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[WIP] Coatl Aerospace ProbesPlus Dev Thread [Beta] 10/19/2020 (1.8-1.10)


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16 minutes ago, COL.R.Neville said:

the latest release version on github and the download on spacedock dont have the explorer solar telescope drag cube fix in them. 

just the master version from github has the fix in there. 

Yes, that is correct. Only the GitHub master is updated with patches. I was going to wait until Viking was done to push an update up to Spacedock but I may push an update now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel like the colour palette on this mod is too bright in my opinion. I want to use BDB alongside it but I can't get over the palette. I love the instruments though, especially the Scansat-compatible ones (well, when they're updated for the newer Scansat scan modes like visual scanning).

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On 11/7/2020 at 9:14 AM, OrbitalManeuvers said:

For me, yes. Both the verniers and the solar panel on top. On Oct 20th, I posted what fixed all the node problems for me.

It doesn't seeem to fix anything for me. Downloaded Coatl Master and Linux version KSP

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4 hours ago, Kaa253 said:

It doesn't seeem to fix anything for me. Downloaded Coatl Master and Linux version KSP

You have the same problem with things attached to those nodes moving around on save/load? idk why it works for me, tbh - but I have had the same problem in 1.8, 1.9, and 1.10, and this weird change is the only thing that makes that part work for me. It's just the result of comparing the two versions of the part and looking for differences. I don't have any mods that do anything node-specific like joint reinforcement or anything wacky like that. It just moves the verniers on load, or "breaks" the solar panel on the top node so it's not attached correctly any more. But with that change, it works perfectly. No idea why :(

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  • 5 weeks later...
5 hours ago, AeroSky said:

Does this work with any KSP version? (Specifically 1.10.1 and 1.8.1)


I believe it works still with both with some minor issues with some parts, see recent posts. I think I may need to remake Surveyor completely to fix those attachement and animation issues :(.

You need to download the Github repository zip file for the latest version (Click on the green "code" button, then "Get code"). Then you'll need the appropriate versions of the dependencies for 1.8 and 1.10

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On 12/20/2020 at 7:21 AM, Starhelperdude said:

sorry to ask, but is this mod compatible with 1.11? I'm currently loading my JNSQ install and it keeps loading on the explorer solar part

It seems to be other than for that part-- you need the "fix" included in the github download (linked on the first post), or you could temporarily delete that part so the game will load. 

Edited by Beetlecat
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On 7/15/2020 at 11:10 PM, akron said:

Hey all, I am still trying to make time to do more throughout testing of the Mod in KSP 1.10, but please continue to report any issues.


Began UV and texture work on the Spartan lander (Viking). Before getting so far as to do AO bakes, I started laying out the wiring for it. It's been challenging but fun. I decided to do two versions of the bus. First will be the default Viking skin with all the appropriate bits and wiring. This will be less flexible but there is just no way to do justice to this unique spacecraft without using less generic parts, similar to how I had to do with Cassini. I will also make a stripped-down version of the bus in stock grey that you guys can build more custom landers with.

I still need to do more work on the propellant lines and all the engine wiring harness. I probably will not do the detailed propellant lines and valve wiring because it's just too damn complex. The current harness is abstracted enough as it is.






I really don't want to be pushy or anything but, when will this come out?

Edited by Minmus Taster
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Mr. Akron.

I want to thank you for this really great mod and I've been using it for a couple of years on my old  V1.41 KSP - so Thank You!

I now have a new computer and am running V 1.91 KSP, and I miss this mod very much - specifically, the antennas you had included.  To me, the stock KSP direct / relay antenna setup is too complicated and detract somewhat from the overall fun of KSP.  So, I have a suggestion:  would you consider extracting just your amazing antenna collection in Probes Plus, and making another mod, just for the antennas?  Maybe call it "Probes Plus Antenna Collection", or something similar?

Forgive me if this is a stupid, or other question that violates KSP Forum etiquette - I'm rather new to the rules of that...  and Thanks Again for a Great Mod!  

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2 hours ago, foxtrain said:

Hello Mr. Akron.

I want to thank you for this really great mod and I've been using it for a couple of years on my old  V1.41 KSP - so Thank You!

I now have a new computer and am running V 1.91 KSP, and I miss this mod very much - specifically, the antennas you had included.  To me, the stock KSP direct / relay antenna setup is too complicated and detract somewhat from the overall fun of KSP.  So, I have a suggestion:  would you consider extracting just your amazing antenna collection in Probes Plus, and making another mod, just for the antennas?  Maybe call it "Probes Plus Antenna Collection", or something similar?

Forgive me if this is a stupid, or other question that violates KSP Forum etiquette - I'm rather new to the rules of that...  and Thanks Again for a Great Mod!  

Welcome to the forums!

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On 1/19/2021 at 10:08 PM, foxtrain said:

Hello Mr. Akron.

I want to thank you for this really great mod and I've been using it for a couple of years on my old  V1.41 KSP - so Thank You!

I now have a new computer and am running V 1.91 KSP, and I miss this mod very much - specifically, the antennas you had included.  To me, the stock KSP direct / relay antenna setup is too complicated and detract somewhat from the overall fun of KSP.  So, I have a suggestion:  would you consider extracting just your amazing antenna collection in Probes Plus, and making another mod, just for the antennas?  Maybe call it "Probes Plus Antenna Collection", or something similar?

Forgive me if this is a stupid, or other question that violates KSP Forum etiquette - I'm rather new to the rules of that...  and Thanks Again for a Great Mod!  

I think you can just delete everything in the mod except the antennas, but idk I'm no expert in this stuff

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On 1/19/2021 at 4:08 PM, foxtrain said:

Hello Mr. Akron.

I want to thank you for this really great mod and I've been using it for a couple of years on my old  V1.41 KSP - so Thank You!

I now have a new computer and am running V 1.91 KSP, and I miss this mod very much - specifically, the antennas you had included.  To me, the stock KSP direct / relay antenna setup is too complicated and detract somewhat from the overall fun of KSP.  So, I have a suggestion:  would you consider extracting just your amazing antenna collection in Probes Plus, and making another mod, just for the antennas?  Maybe call it "Probes Plus Antenna Collection", or something similar?

Forgive me if this is a stupid, or other question that violates KSP Forum etiquette - I'm rather new to the rules of that...  and Thanks Again for a Great Mod!  

Hello and welcome. Thank you for the compliment!

As far as antennas go, you can most certainly remove parts from the mod that you simply do not use or use a separate mod that disable parts from the editors. If going the first route, do be careful about removing textures, some parts share space on the same texture sheet particularly antennas from Cassini, Surveyor, and the like.

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Thanks for quick feedback!  Ok, I thought I might be able to do the "remove parts I don't want" route, but wasn't quite sure how that would work out.  However, I will give it try and see what happens.  I'm addicted to this mod, so it's a must-have for my KSP setup.  Again, thanks for the amazing work.  I used to do complicated freeware add-ons for MSFS 2000 / 2004, so I know doing these mods is a labor of love that you all-too-often do not get enough credit or appreciation for...  Thank You! 

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