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[1.1.2] Orbital Utility Vehicle v1.2.4


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On 6/12/2019 at 10:19 PM, zer0Kerbal said:

Comment on Engines: After our discussion I started thinking and distinctly remember a note somewhere about these specific engines being higher than normal thrust/ISP due to being 'dirty' aka running hot like a WWII diesel being fed napalm or whisky. 'Dirty' as in very little radioactivity shielding.

If radioactivity was a real thing it might make sense, but as it is, I dont want these engines being used instead of regular atomic engines

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v0.18 now on github. should have all the nodes done end of day Sunday. *knocking on space*



Change Log:

		* [?] DronePod: looks like cameras on bow?
		* [?] OrbitalTugPod: has four cameras on bow?
		* [WIP] OrbitalGrapplerJR: KAS winch
		* [WIP] OrbitalTugPod: KAS winch
		* [WIP]code cleanup and dusting
		* [WIP] spelling
		* [WIP] demolitionDroneTAC
		* [WIP] demolitionDroneKIS
		* [WIP] impactDrone
		* [ADD] demolitionDroneTAC
		* [ADD] demolitionDroneTWAC
		* [ADD] demolitionDroneKIS
		* [ADD] impactDrone
		* —————————————————
		* [DONE][BUG 0.12a] OrbitalTugPod: light adjusting only one thing (cabin) and not the spotlights
		* —————————————————
		* [DONE][NODES] OrbitalTugCore
		* [DONE][NODES] engineOnArm
		* [DONE][NODES] helperDrone
		* [DONE][NODES] OrbitalTugPod
		* [DONE][NODES] DronePod
		* [DONE][NODES][SPLIT] adaptorCarrier 
		* [DONE][NODES][SPLIT] fwdAdapter
		* [DONE][NODES] OrbitalGrapplerJR

		* [MM_CCK.cfg][v0.12]
		* file header/footer
		* add :FOR[], corrected typo and fixed spacing on tag
		* —————————————————
		* [MM_Command.cfg][v0.16]
		* [DONE] fixed ControlPoint patch (OrbitalTugPod,dronePod,helperDrone)
		* fixed ControlPoint patch - OrbitalGrapplerJR - add MODULE[COMMAND]
		* —————————————————
		* [][SPLIT] OrbitalGrapplerJR: into B9 groupings
		* [] OrbitalGrapplerJR: add cargoBayFloorNodes and switcher
		* [DONE][SPLIT] fwdAdapter: into B9 groupings
		* [DONE] fwdAdapter: add BayAftBkhdNodes and switcher
		* [DONE] fwdAdapter: add InnerBayWallNodes and switcher
		* [DONE] helperDrone: successful decouple when attached to keel node
		* [DONE][ADD] helperDrone: add decouple sound
		* DronePod: stackSymmetry needs work.
		* —————————————————
		* [ADD] demolitionDroneTAC
		* 	[DONE][ADD] demolitionDroneTAC: name, description, cost, title, tags, mass
		* 	[DONE][ADD] demolitionDroneTAC: inject modules
		* 	[ADD] demolitionDroneTAC: weld mesh, adjust size, rotation
		* [ADD] demolitionDroneTWAC
		* 	[DONE][ADD] demolitionDroneTWAC: name, description, cost, title, tags, mass
		* 	[DONE][ADD] demolitionDroneTWAC: inject modules
		* 	[ADD] demolitionDroneTWAC: weld mesh, adjust size, rotation
		* [ADD] demolitionDroneKIS
		* 	[DONE][ADD] demolitionDroneKIS: name, description, cost, title, tags, mass
		* 	[DONE][ADD] demolitionDroneKIS: inject modules
		* 	[ADD] demolitionDroneKIS: weld mesh, adjust size, rotation
		* [ADD] impactDrone
		* 	[DONE][ADD] impactDrone: name, description, cost, title, tags, mass
		* 	[DONE][ADD] impactDrone: inject modules
		* 	[ADD] impactDrone: weld mesh, adjust size, rotation
		* —————— BUG —————
		* [BUG 0.17a] OrbitalTugPod: erroneous extra light switch
		* [BUG 0.18a] OrbitalGrapplerJR: missing from parts list

		* [NEW] make patches more resilient and use ModuleManager best practices
		* [DONE][NEW][SPLIT] DronePod: into B9 groupings
		* [DONE][NEW] DronePod: add switcherDescription to B9PartSwitch modules
		* [DONE][NEW][SPLIT] OrbitalTugPod: into B9 groupings
		* [DONE][NEW] OrbitalTugPod: add switcherDescription to B9PartSwitch modules
		* [NEW][SPLIT] OrbitalGrapplerJR: into B9 groupings
		* [DONE][NEW] OrbitalGrapplerJR: add switcherDescription to B9PartSwitch modules
		* [NEW] OrbitalGrapplerJR: add cargoBayFloorNodes and switcher
		* [DONE][NEW] OrbitalTugCore: add switcherDescription to B9PartSwitch modules
		* [DONE][NEW] OrbitalTugCore: add aft/fwd fuselage nodes and switcher
		* [DONE][NODES]OrbitalTugCore
		* [DONE][NEW] engineOnArm: add switcherDescription to B9PartSwitch modules
		* [DONE][NEW] helperDrone: add switcherDescription to B9PartSwitch modules
		* [DONE][NEW][SPLIT] adaptorCarrier: into three B9 groupings
		* [DONE][NEW] adaptorCarrier: adjust stackSymmetry placement
		* [DONE][NEW] adaptorCarrier: @&node_stack -> @node_stack
		* [DONE][NEW] adaptorCarrier: add switcherDescription to B9PartSwitch modules
		* [NEW][SPLIT] fwdAdapter: into B9 groupings
		* [DONE][NEW] fwdAdapter: add switcherDescription to B9PartSwitch modules
		* [DONE][DONE][NEW] fwdAdapter: @&node_stack -> @node_stack
		* [NEW] fwdAdapter: add BayFwdBkhdNodes and switcher
		* [NEW] fwdAdapter: add BayAftBkhdNodes and switcher
		* [NEW] fwdAdapter: add InnerBayWallNodes and switcher
		* —————— BUG —————
		* [NEW][BUG 0.17a] OrbitalTugPod: erroneous extra light switch
		* [DONE][BUG 0.12a] OrbitalTugPod: light adjusting only one thing (cabin) and not the spotlights

		* [ADD] OrbitalGrapplerJR: add orientation switch to command module
		* [ADD] OrbitalTugPod: add orientation switch to command module
		* [ADD] DronePod: add orientation switch to command module
		* [ADD] engineOnArm: change to surfaceattachable
		* [ADD] engineOnArm: add 50units of LF or MP to engine(model has tanks)
		* [DONE][ADD] change internal references to match part names
		* [DONE][ADD] change internal reference to use Dorsal/Ventral references
		* [DONE][ADD] adaptorCarrier: add B9 SUBTYPE Helper Dock Only
		* [DONE][FIX] adaptorCarrier: frameMid -> frameOutMid
		* [DONE][ADD] ModuleManager requests :FOR[OrbitalTug] to be a good citizen
		* [DONE][FIX] DronePod: correct AftVent14 node orientation
		* [DONE]DronePod: rename nodes.
		* [NEW] move attachRules out to separate patch?
		* [DONE][FIX] OrbitalGrapplerJR: correct Lft/Rgt to Port/Stbd (was reversed)
		* [DONE][FIX] OrbitalGrapplerJR: correct Btm to Dors
		* [DONE][FIX] OrbitalGrapplerJR: adjust behindGrappler z axis
		* [DONE][FIX] OrbitalGrapplerJR: adjust behindGrappler node orientation
		* [DONE][ADD] OrbitalGrapplerJR: 120° degree nodes on CoG with proper symmetry
		* [DONE][NEW][BUG 0.16a] fwdAdapter: B9 unbalanced brace 
		* [DONE] adaptorCarrier: adjust node location and orientation 
		* [DONE] adaptorCarrier: rename nodes to reflect position
		* [DONE][NEW] fwdAdapter: add AftOut node to dorsal and ventral sides
		* [DONE] fwdAdapter: adjust node location and orientation 
		* [DONE] fwdAdapter: rename nodes to reflect position
		* [WIP]code cleanup and dusting

		* moved FireSpitter fuel switch patch to resources.cfg (internal)
		* [DONE] engineOnArm: rename nodes
		* [DONE] helperDrone: Adjust B9PartSwitch to B/BT/T/0
		* [NEW] OrbitalTugPod: add MidAftTop and MidAftBottom (always on)
		* [DONE] OrbitalGrapplerJR: Nodes - 3/2/0 engine node; generic misc placement
		* [DONE] OrbitalGrapplerJR: Nodes - correct name vs placement
		* [DONE] OrbitalGrapplerJR: Nodes - remove symmetry (wheels)
		* [DONE] OrbitalGrapplerJR: Nodes - correct orientation for Lft nodes
		* [NEW][DONE] OrbitalGrapplerJR: Node - behindGrappler
		* [WIP] OrbitalGrapplerJR: Winch.
		* [NEW][BUG 15a][DONE] uneven brace.

		* [DONE][BUG][0.13a] adaptorCarrier: extra '=' removed
		* [DONE][BUG][0.13a] adaptorCarrier: extra '=' removed
		* [DONE] adaptorCarrier: adjusted Attachment node(s) placement
		* [DONE] adaptorCarrier: verified node orientation
		* [NEW][DONE] adaptorCarrier: added outside lower adapter nodes (4)
		* [NEW][DONE] adaptorCarrier: renamed nodes to reflect individual locations

		* [BUG][0.13a] adaptorCarrier: Error - Cannot parse value modifying command:
		* [BUG][0.13b] adaptorCarrier: Error - Cannot parse value modifying command:
		* [DONE] fwdAdaptor: adjusted Attachment node(s) placement
		* [DONE] fwdAdaptor: if B9PartSwitch installed, set up  node switch
		* [NEW] fwdAdaptor: add inside pole nodes
		* [DONE] adaptorCarrier: adjusted Attachment node(s) placement
		* [DONE] adaptorCarrier: if B9PartSwitch installed, set up  node switch
		* [NEW] adaptorCarrier: add inside pole nodes
		* [DONE] OrbitalTugPod: verified node orientation
		* [WIP][BUG 0.12a] OrbitalTugPod: light adjusting only one thing (cabin) and not the spotlights
		* [WIP] OrbitalTugPod: KAS Winch adjustments
		* [DONE][BUG 0.12a] dronePod: not showing up in editor ... missing 6 commas
		* [WIP] OrbitalGrapplerJR: KAS winch
		* [WIP] OrbitalGrapplerJR: Nodes - 3/2/0 engine node; generic misc placement
		* [WIP] OrbitalGrapplerJR: 
		* [NEW] fwdAdapter: merge in separate patch to adjust node orientation
		* [NEW] adaptorCarrier: merge in separate patch to adjust node orientation

	VERSION 0.12	
		* [DONE] fwdAdaptor, adaptorCarrier: split into two
		* fwdAdaptor: adjusted Attachment node(s) placement
		* [WIP]fwdAdaptor: if B9PartSwitch installed, set up  node switch
		* adaptorCarrier: adjusted Attachment node(s) placement
		* [WIP]adaptorCarrier: if B9PartSwitch installed, set up  node switch
		* [DONE] OrbitalTugPod: adjusted Attachment node(s) placement
		* [BUG 0.12a] OrbitalTugPod: light adjusting only one thing (cabin) and not the spotlights
		* [WIP]OrbitalTugPod: KAS Winch adjustments
		* dronePod: adjusted Attachment node(s) placement
		* [BUG 0.12b] dronePod: not showing up in editor ... bringing out the can of RAID.
		* dronePod: Bill and Bob each had a nodeDazzler Glue Gun.... 
		* [NEW] OrbitalGrapplerJR: KAS winch
		* [NEW] OrbitalGrapplerJR: Nodes
		* [NEW] OrbitalGrapplerJR: 

	VERSION 0.11		
		* initial beta
		* Removed bugs
		* TugCore: add attachment nodes
		* TugCore: if B9PartSwitch installed, set up 4/2/0 node switch
		* TugCore: change node size from 2 to 1 to match rest of parts
		* engineOnArm: Add Attachment nodes
		* engineOnArm: Correct attachRules to allow node attachment
		* engineOnArm: if B9PartSwitch installed, set up 3/1 node switch
		* engineOnArm: added stackSymmetry
		* helperDrone: Add Attachment nodes
		* helperDrone: Correct attachRules to allow node attachment
		* helperDrone: if B9PartSwitch installed, set up 2/1 node switch
		* DronePod: Add Attachment nodes
		* DronePod: Correct attachRules to allow node attachment
		* DronePod: if B9PartSwitch installed, set up 7/5/3/1 node switch
		* OrbitalTugPod: Add Attachment nodes
		* [DONE] OrbitalTugPod: Correct attachRules to allow node attachment
		* OrbitalTugPod: if B9PartSwitch installed, set up 7/5/3/1 node switch
		* [DONE] fwdAdaptor, adaptorCarrier: correct node orientation
		* [DONE] fwdAdaptor, adaptorCarrier: Correct attachRules to allow node attachment
		* [NEW] fwdAdaptor, adaptorCarrier: might need to split into two, if not merge
		* [NEW] fwdAdaptor, adaptorCarrier: add Attachment nodes
		* [NEW] fwdAdaptor, adaptorCarrier: if B9PartSwitch installed, set up  node switch
		* [NEW] OrbitalGrapplerJR: Add Attachment nodes
		* [NEW] OrbitalGrapplerJR: Correct attachRules to allow node attachment
		* [NEW] OrbitalGrapplerJR: if B9PartSwitch installed, set up  node switch

		* Initial Commit


tested the helperDrone - it decouples like it should

CONTROLPOINT working in all except grapplerJR.

lots more in the changelog. :)

am wondering out loud if the built in cameras in the two pods could be tied into hullcam or another mod... stretch goal.

images from testing (mods include Breaking Ground, IR-Next, Tracking Lights, and Interkosmos)



Edited by zer0Kerbal
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@linuxgurugamer PR done for:

  • v0.16
  • v0.17
  • v0.18
  • v0.19

nodes and B9 node switcher should be 99% done. Someone try to break them, and still am soliciting comments and suggestions. Broke the nodes up for each part into one or more B9 switches. Nodes, glorious nodes!

there seems to be an issue with DronePod texture switcher - white only.
my eyes are bleeding OT-Yellow.


Edited by zer0Kerbal
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17 hours ago, zer0Kerbal said:

my plan for this week is after @linuxgurugamer pushes the next release is to start merging my patches into the part.cfg's. Want to wait until then - then will use -'-mm-dump' to capture the nicely formated parts and upload those. (stripped of unnecessary things). KAS and so on.


Well, if you are going to be doing, that, then I won't, that was one of the things I was going to do.  

Be sure that you don't have any of the optional features in the files.

On 6/17/2019 at 12:05 AM, zer0Kerbal said:

nodes and B9 node switcher should be 99% done.

Should I be waiting for that final 1%?

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11 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Well, if you are going to be doing, that, then I won't, that was one of the things I was going to do.  

Be sure that you don't have any of the optional features in the files.

Should I be waiting for that final 1%?

agree. will not include B9 and AYA et al.

no - the 1% is for bugs and suggested changes etc.

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  Really miss the storage area my self.  I used the heck out of that thing.  And the O.U.V. needs a bit more power.  I got caught in a gravity well and could not break free.  This of course happen after it had become stand alone.  <Burned up on reentry>  IDEA :  Make all parts tweakable.  Had a design in mind to try but need the pusher to be tweaked. 

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15 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Question for all you tuggies...

Regarding the atomic engines, how long do you think that full throttle should be allowed before it overheats?

If it's a solid core engine it shouldn't overheat while it's in operation as the propellant cools the core. After it's finished is when it would need cooling, but KSP thermal mechanics don't work that way. I think Squad made the Nerv overheat only so that they could give players another reason to use radiators. So really the question is whether you want players to have to use radiators to run the tug's nuclear engines or not. In which case you should decide what radiator type you want to require and how many of them. And then make the engine put out enough heat to be hazardous without the radiators.


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2 hours ago, BaelRathLian said:

  Going by real world or sci-fi world, and are you talking about in space or in atmosphere?  You will have different verbalizes in each case or each combination.  Also depends on how much mass you are trying to move or slow down.  


2 hours ago, BaelRathLian said:

  Really miss the storage area my self.  I used the heck out of that thing.  And the O.U.V. needs a bit more power.  I got caught in a gravity well and could not break free.  This of course happen after it had become stand alone.  <Burned up on reentry>  IDEA :  Make all parts tweakable.  Had a design in mind to try but need the pusher to be tweaked. 


Ummm, it's a tug, like a tugboat.  It doesn't need more power, just like a real tugboat doesn't need to be able to cross the ocean.  I don't think it needs to be tweakable.

The engines are reasonably powered for their size.  If you want to move more, add more engines

and, my thought is that the tug is only meant to be used for short periods of time, not for long burns, especially not long burns at full power.

1 hour ago, Starwaster said:

If it's a solid core engine it shouldn't overheat while it's in operation as the propellant cools the core. After it's finished is when it would need cooling, but KSP thermal mechanics don't work that way. I think Squad made the Nerv overheat only so that they could give players another reason to use radiators. So really the question is whether you want players to have to use radiators to run the tug's nuclear engines or not. In which case you should decide what radiator type you want to require and how many of them. And then make the engine put out enough heat to be hazardous without the radiators.


I would assume they are solid core, and yes, the propellant would cool the core, but what if the core is  hotter than the propellant can cool?


Edited by linuxgurugamer
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22 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

I would assume they are solid core, and yes, the propellant would cool the core, but what if the core is  hotter than the propellant can cool? 

Then the engine's poorly designed.  ;) 

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5 minutes ago, DStaal said:

Then the engine's poorly designed.  ;) 

So. You think that a nuclear engine will need to be cooled after it is shut down.  Interesting. Any ideas or suggestions ad to how much cooling will be needed after shutdown?

And yes, I'm thinking of writing a small mod for this

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26 minutes ago, DStaal said:

Then the engine's poorly designed.  ;) 

At the very least over-engineered. Who would design a nuclear engine that runs hotter than is necessary for the amount of thrust it's going to provide?

19 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

So. You think that a nuclear engine will need to be cooled after it is shut down.  Interesting. Any ideas or suggestions ad to how much cooling will be needed after shutdown?

And yes, I'm thinking of writing a small mod for this

If you really want to get serious about making it realistic then what would actually happen is that the throttledown period would be gradual so that the LH2 could cool down the engine. IIRC that's according to the documentation for proposed procedures for NERVA but the procedures were not finalized as funding was withdrawn before a flight capable engine was produced. A long throttledown period is possible with the stock module without the need for an additional mod but it would make it harder to successfully perform maneuver burns. I'm not even sure MechJeb can deal with prolonged throttledown periods. Another proposed solution has been to plug the throat, continue to flush the core with LH2 which would most likely be vented non-propulsively. And it will still require cooling afterwards though not as much

I don't know the answer to how much cooling would actually be required but it can be determined  through standard heat transfer equations based on the core temperature immediately post-burn and the goal temperature of its idle temperature which would - realistically - also require cooling.  The Mars mission proposals can also yield some useful info.



Edited by Starwaster
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Wouldn't the cooling effect be a function of how much propellant is left? As the propellant gets used up, it will reach a level where an external device is needed to assist the cooling. Further depletion of the propellant places more burden on the external device. Or the engine's max throttle can adjust to compensate as the propellant gets used up and the cooling effect drops.

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3 hours ago, BaelRathLian said:

  Really miss the storage area my self.  I used the heck out of that thing.  And the O.U.V. needs a bit more power.  I got caught in a gravity well and could not break free.  This of course happen after it had become stand alone.  <Burned up on reentry>  IDEA :  Make all parts tweakable.  Had a design in mind to try but need the pusher to be tweaked. 

storage area? maybe turn off the MM_KIS.cfg - and the bays will show back up.

tweakable in what way? now's the time to suggest things - while we are still neck deep in code and patches. :) You want moar nodes? :P:o:o:o

moar power? moar engines!!! (although in RL tugs often are all engine - with massive torque and sheer, raw, overwhelming horsepower)




Edited by zer0Kerbal
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29 minutes ago, bcqJC said:

Wouldn't the cooling effect be a function of how much propellant is left? As the propellant gets used up, it will reach a level where an external device is needed to assist the cooling. Further depletion of the propellant places more burden on the external device. Or the engine's max throttle can adjust to compensate as the propellant gets used up and the cooling effect drops.

As long as there is propellant, the engine can be cooled because the propellant takes the heat with it.  There would be problems if you ran out of propellant before the engine is cooled down

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I did create two optional nodes on the engineonArm - one above, one below the attachment node - was thinking about radiators - but would need a smaller, curved radiator to fix flush. on the other hand, the model does have things that looks like radiators on the actual engines - plus on another note the model shows fuel tanks, so was thinking of putting 50 units of switchable space there (LF/Mono or if KSPi installed - some LH2).

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1 hour ago, linuxgurugamer said:

So. You think that a nuclear engine will need to be cooled after it is shut down.  Interesting. Any ideas or suggestions ad to how much cooling will be needed after shutdown?

And yes, I'm thinking of writing a small mod for this

How much cooling would depend on the size of the nuclear core, and it's temperature.  Those would have direct relationships to the max thrust of the engine (the reason for my flippant comment - if max thrust isn't keeping your core at a stable temp, your core is to large for the rest of your engine), and to the ISP of the engine, respectively.  Ideal shutdown would be to damp the core and reduce flow as Starwaster commented of course - but especially for a tug you might want the ability to crash-shutdown the engine or to keep it warm and ready to thrust on a moment's notice.  (And on a full dirty engine you might just dump the core on shutdown - leaving you to only have to deal with cooling the housing.)

All that said - take a look at how NFE handles this, as it (and Kerbal Atomics) have an implementation of it already - though it's notoriously prone to issues with the KSP heat system.

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