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[WIP] Coatl Aerospace ProbesPlus Dev Thread [Beta] 10/19/2020 (1.8-1.10)


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Very stable. Something inside got hot but didn't explode. I'm not sure if that was just conduction on a low heat tolerance part or the shield not shielding the shroud area. The Landvasserwhatever is 87% scale.

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3 minutes ago, DiscoSlelge said:

@akron Oh I have to mention a problem, the venera 15 big antenna doesn't open.. Ony the two little omni antennas, I don't know why (but the venera tiny solar pannels's textures are here!)

The big dish is not a comm antenna, but a Synthetic-Aperture Radar. It should open with the experiment (SCANsat) and not with "deploy antenna" but I'll look into it

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13 hours ago, DiscoSlelge said:

@akron Oh I have to mention a problem, the venera 15 big antenna doesn't open.. Ony the two little omni antennas, I don't know why (but the venera tiny solar pannels's textures are here!)

This is fixed now. The order of the Orbital Scanner modules is apparently important?


Beta v0.15 is being released



Beta v0.15 Download:

To prevent issues, please remove any previous versions of the mod before updating




Requires: Dmagic Orbital Science(For some science experiments to work), DMagic ScienceAnimate (included)

Mod configs included: Remote Tech by @rakol Tweakscale by @Jso SCANsat by @akron


I am getting the release out there to get more feedback. There is an inevitable patch 15.1 coming up, so let me know what issues you find. Thank you! And shoutout to @Beale for his Venera models, which are in use in this update




EDIT: Updated Craft Files also available:


Sample Crafts v0.2:


Edited by akron
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6 hours ago, akron said:

Mod configs included: Remote Tech by @rakol AntennaRange by @rasta013 Tweakscale by @Jso

Just as a quick comment: You can probably drop the AntennaRange configs - it was decided that AntennaRange wasn't different enough from the new stock mechanics to update to 1.2.

(And I'll have to revisit - a *lot* of my craft depend on the conical dish antenna, as a low-profile, good looking, cheap, non-extendable antenna.)

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7 minutes ago, DStaal said:

Just as a quick comment: You can probably drop the AntennaRange configs - it was decided that AntennaRange wasn't different enough from the new stock mechanics to update to 1.2.

(And I'll have to revisit - a *lot* of my craft depend on the conical dish antenna, as a low-profile, good looking, cheap, non-extendable antenna.)

I dropped AR Support back in BETA 0.14.1. I'll remove references to prevent confusion

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I was wondering about the antenas and dishes, not all appear to have remote tech patches (I'll grab a screenshot next time I boot up) just wondering if this is my end or not (cause I run a hell of a lot of mods)

also with the thermal parts is it possible to have a config for interstellar's waste heat resource?

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6 hours ago, Kertech said:

I was wondering about the antenas and dishes, not all appear to have remote tech patches (I'll grab a screenshot next time I boot up) just wondering if this is my end or not (cause I run a hell of a lot of mods)

2 hours ago, Oectacan said:

Hi there.I write RemoteTech config for new antennas. You can download it's from https://www.dropbox.com/s/bfwxk5xitqj7oni/RemoteTechNew.cfg?dl=0

I did not know enough about Remote Tech because I don't use it. Thank you Oetacan for writing something up. I will try and get a finalized RT patch for the next Mod patch (0.15.1). I appreciate the help


also with the thermal parts is it possible to have a config for interstellar's waste heat resource?

I don't know. I don't use Interstellar so I'd have to figure out the system. If you are familiar with it, I'd appreciate the help getting one completed, but yes. I can eventually get something together.


Also here https://www.dropbox.com/s/3hjuywhj3j17p18/TechTreeRebalance.cfg?dl=0 some suggestion for TechTree rebalancing for few start parts.

You're certainly welcome to use this, but there are specific balancing and progression reasons why those parts are in the nodes they are. It is also for compatibility with other mod's tech progression. I've said before that I don't like KSP's tech tree, but this is the best way the parts fit in it currently. I can go into more detail later, I actually think about this a lot when working on the mod cuz I'm a nerd. 

49 minutes ago, Rhedd said:

Man, I just love this stuff!

For me, this is THE mod for probe parts. Thanks a bunch!

Thank you! I am glad you like it!

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47 minutes ago, akron said:

I did not know enough about Remote Tech because I don't use it. Thank you Oetacan for writing something up. I will try and get a finalized RT patch for the next Mod patch (0.15.1). I appreciate the help

I am glad to help.

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Love your mod and was waiting patiently for the update you just dropped. I do have one problem. Since installing this Friday, almost none of my experiments will collect any science. It keeps telling me the experiments are operating outside their environment: "This can only be deployed on the ground" .. and I'm firmly landed, or "This can only be used in space" and I'm about 500km up in orbit, or even "Its too dangerous to use this now" for some of them, or even no ability to interact with the experiments at all (science Jr. will only let me open and close the doors for example).

Any ideas what could be causing this?

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On 4/16/2017 at 5:26 AM, rakol said:

Ah Sorry for not updating the RT configs on my end, totally forgot about them when the stock commnet came out. 

No worries. I gotta learn as well. patch 1 can take acre of anything missing. I'm trying to cobble it together starting this week

14 hours ago, factanonverba_n said:

Love your mod and was waiting patiently for the update you just dropped. I do have one problem. Since installing this Friday, almost none of my experiments will collect any science. It keeps telling me the experiments are operating outside their environment: "This can only be deployed on the ground" .. and I'm firmly landed, or "This can only be used in space" and I'm about 500km up in orbit, or even "Its too dangerous to use this now" for some of them, or even no ability to interact with the experiments at all (science Jr. will only let me open and close the doors for example).

Any ideas what could be causing this?

This sounds like there may be duplicate ScienceDefs. Delete the entire Coatl Aerospace folder from your GameData directory and reinstall from scratch. If that does not fix it, let me know and le tme have a log and a modlist so we can see if there is something conflicting.

Edited by akron
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A small random idea - I've made the trixie have a max orbit scan height of 1000km instead of 500, as in OPM the gas giants have biomes, but often an atmosphere higher than 500kms. I made my own patch for the scan height just so I'll be able to map the gas giant biomes. Might be worth just adding to the base part though, maybe with a cost offset?

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2 hours ago, Rodger said:

A small random idea - I've made the trixie have a max orbit scan height of 1000km instead of 500, as in OPM the gas giants have biomes, but often an atmosphere higher than 500kms. I made my own patch for the scan height just so I'll be able to map the gas giant biomes. Might be worth just adding to the base part though, maybe with a cost offset?

This is good. I didn't even think about that. I think I should probably properly do patches for OPM and Galileo.

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7 hours ago, Rodger said:

A small random idea - I've made the trixie have a max orbit scan height of 1000km instead of 500, as in OPM the gas giants have biomes, but often an atmosphere higher than 500kms. I made my own patch for the scan height just so I'll be able to map the gas giant biomes. Might be worth just adding to the base part though, maybe with a cost offset?

Max orbit height just denotes the max you can scan from, not the ideal (or lowest) scan height.  More importantly, the max height is actually meaningless for mapping purposes.  The height of the atmosphere of a planet doesn't matter since SCANsat looks at your height above the atmosphere NOT the height of the atmosphere for determining the altitude of the instrument in question.  In other words...if you're 500km above a gas giant's atmosphere that's 500km high or 500km above a terrestrial atmosphere that's 70km high then in both cases your altitude for SCANsat instruments is 500km since it measures from the edge of the atmosphere, not the surface.

For any gas giants of OPM or GPP you don't need to add height since the max only defines the limit.  All you've done is make it easier to get perfect scans of altitude, terrain and biomes from higher altitudes on all bodies - not just gas giants - and you've eliminated the challenge of needing to scan at different altitudes since the instruments don't all overlap in altitude ranges.

UPDATE:  As an edit, you've got me thinking now about behavior in game and I'm testing something real quick to see if something has changed...stay tuned.  See below.

Edited by rasta013
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You beat me to the punch by about 30 seconds...

Just now, DMagic said:

SCANsat does not measure altitude above the atmosphere. It measures from the surface, the same value as what you would see on the altimeter.

I just tested this thinking I may have been babbling and lo' and behold my previous babble is meaningless...hmmm... :blush:

With this in mind the change makes a lot more sense.

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9 hours ago, flamerboy67664 said:

Hey akron, can you make parts based on the MUOS Satellite? I've tried making one using the Barquetta bus but it doesn't just look right.

Barquetta is just not big enough. That MUOS looks like it is using a Boeing 700-series bus. I will definitely be making one; the 702 with a couple of variants. I don't have plans for the antenna or the solar panels though

EDIT: Look like MUOS are all Lockheed Martin Buses, looks just like Boeing though. I can probably combine the two

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