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Antinormal Aeronautics - an aircraft anthology


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"a solution for every problem we create"


Welcome visitor!

We at the Antinormal Aeronautics dedicated our pilots' lives to spend valuable tax-funds to deliver you irregular, spectacular, and totally safe methods for tasks that would have been easier boring to fulfill by conventional ways. Our management decided to share the joy of flying (sailing, submerging, orbiting, etc) our most advanced constructions. We hereby deny the accusations of the lowly press that our goal is to ruin other space-programs by providing them dangerous, untested equipment that could damage their buildings and chase them to bankruptcy. While these quite possibly can be among the results of using our crafts, such nuances are overshadowed by the joy of utilizing such sophisticated creations.

Disclaimer notice: the crafts in this thread aren't designed for easy use, super precise balance, extreme efficiency or similar noble causes. They were made to demonstrate the principle that if it's stupid but works, it's not stupid.

So, without further blabbering around, here comes our first featured product - as an appetizer:

(note: the big blueprints you see are linked to .craft files. Your engineers know where to put those*)


See this cute, tiny thing? It's the dream of every CEO to flabbergast their colleagues and rivals by casually landing such an exquisite piece of technology in their backyard or on their yacht. Sadly that won't really happen, as flying that with a certain chance of survival is limited to the best of the best pilots. But it's an excellent tool for weeding out the less gifted candidates when recruiting for a space-agency.

It might look cheap to manufacture, but it's pricing includes the rather high development costs, as we had to rebuild the VAB seventeen times before we could take the flight demonstration photos you see here.

* * * * *



Behold the pineapple of our technological expertise. This is -the- universal vehicle. It roves on the ground, flies in the air, lands and skims on water. What's more, it can also submerge to great depths underwater, and then fly to orbit. In that order. Only silence can suppress our pride about this marvel. So I shut up now and let you check the test flight documentation:

Ok, just one more thing. The Leapfish Mk II. is also in development. It's capable of everything it's smaller sister is, but it also features an ISRU and appropriate drilling equipment, for infinite interplanetary journeys. It also contains a small nuclear reactor close to the feet of the pilot, so it can be kicked when some malfunction happens. Though this advanced design is pushing the limits of it's category, and it's not easy to bring to orbit, thus it's not yet sold to the general public. But you are an entirely different matter, so feel free to download it.

* * * * *



This is an older model from before our first Mun landing. It's designed to take a lander with 3.6k dV to orbit. It also uses pretty old technology - ideal for a recently launched, still developing space-program (provided if you can steal obtain 8 turboramjet engines from one of your competitors). After the payload separated, the lifter part can land and be reused. Though taking it down safely requires some expertise - it has the aerodynamic capabilities of a brick.

* * * * *



And last but not least, behold the workhorse of the company. It's big. It's expensive. It's -heavy-. It takes off with spectacular fireworks**. It can carry a huge and heavy payload to orbit. It either goes up there SSTO style, or it can decouple most of it's body to arrive with a ton of fuel left (that's just an expression, it's actually many tons of fuel). We would never admit if the lack of landing gear on The Husttle was just sloppiness on our part. Instead we claim it's a feature to train the pilots for gentle splashdowns. Unlike the one in the attached documentation below***.


That is all for today. Thank you for your attention, and stay tuned for further product releases. Safe flights out there!


*Nope, not -there- silly.

**Optional feature.

***After extensive testing, we figured the way how to land it in one piece with a heavy payload.

Edited by Evanitis
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VTOLs and unconventional launch systems? A man after my own heart!


I love the Itsy Bitsy VTOL. It looks like a mad scientist looked at my Bumblebee VTOL and said "Nah, we don't need most of that"



It also looks a bit like someone strapped jet engines to a BMW Isseta...

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  On 2/2/2016 at 3:08 PM, WhiteKnuckle said:

It looks like a mad scientist looked at my Bumblebee VTOL and said "Nah, we don't need most of that"


That looks nice. While all those aerodynamic stuff indeed wasn't strictly needed, I'm pretty sure it increases the pilots' survival margin greatly. I'm the kind of silly that built submarines (and subsstos by that matter) before even attempting the first VTOL, so I'm not greatly experienced in that matter. Though I'm having the feeling that I'll resort to wings too by the time I attempt to actually take cargo on such craft.

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What a coincidence... I'm actually working on lifting a ~150t rock to bombard the Science Center deliver a sizeable sample to the R&D team. Once the project is done, I'll surely pack the release version with as many ordinance as it can carry. It'll totally up the sales.

The coffee is the GF's resort. She's all about where is it from, how it's roasted.. and grinds it manually. I'll tell her.

Edited by Evanitis
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  On 2/13/2016 at 1:19 AM, Evanitis said:

What a coincidence... I'm actually working on lifting a ~150t rock to bombard the Science Center deliver a sizeable sample to the R&D team. Once the project is done, I'll surely pack the release version with as many ordinance as it can carry. It'll totally up the sales.

The coffee is the GF's resort. She's all about where is it from, how it's roasted.. and grinds it manually. I'll tell her.



i'm rly tired.

my only sustenance is a bag of clementines

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  On 2/14/2016 at 3:04 AM, Choctofliatrio2.0 said:

Hey @Evanitis is it okay if I use the core part of your Itsy-Bitsy VTOL for one of my designs?


Sure thing, feel free to use, reuse, upgrade or otherwise modify parts or the whole of anything I posted. These are no way perfect, even by my standards, not to mention a standard that includes an acceptable survival rate of pilots. ^_^

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I just had a good laugh while reading your truely horrif errm...  encouraging descriptions of your excellent vessels.

The "Space Husttle" is one adorable gem in Kerbal engineering history. It is gorgeous in any common sense, the shockcones shine so nice it is freaking koddish.
All Duck are belong to "Space Husttle"! :wink:

Edited by Mikki
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