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Kerbal Space Program 1.1 Hype Train Thread.

Whirligig Girl

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Let's get this thread back on topic, shall we?

Exterior IVAs, Unity 5, Massive ships, Wheel physics, KSPedia, Inflatable Heat shield, UI improvements, Tutorials (RIP Scott Manly's YouTube account), Dedicated Time Warp 1x button, Contracts are tweaked, Asteroid Day, Search Bar in the VAB, Faring Bug Fixed, MAP VIEW IS PRETTY, PERFORMANCE IS BOOSTED, HYPE!

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Sorry for lack of expressed hype.

Was forced by social pressure to mentally leave the train (my body stayed in the diner) to hit the local pub for some pints and a lovely smile (no, it wasn't a mirror).

But while I was mentally away my gaming rig finished upgrade and cleanup.

So once I'm awake again I'll be even more hyper :)

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1 hour ago, Rune said:

Are you really sure? Have you tried setting up a complicated fuel flow relying on that and seeing what happens? Because either squad redid the whole logic behind how the craft files work, or this really shouldn't work due to the "parent"/"child" routine... a part can't connect to more than one part when you place it, because then it would have more than one "parent", and the only thing it can have more than one now is "children" parts. Much more likely that your rocket was just structurally sound enough that you didn't notice one of the nodes not connecting, I think.


Rune. Something that big would have been announced, too.

Did some additional testing, and as usual (stop it, dammit!) looks like Rune is right.

I think I got *really* lucky with that craft I built - the way it was slapped together it had asymmetrical stresses all across the crew modules and the bottom coupler - it should have spontaneously blew apart on reentry (in fact a second use, it did, on a much less aggressive entry profile).

Additional testing with the bi-coupler (much easier to stress that) reinforced that I was indeed incorrect.

So false alarm, apologies :-)

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6 minutes ago, Kryten 2X4B 523P said:

Additional testing with the bi-coupler (much easier to stress that) reinforced that I was indeed incorrect.

So false alarm, apologies :-)

Aww :(. Oh well.... we still have all the other cool features :D.

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So I'm playing the 1.1 prerelease and I've noticed something amazing.




To quite Gray Fox, I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS PAIN *said as he crashes the ship which is a piece of crap*

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26 minutes ago, steve_v said:

Apology accepted, though it would have been preferable if this came before you got that thread locked.

WOW the "salt" thread escalated quickly I leave my PC for an hour and come back and posts deleted and thread closed.  What the heck did you guys say.  I am not sure closing the only vent on the topic was a good idea but... 

Not to derail this thread.

HYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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11 minutes ago, mcirish3 said:

What the heck did you guys say.

If you really want to know, somebody started personal attacks/name-calling, and it predictably escalated from there.

13 minutes ago, mcirish3 said:

I am not sure closing the only vent on the topic was a good idea

Nor am I, but I'm fairly sure another will be along soon.

14 minutes ago, mcirish3 said:

Not to derail this thread.

Likewise, and so I'll leave it at that.

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11 minutes ago, KocLobster said:

I thought it was still just prerelease bug testing mode on Steam?

I'm sure that was the idea, but it sounds like it's actually pretty playable for most.

Modders are using it to get a head start on compatibility (as intended), CKANs version checking is broken (as usual), and it looks like a whole lot of people are playing 1.1 (and asking when mods will be updated etc.) rather than testing it as was the plan. I am not surprised in the slightest. :rolleyes:

Edited by steve_v
Half-arsed BBCode parser.
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