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[1.1] Kerbodyne Plus

Bonus Eventus

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Installation is simple. Copy the folder “kerbodynePlus” to your GameData folder.

Make sure you have KSP 1.1 pre-release or higher.


Kerbodyne Plus is a parts pack for Kerbal Space Program. It gives players the parts required for building very large interplanetary ships and stations, making for a more enriching end-game experience.

Project Goals

  • Improve end-game play
  • Provide beautifully designed parts
  • Keep designs grounded in reality (or at worst near-future)
  • Remain mod agnostic (Kerbodyne Plus does not support or hinder other mods)


Current Team

  • Bonus Eventus — 3d Modeling, CFG design, Project Lead
  • @Table - Beta Tester
  •  @cy4n - Beta Tester

Special thanks

  • This mod would not exist without the work of my predecessors nil2work, Bac9, and Roverdude as well as everyone at the addon dev KSP forum.

  • I’d also like to thank all the users of Kerbodyne Plus. This is my first mod, so I’ve had to learn quite a lot as the project progressed. Thanks for being patient!


This work and all its files is shared under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license. link



Latest Stable Release (V1.0752)




Latest Development Build 


You can also follow the development thread here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/112686-wip-kerbodyne-plus-end-game-parts-preview/



Release Notes - 1.0752:

  • * This release addresses errors made during the initial upload process that resulted in misplaced directories. Special thanks to @AccidentalDisassembly and @jackalope50 for helping me catch this!

Release Notes - 1.0751:

  • * Fixed incorrect readme file.
  • This release will BREAK any saves from Kerbodyne Plus V1.0, so backing up save files is highly encouraged!
  • Added ELF Thruster
  • Added A8A Fission Reactor
  • Added T202 F-2 Xe Integrated Truss
  • Adjusted ISP and fuel flow for ELF Engine
  • Fixed a problem with srf attach weakness in both S6 radial decouplers and S6 tank clusters
  • Adjusted EC of T202 Batteries from 6000 to 4000.
  • Fixed a minor problem with XL-6 Landing Strut where when in the start extended state, upon launch sometimes the craft would spawn halfway inside the launch pad or bounce into the air incredibly high, haha



Release Notes - 1.051:

  • This release will BREAK any saves from Kerbodyne Plus V1.0, so backing up save files is highly encouraged!
  • This is an early version of Kerbodyne Plus. Names in cfg files are subject to change, so updating in the future WILL BREAK GAMES.
  • A quick update to address a bug with Kerbodyne S6-94640 Tank flag, where the flag texture was unusually distorted.
  • Fixed cost issue with the Kerbodyne S6-94640 Tank, Kerbodyne S6-7890 Tank Cluster, and Kerbodyne S6-7890 X4 Tank Cluster, where cost of the part was less than total cost of fuel.
  • fixed a few spelling mistakes in part descriptions.
  • Many parts are still to come, such as ion engines and the revamped NRAX converter, as well as some other really neat parts! Check out the dev thread for more info: Link



Release Notes - 1.05:

  • This release will BREAK any saves from Kerbodyne Plus V1.0, so backing up save files is highly encouraged!
  • This is an early version of Kerbodyne Plus. Names in cfg files are subject to change, so updating in the future WILL BREAK GAMES.
  • This release of Kerbodyne Plus was mostly made to address issues do to KSP 1.1 pre-release.
  • Added new part descriptions for all of the T404 parts.
  • Added new resources to all T404 parts.
  • Balanced T404 mass and cost variables.
  • Fixed a scaling bug with the XL-6 Landing Strut.
  • Added new part, T404 Structural Hub
  • Changed releaseNotes.tx to releaseNotes.md
  • Added new part Kerbodyne PFR-6 Stack Decoupler.
  • Replaced the Behemoth booster with the Behemoth Launch System (size 6 9x engine cluster with custom particle and sound effects).
  • Added new part S6 B-1x9 "Behemoth" Liquid Fuel Engine.
  • Added new part Kerbodyne ADTP-3-6 (adapter fuel tank).
  • Fixed a bug where the Kerbodyne PFR-6 Stack Decoupler would sometimes crash the game.
  • Added several new parts. See future K+ 1.1 release notes for details.
  • Yes, I deleted the T202 to T404 adapter. If I add it back it will look like the T404 to 3.75M adapter (I think the T404 to 3.75M looks good with T202).
  • Added bulkhead sort, all the parts have a custom bulkhead of "kp", so you can quickly get to all the Kerbodyne Plus parts. You can also search for "kp" or "kerbodynePlus" in the tag search (as well as "behemoth" or "behe" for all the behemoth parts and "t404" for all the t404 parts). T404, T202, and behemoth have custom bulkhead profiles, so you can sort that way to ("t404", "t202", "behemoth"). 
  • I added new tag entries for all parts.
  • Rebalanced all the part costs and tech tree placement.
  • Increased the size of XL Landing Strut.
  • Rebalanced weight and heat tolerance for all parts.
  • Added new RSP-A3 Radial Stack Point (acts like a hardpoint with 2 attach nodes. It's physicless so it transfers mass to the part its surface attached to like the cubic octagonal strut).
  • Changed the texture for T404 inner walls from orange to black, because in some cases, the t404 b struts were turning orange when zoomed out do to mipmapping.  I'll probably remap the texture to prevent this in the future. 
  • Changed the size and placement of the particle effects for Behemoth engines.
  • Added the new T404 B-2 and B-3 trusses.
  • Added new T202 B-2 integrated truss.
  • Added T202 BA-64 Battery Array - 6000 ec
  • Added 3 new structural Tank Couplers each with 10 attachment points but different configurations. These new orange structural parts will make up a third tier of construction for the purpose of making even bigger superstructures.
  • Added S6 radial decoupler part of the behemoth launch system.
  • Added T404 H-3 which replaces the older T404 B-3 (naming was weird before, the size was 2 and it's configuration and purpose are fundamentally different).
  • Added Kerbodyne S6-7890 X4 Tank Cluster (4x 7.5m tanks, t404 center) and Kerbodyne S6-7890 Tank Cluster (5x 7.5m tanks, no t404 center).
  • Added R-D HLRX4 (behemoth class rcs)
  • Changed the Kerbodyne S3 Smart Cone SAS torque from 75 to 300 for 1.1 stability
  • Rebuilt the cfg file for XL-6 Landing Strut using 1.1 wheel modules (thanks to @NecroBones @sarbian for their help with this).
  • Remodeled all T404 parts adding struts to sidewalls (now they really look like trusses!).
  • Remodeled Leviathan Solar Wing increasing total length by 20M. Remade panel animations. Replaced the central mast truss from alpha texture to real geometry. (Each panel has its own collider, making for a part with hundreds of colliders. This causes lag. However, when the part is destroyed every panel tears off quite spectacularly. In ksp 1.1, on my machine, the lag was tolerable. I plan to rebuild this part in the future to accommodate a more compact animation, so will try to optimize the physics at that time).
  • Redesigned T404 3.75M Adapter (adapter is now hollow, has cool struts similar the XL-6 Landing leg and now longer holds any electric charge).
  • Adjusted the scale of the CM 1 internal space for compatibility with the new 1.1 crew overlays.
  • Added new S6 7.5M Fairing (increases to 15 meters in diameter)
  • There's an easter egg I left (mistake) I wonder if anyone found it.
  • Many parts are still to come, such as ion engines and the revamped NRAX converter, as well as some other really neat parts! Check out the dev thread for more info: Link




Edited by Bonus Eventus
updated version to 1.0751
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5 hours ago, kaue4arp10 said:

Sorry, didn't know there was one.

Oops should have posted the link ;) For those that want to you can follow the development here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/112686-wip-kerbodyne-plus-end-game-parts-preview/


Thats probably the best place to make suggestions as well

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I love these parts they are fantastic! One request for the future. Could you make the solar wings longer or a another set of solar wings that are longer. I have been searching for really nice solar wings to replace the one from the KOSMOS pack. Your solar wings are gorgeous and if they were only longer they would be perfect. Lets be honest once and a while you feel like making an ISS and the stock ones just don't cut it. Well done on this pack truly. 

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5 hours ago, Jivaii said:

Have you looked into adding this into CKAN?


Kottabos did an awesome review of the mod already! It's epic!

Yeah, I was asked by another user to do this a while ago. Thanks for the reminder. I just submitted the metadata to netkan repository. Not sure how long it takes once a request is made for the listing to be added. Thanks for sharing the link Jivaii I've been watching Kottabos for a while, so it was pretty cool to see him review something I worked on!

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On 2/1/2016 at 1:14 PM, LitaAlto said:

I combined parts from this mod with Roverdude's Nuclear Rockets mod (for the Medusa nuclear pulse sail) and DarkSideTechnology (for its centrifuge), then took the resulting ship on a grand tour....


Wow! That's awesome Lita, thanks for sharing!

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On 1/30/2016 at 6:10 PM, Bonus Eventus said:

Yeah, I was asked by another user to do this a while ago. Thanks for the reminder. I just submitted the metadata to netkan repository. Not sure how long it takes once a request is made for the listing to be added. Thanks for sharing the link Jivaii I've been watching Kottabos for a while, so it was pretty cool to see him review something I worked on!

It's there now =D

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if this is requested, but could you do a Tweakscale config or make a smaller version of the XL-6 Landing leg so that it is more like the stock things (LT-2, LT-1, LT-05 ...) I'd would be great. I love your mod it's great to make oversized crafts :) Thanks!

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On 3/24/2016 at 2:05 PM, [MG]Atlas said:

I don't know if this is requested, but could you do a Tweakscale config or make a smaller version of the XL-6 Landing leg so that it is more like the stock things (LT-2, LT-1, LT-05 ...) I'd would be great. I love your mod it's great to make oversized crafts :) Thanks!

On 1/26/2016 at 4:51 PM, Bonus Eventus said:

Project Goals

  • Improve end-game play
  • Provide beautifully designed parts
  • Conform to modular design practices (shared materials, uniform dimensions, etc)
  • Combine parts to reduce part count
  • Keep designs grounded in reality (or at worst near-future)
  • Remain mod agnostic (Kerbodyne Plus does not support or hinder other mods)

The point of the xl-6 landing leg was to provide a very large landing leg for very big rockets/crafts, what would be the point of shrinking it down when you already have landing legs in the stock game that serve that purpose?

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3 hours ago, Bonus Eventus said:

The point of the xl-6 landing leg was to provide a very large landing leg for very big rockets/crafts, what would be the point of shrinking it down when you already have landing legs in the stock game that serve that purpose?

The stick legs break too fast, and the xl-6 has a greater model! The purpose? Umm.... Ok I know, its pointless to make such thing . Have a nice day!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/28/2016 at 9:56 AM, sp1989 said:

I love these parts they are fantastic! One request for the future. Could you make the solar wings longer or a another set of solar wings that are longer. I have been searching for really nice solar wings to replace the one from the KOSMOS pack. Your solar wings are gorgeous and if they were only longer they would be perfect. Lets be honest once and a while you feel like making an ISS and the stock ones just don't cut it. Well done on this pack truly. 

Yeah, it turns out that I made an error when I exported the model. The new update addresses this. The solar wings are now twice as long as they were in 1.0

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having a problem with the solar wings where they'll bug out and think they're "blocked" by... themselves! Only seems to happen after leaving a craft and coming back to it.

Also, it would be really awesome to get versions of the T404 parts (including the 6-way hub) that have kerbal-save tunnels in them, made to work with Connected Living Spaces. I'm trying to build a giant space station using these parts, and unfortunately the lack of CLS support makes it hard.

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Mother, will have most of what you're after. (Snacks and cls)

The solar panels bug out because of physics, and the number of coliders. I plan to optimize them. If the solar panel is blocked try time accelerating for a bit, this will get them to reset.

Edited by Bonus Eventus
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