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How do you get Version 1.0.5 WITHOUT Steam?

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Hello, I am new here, and I'm wondering how you can get the 1.0.5 patch for KSP. I am currently on version 1.0.4. I did not buy KSP on Steam, I bought it from "Humble Store" link from KSP website. I do not run it from Steam either. Any help would be appreciated!

Edited by Jeb!
Forgot to include more specific information.
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According to the FAQ:


How do I update the game to the most recent version?

Start the Patcher located within your game folder manually, it should be the one with the Squad monkey, if you have a Patcher file with a Kerbal icon feel free to delete it. You can also download a fresh up to date copy from the Store following the instructions. If you have the Steam version of the game you don’t have to do anything, the Steam client will update your game automatically.

Edit: Just read that in another thread

On 23/2/2016 at 7:30 PM, Tex_NL said:

I only have one suggestion for you. DON'T use the launcher. It's pretty buggy and adds not but frustration. Instead download 1.0.5 manually from the website.

Instructions to redownload are here

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Yes, I've seen that before. The only problem is that I didn't buy from the KSP website, I used one of KSP's links to "Humble Store". When I log in to kerbalspaceprogram.com, it shows no purchases. Unfortunately, I cannot re-download KSP. Does anyone have any idea how to download the patch manually, or maybe some other way?

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First, I have no clue as to how the Humble Store works. But, if you purchased KSP from that vendor, then that vendor would be the source for your updates. Log in to the same account you created to purchase the game, and look for download buttons or links. If you cannot download the latest version, then try seeking help from one of the forum moderators via pm. You can find a list of moderators currently logged in at the bottom of the forum home page (they will be highlighted in black - kinda hard to see). Or try the IRC chat link under the more tab at the top of the any page. Usually a mod hanging out there.

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Hi @Jeb!

There is no Humble store link widget on the Kerbal Space Program website, just a link to the Humble store so any purchases via that will be on your Humble store account, Squad runs their own store for direct purchases, you can learn how to download KSP from the Squad store here.

The Humble Bundle site only offers a Steam key for KSP, so if you bought KSP from Humble you would have a KSP key that is redeemable on your Steam account.

Steam handles updates automatically, so your Steam install of KSP would be updated for you.

There is no separate patch for 1.0.4 to 1.0.5, if you're not using Steam you will have to redownload the whole game from where you bought it originally, I guess this helps slow down pirates a bit, as they are stuck on whatever version they found.

As you say your purchase is not showing in your Squad account, please email support@kerbalspaceprogram.com or contact Squad here with your purchase information, you will have received a purchase order number via email when you bought KSP.

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7 minutes ago, sal_vager said:

There is no Humble store link on the Kerbal Space Program website, Squad runs their own store for direct purchases, you can learn how to download KSP from the Squad store here.

Actually, there is a Humble Store link within the KSP site. Selecting the actual game to buy and scrolling down will give you more purchasing options to choose from other than direct from SQUAD and Steam. Humble and GoG.com are available for there.

Otherwise, yes, each vendor handles distribution of the game on their own (though Humble and Steam have ties.) I have no idea how you were able to DL and install the game when Humble only offers a Steam Key purchase. (Direct Humble-downloadable games would be marked as DRM-free.)

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Hmm, shows I have not looked at that for a while eh?....

The Humble link takes you to the Humble store page, rather than being a Humble widget like you'd see on other sites, so again if purchased from there KSP will be a Steam key, which you redeem on Steam, and not in your Squad store account.

So @Jeb! will have had to have redeemed the key then downloaded KSP from Steam, as there's no option to do this on Humble.

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Thank you for your answers, but unfortunately, none of them have worked for me.

Yes, you are right @sal_vager. I did receive a steam key from Humble Store. @Otis, I would assume like you said that Humble Store would be the source for my updates, however when I try to log in the page freezes, and when I try to change my password I never receive the password reset email. In Google Chrome I can submit my email, but still no password reset email! This is exactly why I don't like buying from 3rd party websites. I believe The only reason I bought KSP at Humble Store was because my gift card wasn't working with any of the other links. :P I've just sent Humble a ticket, hopefully they will be humble (pun intended) and fix this. But somehow I doubt it.

Now I have a confession to make.

5 hours ago, StahnAileron said:

I have no idea how you were able to DL and install the game when Humble only offers a Steam Key purchase.

@StahnAileron, I DID receive a Steam Key and loaded the game, however, I quickly realized that KSP itself did not even require internet to run. At the time I had horrible internet. I was angry at Steam because some time ago I had bought another game without any label indicating it required Steam. I ran through the gauntlet and after a long time installing the game, it did not work. It was a game known for not working, and yet they forced me to use their software in order to use it. Steam support offered no help. After WEEKS of patching, modding, and searching forums, I finally got the game to work, only to find that when I upgraded to Windows 10, IT NO LONGER WORKED! :angry: As you can imagine, I was very angry. I blame Steam because they acted (in my mind anyways) as a useless middleman, earning money for ads and royalties in a deal in which I paid money and received nothing in return. KSP did not require an internet connection to run, and Steam is a multiplayer website. I understand not everyone feels this way, but I'm sure you understand where I'm coming from. Now, back to KSP. I figured out how to run KSP by itself and deleted Steam, not knowing that I would be unable to get future updates. Later, I was forced to use Steam again for another game. I tried putting KSP back in Steam to get updates, but to no avail. I probably need the Steam Key which I cannot get from Humble Store! I should have written down the Steam Key!  :mad:  Welcome to my life! All I want to do is just run the latest version of KSP!

Is there any other way for me to get the next patch? I've already contacted Squad multiple times, but if they answer, I am quite sure they will just say to re-download KSP!


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@Jeb! sorry but there is no patch.

As you redeemed the Humble store key for KSP on Steam you will have KSP in your Steam account, the key can be used one time only, so accessing your Humble account will not help you, nor can Humble support.

Your option is to reinstall KSP via the Steam client, which will install the current version 1.0.5

If KSP is no longer in your Steam library you will have to contact Steam support to find out why, they will have a record of when the key was redeemed.


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After I jump through 250 hoops... Why is there no phone number to contact them? (sigh)  :P Just curious, why do we need Steam for KSP in the first place? Couldn't Squad just provide the updates through their website or through your KSP account?

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If you buy a Steam key for KSP, like you have done, you will have KSP on Steam and you download and update KSP via Steam.

If you buy direct from the Squad store there used to be the option of using the Squad patcher, but it's not working and hasn't worked for some time.

So Squad store customers, as well as GoG and Amazon customers, have to redownload the game in full to update it.

There are no patches for the Squad store, GoG or Amazon versions.

Steam users don't have to redownload the whole game, as Steam can update files as required.

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So. The only way is Steam. They have no phone number anywhere. It took 20 tries for Steam Support to log in to my account, I kid you not, and I swear I know the right password, I JUST MADE IT. Once it finally got through, it says "An error occurred trying to handle that request. Please give us a few minutes and try again." I tried again in a few minutes. Same response. I can't even send them a request. I have gone through 3 different emails with about 15 authentication codes trying to do this with Steam and Humble, and wasted my whole morning. I've about had it with this. This is not KSP's fault. Kerbal Space Program is a great and educational game. In my opinion, It should not be associated with Steam. Once again,

2 hours ago, Jeb! said:


Steam support offered no help. I blame Steam because they acted (in my mind anyways) as a useless middleman, earning money for ads and royalties in a deal in which I paid money and received nothing in return [from them]. KSP did not require an internet connection to run, and Steam is a multiplayer website. I understand not everyone feels this way, but I'm sure you understand where I'm coming from.

Thank you guys for your help, I really appreciate it. But Steam just cannot cooperate. I might even buy KSP all over again, but like you said, the Squad patcher is busted, so my only option is Steam again, and I really don't feel like patronizing them right now. I'm just going to give up on this.

Thanks again, -Jeb


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23 minutes ago, Jeb! said:

the Squad patcher is busted, so my only option is Steam again

Not at all true. If you're having problems with Steam, then don't use it. If you're willing to re-purchase the game directly from the KSP site, then feel free to do so. Just because the in-game patcher isn't working doesn't mean you can't get the latest versions of the game when they come out.  You just can't patch the existing game. When an update comes out, all you have to do is download that new version from the KSP site (sign in so it knows you've bought the game). Once you have the new version installed (which only consists of unzipping the download file), you can copy your saves and craft files over to the new game. Or just start fresh with the new update, up to you.

I understand your frustrations, and that it seems like a hopeless situation. But you really do have other options.

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Ah, thanks. That's right. I'll just buy it again I think. Thank you so much for your answer! I'm marking it as the best answer. (even though it's the most expensive!)



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