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[1.4.X] SM Armory Group. See Note First post Ref BDA


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13 hours ago, colmo said:

As I recall, you couldn't have FSswitcher and Tweakscale on the same part. Worth a try though.

Edit: nevermind, it was fixed in 2014!

And I succeeded. Totally.


The new universal ammo box will come together with the next NAS update as there'll be some resource deletion related to it

Edited by Acea
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56 minutes ago, Acea said:

And I succeeded. Totally.


The new universal ammo box will come together with the next NAS update as there'll be some resource deletion related to it

Congrats sir  that's a major step forward and definitely the right way to go, removes a big hurdle to universal acceptance of the CAL

Edited by SpannerMonkey(smce)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all been a while since my last update I know, I've finally I think finished the mod overhauls that I'd previously committed myself to finishing and re publishing, so I can finally do the file clean up DDS ifying all the textures, and generally making sure that I've not missed anything and release the thing for tests,  It's quite large now so that in itself is a good deal of work, and that's without even considering more witty descriptions for these Kerb destroyers. (currently listed as KIA or missing 75 kerbals, truly shocking)

Even though i thought I'd added everything I Keep finding more things to add, but I'm really going to stop this or it'll get out of control. but i was looking at one of my dog fighter things and noticed that the stock avionics nose cone seemed to have an ideal mount point for a built in cannon, So it's now got one, it's likely the most stock alike part I've ever produced, mainly because of course is that it uses the stock textures and avoids my cack handed texturing skills

. Unobtrusive but quite deadly.



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This pack looks truly impressive from the screenshots, the selection of weapons are diverse the models and textures are detailed. The quad ship turret would look sinister paired with a battleship from the WWII warship mod.

I would like to know about that platform the turrets are displayed on, is that custom or is there a mod it's part of?


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4 hours ago, OmegaForce said:

I would like to know about that platform the turrets are displayed on, is that custom or is there a mod it's part of?

Hi its part of a long dead and buried mod, the crawler. As such it's perfect for my interest in dead mods, at present i have the deck and bogies as separate parts , the tracks are of course form my buddies at KerbalFoundries. If you wanted a copy i could set it up for you no bother, as it was all open source there are no issues at all


On 14/03/2016 at 1:52 PM, hendrack said:

Ok, I need to make a Baneblade now in KSP.


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Hi again, as you may know I've also remade and republished both Old School Turrets and NeverEnoughDakka, With the uploading to SpaceDock of these two mods I've decided to roll all support and development of these into this thread, this should make it easier for me to manage and for potential users to get support.

In Boomsticks news I'm very close to being done, I currently have a couple of copies our for testing and making of MM tweakscale patches etc, but require a couple of more experienced testers, sorry noobs just wont do, I need people who know their way around, and have the ability to diagnose and understand any issues, as well as being able to suggest suitable changes , PM's welcome from responsible parties

As always I just can't leave things alone and have added a couple of more items, see OP, as well having a look at some files I received in the assets for NED, these include a couple of interesting cockpits and something that become the bane of my dog fighter tests, a combat drone core.cockpit , fitted with all the toys, radar, IR , tracking and targeting, and of course 3 low mounted 20mm cannons, in small form it makes for a very difficult to kill opponent. These  items will be released as a separate pack as part of the SM group of companies.

Also added upon request (War Eagle)  is an airborne laser mounted externally in a streamlined pod, very happy with how it turned out, I'm sure those who like the more SciFi stuff will love it , while at the same time it has a very modern and current look about it and doesn't look wrong fitted to almost anything

I will be splitting the main pack before release, as it stands there's a lot of variation and i'm pretty sure that even the most militaristic type wont want everything, One of the jobs of the testers is to suggest the contents of the base pack and what should be in the other packs. It is my intention to make all packs simple a case of merging into the base mod, so that items can be added and removed as the user chooses..

I shall leave you with some images to ponder upon.



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40 minutes ago, XOC2008 said:

Isn't harpwner working on those?

I didn't know. If he is then Apparently I'll need to add another mod to my 100 already running :) I may need to start custom trimming them down soon

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Just now, V8jester said:

I didn't know. If he is then Apparently I'll need to add another mod to my 100 already running :) I may need to start custom trimming them down soon

Yeah, IIRC he's got some problems with the model animations or something. I'm too lazy to go look but it's not like multiple mods can't have the same gun either. I think there are 3 different mk 45s now. :)

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Hi  Jester, yup I reckon I can do that, (I bet I know where the animation issue is coming from too.) The gun itself is nothing  unusual except for  it's guided munitions, Sadly BDA Doesn't allow for allow for auto loaded missiles, I'd like to see if that could be done though. It was quite amusing while researching  to find dozens of images allegedly property of USDD

As for multiple weapons of the same type, I know it's happening anyway (but i know a secret about a couple of those) but it's not something I'd  normally be interested in, I prefer some uniqueness.  However in this case the actual deploy animation will be a welcome challenge, rather than the usual push over.

( how the hell do you do those at tags btw? )

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13 minutes ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Hi  Jester, yup I reckon I can do that, (I bet I know where the animation issue is coming from too.) The gun itself is nothing  unusual except for  it's guided munitions, Sadly BDA Doesn't allow for allow for auto loaded missiles, I'd like to see if that could be done though. It was quite amusing while researching  to find dozens of images allegedly property of USDD

As for multiple weapons of the same type, I know it's happening anyway (but i know a secret about a couple of those) but it's not something I'd  normally be interested in, I prefer some uniqueness.  However in this case the actual deploy animation will be a welcome challenge, rather than the usual push over.

( how the hell do you do those at tags btw? )

Looking forward to yours, harpwner's, both!


Oh! I have a problem. The Oto Melara autocannon does not fire. It has no ammunition. It tracks the mouse fine, though. Also, the camera seems to be stuck behind some of the gun's model and only has partial visibility.

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2 hours ago, XOC2008 said:

Looking forward to yours, harpwner's, both!


Oh! I have a problem. The Oto Melara autocannon does not fire. It has no ammunition. It tracks the mouse fine, though. Also, the camera seems to be stuck behind some of the gun's model and only has partial visibility.

I'll check that out, I did have some displacement issues just before upload,  which  likely explains the camera issue, and the ammo, maybe i missed the definition, as there's no native 75mm

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Hi, Fixed Oto melara 76mm Camera and Ammo issues. Updated version now on SpaceDock. Thanks for the bug find

That'll teach me not to use unlimited Ammo option while testing for release

Such a weird error though, when i was researching it I copied and pasted the ammo spec, for some bizarre reason the X in 76x636Ammo was translated as an odd square symbol. All good now, though zombie Jeb died again in the testing process (currently 113 kerbals listed missing or KIA)

Edited by SpannerMonkey(smce)
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31 minutes ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Hi, Fixed Oto melara 76mm Camera and Ammo issues. Updated version now on SpaceDock. Thanks for the bug find

That'll teach me not to use unlimited Ammo option while testing for release

Such a weird error though, when i was researching it I copied and pasted the ammo spec, for some bizarre reason the X in 76x636Ammo was translated as an odd square symbol. All good now, though zombie Jeb died again in the testing process (currently 113 kerbals listed missing or KIA)

Glad it got fixed so quickly. I want them on my Zumwalt. :D


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6 hours ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Hi  Jester, yup I reckon I can do that, ....

( how the hell do you do those at tags btw? )

Sweet Thanks!

and the @ tags are simply start typing like (@spa...) A pop up will bring up names starting with (spa) then click the name you want and you get @SpannerMonkey(smce)

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Just now, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Np , you  must show pics of your Zumwalt.

Oddly. even though i can spend days on one model for a mod. the idea of placing 200 panels to build a ship turns me right off.

Get those Zumwalt guns done and I'll be glad to! Seriously, I have to finish clipping all my VLS modules into the hull, then I gotta download the updated version, then spend 15 minutes waiting for KSP to load again.. it will be a day or two before I get to pics. ;)

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5 minutes ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:


Oddly. even though i can spend days on one model for a mod. the idea of placing 200 panels to build a ship turns me right off.

But the look on everybody's face when you post stuff like this..... Priceless ;) (200+ part Comanche next to a 112 part destroyer)


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  • 2 weeks later...
20 hours ago, dark jam said:

Is Broomsticks released yet


Hi nearly there just running through the files checking for obvious errors and weeding out the unworthy, shouldn't be much longer,( truth is i got distracted by other projects) but in the meantime as kindly mentioned above, you could try  one of the other weapons mods that i now look after.

Still intending on releasing a core pack and to have add on packs featuring larger turrets, oddball items, and two new items, Boomsticks Tanks and Boomsticks Aircraft parts.

The tanks pack will have turrets and hulls of varying sizes, the hulls will have IVA's albeit basic ones. Currently included are the never released kerminov, a T80- hull and turret, a Challenger 2 hull and turret.  A Kerbal sized version of the tank featured in the cod games, flak turrets and large Artillery turrets, you will be able to fit any turret to any hull,



The aircraft parts will feature 3 or 4 armed cockpits, one of which is pictured above, the mk1x weaponised cockpit that featured in the original Boomsticks, and any other stock parts that cry out to have a weapon fitted similar to the Avionics nosecone pictured above, suggestions welcome




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