            prestige = Trivial
            type = ALTITUDEENV
            test = GT
            value = 2000
            prestige = Significant
            type = ALTITUDEENV
            test = LT
            value = 4000
            prestige = Significant
            type = ALTITUDEENV
            test = GT
            value = 1000
            prestige = Exceptional
            type = ALTITUDEENV
            test = LT
            value = 2000
            prestige = Exceptional
            type = ALTITUDE
            test = LT
            value = 300000
            situationMask = 16
            body = _NotSun
            type = ALTITUDE
            test = LT
            value = 600000
            situationMask = 32
            body = _NotSun
            type = SPEED
            test = GT
            value = 0
            situationMask = 8
            prestige = Trivial
            type = SPEED
            test = LT
            value = 600
            situationMask = 8
            prestige = Trivial
            type = SPEED
            test = GT
            value = 300
            situationMask = 8
            prestige = Significant
            type = SPEED
            test = LT
            value = 1200
            situationMask = 8
            prestige = Significant
            type = SPEED
            test = GT
            value = 600
            situationMask = 8
            prestige = Exceptional
            type = SPEED
            test = LT
            value = 2500
            situationMask = 8
            prestige = Exceptional
            type = SPEEDENV
            test = LT
            value = 200
            prestige = Trivial
            type = SPEEDENV
            test = GT
            value = 100
            prestige = Trivial
            type = SPEEDENV
            test = LT
            value = 100
            prestige = Significant
            type = SPEEDENV
            test = GT
            value = 50
            prestige = Significant
            type = SPEEDENV
            test = LT
            value = 50
            prestige = Exceptional
            type = SPEEDENV
            test = GT
            value = 20
            prestige = Exceptional

        name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint

            targetName = TurboExhaustCylUpper001
            rotatorsName = TurboExhaustCylLower001
            targetName = TurboExhaustCylUpper002
            rotatorsName = TurboExhaustCylLower002
            targetName = TurboExhaustCylUpper003
            rotatorsName = TurboExhaustCylLower003
            targetName = TurboExhaustCylUpper004
            rotatorsName = TurboExhaustCylLower004
            targetName = TurboExhaustCylLower001
            rotatorsName = TurboExhaustCylUpper001
            targetName = TurboExhaustCylLower002
            rotatorsName = TurboExhaustCylUpper002
            targetName = TurboExhaustCylLower003
            rotatorsName = TurboExhaustCylUpper003
            targetName = TurboExhaustCylLower004
            rotatorsName = TurboExhaustCylUpper004

            targetName = CylUpper001
            rotatorsName = CylLower001
            targetName = CylUpper002
            rotatorsName =CylLower002
            targetName = CylUpper003
            rotatorsName = CylLower003
            targetName = CylUpper004
            rotatorsName = CylLower004
            targetName = CylLower001
            rotatorsName = CylUpper001
            targetName = CylLower002
            rotatorsName = CylUpper002
            targetName = CylLower003
            rotatorsName = CylUpper003
            targetName = CylLower004
            rotatorsName = CylUpper004

        name = ModuleJettison
        jettisonName = SHROUD01
        bottomNodeName = bottom
        isFairing = True
        jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
        jettisonForce = 5
        jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
        name = ModuleJettison
        jettisonName = SHROUD02
        bottomNodeName = bottom
        isFairing = True
        jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
        jettisonForce = 5
        jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
        name = FlagDecal
        textureQuadName = Flag

        name = ModuleSurfaceFX
        thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
        fxMax = 1.0
        maxDistance = 70
        falloff = 2
        thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
        //Added for fuel transfer - by Krillin678
        name = RadioactiveStorageContainer
        DangerousFuel = DepletedFuel
        SafeFuel = EnrichedUranium
        // What enginer level is needed to transfer the safe fuel
        EngineerLevelForSafe = 1
        // What enginer level is needed to transfer the dangerous fuel
        EngineerLevelForDangerous = 3
        // Max temp for transferring fuel into or out of the part
        MaxTempForTransfer = 400
        // kW of heat per unit of waste
        HeatFluxPerWasteUnit = 5
        name = EnrichedUranium
        amount = 35
        maxAmount = 35


cut and past over file or add it as a separate cfg after backup doesn't matter to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/13/2018 at 7:33 PM, coyotesfrontier said:

I've found a small issue when using both RealPlume's stock configs and Kerbal Atomics. The RealPlume setup isn't working with the Nerv, instead it uses a bugged version of the default plume. This has been an issue since last year, I just never got around to mentioning it online. Only mods are RealPlume, Kerbal Atomics, and Making History.


I have the issue above as well. In a test save I was able to get IE/Atomics/RealPlume to play nice, but haven't had any luck yet migrating those results to my ongoing save that I originally had the issue with. All together I have 4 issues, this one was a problem in 1.4.3 for me as well.

other than visual ghost plumes I have an error stating engine ID's cannot be found when placing it in the VAB with scrolling nullrefs in the console log in flight mode, and then a second scrolling message about magneticfields that led me to post in the support thread for KSPIE.

Taking out RealPlume doesn't seem to solve the issues for me.

I posted associated logs and some screenshots in The IE thread

with the test save everything seemed to work if I installed GPP-visuals-IE and Atomics with the atomics communityresourcepack, but duplicating this into an ongoing save doesn't seem to change anything regarding plume, error, nullref or the magnetometer thing.

I make frequent backups and have unknowingly had these issues with this install since first unlocking the NERVA and the IE duel technique magnetometer.

If you think it's worth looking to and need anything else from me please let me know, I'll keep an eye out while I work on this today. I'm taking an extra day off of streaming because of back pain and will be working on it before I go to the doctors

Update - just adding a screenshot of the console log error with ID's, I don't think I had one up yet imgur - Console Log

Final Update - Situation resolved itself when the LiquidFuel patch is applied. I'd imagine Interstellar is doing a more broad addition of the hydrogen fuel, so when Atomics isn't trying to do the same thing as IE it all works together just fine. Error, Nullref, missingmagneticfuel log message, and ghost plume is gone.

I hope I didn't waste any of your time, I knew it was something that I didn't install properly. The Fuel config didn't make sense off the top of my head because I did indeed want it to use liquid hydrogen as intended, lucked out that it dawned on me that the incompatibility was probably related to something they both wanted to do to the same part.

Thank you for your time, and again I apologize!

Edited by danshu15
1 - imgur of console Error before nullrefs - 2 Final Update
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On 9/26/2018 at 6:27 AM, danshu15 said:

I have the issue above as well. In a test save I was able to get IE/Atomics/RealPlume to play nice, but haven't had any luck yet migrating those results to my ongoing save that I originally had the issue with. All together I have 4 issues, this one was a problem in 1.4.3 for me as well.

other than visual ghost plumes I have an error stating engine ID's cannot be found when placing it in the VAB with scrolling nullrefs in the console log in flight mode, and then a second scrolling message about magneticfields that led me to post in the support thread for KSPIE.

Taking out RealPlume doesn't seem to solve the issues for me.

I posted associated logs and some screenshots in The IE thread

with the test save everything seemed to work if I installed GPP-visuals-IE and Atomics with the atomics communityresourcepack, but duplicating this into an ongoing save doesn't seem to change anything regarding plume, error, nullref or the magnetometer thing.

I make frequent backups and have unknowingly had these issues with this install since first unlocking the NERVA and the IE duel technique magnetometer.

If you think it's worth looking to and need anything else from me please let me know, I'll keep an eye out while I work on this today. I'm taking an extra day off of streaming because of back pain and will be working on it before I go to the doctors

Update - just adding a screenshot of the console log error with ID's, I don't think I had one up yet imgur - Console Log

Final Update - Situation resolved itself when the LiquidFuel patch is applied. I'd imagine Interstellar is doing a more broad addition of the hydrogen fuel, so when Atomics isn't trying to do the same thing as IE it all works together just fine. Error, Nullref, missingmagneticfuel log message, and ghost plume is gone.

I hope I didn't waste any of your time, I knew it was something that I didn't install properly. The Fuel config didn't make sense off the top of my head because I did indeed want it to use liquid hydrogen as intended, lucked out that it dawned on me that the incompatibility was probably related to something they both wanted to do to the same part.

Thank you for your time, and again I apologize!

Glad you resolved it -  KSPIE , KA and RP will be very tough to get working completely properly together.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Dv limit is very short with the Emancipator-engine because I can't refule with Enr U. I tried doing it with engineer onboard but it say "selected part can't handle radioactive storage". Am I missing something??


Edit: krillin678, didn't see your post there, what CFG you put the text into??

Edited by SpinPlanet
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On 10/18/2018 at 8:21 AM, SpinPlanet said:

The Dv limit is very short with the Emancipator-engine because I can't refule with Enr U. I tried doing it with engineer onboard but it say "selected part can't handle radioactive storage". Am I missing something??


From the FAQ.

Q: Why can't I refuel the Emancipator?
A: It's a cheaty engine. It has a disadvantage. If you want to refuel it, you need to download NF Electrical and install the high complexity reactor integration

I mean if has a specific impulse of 2850 seconds and a TWR higher than any chemical vacuum engine,  it's really very potent... 

Edited by Nertea
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The engine don't have a short Dv limit, I mean the Enr U is limiting it very much. Sorry, I can't always find english words and put them in right order.

Yes, I love that engine. Where is integration? I have all the Near Future mods and can't find it in there. You have a link?


BTW: thanks for awesome mods. Love them all :)

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28 minutes ago, Brigadier said:

Uhhh...KA in my install doesn't have a Extras folder.  is it suppose to?

No, those are optional configs that you can choose to use or not, as needed.

Look in the original zip file that you downloaded with KA.

Edited by Starwaster
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1 minute ago, Starwaster said:

No, those are optional configs that you can choose to use or not, as needed.

Look in the original zip file that you downloaded with KA.

Installed via CKAN.  The folders under KA are: FX, Localization, Parts, Patches and Versioning.

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28 minutes ago, Brigadier said:

Installed via CKAN.  The folders under KA are: FX, Localization, Parts, Patches and Versioning.

Even CKAN downloads a zip file to install from, it's somewhere in the CKAN folder. If you can't find it then download the mod from one of the three download sites listed in the first post. It will be a zip file and inside there will be an Extras folder and a GameData folder.

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5 minutes ago, Starwaster said:

Even CKAN downloads a zip file to install from, it's somewhere in the CKAN folder. If you can't find it then download the mod from one of the three download sites listed in the first post. It will be a zip file and inside there will be an Extras folder and a GameData folder.

Weird...CKAN does not seem to have a folder for KA.  I'll download directly, I guess. Thanks for your help.

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