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[1.12.X] Kerbal Planetary Base Systems v1.6.15 [28. April 2022]


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Gratz on the update Nils277! The launchpad is just awesome :D

I plan on balancing my own stuff, now that KPBS offeres support EL and I've got couple of questions:

As I was working my way through the configs, I've noticed that your workshop converts only 33.3 mass-% of Metal into RocketParts and ScrapMetal (1.638 t Metal are converted to 0.382 t RocketParts & 0.164 t ScrapMetal). Is that intentional? Usually the Metal/RocketParts converter runs at >99 mass-%. Since there is no ScrapMetal storage (yet), the Ratio for ScrapMetal could be increased to 0.766666666. That way conversion runs at 99.9 mass-% without changeing the RocketParts output.

So far I've not found any resouce definitions or recepies. Do you plan on adding those in the future? The reason I'm asking this is because the recycle recipie works global and I want to prevent any compatibility issues. Currently I use 10% Metal & 80% ScrapMetal with 10% loss and EL uses 80% Metal with 20% loss.

Also I have a small suggestion that is not really related to this mod but it fits the topic: A recycler part that fits the form of the Feline rover would be amazing. So you could just drive around and collect garbage.

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Quick Question: Does the research lab added in this mod count the same as the 2.5m large crewed lab for the purposes of contracts? (Ditto on the wedge mat bay that goes into the modular storage containers)


So I finally recovered all my Kerbals in my career, and implemented TAC-LS... the thing is, I like your parts better. I like that it adds a LS category, I like that they are visually distinct... basic TAC LS clutters up my utility tab with a bunch of flat disks...

I got rid of them (well I have them backed-up) - I'm just using your mod and the modular storage racks -> I'm thinking of doing a .cfg duplication with a part re-scale, to make 1.25m modular racks (and mini- modules).

Also, I made every module that fits in the racks have physicssignificance = 1 to improve performance



FYI, you may want to update your guide here:


With the community resource pack in use, it seems that table of where self sustaining bases can be made is out of date. I was planning (and launched unfortunately) a self sufficient base on Minmus, but then the overlay showed that water was only present at the poles of minmus, in very low concentrations -> in fact Mun seems to be a better location for availability of water and ore in the same location... based on the resource config, each body (or biome on a body? ) has a 20% chance of having water (except laythe and Rald, which have 100% chance, and Duna has a 100% chance at the poles). Also, I see nothing to indicate that Eve has hydrogen....


Also, there are some part description issues, at least for TAC-LS:


name = KKAOSS_LS_container_elektron


description = The Elektron can be used to split water into waste and oxygen. It can support up to eight Kerbals. Make sure to not use all water as it makes the Kerbals angry.


            ResourceName = Oxygen
            Ratio = 0.010281226
            DumpExcess = false
            ResourceName = Hydrogen
            Ratio = 0.04067610436
            DumpExcess = true


Also, there's another issue here:


    name = KKAOSS_LS_container_sabatier

    description = This container uses CO2 and Hydrogen extracted from Ore to generate Water. It needs a lot of electricity to extract the hydrogen from the Ore and split up the CO2. Warranty void when uses with CO instead of CO2. 

            ResourceName = CarbonDioxide
            Ratio = 0.010281226
            ResourceName = Hydrogen
            Ratio = 0.040676104357971

This part doesn't do anything with Ore. Also, Oddly, it seems the only way I can get hydrogen is to use the Elektron to split water... at least as far as I can tell from the community resource pack files (sure, the air filter should be able ot make hydrogen if its there in the atmosphere, but I don't see an entry in the community pack for a resource called hydrogen, just LqdHydrogen).

Perhaps replace Hydrogen with liquid fuel?

Edited by KerikBalm
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On ‎2017‎. ‎02‎. ‎01‎. at 11:24 PM, bokrif said:

Really great mod! I really appreciate your work.

I've read that KPBS is "lightly" compatible with MKS though I have a question to those who use it with MKS: how does KBPS EL functionality handle the MKS EL changes? For example does it still use RocketParts?

For those who don't know the answer: I checked the game and MKS EL patching does not affect KPBS EL parts. They still mine MetalOre to produce Metal and RocketParts.

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9 hours ago, bokrif said:

For those who don't know the answer: I checked the game and MKS EL patching does not affect KPBS EL parts. They still mine MetalOre to produce Metal and RocketParts.

the recycler obeys the MKS rules which will be depreciated in soon further updates (as far i understood that) e.g. produces MatKits/SpecParts/Recyclables

UPDATE: MKS 0.50.15 - 2017.02.04 looks like it sorta abandoned the EL config, unsure about the recycler (might need testing)

UPDATE2: this is the relevant config you might need to watch in future (its currently bundled and converting things to MatKits and SpecParts, also including the KBPS recycler)

Edited by LatiMacciato
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Terrific mod.  Just one suggestion: the Science Jr modular component appears way too far up in the tech tree when using Community Tech Tree, since it's a very early science experiment.  I suggest it would logically be developed in "storageTechnology", since that's one tech directly after development of the basic Science Jr part, and the basic K&K module holders are developed there.

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On 4.2.2017 at 2:41 PM, Eleusis La Arwall said:

Gratz on the update Nils277! The launchpad is just awesome :D

I plan on balancing my own stuff, now that KPBS offeres support EL and I've got couple of questions:

As I was working my way through the configs, I've noticed that your workshop converts only 33.3 mass-% of Metal into RocketParts and ScrapMetal (1.638 t Metal are converted to 0.382 t RocketParts & 0.164 t ScrapMetal). Is that intentional? Usually the Metal/RocketParts converter runs at >99 mass-%. Since there is no ScrapMetal storage (yet), the Ratio for ScrapMetal could be increased to 0.766666666. That way conversion runs at 99.9 mass-% without changeing the RocketParts output.

So far I've not found any resouce definitions or recepies. Do you plan on adding those in the future? The reason I'm asking this is because the recycle recipie works global and I want to prevent any compatibility issues. Currently I use 10% Metal & 80% ScrapMetal with 10% loss and EL uses 80% Metal with 20% loss.

Also I have a small suggestion that is not really related to this mod but it fits the topic: A recycler part that fits the form of the Feline rover would be amazing. So you could just drive around and collect garbage.

hmm, you are right, i missed to tweak a value there. Will fix this in the next update.

Don't know about the recycler for the Rover yet, will put it on the lift for potential parts. :wink:


The science lab should count towards contracts. I don't know if the Material Bay does yet. Will take a look and add this if missing.

I know that the guide is not up to date. I kinda abandoned it when KSPedia was introduced. Maybe in the future when i have some more time i will update the Wiki. Will add a warning in the meantime to it, that it is outdated.

I also added a patch that enables the airfilter to gather Hydrogen in some atmosphere. I know this is not 100% conform with the CRP but it seemed to be the best solution to me.

Will update the description of the elektron and the sabatier in the next update.


Can you post your findings in the thread for interoperability between KPBS and MKS? I think it fits there way better.


Will take a look at the part and move it to a more appropriate position.

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Can anyone get a rough estimate on the dimensions of the hub (based on part comparison or other means)? I know that it's scaled down from real life, so if I can get the in-game dimensions and scale them up, I can get an idea of the size of it in real life.

Who knows, maybe some day I can make a full-size version of it in real life. Other than the 4 attachment points and how they merge, the basic shape is simple enough.

All I really need is the height and diameter for now (with or without the attach nodes - as if you are in it).

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On 5.2.2017 at 1:06 PM, LatiMacciato said:

the recycler obeys the MKS rules which will be depreciated in soon further updates (as far i understood that) e.g. produces MatKits/SpecParts/Recyclables

UPDATE: MKS 0.50.15 - 2017.02.04 looks like it sorta abandoned the EL config, unsure about the recycler (might need testing)

UPDATE2: this is the relevant config you might need to watch in future (its currently bundled and converting things to MatKits and SpecParts, also including the KBPS recycler)


On 6.2.2017 at 11:34 AM, Nils277 said:

Can you post your findings in the thread for interoperability between KPBS and MKS? I think it fits there way better.

Seeing the KBPS/MKS integration thread made me smile wide and sure, I'll try to be more explicit where and I post things.

I was just trying to show off what might will come up when MKS is going to be updated. I love the updates on the EL-parts tbh!
That beeing said, I sorta decided to reboot my career game to have less hassle if the relevant cfg file in MKS which causes no issues atm but making RocketParts to MatKits/SpecParts .. including the recyclers.

If that didn't work as it was ment then I'm sorry.

EDIT: Am I supposed to see/use the waste/food & oxy/food/carbon dioxide containers without having TAC?
(visible in RnD building only)

Edited by LatiMacciato
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On 2/6/2017 at 9:48 AM, Nils277 said:

@Raptor22 How about this? :D


Oh. Cool! Thanks!

Do you have blueprint things like that for other parts? Or did you use a certain program to make it?

If my math is right, then it should be 19.22 feet (or 5.85 meters) wide in real life. That's big! 

And yes, I did the math to scale it up from its 64% scale. 

By the way, I came up with an idea for a new module. You could probably reuse some assets. It is...


An exercise/gym module.

While you do have support for keepfit, it would be a nice addition. Perhaps have a bench-press bench, treadmill, etc. You could sneak in some things like a radio in the corner or something (I like how you sometimes hide props in the corner).

While you don't have to do it, it would be nice. Besides, your IVAs are eye candy. 

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@Raptor22 I don't have others at the moment. Just made this one quickly with gimp :wink:

@Peregrine1978 was advlanding already unlocked when you installed KPBS? You'd have to unlock unlock the part in the Research Facility then with funds.

If you have installed KPBS for a very long time then it might be, that the part is in another Techtree node and KSP has a bug that keeps a copy of it in advlanding. I will take a look at the config of the meerkat and see where it is currently in the techtree. 

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@Nils277 Thank you for a quick response.  I thought it might be that so had started a new Career game and unlocked advLanding and it didn't show up..  OK removed a lot and editing: So looked at the Persistant,sfs and looks like the part=kkaos.engine.g never got added to the parts list for advLanding.  No clue why it didn't add it since it looks like that is the only part it didn't.  But I'm all good.  Like I said, I knew it wasn't your mod but something on my end.  Thanks.  and again.  love everything about the mod.

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OK spoke too soon.  Can see it in tech tree now but can't see in VAB...  Even started a new career mode game and didn't show up in tree at all like the other one.  can't figure this out....  Removed community tech tree and it showed up.  So thinking it's a conflict with community tech tree somehow.  Oddest part is the other KPBS part in advLanding works fine.  I even tried moving it to a different tech and still didn't show.  No clue why community tech tree would cause something like this.  It makes no sense since it's not even a special tech tree node. I know nothing is technically broken in either mod so at a total loss.


Edit:  OK I was going through every node in teh tech tree and for some reason Meerkat is also showing up in "Aerospace Composites".... now I'm even more confused than before...

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@Peregrine1978 Ah ok, now I know the problem. This ia actually a bug in KSP itself. The Meerkat is in advLanding by default and in Aerospace Composites when CTT is installed. If you have unlocked it in advLanding and then installed CTT then KSP keeps an invalid copy of it in advLanding but you still have to unlock it again in Aerospace Composites to make it available. (or the new Techtree node you moved it into)

I don't know of any way to fix this at the moment and this bug is in Squads bug-tracker for a long time now


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1 hour ago, cy-one said:

Quick question... Would the EL-parts work as well if one only uses SimpleConstruction (which, imho, uses the EL-plugin)?

To he honest, i have no idea. At least i have not done anything special to allow this. If you test it out, can you tell me if it works? Will consider adding support if it does not work out of the box.

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5 hours ago, Peregrine1978 said:

@Nils277 Yup.  Once I unlocked Aerospace Composites I can use it.  I told you it was me not the mod.  HAHAH.  Time to stop using twitches to land base modules.  Thanks again.

Well actually it was the fault of the bug in KSP. There wouldn't have been this confusion without it

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On 6.2.2017 at 7:30 PM, LatiMacciato said:


Seeing the KBPS/MKS integration thread made me smile wide and sure, I'll try to be more explicit where and I post things.

I was just trying to show off what might will come up when MKS is going to be updated. I love the updates on the EL-parts tbh!
That beeing said, I sorta decided to reboot my career game to have less hassle if the relevant cfg file in MKS which causes no issues atm but making RocketParts to MatKits/SpecParts .. including the recyclers.

If that didn't work as it was ment then I'm sorry.

EDIT: Am I supposed to see/use the waste/food & oxy/food/carbon dioxide containers without having TAC?
(visible in RnD building only)

visible in RnD building only i just accomlished unlocking them containers .. they seem to look good and I have them in VAB/SPH but should they appear at all without having TAC? (they don't have resource containers aswell for me, also i don't use TAC, just Snacks)

ty @Nils277 for your work :)

Edited by LatiMacciato
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On ‎10‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 10:13 PM, Gilph said:

Hi...if I wish to keep using KBPS just with TAC-LS, and not use USI or EL, is that still possible?


All four mods are completely seperate. If you don't install USI or EL, it will just be KBPS using TAC-LS. Because that is the combo I use.

Just to ask, HOW MANY people install multiple LS mods together? :D

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Hi @Nils277

Wanted to report something. Don't know if this is something only I'm getting, but any attempt to open the TAC-LS spreadsheet linked to in the OP is throwing me an error message. Specifically, it's a Google Drive error message that reads as follows:


Google Docs encountered an error. Please try reloading this page, or coming back to it in a few minutes.

I'm getting this both on Google Chrome and Safari. My own Google Drive is working fine and I can get at my own uploaded files and stuff, no problem. I've been having this issue all day, so the 'coming back to it in a few minutes' option is pretty much exhausted.

I know it's not a big issue in the grand scheme of things but could you take a look?

Finally, thanks for your sterling work on this amazing mod! :D

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