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[WIP] Coatl Aerospace ProbesPlus Dev Thread [Beta] 10/19/2020 (1.8-1.10)


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1 hour ago, sslaptnhablhat said:

Hi, anyone know what mod is conflicting with Probesplus to prevent me from changing the textures on all the probe cores? I've tried seeing which of my mods is conflicting, but I couldn't find which one(s), and am hoping if someone knows of a list of incompatabilities with this mod.

DMagic, Kopernicus, Near Future Solar, Near Future Electrical (Plus decaying RTGs), General Nuclear Reprocessors, Orbital Decay, Station Parts Expansion and OPM. These can all be found at kerbal.curseforge.com .

Just so you know, I never updated the curse version of this mod. Please download the latest from either spacedock or github and make sure you do the steps I posted here:

On 6/22/2017 at 9:56 AM, akron said:

For the time being, you will have to download ProbesPlus 0.15 and the install the latest Firespitter version. You will also need the latest Dmagic science animate plugin. Overwrite the versions included with my mod.


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Legitimately trying to get back to work! I guess a quick set of parts can justify a 0.15.1 sooner than doing a full release. The low-hanging fruit, since 90% of the texturing is already done, was Surveyor B



This is a mission that never saw light due to delays, and budget constraints. Instead we got Lunar Orbiter, which is a pretty cool little probe, but there are more important things to model instead. This is a wip, blah blah... The solar panels are a new texture file that will also house the textures for the atmospheric lander Surveyor. I really need to figure out how to split the parts for that one, which is pretty much an early 1960s tech version of Viking.

More to come

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9 hours ago, akron said:

Legitimately trying to get back to work! I guess a quick set of parts can justify a 0.15.1 sooner than doing a full release. The low-hanging fruit, since 90% of the texturing is already done, was Surveyor B

This is a mission that never saw light due to delays, and budget constraints. Instead we got Lunar Orbiter, which is a pretty cool little probe, but there are more important things to model instead. This is a wip, blah blah... The solar panels are a new texture file that will also house the textures for the atmospheric lander Surveyor. I really need to figure out how to split the parts for that one, which is pretty much an early 1960s tech version of Viking.

More to come

Good to see you back Akron! What does the atmospheric version of Surveyor look like?

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24 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

Good to see you back Akron! What does the atmospheric version of Surveyor look like?

Thanks! It is what they proposed as Voyager-Mars. I found a NASA schematic for a planned prototype, but I do want to keep a little bit of surprise. No joke, it is almost literally a 1960 Viking. The bus is like a hexagonal Ranger core on top, with a Surveyor bottom plus Surveyor tripod landing gear. It has a deployable HGA, cameras and science instruments on top, like Viking, but they look early Mariner-ish. Two RTGs, 3 landing engines, etc. It's bizarre but interesting.

There is not a whole lot of references for Voyager-Mars or Surveyor B so I'll have to take some creative approaches. If you guys have any good references for either, let me know. Otherwise It will be inspired by a mix of Surveyor and Ranger Block III

Edited by akron
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4 minutes ago, Brainpop14 said:

Will this mod work in 1.3 yet?

I posted this on the last page


For the time being, you will have to download ProbesPlus 0.15 and the install the latest Firespitter version. You will also need the latest Dmagic science animate plugin. Overwrite the versions included with my mod.

This should work.

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I just see that this mod got the same "issue" I recognized yesterday over there:

It's the file
GameData\Coatl Aerospace\ProbesPlus\Compatibility\MechJeb-Engineer.cfg

that overwrites
GameData\MechJeb2 Embedded by Dennis6492\MechJebEmbedded.cfg

        name = MechJebCore
        MechJebLocalSettings {
            MechJebModuleCustomWindowEditor { unlockTechs = start }
            MechJebModuleSmartASS { unlockTechs = start }
            MechJebModuleManeuverPlanner { unlockTechs = start }
            MechJebModuleNodeEditor { unlockTechs = start }
            MechJebModuleTranslatron { unlockTechs = start }
            MechJebModuleWarpHelper { unlockTechs = start }
            MechJebModuleAttitudeAdjustment { unlockTechs = start }
            MechJebModuleThrustWindow { unlockTechs = start }
            MechJebModuleRCSBalancerWindow { unlockTechs = start }
            MechJebModuleRoverWindow { unlockTechs = start }
            MechJebModuleAscentGuidance { unlockTechs = start }
            MechJebModuleLandingGuidance { unlockTechs = start }
            MechJebModuleSpaceplaneGuidance { unlockTechs = start }
            MechJebModuleDockingGuidance { unlockTechs = advUnmanned }
            MechJebModuleRendezvousAutopilotWindow { unlockTechs = start }
            MechJebModuleRendezvousGuidance { unlockTechs = start }


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20 minutes ago, Gordon Dry said:

I just see that this mod got the same "issue" I recognized yesterday over there:

It's the file
GameData\Coatl Aerospace\ProbesPlus\Compatibility\MechJeb-Engineer.cfg

that overwrites
GameData\MechJeb2 Embedded by Dennis6492\MechJebEmbedded.cfg


Maybe it's been too long of a day for me, but I fail to see the issue. My config applies only to my parts

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@Gordon Dry I don't think the real issue here is with the mod supplied patches (such as @akron's) but rather that MechJeb Embedded specifically does not add its patch to any part that already includes a MechJeb module. If you really want to force all command pods to have all features from the start (which seems to be the intent of that mod) a better patch is:


	// !MODULE[MechJebCore] {}
			%MechJebModuleCustomWindowEditor { %unlockTechs = start }
			%MechJebModuleSmartASS { %unlockTechs = start }
			%MechJebModuleManeuverPlanner { %unlockTechs = start }
			%MechJebModuleNodeEditor { %unlockTechs = start }
			%MechJebModuleTranslatron { %unlockTechs = start }
			%MechJebModuleWarpHelper { %unlockTechs = start }
			%MechJebModuleAttitudeAdjustment { %unlockTechs = start }
			%MechJebModuleThrustWindow { %unlockTechs = start }
			%MechJebModuleRCSBalancerWindow { %unlockTechs = start }
			%MechJebModuleRoverWindow { %unlockTechs = start }
			%MechJebModuleAscentGuidance { %unlockTechs = start }
			%MechJebModuleLandingGuidance { %unlockTechs = start }
			%MechJebModuleSpaceplaneGuidance { %unlockTechs = start }
			%MechJebModuleDockingGuidance { %unlockTechs = start }
			%MechJebModuleRendezvousAutopilotWindow { %unlockTechs = start }
			%MechJebModuleRendezvousGuidance { %unlockTechs = start }

which gets applied whether a pre-existing patch already exists or not.

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1 hour ago, Aelfhe1m said:

@Gordon Dry I don't think the real issue here is with the mod supplied patches (such as @akron's) but rather that MechJeb Embedded specifically does not add its patch to any part that already includes a MechJeb module. If you really want to force all command pods to have all features from the start (which seems to be the intent of that mod) a better patch is:

which gets applied whether a pre-existing patch already exists or not.

I see @Gordon Dry's point now. The patch you mentioned would work, although I think you left the "!MODULE[MechJebCore] {}" line commented on accident.

Anyway, that way it removes any existing version of that module and loads its own. Otherwise KSP uses whichever one it found first, which in this case is mine since I do not use the ":FINAL" attribute modifier.

Good catch Gordon, but I agree with @Aelfhe1m. The fix belongs in MechJeb Embedded and not in our patches. Pinging @Dennis6492

Edited by akron
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43 minutes ago, akron said:

The patch you mentioned would work, although I think you left the "!MODULE[MechJebCore] {}" line commented on accident.

Anyway, that way it removes any existing version of that module and loads its own. Otherwise KSP uses whichever one it found first, which in this case is mine since I do not use the ":FINAL" attribute modifier.

Actually the commented line is just something I left in by accident from when I was testing different ways to write this patch. The use of %MODULE[MechJebCore] (and % at start of the other lines) adds the module if it doesn't exist or modifies the module if it has already added by another patch (e.g. probesplus). No duplicate module is created so MechJeb won't get confused over which settings you want it to use.

Edited by Aelfhe1m
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1.3 is hanging during load on the Landvermisser parts, even with up-to-date required mods and the latest version from the github. Any thoughts?

Correction: Also applies to the dust collector experiments.

Removing Probes Plus for now until the issue is resolved.

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1 hour ago, MaverickSawyer said:

1.3 is hanging during load on the Landvermisser parts, even with up-to-date required mods and the latest version from the github. Any thoughts?

Correction: Also applies to the dust collector experiments.

Removing Probes Plus for now until the issue is resolved.

If you get me a log, I can take a look

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15 hours ago, MaverickSawyer said:

linked log file

It looks like you are running an older version of DMagic Science Animate. Download his latest here and give it another try. The landing cam uses that module, so this could be it.

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On 7/4/2017 at 4:02 PM, MaverickSawyer said:

Huzzah! Good fix. Glad to be able to bring one of my favorite packs back into play. :D

I feel almost competent because I can sorta read those log files and understand 3% of it. Glad we got it working.

In other news, I added some donation links to the OP just in case anyone wanted to contribute to mod work. Also, there may be stream up pretty soon nothing official, just some KSP career mode play, maybe some Farming Sim, mod work, or perhaps I'll get called in to work.

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1 hour ago, DarthVader said:

the science parts aren't animating properly there is only an option to aim camera, and I double checked and redownloaded the proper versions of Firespitter and Dmagic Science animate for my version. http://imgur.com/a/KCA7P

This looks as if you have two ScienceDef files conflicting with one another. Remove the Coatl Aerospace mod folder completely and install it again. This was the problem last time I saw this,

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Okay, happy lifelong customer field test report...

Was trying to land a Landvermisser lander with a BUNCH of additional science parts and solar panels added to it. Flight under the deorbit motor was nominal, as was the ejection of said motor. However, when I tried to hoverslam the lander... it started tumbling wildly. Apparently, the lander was hellbent on trying to smear itself across the Munar surface.

Emphasis on trying.

The lander hit at a 45* angle at ~120 m/s and bounced. Twice. Sure, it was spinning around the vertical axis at several hundred RPM, but it survived a hit that would have killed a lesser vehicle.

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1 hour ago, DarthVader said:

did not work

Please upload your log file so we can troubleshoot

11 minutes ago, MaverickSawyer said:

Okay, happy lifelong customer field test report...

Was trying to land a Landvermisser lander with a BUNCH of additional science parts and solar panels added to it. Flight under the deorbit motor was nominal, as was the ejection of said motor. However, when I tried to hoverslam the lander... it started tumbling wildly. Apparently, the lander was hellbent on trying to smear itself across the Munar surface.

Emphasis on trying.

The lander hit at a 45* angle at ~120 m/s and bounced. Twice. Sure, it was spinning around the vertical axis at several hundred RPM, but it survived a hit that would have killed a lesser vehicle.

Awesome, any pics? Also, are you using stock solar system size? I've tested Landvermesser a lot, and the SRB retromotor + 3 verniers should be enough to actually do a soft touch landing. I'm bad at suicide burns, but I've actually gotten pretty close. Just curious since you'd have to add a lot of mass before it no longer has sufficient dV to touch at less than 10 m/s. The tumbling was probably your added mass offsetting the CoG outside of the vernier's ability to compensate. In the real Surveyor, only one of the three had actually had a gimbal which would've made it even more tumbly. How high did it bounce? :D

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